Vampire: The Masquerade, though the nostalgia goggles be tight.
World of Darkness fans please reblog and comment with your preferred supernatural, including all among New and Old World.
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Been a while since I updated Adventure Time Cube. Way too many life event changes within the past year have distracted me quite a bit, but long tory short I’ve now got enough money to start seriously playtesting refining this cube Really wanted to make a card for Betty, but couldn’t think of an effect I really wanted to give her. The intention is to reflect her theft of Magic Man’s powers and replacing him with Normal Man. I just hope I got the syntax right, I’ve been reading it over and over again and keep finding new mistakes in the wording.
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1)Damnation 2)Serum Visions 3)Zendikar Fetches
I have a suggestion based on recent disappointment from more enfranchised players: What if Wizards periodically put a survey on the website where players could choose three cards from a list of every Magic card (the list is already used on MTGO, anyway) that they want to see reprinted? That way, you can choose the ones that you're comfortable reprinting in a limited environment or in something like FTV, and meet player expectations.
Let’s try that here. What card that hasn’t been reprinted (that can be reprinted) do you most want reprinted?
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Mario Party’s Predetermined Die Rolls. Source
More Mario Party: http://bit.ly/1TCvAN0
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Do you know how long I’ve been waiting for a MTG Dungeons and Dragons campaign setting? OVER FEEFTEEN YEAR 
Does Jace and Nicol Bolas appearing in Duel Masters mean that WotC is able to "cross the streams" now?
It means it’s at least something we can talk about internally.
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Your brother might not be evil, but still mysterious.
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A mirror breaks
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Custom Card Design Challenge: 100% Community-Designed Card
This challenge is VERY different from the last one. It could be quite interesting if it actually works though… 
OK, so here’s the way it’s going to work. We’re all going to design a card together (probably more than one, really) and we’re going to do it one word at a time. When you reblog this, you will add a word, and then somebody else will add a word after you. 
To start off, try to limit yourself to just one word per card (Since this will almost certainly split into multiple threads, feel free to add a word to different cards, but try to contribute only one word per card.) 
Here is the order the text will go in (just to keep everybody on the same page) 
Card Name 
Mana Cost, if any (each mana symbol counts as a word) 
Card Type(s) 
Card Subtype(s), if any 
Card Text Box (each mana symbol or tap symbol counts as a word) 
Power/Toughness, if any (each number counts as a word but double digits count as a single word, and the “/” doesn’t count as a word) 
Flavor Text, if any 
So, how about it? Anybody want to try this harebrained experiment with me?! 
I’ll start with the first word… 
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Silli Hoss What Do #2 - Cabbage by HareTrinity
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        I really wanted to see that Terra arc ;-; Leaving off on that huge cliffhanger was just cruel, and I’m really hoping that allusion in Teen Titans: GO! to the abrupt cancellation means that CN is working on bringing a sixth season of the old show... since lately CN seems to be acknowledging cross-gender appeal as a successful strategy given Adventure Time and Steven Universe.        These outdated marketing strategies may just be the legacy of the old guard since it’d take someone completely out of touch with the market not to realize that crossover appeal makes the most successful IPs these days... see Game of Thrones, Adventure Time, Steven Universe, My Little Pony, Doctor Who, etc. Star Wars clearly made an attempt at crossover appeal too and it obviously worked, so I’m sure anyone who values money is going to take notice: touch more demographics, attract a  bigger audience, make more money.       Fun fact: Dragon Ball Z has more female fans than male fans. Not sure if this marketing strategy is standard outside of Western Animation.
Its been NINE YEARS and i still dont think anyone knows exactly why teen titans was cancelled
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I started in Onslaught when the Mirari just started fucking up large parts of a continent so I probably died by Scourge when I followed Karona off a cliff. If I survived long enough to see Time Spiral, I probably got erased from existence by time shenanigans.
You’re now stranded on the plane you started playing MtG with, how screwed are you?
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They actually already are illegal last time I checked, but nobody really enforces it,
unpaid internships are oppressive and should be illegal i’m not being cute or funny they are 100% designed to reward people with greater access to resources and i’m fundamentally opposed to hiring for unpaid labor every internship should be required to provide at least a nominal stipend
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Do pigeons have feelings?
God forbid he come across Hatoful Boyfriend. You poor cinnamon roll…
Related: Look at… There was an attempt!
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Kylo Ren and lemongrab are basically the same you can’t deny it
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How to get out stains using other things
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