stupidkidcrazyradical · 11 hours
🇵🇸 📌 We are dying every day 📌🇵🇸
My friends, your money can save my children's lives. 😞 🍉
Hi I'am Mohamad from Gaza supporting my wife Amal and she a mother of three young children 👨‍👩‍👧‍👧 🍼Our home, livelihood and our entire life are completely destroyed in this war of extermination🚨.
Now we live in a dilapidated tent among insects 🦂🕷, pollution and diseases.
Imagine my middle child telling me that her wish in life is to live in a house!‼️
Is this a life when your children wake up from their sleep wet from the rain? 💔😢
🚨If you had $ 10 and didn't donate it to us, you would be the reason for my children's misery🚨 😭😭
❤️‍🩹https://gofund.me/4f423be0 ❤️‍🩹
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So this is a totally useless rant, but as a skinny girl, I’m getting extra, extra tired of fat-shaming.
I work for a corsetier at a Renaissance Faire. We sell corsets. Not flimsy bullshit costume corsets; like real, durable, waist-training corsets. Today a woman came in with her boyfriend, so I helped her pick out a corset and try it on. While her boyfriend—who was decidedly enthused about the whole corset thing—sat watching me lace her in, he told me, grinning, “Of all the good jobs at the Renaissance Faire, I think you have the best.”
I shrugged in agreement. “I touch butts and reach down cleavage all day; I mean…” Because we like to be a bit rakish at the Faire, and, y’know, it’s true. Tying people into corsets pretty much invariably requires getting handsy.
The couple laughed at that, and the boyfriend said, “That’s the job I would want!” But then he chuckled again and said, offhand, “Or maybe not; while we were looking at the racks, there were some pretty big sizes on there!”
Our sizes are all done in inches, and the biggest we make is a 46. And you’d better believe our large sizes sell. For a second I wasn’t sure what to say to the guy’s comment, but I answered him casually. “We get a lot of beautiful big ladies in here.” Because we do. “We make corsets for real women, not Barbie dolls,” I added. Wasn’t trying to be smart, just kind of tossed it out there because that’s the line we like to use when people ask about larger sizes, and because, again, we do.
The boyfriend went quiet at that; I didn’t think anything of it, I just kept on lacing. A moment later, he said, a little awkwardly (but sincerely enough), “Didn’t mean to be offensive.”
I quickly smiled and brushed it off, said he wasn’t, said I was just saying. (Don’t want to make the customers uncomfortable, you know?) And that was the end of it. His comment had rubbed me the wrong way, but it wasn’t a big deal. Now, I wear a 20-inch corset. I’m a few cup sizes short of being one of the Barbie dolls. Like his girlfriend, I’m one of the “hot chicks”; he doesn’t have to worry about offending me by implying that I wouldn’t be fun to poke and pull at.
Honestly though, of all the people I fit sexy technically-undergarments to in a day, fat girls are maybe my favorite people to lace up. Because they are just so damn happy that we have stuff that fits them. They are so damn happy that the corsets we make in their sizes are all the same pretty, shiny colors and cool flower/dragon/skull/etc. prints that the smaller corsets are, not ugly beige and boring “granny” colors. They are so goddamn happy that at least one (of several on the grounds) corset shop carries things that they can wear, that they actually want to wear, and that they look fucking awesome in. This is only my second season working, and we’ve fit 60+ inch waists and double-K busts. The only people we’ve ever had to tell sorry, we don’t have anything that fits them, are twelve-year-old kids.
It’s half-wonderful, half-heartbreaking how excited those women get. Women who say with sad smiles, when we ask if they want to get fitted, “Oh, no, you don’t have anything that fits me,” and then are stunned when we’re 300% confident that yes we do, and we have options. Women who can’t stop smiling and looking at themselves in the mirror after we’ve got them laced in.
