studyaureus · 4 years
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26/100 Days of Productivity
Studied English
Made Mindmaps
Studied Psychology
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studyaureus · 5 years
There's a calm kind of happiness in finding a favourite spot in the library.
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studyaureus · 6 years
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study inspiration: Rory, Elle, Hermione
(ig / redbubble / society6)
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studyaureus · 6 years
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made it through the first week of junior year! i can already tell i’m going to be super busy ⚡️
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studyaureus · 6 years
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A new “How To Study” series!! Part 1 of ???
How to study BIOCHEMISTRY (from yours truly, a biochem major at ucla)
(but also note that i’ve only taken one biochem specific class so far but this class was general biochemistry so hopefully the tips and tricks i learned from taking this class will apply to higher levels of biochemistry!)
studygram: @markiveelle
Biochemistry is a VERY dense subject, it requires a good background in general chemistry (such as acids and bases, thermodynamics) and a strong biology background (hence BIO cheMISTRY) (who would have ever guessed)
Anyways I like to think that biochem is not exactly a strenuous subject in that you won’t need to rack your brain to solve application problems, but it DOES require a LOT of memorization which is arguably less painful, but is still scary.
General Memorization Tips
Start early! The earlier you start your studying, the more time your brain has to process the information which means it will get more comfortable with it and you’ll probably be able to remember it more easily later.
BABY STEPS, don’t try to memorize like 600 terms in one sitting. You’ll probably get them mixed up. The brain doesn’t work that way (for most of us!). Instead, start with the first ten things, get them down really well, then move on to the next ten, then try to get all twenty together. And then the next ten, and then a cumulative self check, and so on. I think this was the best way to start. You have to find how much information you can retain in one sitting!
Make use of free time, try to recall things when you’re waiting in line for food, for the bus, for the shower to warm up, etc. Jogging your memory at all times helps make it more solid.
Make whatever you’re studying your phone/laptop background so it’s of easy access to you! I made the amino acids my iPad lockscreen when I was trying to memorize all of those!
Seriously flashcards help
Memorizing the 20 Amino Acids (and their structures…) in one week
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My first quiz in my biochemistry class was to be able to remember all 20 amino acid names, three letter abbreviations, one letter abbreviations, and structures at physiological pH. It was scary lol I had to memorize all that in oNE WEEK (evil)
Grouping them into their respective types can help you in the long run when you may be asked which amino acids are present in polar/nonpolar environments. 
I started memorizing the negative and positive amino acids first (there were the least of them lol). I used the cumulative batches method where I memorized the negative ones completely and then moved onto positive ones, and then did a cumulative self check. When I felt comfortable with those I moved onto nonpolar, then aromatic, then polar (idk why i did that order tho)
Most of the one letter abbreviations are the first letter of the name of the amino acid, especially in the nonpolar cases. I remembered the names and abbreviations of the nonpolar ones by just remembering GAVLIMP (read down the column!)
Glutamic Acid is GLU, E (which just spells glue)
Arginine is ARG ARRR ® like a pirate (lol)
Glutamine is Q and that’s weird so that resonated with me
Glutamine and Asparagine are similar to Glutamic Acid and Aspartic Acid in structure!
The nonpolar amino acid structures kind of build upon the previous one, which is also how I remembered those structures
I mainly took advantage of photographic memory in this case because whenever I was asked to recall a certain amino acid, in my head I would think about where that amino acid was on this poster I made. That helped my brain keep everything organized!
