On Park st there is a school, Parkwood Upjohn Elementary, it is a fairly tall and old fashion looking it has about 356 children enrolled. In the highest year they have, which would be 5th grade, in Mrs. Schulthess and Ms. Strand’s separate classes when there is a switch between the two classes for Strand who teaches math and social studies to Schulthess who teaches reading and science. The switch occurs somewhere around 11 am. However the interning student doesn’t see them til almost 12pm. There are personalities of each student that add light and a overall class personality.
You have Cade who is smart, talkative and kind most of the time, he one time said to the high school intern, “you would be a great teacher.” one day on a very hard class day. Lily, she is a beautiful young girl who knows where she is going she just needs help getting there and she has a constant tendency to tilt in her chair. Especially when you walk away after putting it back down. There’s Addy who has gorgeous short cut hair, always finishes her work early and pulls out a book to read. She always seems tired though in her expression than she lets on. Patrice, who has a bit of a snarky attitude but she does her work and turns it in completed and on time. She once got mad because of Cade and when the young intern came over to resolve the conflict she threw her anger towards her. Jordan a boy who is a constant dancer, always a constant rhythm in his head and his hands. Tapping away his pencil or talking when the rest of the class is quiet. Jayline who is mostly quiet but has thick spiraling curls and a smile that could lift anyone's cloud. She’s as sweet as a peach when you actually get her talking. A girl named Carly who you can tell is a born leader, always the first one to have an idea during science in her group. Hanna, is a girl who general is the intel she knows what's going on, even when she doesn’t she can figure it out. Danny, an adorable boy who has problems focusing when he is paired with the other boys. He’ll be a heartbreaker when he grows up. He follow instructions well, unless he’s distracted.
Addiline is very thin and just cut her hair short just above her shoulders. She is the type of girl who's always thinking or reading or writing, she knowledgeable. There’s Zoey a little girl with a hard head, you can tell her one thing as she’ll do another thing. She’ll talk to anybody, so it's hard to move her in a seat where she can work efficiently. Izzie, always has a book, she just choose the worst times to read them, like during science or lining up for switch. She likes to draw girls with really long hair and big eyes. If she isn't drawing or reading she active and has an overly hyper personality, like she eats sugar for breakfast.
Natatlie is the tallest in her class and she generally has an objective opinion to every assignment she’s presented with, but under direct instruction she does exceptionally well. She seems to be always tired like Addy, but she finishes her work and tries to sleep in class, which would be a problem if you were one, not suppose to sleep in class even when you finish your work and two we were going to science or line up for switch right after everyone finishes. Josh, a young boy with hair that never seems to move it stays perfectly in place, is one of the biggest distractors, together with Will, they are a unstoppable force that can distract the class (unless direct teacher instructed). Zaria is a cute chubby girl with a constant mean look on her face. She does things she should but huffs and obeys when she is corrected she also likes to dance but not nearly as much as Jordan. Caren is a young prodigy, he is smart and he knows it. His homework is the only one that is typed up and printed neatly. It’s impressive to say the least. Clelia is an adorable blonde who has a snarky personality and responses on her work. Margaret is a leader of the class, that is when she is present that day. She’s helps where she can and she knows how to handle simple and complex tasks that is given in class. Will would be the exact opposite he distracts everyone in class and doesn’t do his work. He is rude to the other kids except for his friends; the staff are working on a plan for his success. Sometimes he works for candy or apples.
Maddie is new and she is head of most of the class probably besides Caren and Patrice. She talks with a high pitch voice and always wears a cheesy smile. Gabby, a girl whose hair is thick and poof; like it was dried then combed out. She looks like she is unsure of things, like a constant uneasy smile on her lips. Richard is a boy who always has nice hair but is the one who says “I didn’t __” when you know he clearly did it. Then he argues with you. Needless to say he is very much so persistent. Sarah is the shortest in her class with thick rimmed glasses and a small rounded face. But she’s quiet and sweet like a mouse from a cartoon. Aliana is quiet but her hair is big, it's curly and it’s like little brown springs. She gets done what she needs to and you never have to talk to her more than once. The intern however does wish to know her a bit better, perhaps today she will speak to her as a human being not just a student. Mariah, a girl who is the second tallest and has the personality of a queen searching for her throne. Not to say she is a tyrant but she can be a little harsh but she corrects herself and generally she is well behaved. Lastly we have the boy who either talks out of turn or keeps his classmates quiet. He has eyes that say guilt and a face that says innoce. He smiles like he knows he not suppose to be doing whatever, he’s not suppose to but when you approach him he always on task with his work. However there are times where Peter has been mischievous as he portrays. Overall is a kid you want to have in your classroom for some balance.
