stunningyelly-blog · 6 years
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The movie entitled “Wonder” is a story that centre’s on a guy named Auggie Pullman, a young boy who has a genetic facial difference. He is about to start fifth grade being at school for the first time and he is about to socialize with other people rather than learning at home from his mom. Auggie meets both cruel bullies as well as good friends on the other hand as he attends school for the first time. He has supportive family including his parents that has always been there for him all the way despite the fact that Auggie was pushing them away. In a young age, Auggie had already undergone a lot of surgeries and medical treatments. He can do things that other kids can do, he can hear, see and speak but he definitely doesn’t look like them. And since he cannot wear his astronaut helmet all day at school, he needs to face them all in person. With that, a lot of people always bully him and even his parents cannot take the hurt away. Auggie has a sister named Olivia, and she feels like their parents barely pay attention to her because Auggie needs so much from them. But her sister understands his situation because even Olivia herself experienced what Auggie was experiencing now before. But after all that had happened, the school accepted Auggie and became open with him. During the graduation day, Auggie graduated with a flying colours. He received a reward from Mr. Tushman for having the strength to conquer all the things that came his way.
 What life lessons can be learned in the movie?
-         The Lesson I’ve got in this movie entitled Wonder is that people should never judge a person base on the physical appearance because after all it’s not the outer appearance that matters. What truly matters is the real personality or the inside appearance of the person.
 What part of the story told by the movie was the most powerful? Why?
-         My Favourite character in the movie was Auggie because I like his fighting spirit in life that lead him in the end into success.
 Who was your favourite character in the movie?
-         The part of the movie that made me remember of something is when Via showed how he loved his brother. That she even sacrifice her emotional needs and give way just for her brother.
Did anything that happened in the movie remind you of something that has occurred in your own life or that you have seen occur to others?
-         One of the things I once remembered when I watch this movie is that when some of my classmates are also being bullied at school, particularly inside the classroom. The movie makes me remind on how they also suffered and experienced being bullied like how Auggie had experienced in the movie.
If you had a chance to as a character in this movie a question, what would it be?
-         I would probably try to ask Julien why does she need to do those stuffs she did to Auggie?
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stunningyelly-blog · 6 years
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Grace is a young counsellor in a foster care facility for at risk teenagers and is in a relationship with his co-worker Mason. You can she Grace’s passion in giving her best to take care of the kids who are at the foster care facility. One day, Grace arrived with a bite and started telling the things that had happened about the story of her week in short term 12. Suddenly Sammy is screaming and running because he is having an anxiety attacks. Grace and Mason run quickly to stop him and Grace gave the files of the kids to Nate to review it. After that, Grace walked out to look upon the kids and wake them up to talk about their plan on Marcus 18th birthday. They ask Marcus what food will be served but Marcus told Grace that he doesn’t like food, instead Marcus wants his hair to be shaved. After few moments when Grace showed the room to the new kid that had just moved in, and she went directly to the hospital and the nurse told her that the result is positive and that she is pregnant. Grace and Mason were talking in bed and she told Mason about her pregnancy. The next day, Grace went to work and suddenly the new id named Jayden had panic and they tried to calm her down. Jayden came back to her room and she saw a birthday card and they celebrated her birthday. Suddenly, unexpected random things had happened that adds to Grace Pressure. Grace burst out her feelings to Mason and Grace went to Jayden’s house and confess about her dad. After that, Grace went to Mason to say sorry. After all that had happened, everything had fall into places smoothly.
 What life lessons can be learned in the movie?
-         Don’t ever be afraid to be true not only to yourself but also to other people around you. Being real will somehow always be a fulfilling feeling for every individual.
What part of the story told by the movie was the most powerful? Why?
-         When Grace still chose to continue her pregnancy with the help of Jayden pushing her to do so and told her things that can make Grace strong to surpass her situation.
Who was your favourite character in the movie?
-         Grace did her job very well done despite her situation. She is a very good example of being an epitome of a real women because she showed the true meaning of giving importance to little things. She became positive and strong and with that, I salute her.
Did anything that happened in the movie remind you of something that has occurred in your own life or that you have seen occur to others?
-         The suicidal part of Marcus when he tried to kill himself. It’s not about me but some of my friends always attempt to do the same thing.
If you had a chance to as a character in this movie a question, what would it be?
-         I would ask Grace why is she doing all of the things she did for the kids seeing the fact that Grace herself can’t even help her own self?
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stunningyelly-blog · 6 years
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The movie entitled “Lion” is all about a poor Indian boy named Saroo. He has a two siblings, one day he is with his brother Gadoo and they went on a trip but suddenly, Saroo fell asleep. His brother Gadoo left him in a certain train station and promised him that he will pick Saroo up after his night work. Saroo woke up on the same place where his brother left him and he didn’t saw any Gadoo on his side. He started shouting for his brother’s name, he searched for his brother but he failed to see him. Saroo fell asleep again inside the passenger train that took him to another place again that is far away from where he came from. When he woke up, he continued searching for his brother but he failed again. The following days became so hard for Saroo because he became miserable, no food to eat, and no shelter to live, no one to talk to. He even became one of the street children but someone adopted him when he was sent to an orphanage. Saroo had been part of a rich family and they really treated him as a real member of the family. Years passed, he met a women that became his girl. Despite the good things that had happened to him after his lost, Saroo still felt something is missing. He is not yet totally happy because he still longs for the love and presence of his real family. Saroo never gave up finding them, he tried his best to find his family. He even did random things just to get information that can help him trace his family. And finally, this time he didn’t fail because he was able to see his mom but unfortunately he found out that his brother Gadoo has already passed away. This movie is really a heart shattering one, but this also leaves us a lesson that in life we should never give up on the things that we wanted, rather we must be motivated and determined to not lose hope like Saroo who did survive from the challenges of life.
