stunsetblvd · 5 months
Merry Christmas Everyone!
It's Christmas day and I just finished my breakfast. For some reason I haven't made coffee yet, but I'm already ready to go for the day. Well, almost - I'm still in cozy clothes and thinking about playing some morning games right now.
I hope everyone reading got everything they wanted, and that the time you all spent with your family was very merry. We all ate and drank together and then went around the room opening presents from each other. Some highlights for me were a little night lamp in the shape of a duck, and a digital chess clock!
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Now, I've got a little time to myself. And I can't decide what I want to play!
I'm thinking again about Runescape, but I can't decide what to do. As I'm writing this, I'm becoming more sure that I want to put out some kind of video I need to edit. It would be really fun if I filmed some kind of 30 days of Christmas idea. So far I'm thinking about a 30-day attempt to get some kind of pet. Either from the spider boss, Araxxor, or from clue scrolls to get a magical deer. Here's a quick pic of me trying to steal some clue scrolls from elves.
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Anyway, wish me luck in deciding on something! Merry Christmas to everyone!
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stunsetblvd · 6 months
Day 2
it's day two, but only barely. I'm typing this up at around 11:30, and I'm dead tired from the day. Work went well, but I had a lot of errands to run after - what a day. But still I persevere, haha. Just knocking things off my to-do list one by one, forcing myself to have some fun that's also productive.
I mentioned some YGO in my last post so I'll keep going. The cards have been strewn all over my desk for a week+ now, but I don't want to put them away before fully sorting them. In the pile, I unearthed my brother's old Six Samurai deck. He's a little younger than I am, so he got into the game a little later and played in a different era than I did. I freed the cards from their beat-up old sleeves and replaced them in some fresh ones. Nice.
The only trouble now is that the deck is three cards shy of having a full 40 cards. I'll have to add some tomorrow. Even then though, I think the deck is missing something - paging through the cards there aren't many big boss monsters in the deck. In fact, there aren't really any. I looked a little more closely at the cards and realized that this deck is meant to synchro summon, something that was introduced after my time playing. I don't yet know how I'll resolve this yet, it's pretty late and it's hard to keep caring.
In fact, the only thing that's keeping me typing right now Is that I'm playing a little Runescape on the side. The game has a Christmas event going on, and I'm collecting some of the event resources right now. Here's my character crafting some snowballs.
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I'm the one in the middle. I'm torn because on one hand I sort of miss playing the game, but on the other it's a huge time sink that kind of demands a lot of attention as well as free time. I'm still missing an elusive pet ( a drop from one of the bosses in game), so I was thinking I could do a 30-day attempt to finally get it.
We'll see though, there's still a lot on my list of things I actually want to get done first. Maybe in the new year.
Thank for reading, hopefully I can post something exciting soon.
WPM: ~70
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stunsetblvd · 6 months
My New Year's Resolution
My New Year's resolution is to finally put some words to paper. Maybe maintain this blog a little bit, and update it with some things I'm doing online.
For a little context, today is the 18th of December in 2023. I'm trying to get a head start on all the resolution stuff. More importantly, I finally have some free time to myself after some particularly busy months.
Now to get to the actual meat and potatoes: For the past week and a half, I've been nostalgia-ing over some of my old YuGiOh cards. I recently found out about a format that people play called GOAT format, named so both because it is regarded as the golden age of YuGiOh, and for the popularity and power of the card Scapegoat.
Only cards up to a certain set are allowed to be played, meaning all the power and speed of the newer cards isn't really in the game yet. The first real banlist also hadn't been established yet, so you still get to use cards like Pot of Greed. Most importantly though, I already have a lot of the cards.
I have enough cards to almost fully make the current most competitive deck, or I could split them and sort of make two decks that I could supplement with newer cards. I liked that much better and now have two decks that I hope to bust out some time when I have interested friends over.
The decks are based around the LV cards; Armed Dragon LV7, and Horus the Black Flame Dragon LV8.
They're all sleeved up and ready to go; I'm really looking forward to trying them out. One decklist is a little more faithful to the time, and the other has some newer, but hopefully weaker cards added. We'll see who comes out on top!
Just a short post for now, but it seems like a good start.
Current WPM: ~70
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