I had a lady last week whose waist I measured (cinching the tape tight, as per procedure) at 41 inches—honestly not all that big. So she picked out a 41-inch corset to try on. I could tell halfway through getting her laced that it was going to be a bit big for her, so I mentioned it and said she might do better to try a smaller size. She started crying on the spot. She was so overwhelmed; she couldn’t believe someone had just told her that a 41 was too big. She told me about how hard clothes shopping was for her, how her mother would tell her she needed an XXXL instead of an XXL, how she had recently lost weight but still couldn’t wear certain colors because they didn’t fit or she wasn’t confident enough.
She did end up getting her corset, and after I checked her out she asked if she could give me a hug, so we ended up standing there hugging each other for a minute. While we did, I told her, “Do not ever let anyone tell you any bullshit. You are gorgeous.” She said, “I have a new boyfriend and he keeps telling me that.” I told her he was right, and to just keep telling herself she’s gorgeous; it was okay if she didn’t always believe it, but to keep telling herself anyway. (That’s how I talked myself through shit when I had bad anxiety.)
We all know fat-shaming is bad. The stupidity, fatphobia, and misogyny of it has pissed me off since I first became aware of it. But working with clothing, especially as figure-hugging and precise as corsets, has given me a new perspective on it—how much it affects people and just how shitty it is. Like, what does it say that I had a grown, only average-big woman crying into my shoulder because she was so overjoyed not to be the uppermost extremity of what a manufacturer can clothe?
My job rocks and it’s really rewarding, but sometimes it highlights some of the ugliest shit about society. I’m so glad I work at a shop that’s not bullshit about body types and operates with more people in mind than just scrawny white chicks like me. The fat women I work with are a ton of fun to lace up, and they’re so much more than their size—they’re cool, they’re smart, they’re funny, they’re sweet, they’re great to talk to, and yes, they’re hot. I’m so damn done with them getting short-changed and shamed by petty fucks who refuse to make them nice clothes, who refuse to even try to work for them, who refuse to consider them pretty. This whole rant was useless and won’t get read, but I had to vent because it’s been driving me nuts.
So actually, screw you, random dude. Fat girls are the highlight of my job.
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"you can't just call everybody a fascist, that's not how you get people to listen to you."
Did you know 'the right to comfort' is one of the 14 pillars of white supremacy?
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I hope my message finds you well
I would be really grateful if you could help me by donating to save me and my family from the dangers of war and death in Gaza and escape to a safe place. 🇵🇸❤️
Donate even 20€ 🙏💔
Please share, repost or donate to my family🙏
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This is going to be so effective against anti-semitism, clearly.
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this shit fucked me up
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Almost 200 killed and over 700 injured today after Israel’s attacks in Lebanon. Nearly 400 air strikes in only a few hours with more expected to come.
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That last anon post got me wondering why go people see MLK being seen as the good guy and Malcom X as the bad guy?
I won't lie when I was kid every time I saw people taking inspiration of their good guy being a reference to MLK and the bad guy being Malcom X. I assumed that MLK was a good person because he wanted equality and was doing this in nonviolent way. While I saw Malcom X was the "bad guy" for being against MLK peacful method and wanted to do things radical/violently
I was a kid during this time. Looking back I realized how wrong the allegory of Malcom X and MLK can be for a younger audience who doesn't know much about Black History. When both played a contributing role in fighting against inequality and racism
*politics cap on*
I mean you answered your own question lol. People think that way because they were taught that way from an early age. Specifically, it was beneficial for the US to push that agenda. It's a lot easier to whitewash and defang MLK's messaging due to his nonviolent, often Christian approach (despite the irony that the US govt was still convicted of conspiracy in civil court 👀).
Versus a Muslim Malcolm X, who didn't believe in unconditional nonviolence to those who weren't nonviolent in return. If you stab me daily, you can't call ME the problem when I finally realize my humanity, pull my own knife out, and dare you to try it again. He wasn't placated by sweet words and promises- neither men were, really. Malcolm in particular was sharp with his language. But you can't really take that approach and make it palatable to a majority white audience that prioritized their own feelings and "safety" than they were the safety, rights, and justices of Black people, and other people of color. Thus, Malcolm became the Boogeyman, the aggressive, "bad" negro, the Black person that didn't deserve human rights because "look how arrogant, mean, and radical he is".