 What life lessons can be learned in the movie?
-         One of the greatest things I have learned from the movie is having a heart strong determination in whatever you wish to do and the courage to face uncertain things and trials that life will give you.
What part of the story told by the movie was the most powerful? Why?
-         When Saroo finally find his mother again. It only says that if it’s meant to be, it will be. Despite how long the years had passed, the situation itself find its way to come back to where it really belong. It is powerful in a way that you will come to think that things aren’t impossible for the ones who believe.
Who was your favourite character in the movie?
-         For me, it will be Saroo. Of all the things that had happened to him in the movie, he just proved that he was really an epitome of a real man. It will never be too easy for a child without the guidance of his parents, and with that I salute Saroo for winning the battle of life.
Did anything that happened in the movie remind you of something that has occurred in your own life or that you have seen occur to others?
-         Yeah. I’ve seen a lot of street children especially outside of the fast food chains, begging for food or money to sustain their needs and hunger.
If you had a chance to as a character in this movie a question, what would it be?
-         I would probably ask Saroo. Where did he get his fighting spirit to continue the battle of life?
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stunningyelly-blog · 6 years
Hello guys! It’s me, StunningYelly on your screen again. It’s Technology Review time! I’m gonna be giving you a brief information about my favourite technology which is the Cellular Phone or what we call Mobile Phones. As we all know nowadays, people cannot live without a phone maybe I can say that it already became a basic need for all of us because of its use in our daily lives. It already contributed a big impact and it already plays a big role in our society.
Mobile phones is a big help to us especially because it is the thing we commonly use to communicate with other people but did you know that it also gives negative effects in our body, for us humans? Mobile phone has a lot of bacteria, it also have a high radiation that can lead to destruction of the eye. Phone radiation causes blurriness of the eye and headache. Sometimes it is the main reason why mobile users experiences and suffers from these things because of the negative effects of the mobile phone to us. Mobile phone is a portable telephone that can make and receive calls over a radio frequency link while the user is moving within a telephone service area.
Phones sometimes are useful when it comes to educational purposes. Students uses mobile phones in school when surfing for some activities or requirements that the teacher instructed them to do. With the use of mobile phones they can easily search in to Google the things they needed for their basis in doing certain activities.
Well, these are just some of the information or review I had gathered about mobile phones. Did you guys learned something on today’s technology review? Hope I had told you enough information that may satisfy your curiosity on mobile phones. Well, let’s call it a day! Follow me for more blogs! God bless.
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stunningyelly-blog · 6 years
Hello Everyone! Hope you guys had a great day ahead. I’m actually a new blogger here in tumblr so let me simply introduce myself first. I’m Honeylette Calixto Bacud, a current student of Saint Paul University Philippines Tuguegarao City. I just turned 18 this month and I’m currently in my 12th grade, a Senior High School student taking up Science Technology Engineering Mathematics strand. Maybe you guys were thinking why did I chose to be in the STEM Strand right? It’s because I’ll be taking up Medical Technologies in my College and that is the very reason why I took up STEM during my Senior high school year. Well I think STEM was the best choice after all because like what I have said a while back, I’ll be taking up a medical course soon and I believe being in this strand will help me enhance my knowledge about sciences and can be an edge for me. Well, I’m doing this blog about myself because it is one of our requirements in one of our subject (Empowerment Technologies) to create a 5 blog posts here in tumblr. So I hope you guys will follow me and watch out for more blogs that I will soon be posting, hope we’ll get along together. Well, I’ll be sharing some information about myself. I like watching movies that are cool and amazing just like the movie “The Nerve” do you guys know this movie? If you didn’t watch it yet, go for it and don’t miss the chance to watch such awesome movie like this. It was something worth to watch! I’m also actually looking for more movies that are not boring and a movie that will interest me. Can you guys give some suggestions out there? Post it out! So, I’m going to tell you also my favourite foods, well I love eating and eating and eating hahaha but I’m not fat (seriously speaking) I ate a lot but I go for joggings and I just renewed my id in Cagayan Fitness Gym. It is good if you make it a habit to exercise every day. I like eating sweets, I’d also rather eat Kit Kat than those of so expensive chocolates, coz it was really my favourite one. I don’t like pickles, gosh! I really hate the taste of it but I do ate vegetables. I love Filipino foods like Adobo, Curry, Ginataang Hito and a lot more. I’m also a person who is fund of travelling, I really love to travel. It was one of my greatest dream to go travel the world. I actually have a lot of documentations from the different places I’ve already been and yeah it was really indeed a great experience for me considering that I’ve been in such places in a young age. Yeah 18 for me was still young (young at heart) So before I end my blog, maybe you guys were wondering where did my name came from. Well, according to my mom my name was not supposed to be Honeylette. Weird right? They wanted my name to be Kheona Grandelee Amber like capital O M G! Like what? You serious? Hahaha. But my Dad told my Mom that it would be difficult for me to write my name when it’s too long that is why they end up naming me Honeylette, it is a combination of sweet yet great warrior, and they actually got it from the character in a Spanish movie. Hope your time was worth the things I had shared you about myself. That’s all for today! Follow me for more blogs @StunningYelly. Thank you again!
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