studyaisle · 10 years
REUTERS/Rick WilkingMark Zuckerberg became CEO of Facebook at only 23 years old.For many young professionals, the ultimate career goal is landing a spot in
Here's how to be a young potential CEO and manage a Fortune 500 company! 
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studyaisle · 10 years
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Consider an application profile with extraordinary academic grades and entrance test scores but with no internship experience or absolutely no extra curriculars. In another instance an applicant has average grades and entrance test scores but has an excellent internship record as well as has spent “good hours” engaging in extra-curriculars.
Who do you think stands a chance to get admitted to the top Ivy League universities in the US or any other top university? Honestly, it is hard to say! It totally depends on the admission officers’ expectations, requirements as well as the diverse class profile they are expecting during that intake. The best way to deal with such a situation is to have a balance of both – Academics as well as Extra curriculars included!
Every student applicant needs to ask themselves – “How many of their friends/classmates have the same extracurricular activities as themselves?” If you get a response as - “all of them” or “majority of them” then you are not “standing out”.
If a lot of your peers might be involved in the same extracurricular activities as yours, it will do you no good in being able to stand out amongst them. Your extracurricular activities have to be unique to be able to stand out. You may be involved in the same activities yet can stand out. A lot of students would be involved in MUN or CAS because getting to participate in these activities is fairly easy and also involves less rigour.
You could stand out among your peers by attending summer school programs organized by top Universities. UC Berkeley’s Summer school program could be one example. You could also take initiative in introducing your own club on campus and recruiting participants rather than just inviting them. This will not only highlight your leadership qualities but also learn and develop your organizing skills. For instance if you excel in Music you could either form your own band on campus or a music club and participate in fests on campus or at inter collegiate events. You could also start a social service initiative and engage students from your school through an existing organization. Initiatives like this are valuable to a student’s profile as it demonstrates good leadership skills and for a student who is merely 16 years of age, this indeed counts!
To survive the ongoing competition, students these days also pursue an internship. The internship could be undertaken in the summer break. It is ideal to intern at one company for atleast 4 weeks to understand what type of role fits you best and what you could major in. This will add immense value to a student’s application profile.
Some students approach us in their 12th grade and realize it’s too late to build on their extra curriculars. They have simply been engaged in their common past time over the years like reading or online gaming. However all hope is not lost. As mentors we do recommend options and help build their existing profile after understanding them and their engagement. What matters in the end is the skill set you have acquired and developed and how you put it across in your application.
My simple suggestion would be to START MENTORING EARLY. We do accept student sign ups right from the 8th grade onwards. This will give the student a good amount of time to build his/her profile as well as get our expert advice and suggestions on the initiatives they can take while in school/college.
With the fierce competition being on the rise, every student needs to stand out from the other applicants be it from the same class or internationally. Being a head girl or head boy doesn’t hold much stake considering there are thousands of schools and in turn thousands of head girls and boys who would be applying to colleges. At the end of the day what you make out this experience and how you display it in the best way to the admission officers is what get you an acceptance to the top universities.
  The author is a Head Mentor at Study Aisle. We at Study Aisle – A Meliorate Consulting venture, ensure that our students’ are put on the path to acceptance and make their college years a memorable experience. This is possible only if the right choices are recommended to a student after a thorough analysis of their profile. We strive to recommend a right fit for every student. Our mentors are well experienced, trained and equipped for this purpose. We assist students in the entire application requirement.
Feel free to write to us on [email protected]
  #Statement of Purpose, foreign universities, admissionabroad, university programmes, formal essay
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studyaisle · 10 years
#Tip for the Day! – Exclusively for Study Abroad applicants!!!! Get the SAT/ACT or GMAT/GRE standardized tests out of the way as soon as you can!  #undergraduateapplicants #Mastersapplicants #studyabroad #studyaisle www.studyaisle.com
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studyaisle · 10 years
Low on confidence for your MBA interview? Here are some tips to get you confident and pepped up!
 While the purpose of the interview is to help the Admissions Officer get a better understanding of whether you would be a good fit; it is also a wonderful opportunity for you to ask questions and convey your sincerity.
Here are some tips to be followed prior to an interview schedule:
Your Research:
Your MBA interview might be conducted by the university Admissions Officer who shortlisted your application or by an Alumni. So make sure you research thoroughly about the university, its culture, campus activities to name a few. The most important part of your research is to identify why the university or course is a good fit for YOU. Your research is thorough only once you are able to identify yourself as a “good fit” to this university.
The Interview:
If your interview is scheduled via Skpye, make sure you are isolated in a room. There shouldn’t be any sound disturbance or any distraction like your phone ringing and so on. Make sure no one walks into your space while giving the interview. In case of a personal interview, make sure you are well dressed in formals and arrive before time. Make sure you greet your interviewer(s) with a handshake before you have a seat. Memorize their names and remember to thank them for their time once you are done with the interview.