Each of these children no matter if they’re boys or girls or they a tall or short or anything physical about them, they have good hearts and they make the best part of that little high school interns day, every other day of the week.
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Ode to Coffee
A small coffee bean plant,
Its cherries blossoming in Ethiopia,
To the heart of the cherry,
A coffee bean rich with flavor,
From the grinder to the pot,
Roasting to perfection,
The sweet aroma brewing,
The first cup is poured,
A splash of creamer
And a dash sugar
Carmel colored caffiene
Or keep black and strong,
A bittersweet buzz,
A little bean full of divine deliousness
Not everyones cup of tea,
Thank you coffee for being mine
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Play The Game
Level one: elementary is easy,
Except for a few bullies here and there,
But they upgrade at every level
Level two: middle school is tougher
It provides a challenge that tests yourself
It objective is embarrassment and self discovery
But watch out for fake friends,
Eminies look a lot like friends
Level three: high school,
This is when you, your family, your friends and,
yourself confidence is tested,
You lose friends that were supposed to be forever,
you make friends with your enemies,
You either find yourself or lose yourself
Level four: college or freedom
Life gives you chooses
The enemy is yourself and all you have is yourself
The test is simple what’s your choice
Your next move defines you for adulthood
You succeed or die trying
Life is a game, just play along
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How To Fix A Family
Harry! HARRY! Harry, wake up, mom needs you..” Harry’s eleven year old twin sisters yell practically in his ear. He lets out a slight groan before opening his eyes to see his two younger sisters who always invade his privacy (not that he really had any).  He stretch as his sisters scurried back upstairs to, he assumed his mother. After he threw his sweat pants on,  Harry trudged up the stairs to see what his mom needed.
He sat down at the table and looked at the breakfast just made, this is what is mom woke him up for was “family breakfast”. Harry thanked his mother and scarfed down his breakfast quickly to be on time for a busy Sunday. His twin sisters, Lola and Layla were getting ready for church with their mother; Harry didn’t go to church anymore he lost his faith a long time ago but he smiled  at his sisters 's innocents. They bid him a goodbye and Harry retreated downstairs to his bedroom to get dressed.
Harry tugged his light coat on, locked the door and briskly started walking to the store to pick up a few groceries. He went for the usual stuff first like milk, cereal, eggs and coffee.
While he was walking down the bread aisle he noticed a man, he had dark green eyes and he wearing a dark brown trench coat and dark brown hair that was thick and wavy. A lump formed in Harry’s throat when he realised who he was.
It was Harry’s father. The man he hadn’t seen in almost eight years. He just  one day packed up and left when Harry was eleven and the girls were only three so they hardly remember him at all, but Harry did. He remembered everything and how angry and lonely he had felt all these years. It was a hard and dark time for Harry’s family after his father left, but he had to be strong for his mother and sisters. He still hadn’t gotten over his father abandoning them, now after seeing him again Harry wasn’t sure it was actually happening. Harry held his breath and looked away determined to distract himself with the different brands of bread he could purchase.
His father, Nicolas Ford, was a businessman. He specialized in making and installing car parts, Nicolas use to own the autobody shop that was right up the street from there house. When Harry was younger he use to run to his father’s shop after school and helping his dad with car parts. The shop closed down a year before he left and Harry had heard he opened up shop somewhere else, with someone else.
Harry realizing he had been staring quickly looked always and grab a loaf and headed for check out. He tried to stroll out of the aisle as quickly as possible without being noticed, “Harry!? Is that you?” his father called. Harry froze unsure of what to do or say. “Harry it's me your father!” Harry didn't turn around instead he tried to make his feet move before his father got any closer. But he could take another step, Nicolas was right behind him, Harry slowly turned around to face him.