Memorizing Fatty Acids/Certain Carbohydrates
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Whenever you have to identify or name things, flashcards are the best!! I remember I made flashcards for everything on this page and me and my friends quizzed each other while waiting to be seated at korean bbq lol
Photographic memory again!! Write out all the stuff you gotta know onto one piece of paper (try to limit it to just one side) and study from that. It’s like organizing how your brain will remember stuff (kinda like you knowing exactly where something is in your drawer because you organized it that way)
Memorizing Pathways or Cycles
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Glycolysis was the first pathway I had to remember, this one took me the longest because we were required to remember the structures, the names of the enzymes, the cofactors, LITERALLY EVERYTHING in one week it was a STRESS MESS
On this poster I have the detailed version that includes structures on the top and then a brief overview on the bottom that just has the names of stuff. I thought this helped (not sure how)
If you have taken organic chemistry in the past, then memorizing the structures may come a little easier to you because the names of the structures are super close to IUPAC naming so you can deduce from there!
It’s important to run through this IN ORDER over and over and over. Write it out so your hand gets a feel for it. 
GOING IN ORDER IS JUST SO IMPORTANT because it conditions your brain to follow that order and you’ll notice that everything builds upon the other (the brain loves patterns and order so this will expedite memorization)
We also had to track carbons, so color coding would have helped in this case too! Color code each carbon so it’s clear where everything goes. 
I think biochemistry is also a subject that requires a lot of time and effort, so make sure you give yourself time to study for it. Make a good study group as well so that you have many other people to correct you if you make mistakes, and you can correct them on their mistakes! I also think that catching errors or learning from previous errors is the BEST way to remember the RIGHT information because it shakes you; no one likes to be wrong!
But also remember that everyone has their own habits, find the study tricks that work best for YOU! The more you study, the more you discover what benefits you more. Keep an open mind and a good attitude towards the subject you are working on, and remember that so long as you try your HARDEST you’ll be proud of yourself in the end!!!
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studyaureus · 6 years
Time Management Techniques
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Is it just me, or do we need more hours in the day? Unfortunately, we can’t add more, but we can use the ones we have more effectively. Here’s a list of time management techniques for you to consider employing to make the best use of your precious daily allotment of 24 hours.
The Pomodoro Technique
What it is: You work nonstop for 25 minutes, and then take a break for 5 minutes.
Pros: It improves concentration and focus, helps you value your time, and helps you avoid burnout.
Cons: Some tasks may not take 25 minutes to complete or may be more intensive, whilst others are easy.
8-8-8 Method
What it is: You divide your day into 8 hours for sleep, 8 hours for work, and 8 hours to do everything else.
Pros: It’s easy to customize (you could do 9-3-6-6, for example, or 9 hours for sleep, 3 hours for classes, 6 hours for study, and 6 hours for everything else).
Cons: It’s loose and doesn’t provide much structure to your day.
18 Minutes
What it is: Spend 5 minutes in the morning asking and planning how you can make the day successful, after every hour spend 1 minute in review of it, and spend 5 minutes in the evening asking yourself how the day went.
Pros: It allows you to evaluate your productivity levels more objectively.
Cons: Much of it is spent in review instead of it planning.
Previous #Studying Saturdays post: Studying While Sick
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studyaureus · 6 years
Chapter 5: May. A Month of Focus.
attackonstudying (via attackonstudying)
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studyaureus · 6 years
Struggling with productivity
Hi guys! Lately I’ve found myself really struggling with being productive and getting things done, which is bad for both me and my schoolwork. Luckily, there’s some tricks that I’ve learned which do help me overcome my procrastination, and I want to share them with you:)
1. Create a study space
Sometimes, I get so sick of just sitting by my desk and I can’t do anything because I’m uncormfortable. What I like to do is to remove one of my mattresses from my bed (i have a thin one over my ‘’main’’ mattress) and lay it somewhere in my bedroom. I turn my pillows and duvet into support for my back. It really helps creating a new space designated just for studying when I get sick of my desk-area. 
2. Take a shower and put on some comfortable clothes
If I feel gross and icky, I cannot concentrate on doing my schoolwork. I don’t know why this is, but it helps me so much to take a shower and put on comfortable clothes afterwards. It is much easier to do your work after a good shower, than to try to do your work while all you can think about is how gross you feel.  