The First Impression:
As the saying goes - Your first impression will be the last impression. Make sure you carry yourself in a professional manner but do not be too formal or informal. Avoid being too over confident. It will only indicate your arrogance and wrong attitude. Go with the flow and leave a good impression about yourself.
Your Resume and Application:
Memorize all details mentioned in the Resume and your application. You will have to be thorough with its content and facts. The more you know about yourself, your interests and passions the better position you will be in to elaborate on your responses. Your application comes with a word limit and Resumes are not often elaborate. This is the best platform to express yourself, your past experiences and learnings.
Your Story:
Have a story and elaborate instances where you have demonstrated leadership qualities, strategic decision making and initiatives. Make sure you do not lie about your story. Your story might get validated with your recommenders. So state all examples in complete honesty.
Current Affairs:
It is not advisable to limit your knowledge only to your application and the facts about the university. It is good to keep yourself abreast with the current affairs. This will put you at an advantage while having a casual conversation with the interviewer. You never know in what direction an interview conversation will steer. Read national and international newspapers/magazines to get yourself acquainted with the recent developments and current events.
Avoid Rambling on:
Make sure you are not nervous during your interview. Take a deep breathe in case you feel nervous and be prompt in your replies to sound confident. Avoid rambling about situations or about your valuable experience. It will not leave a good impression about your communication skills. Make sure you respond to the interviewer’s questions to the point in a succinct manner.
Make sure the interviewer has learnt a lot about your personality during your interaction with him. The secret to any interview is getting engaged into the conversation and leaving the best impression.
We at Study Aisle – A Meliorate Consulting venture, ensure that our students’ are put on the path to acceptance and make their college years a memorable experience. This is possible only if the right choices are recommended to a student after a thorough analysis of their profile. We strive to recommend a right fit for every student. Our mentors are well experienced, trained and equipped for this purpose. We assist students in the entire application requirement.
Feel free to write to us on [email protected]
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studyaisle · 10 years
#Tip for the Day! – Exclusively for Study Abroad applicants!!!!
Get the SAT/ACT or GMAT/GRE standardized tests out of the way as soon as you can!
 #undergraduateapplicants #Mastersapplicants #studyabroad #studyaisle
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studyaisle · 10 years
Getting into the right college is more stressful and competitive than ever before.
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studyaisle · 10 years
The Cambridge Trust has joined hands with the Science and Engineering Research Board of India to offer the “Cambridge India Ramanujan Scholarship” to meritorious students from India in the field of research. Under this scholarship scheme, the Indian students can take up doctoral studies in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) at the University of Cambridge in United Kingdom (UK).
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studyaisle · 10 years
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10 posts!
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studyaisle · 10 years
How to communicate your overseas experience to employers. Moving my entire life to South Carolina last August, I knew that there was an unpredictable,...
How studying abroad can reflect positively on your Resume!
#Studyabroad #Resumebuilding #Studyaisle 
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studyaisle · 10 years
U.S. News and World Report compiled a new top 500 global universities rankings after the U.S. saw a record 819,644 international students hit its shores to enroll in colleges and universities last year.
Top university rankings - Oxford and Harvard top the ranking!!! #studyabroad #studyaisle #getmentoredbyus #topuniversities 
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studyaisle · 10 years
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Your Statement of Purpose (SOP) and Essays are the building blocks to your application. It will decide your fate before your admission officers. Your SOP and essays have to be worked on carefully and meticulously before submitting your application.
A few do’s and don’ts that a student will have to keep in mind before submitting the application.
Language: Avoid using social media lingo or short forms while writing your academic essays. Keep your language simple and academic oriented.
Avoid mere listing of tasks: A student needs to understand that the admissions officer will learn everything about you through your Essay. This doesn’t imply you merely state your roles and responsibilities at an organization in your SOP. You have to explicitly state your learnings, your long term and short term goals for the admissions officer to learn more about you.
Adequate research: Students always fall back on this. It becomes essential to research thoroughly on the universities you are applying to. Research and get responses for why would you like to apply to this university, how is it going to be different from the other universities you are applying to, the professor’s profile, the extra curriculars on campus and more importantly the course curriculum. This research will ensure you will not get disappointed or will not be left surprised once you are admitted. This research will also help you during your interview stage.
In addition to the research, speak to students who are currently studying at the university or visit the campus to get a feel of the university before accepting their offer.
Organize your thoughts: Your essay and SOP has to be structured with a distinct flow of ideas and clarity of information. Merely writing one draft and submitting the essay will do you no good. Follow instructions provided to you by your mentor and get a fresh eye to look at it.