“Wow you've sure grown, how have you been, how's Anne and the twins?” He asked as if he had just been away on a business trip instead of eight years. Harry replied “We're doing fine.” There was an edge to his voice.
“Well hey listen can you ask your mom if I can speak with her and you guys too… you're still my kids you know.” Nicolas said as if Harry had pushed him away. Nicolas scribbled his number and attempted to hand it to Harry. Harry shook his head and said “I'm not telling her that and we stopping being your kids and your family the day you decided to walk out on us. You decided we weren't your family anymore, remember.” Harry replied coldly, with that he turned around and pushed the cart away trying to get a far away from his father, to the check out. Bought his things and just headed straight home ignoring his errands he planned to take care of.
Later when Harry’s mother and sisters returned and the day was coming to a closing Harry and his mother and sister sat at the table; his mother made them eat dinner as a family. Anne, in an attempt to make conversation asked Harry “How was your day honey.”
“It was fine.” Harry replied quickly. Just before Anne could ask another question there was a stiff loud knock at the door. They hardly ever had any visitors this late but Anne got up to answer the door anyway. There was a muffled conversation and it had been a couple of minutes and Anne still hadn't returned, Harry sat there anxiously with his sisters while they talked out the things they had seen today.
Final after what felt like hours, Harry saw his mother and his father appear around the corner. Harry felt his anger rise when his mother said “Guys we have a guest joining us for dinner tonight….” The girls smiling being polite to he man they hardly recognized, while Harry on the other hand keep his eyes on his soup, he boiled with anger and sadness that he thought he had let go and left behind. Nicolas took a seat and thanked Anne for the food. “So Lola, Layla how is school going?” They girls were puzzled in how he knew their names but they politely replied including a few activities they've done in class. A bleak conversation carried on between the four of them discluding Harry. Harry felt sadness as he remembered how close he was to his father and now he sat, a stranger.
Harry excused himself from the table and headed downstairs to him room to be alone with his thoughts. He felt unwelcomed as if he was the one who left and just appeared out of the blue. He thought about all the years he spent miss him and hating him for leaving and at one point anger with his mother for pushing him away. He found out years later that his father from the stress of losing his business went out, never came back because decided he didn't want a family anymore.
There was a quiet knock on his door interrupting him from his thoughts; he swiftly got up and opened the door to his mother Anne. He let her in and they sat on the edge of his bed.
“Harold are you okay?” She was the only one who called him by his full name when she was serious. He faced her, she looked tired her blue eyes weary and sunken in. “I'm okay, mom.” She looked at him and said “ Harold…. Harry, will you just talk to him. I'm not saying forgive him hell I haven't but he is your father.” Harry looked at her again and nodded slowly.
His mother left shortly after to get the girls ready for bed, and his father appeared around the corner. He looked tired and older now when Harry really got a good look at him. Nicolas stood awkwardly in his son’s bedroom so Harry motioned him to sit in the desk chair across from his bed. Harry thought about what to say but nothing came to mind so he waited for his father to speak. To apologize, to tell him he had missed them or something, but they sat in silence for a while. His father signed and finally spoke “ Harry… there's no easy way of fixing what I’ve done. But I'm sorry; sorry I left, sorry for leaving you and your mother and sisters alone. But mostly I'm sorry for never telling you why and for leaving you without a father.” Harry said nothing just faced the floor and listened. Harry couldn't bring himself to forgive him he had spent such a long time anger at himself thinking it must be his own fault that he left.
“Harry I left because I wasn't happy with who I was, I may have seemed like a good dad but I was horrible and I left, it was a stupid mistake and I'm sorry it took me seven years to realize it and come back but I was afraid you all hated me…” Nicolas trailed off.
Harry finally looked up and said “Why did you come back if you think we would've hated you?” Nicolas shrugged not really having any answer. Harry sighed realizing he really did miss his father. “ I'm not saying I forgive you but I can try to if you can prove that you're not gonna leave us behind again. I don't wanna see mom cry again…” Harry said.
His father nodded and left telling him he would be back tomorrow. Harry wasn’t sure if his father could fix all he’s done but he was glad that he was willing to try and Harry felt like a piece of him that was always missing, was finally coming back into place.
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