studiovilasita · 5 years
The Planter's Wife.
By Team SV The Planter's wife is a British movie of the 1950's but that's not what we are discussing today. It is just the title we have chosen for this post because we couldn't think of a better one. For anyone who's been to Darjeeling, they would know Planter's club.For most people it is a popular landmark.But once, in its days of glory under the British Raj , it was supposed to be the social hub of the upscale crowd . When you browse through the internet looking to book a stay at Planter's Club, it attempts to attract tourists by offering free wi-fi and air conditioning . It tugs at your heart to see what it has been reduced to, not just the club but the life in the Gardens too. Tea gardens have now strictly become business and the lifestyle that planters had in the days of the Raj has almost vanished. The idyllic lifestyle of the tea planters, had beautiful bungalows at their disposal with trained servants at their beck and call. Fishing trips, weekend getaways , tennis and golf matches were regular so were movie shows, dances and live bands. The wives had plenty to keep themselves engaged,organising social life in a corner either in The Northeast or The Nilgiris where life could be slow. Tea planters are now reduced to mere managers of the fiercely competitive tea business subject to hostility and pressure to perform. Well, the world has changed in all aspects in the past 200 years so there's not much to lament except that heritage sites should be preserved and taken care of, if not for anything else than to give the lovers of vintage like us, something to trigger our imagination. The glamorous lives of the Planters had ,no doubt, an enormous contribution from their wives. Hence, drawing inspiration from the leisurely lives of first ladies of the Tea estates, we have centred our brand shoot around the theme and attempted to capture the understated glam that they probably reflected. Think autumn afternoons, tea parties, discussions on literature and cinema, think golf matches and a game of bridge. And think iridescent silks,luminous cottons and gossamer chikankari sarees, vintage print silk dresses and kurtis that Studio Vilasita will soon launch and if fashion isn't your thing, watch out for our upcoming range of Darjeeling tea.
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©2019 StudioVilasita
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studiovilasita · 5 years
Vitamin C serum- A sip from the Fountain of Youth?
By Team SV
When it comes to skincare, Vitamin C serum seems to be the buzz word. Earlier this week, a lady walked into our store and while going through our wellness range, she asked if we have Vitamin C serum. Since all of our products are formulated with great care to keep it plant based and effective, we are still in the process of getting the perfect formula ready since Vitamin C is also a highly unstable compound. However, our products meant for depigmentation have generous doses of Vitamin C stabilised by other agents.
But even before we get into the details of how Vitamin C is manufactured, we have to address the burning question - Does Vitamin C serum work? The good news is, it does! 
We did our research and according to an article on Indian Dermatology online Journal by  Dr. Saokar Pumori Telang, practicing dermatologist at many hospitals in Pune including Jehangir Hospital and Apollo Group, Vitamin C is the most plentiful antioxidant in human skin and protects the skin from photo-aging by neutralizing the free radicals. Also, Vitamin C is equally effective against both UVB and UVA. Under laboratory conditions, it has been shown that 10% topical Vitamin.C showed statistical reduction of UVB-induced erythema by 52% and sunburn cell formation by 40-60%. Also it works best with Vitamin.E  which promotes the action of Vitamin C four folds. Other benefits of Vitamin C serum is that it promotes collagen( a protein which maintains skin’s elasticity) synthesis. It is also a de-pigmenting agent and  has Anti-inflammatory properties useful in conditions like acne and Rosacea. 
It sounds like the fountain of youth mentioned by Herodotus, the ancient Greek writer, was either just orange juice or lemonade gushing out of somewhere. A solution to all our problems apparently, but on a serious note, before one goes overboard with its use, the article mentions that excessive use may cause hypersensitivity and skin rashes which can be usually managed with a little moisturizer. 
So the next question is - Which serum to buy from the variety available? Making a choice can be very confusing. It usually costs a small fortune and goes bad ( turns brown) quickly even before you finish the bottle. So whichever brand you choose, buy the smallest packaging available. For those who want to go the DIY route, arm yourself with pH strips and antioxidants. Homemade Vitamin C serum can have low pH of around 2.2 to 2.5  and cause skin irritation, commercially available serums have pH between 2.8 to 3.4, low enough for Vitamin C to work but not so low to cause skin irritation. Also, one has be careful about storing homemade serum, small quantities stored in opaque, air-tight  containers have to refrigerated and used within 4 to 5 days. Formulating a serum with antioxidants is ideal.  Making a serum should not be a casual endeavor, it requires precise measurements and procedures. But if the Chemist in you, keeps popping it's nerdy head, you could give it a try but be prepared for a lot of trial and error. So here's a DIY formula :
1/2 teaspoon Vitamin C powder ( available in non-chewable tablet version at the chemist's)
1tablespoon distilled water
2 tablespoon vegetable glycerin
1/4 teaspoon of Vitamin E oil
3-4 drops of lavender oil. 
As a practice, DIY products should always be patch tested before using it on a daily basis. To take a patch test, apply a small amount in the inner side of your elbow, if you notice rashes or irritation, you must discontinue. And do take a pH test before trying. And if everything else fails - Go! Eat oranges. Until our next blog, remember - Happy girls are the prettiest! 
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