Proofread: Before you finally upload your essay ensure it is free of any grammatical errors or wrong sentence structures. This will not leave a good impression on the admission officers.
Word limit: Don’t exceed the word limit defined by the university. It is advisable to keep the word limit close to the permissible number defined. This will make sure it is not too short and neither too lengthy.
Application to more than one university: Avoid sending the same application to more than one university. Every university is different and is characterized by unique features. You will have to ensure your SOP is customized to suit college requirements.
A well written SOP and Essay will exponentially increase your chances to getting accepted at the college of your choice. So ensue you deliver the best!
We at Study Aisle – A Meliorate Consulting venture, ensure that our students’ are put on the path to acceptance and make their college years a memorable experience. This is possible only if the right choices are recommended to a student after a thorough analysis of their profile. We strive to recommend a right fit for every student. Our mentors are well experienced, trained and equipped for this purpose. We assist students in the entire application requirement.
Feel free to write to us on [email protected]
#Studyabroad #Foreignuniversities #SOP #MBAapplicant #Formalessay
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studyaisle · 10 years
Study Aisle is a unique platform to mentor study abroad applicants.
Visit our website - www.studyaisle.com to know more about our study abroad mentoring for undergraduates and graduates!
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studyaisle · 10 years
This European country is offering Americans and other international students a free college education
Study in Germany for Free - Domestic as well as international students! 
#no strings attached
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studyaisle · 10 years
50 years in the ideas business. As we turn 50 we've set up this site to showcase the impact we've had and the journey we're still on, from teaching a new generation of British managers to teaching the world.
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studyaisle · 10 years
Sure, Donald Trump makes it look fun--but firing people always sucks. Peter Platzer, CEO of Spire, figured out a system so he never has to.
The CEO of Spire - Mr. Peter Platzer graduated from Harvard Business School (HBS); has figured out a secret where he never had to or will have to fire his employees!
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studyaisle · 10 years
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A Co-Op program is more prominent in the US and is offered by quite a few universities there. This piece of information will provide you with the relevant information for the Co-op program.
Co-op Program: A Co-op program is offered by certain universities in the United States in which students spend one or more semesters doing internships within their undergraduate program. Through this opportunity, students are connected with MNC’s, Firms and corporations within their field of study. Students are often compensated for this internship which is dependent on the organization’s policies.
Applying to a Co-op Program: Universities and Colleges offering the Co-op program adopt their own in-house system of admission. The general entry requirements are academic GPA, extra curriculars, English language requirements and the standard visa requirements. Students are expected to meet the university’s minimum entry requirements in order to qualify for the Co-op programs.
  Benefits of a Co-op Program: A student may ask – “Why do I choose to apply to a Co-op program?” or they might want to know “How will the Co-op program add value to my existing profile?”
The responses to the above questions could be challenging as every student has a unique profile and it becomes essential to understand ones profile before opting for this program. However the benefits are multifarious and highly valuable to build a student’s existing profile.
(a)   Co-op programs can provide extremely valuable learning experience for the student as he/she will be able to apply the theoretical concepts to on-the-field internship that they are pursuing.
(b)   The Co-op Program provides a good platform to network with industry professionals. This puts the student at an advantage in terms of securing a full time position at the organization post the completion of his degree in the future. This will obviously be subjected to the students’ academic performance in his/her final graduate year and the employment nature of the industry.
(c)    The opportunity to work while studying is the best way a student can learn from.
(d)   A student maximizes his employment chances once he graduates.
(e)   Students also receive college credits from the college or university for their enrollment in the Co-op program.
Popular Universities offering the Co-op Program:
Northeastern University, Georgia Tech, Rochester Institute of Technology and Drexel are popular colleges that offer undergraduate students the opportunity to opt for a Co-op program. The duration of this program at some of these universities are 4-years and others 5-year.
Visa Approvals for International students:
International students on an F1 visa are eligible to apply for the Co-op program. However they are required to plan it carefully and coordinate with the university to apply for the relevant work authorization. They would typically be eligible to apply for the Curricular Practical Training (CPT). CPT is the permit you’d be on before graduation. Optional Practical Training (OPT) is the other kind of work permit that allows a student to work without sponsorship for a year after graduating.
  We at Study Aisle – A Meliorate Consulting venture, ensure that our students’ are put on the path to acceptance and make their college years a memorable experience. This is possible only if the right choices are recommended to a student after a thorough analysis of their profile. We strive to recommend a right fit for every student. Our mentors are well experiences, trained and equipped for this purpose.
Feel free to write to us on [email protected] 
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studyaisle · 10 years
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The service analysis of Study Aisle mentoring for study abroad applicants.
Get in touch with us to sign up for a mentorship session to get into top B-Schools and Ivy League Universities!
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