Notice how often and how quickly "less patient" Black people are deemed threats- in your media and in life!
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my name is Ghada, and I come from Gaza🍉. My family and I have been forced to flee to the southern part of the Gaza Strip due to the devastating war that has shattered our lives. We lost our home, our belongings—everything that we had built over a lifetime.💔
Now, we find ourselves living in a school for displaced families, uncertain of what tomorrow will bring.😢
We are reaching out, with hope in our hearts, asking for your support. Whether through a donation or by sharing our campaign, every bit of help brings us one step closer to safety, to rebuilding, and to starting a new chapter of life. We dream of a future far from this devastation, where we can live with dignity and peace.❤️
Your kindness, no matter how small, can make all the difference. Thank you for standing with us in our darkest hour. 💔🙏🏻
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Hey so fun new scam just dropped! I got a call earlier today from someone spoofing the local police department's desk number, asking me if there was a reason I'd missed my jury summons this morning.
Friends, I had not received a jury summons for this month. Which I told him, at which point his previously clear diction suddenly turned into a rapid mumble, only becoming clear for scary words like 'federal' and then asking to confirm my address, at which point I hung up and decided to call the police department later.
When I called the police department the desk officer sounded so tired y'all. All I had to say was "Hey I got a call earlier saying I missed jury duty this morning?" and she immediately sighed and told me that yes it was a scam that was going around and thanked me for calling to confirm.
So this is your periodic reminder that law enforcement agencies will not call you to tell you that you're in trouble. If you need to pay a fine of some sort they will mail you a physical invoice. Anyone calling you saying they're from the police or any other law enforcement organization (up to the CIA and yes I have heard of scammers attempting to impersonate CIA agents over the phone) who then tries to get financial information from you over the phone is a scammer.
I know I actually bang on about this a weird amount, but it is my fervent hope that the information will stick in peoples' brains if they get randomly selected for the adrenaline spike lottery. Scammers use scary words to get you to panic in order to shut down your critical thinking, and if even one person's brain spits out "Tumblr user waterhobbit said the cops/CIA/federal marshalls don't call about this shit" before their bank account routing number is in the hands of assholes I will consider it a job well done.
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if 3000+ devices exploded simultaneously and thousands got injured, 37+ ppl died in usa or london or france anywhere in the imperial core this website would be talking about it nonstop. my coworkers' relatives are lebanese and he hasn't been able to contact them because everyone's nervous of using anything with a lithium battery. the kids from diaspora are teaching their parents how to turn off find my phone and airdrop and other geolocating options. it's absurd to me people are carrying on like its normal, or just don't care cause c'mon ppl blow up in the middle east all the time, right?
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Please don't skip my message.
I am Baraa Al-Shorfa Help me and my family to get out of Gaza .
We are dying here every minute because of the war and lack of water and food.
Please donate 50 or 100 euros This will make a difference in my life and the lives of my little brothers .
We need this as soon as possible.
Please don't forget us Thank you for your humanity and standing with us.
Vetted by @gazavetters, my number verified on the list is ( #34 )
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Hello 🕊🙏, 
I’m Hani from Gaza 💔, 26 years old. My family and I are living through a humanitarian disaster due to the war 💔😭. We lost our home and all our belongings, and my elderly father 🇵🇸 can no longer support us. My mother is chronically ill and requires constant care 🍉🙏.
Can you reblog my 📌 pinned post on my account? 
Every share 🕊❤ helps spread our story and brings us much-needed support 🙏💖. Thank you so much to everyone who helps us by spreading the word.
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Hello, 👋
I hope you're doing well ❤️
I'm writing to you with a heavy heart and an urgent request for help. My family is in a very dangerous situation due to the ongoing war, and I've launched a GoFundMe campaign to save them 🥲
Could you please share my campaign post from my profile? Each share could be a lifelinefor my family 🙏
Our campaign has been verified
From the bottom of my heart, I want to thank you in advance for all your support and kindness 🌹❤️
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