3. Create a schedule 
My planner is my lifesaver. Writing down the things you need to get done is so much easier than to try to remember it all in your head. What I like to do before a test, is to create a schedule for when and what I have to study. For example, you can set off two hours for working on a subject, and then elaborate on exactly what topics within that subjects you need to revise on. 
4. Lock yourself in and turn of the internet on your phone
Personally, if I want to deeply concentrate, I need to isolate myself from other people. I turn the internet off on my cellphone (I still need to use my cellphone,) and tell my family that I need to be alone and focus. I also like to close the curtains so that I feel kind of ‘’removed’’ from everything else. 
5. Set a timer for studying
If I struggle with studying for longer period, I like to study in portions. I recommend using an app called ‘’Forest’’ which has helped me so much with concentrating. It gives you 25 minutes (adjustable) to study, and then a five-minute break. After you’ve studied 25 minutes four times, it gives you a 25-minutes break. This app is amazing and I recommend it for anyone whos having trouble focusing!!
I hope some of these tips will work for you too :) Good luck studying everyone! 
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studyaureus · 6 years
how to take efficient notes during class
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credit to @noorastudy for the mildliner and gelpen icon :)
Hello my angels. I thought it’d be a good idea to share a couple of tips on effective note-taking. Although I see these types of posts everywhere, I wanted to have my one spin on it ig :) Hope these tips work for you <3
     1. rewriting your notes
If you have the time, rewriting your class notes into a neat summary aids in your understanding. Dressing up your notes can keep you motivated. 
     2. make it visual
Adding various elements such as mindmaps, bullets and different kinds of graphs, charts and symbols makes your notes visual, which actually helps in recalling the information. It’s also great to have variety so your notes aren’t boring blocks of text.
     3. asks questions
I’m not one to ask questions during class, because I’m pretty shy. If you’re unfortunately like me, haha, you could send your teacher an email. Asking questions helps you understand your notes more deeply, rather than memorizing information that might not make sense to you.
     4. illustrate your notes
Dressing up your notes such as including doodles and banners can motivate you. Here in studyblr, there are several posts you could use as inspiration.
     5. review
I’m definitely guilty for never looking back at my notes after class… it’s great to review your notes for a deeper understanding.
That’s all the tips I’ve got to share. In the future, I’ll probably find more note taking tips to help you, as some of these are mediocre. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask me here. Bye my little angels. :)
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studyaureus · 6 years
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Eight Ways to Remember Anything by Alex Lickerman M.D.
Reference: Research-based strategies to boost your memory and keep it strong via psychology today
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studyaureus · 7 years
Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood.
Marie Curie (via 123haha321-studying)
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studyaureus · 7 years
how to forgive yourself after failing
so I struggled with mental health issues the last few days. Personal problems, stress and an exam I studied at lot for (and was pretty sure I would ace ) and did bad at. Plus an upcoming exam I didn’t feel ready to take.
I was miserable at first but now I got hope and motivation again and that’s what I did :
accept your feelings It’s okay to feel down. Take a day off or maybe a few more. Do things you enjoy.
analyse the problem what exactly makes you feel down?How did you get into this situation ? Can you change anything about the situation right now ? How can you prevent it the next time ?
try to be active and eat healthy Personally, I feel better when I take care of my physical health. I may have mental health issues but cooking nutritious food and going for a run makes me feel in control. But tbh eating your favorite treat after a bad day feels good to.
clean up I put away everything related to the exam. I store my notes in binders so I know where they are if I have to retake the exam but for now get it out of your sight and mind. I also cleared out my wardrobe and my makeup collection. Don’t hold onto something that doesn’t bring you joy and only takes up space. You don’t need expired products and donating clothes is never wrong.
get help ! If you have mental health issues and feel in need of professional help : get it !! Education is important but you are important too ! There is no shame in taking longer for a degree. Failing sometimes doesn’t make you a failure.
If you feel ready to study again start slowly What do you want to achieve today ? Split it up and plan to do the other half of it tomorrow. It boosts your motivation if you actually get everything done you planned for the day + already crossing out tomorrow’s task feels great. 
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studyaureus · 7 years
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Tomorrow I start a new Semester and already have this two big folders waiting for me,  I need to say thanks to my friends for lending me this awesome material, I love you so much.
And with a new semester came a new season of flu. So, I’m going to get my cup of ginger tea with a little of honey... a lot of honey, and let the semester begin. 
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studyaureus · 7 years
¿Existe la comunidad de studyblr en español?
Si es así, por favor. Haz lo que tengas que hacer con este post para que te pueda seguir.
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studyaureus · 7 years
how to avoid education burnout
have 3 achievable goals a day: having a laundry list of things to do everyday is super unrealistic, and you just end up feeling bad about yourself because you didn’t accomplish your goals for the day.
leave your sundays open: i love sundays because they’re my day to chill out and catch up on school work that i wasn’t able to finish during the week.
recognize when you’re at your emotional limits: forcing yourself to get work done when you are unable to comprehend your study material does not benefit anyone.
learn how to say no: people will ask you for your time and it will stretch you to the limit, whether it be at your job, in your extracurriculars, or in your personal life. know when to step back and say no.
take care of yourself physically: take breaks, go for walks, shower regularly, get enough sleep, eat healthy, see your friends
celebrate your accomplishments: go out to eat with friends after a big exam, indulge in a night off after a busy week with some netflix and wine
make a study plan beforehand: it can be daunting to see how much work you need to put in to a class or task beforehand, but this allows you to spread your work evenly so you don’t become overwhelmed.
learn how to ask for help: it is very rare that people make it through school, whether it be high school or university or any graduate program, without needing the advice of others or just a kind soul to vent to. find that person.
never forget your hobbies: you will need things that keep you sane. if you love to play music, write, play volleyball, or cook, make you sure you don’t lose these things. they will become your escape when times get tough.
log off from time to time: it is exhausting to be constantly connected to social media and your email. just physically disconnecting from these for a night to take care of yourself can really help you clear your mind.
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studyaureus · 7 years
types of study breaks for every situation
if you realize you’ve been studying for hours: grab a snack to refuel your body and watch a sitcom to refuel your brain. then back to the books.
if you’re feeling stressed out: take some deep breaths, text your friends, maybe stare at a wall for a few minutes. gather yourself.
if you can’t seem to focus: get moving and get outside. take out the garbage, check your mail box, maybe walk your dog. just get moving and get fresh air. it’ll help bring you back.
if there’s something else going on in your life and you can’t get it off your mind: write down what’s going through your head, sort of like a diary entry. it’ll help you work things out.
if you’re just mentally and physically exhausted: set a timer for 25-30 minutes and take a nap. any longer and you’ll hit REM and you’ll wake up feeling just as tired. once you wake up, get some caffeine in you.
if the material is boring as hell: find another way to study. see if there’s a crash course video online about it or draw out what you’re trying to learn in diagrams and pictures to make it fun.
if people around you won’t shut up: listen to some music. soundtrack and classical music is always good because they won’t absorb you as much as music with lyrics. white noise (like ocean waves, rain sounds, etc.) also works.
if you only half understand a concept: call/message a friend who’s not in the class and try to teach the material to them. this will help you mentally work through the material and will help you remember it as well.
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studyaureus · 7 years
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Just completed and submitted the final version of my Extended Essay !!! °˖✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧˖° 
So I compiled lists of words that I found super super useful in making it easier for me to finish any essay !! Here is a masterpost of some sort with transition words + key vocabs grouped together for easy access as well as an IB IOC ‘cheat sheet’ I used for my english LAL orals last year (though most commentaries follow a similar structure so its generalisable) ~
Good luck with your essays !!!
… oops just realised I forgot to bullet point one of the lists 
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