stupip-shinny-volvo · 2 years
charlie: how many kids do you have?
carlisle: emotionally, biologically, or legally?
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stupip-shinny-volvo · 2 years
Me, who had a huge Edward Cullen poster on her wall in junior high, and Kristen Stewart, who used to date Robert Pattinson, in 2022:
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stupip-shinny-volvo · 2 years
This sentence sums up Midnight Sun pretty well:
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stupip-shinny-volvo · 3 years
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This is the Lucky Ace. Reblog to recieve a wad of cash that is oddly specific to your current needs.
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stupip-shinny-volvo · 3 years
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♡ just because nobody loves you romantically doesn’t mean nobody ever will. It also doesn’t mean that you’re unattractive or not worth loving. one day you’re gonna put butterflies in someones stomach but for now just enjoy life ♡
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stupip-shinny-volvo · 3 years
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stupip-shinny-volvo · 3 years
Tbh I am sick and tired of people giving Edward grief over the whole marriage thing. It was a very reasonable thing to ask Bella to marry him before she made the irreversible turn to vampirism. Also he never even made it a hard rule, Carlisle would have turned her whenever; marriage was the perquisite for HIM to turn her. ALSO he never even picked the date! Bella was the one who chose get married before her birthday, not Edward.
Yesss, say it louder!
There is a line in Eclipse where Bella says, “Getting married is a stretch for me. I’m not giving in unless I get something in return.”
Um. Wat.
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The trade-off was already immortality. In fact, Edward truly believes — and has tormented himself for decades about the fact — that vampires have probably lost their souls, and you have forced him to accept risking yours. And, you know what, he didn’t even ask for anything by that point except time (which you didn’t give him). THEN, you decide you want not only for him to accept damning you for all eternity but you want him to be the one to do it! Oof. That’s not even mentioning the fact your blood sings to him which would make it that much harder for him to do. Maybe she gets off on torturing people.
So fine, okay, Carlisle has already agreed to change her, so there’s no more debating that. Edward does have a say about him changing her himself, though, and yeah at first he hopes she wants it enough to bide a little more time so he wages to wait a couple years, then months. She says no. He then gives up on time, and he realizes he really only wants one thing then. If she really wants to be with him forever then at least marry him. When she was so against it, he was surprised. He wasn’t expecting it. Which meant he had given in - for her - and just wanted to at least be married first. (Not even a big wedding if she didn’t want. He wasn’t asking for a wedding; he was asking for a marriage. A marriage like the ones he’s seen in the minds of his parents and siblings for years. That’s it.)
And what does Bella do?! She goes HaHa MaRrIaGe Is BiG. nO LiKe iT sO GiVe Me MoRe.
Like all the previous things agreed upon she wasn’t already getting.
Like none of that was a “big stretch” for Edward.
So she adds on a condition to his condition?? And it’s one that makes the whole thing even more stressful and difficult for Edward. He wouldn’t even be able to fully enjoy their honeymoon or their consummation because he had to make sure he wouldn’t kill his wife. Like, damn, just because you believe he could do it doesn’t mean he should have to. It was something that could’ve happened after she was changed. The other Cullens clearly haven’t lost their appetites for sex, and if Edward’s ‘irrational fears’ of damnation can be ignored then so can yours about a transformation you didn’t have to go through in the first place. Bella Swan doesn’t need to get everything she’s ever wanted and more.
Edward Cullen has made some questionable choices, but requesting to marry the girl set on spending forever with him was definitely not one. Get outta here with that shit.
Anyway, you are so right and I am very passionate about this lol
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stupip-shinny-volvo · 3 years
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stupip-shinny-volvo · 3 years
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this one hit a lil too close
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stupip-shinny-volvo · 4 years
Lmao why is Angela on brand though 😂
Credit to this user they are hilarious 😂
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stupip-shinny-volvo · 4 years
Lmao why is Angela on brand though 😂
Credit to this user she is hilarious 😂
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stupip-shinny-volvo · 4 years
Alice envisioning the “hotel accident” cover-up over and over again until she gets the version she wants:
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stupip-shinny-volvo · 4 years
Hanging out with old people rules because after a while they trust you enough to confess to murder totally unprompted
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stupip-shinny-volvo · 4 years
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Robert Pattinson on the set of ‘The Devil all The Time’ (2020)
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stupip-shinny-volvo · 4 years
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stupip-shinny-volvo · 4 years
ok ok ok ok ok ok can I just have a quick lil moment of your time?
This shit.
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So Hunchback is far and away my favorite movie from Disney’s Renaissance, and it always makes me so happy that yes, people seem to appreciate it, people seem to love it, but I’mma go into exactly WHY it’s my favorite, and WHY I think it’s so crucial, and WHY I think it should be required viewing for young boys specifically.
We all know that a huge bulk of the media we’ve grown up with consistently has that one frustrating message:  Being the hero means you’ll get the girl.  Many boys let this mentality bleed into reality.  We have “nice guys,” who feel that their niceness entitles them to romance, when obviously that discredits a female’s personal choice.  We all get this, we all know this, and a lot of us get that it’s a toxic message.
So check out our hero.
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He’s an incredibly good person who isn’t conventionally attractive.
Check out our lady.
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Super good person, conventionally attractive.
The movie so deliberately builds up Quasi’s hopes.  There’s a whole fucking song about it.
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But Esmeralda, who is her own person with her own motivations and preferences, chooses another man, who is also good and also attractive.
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A lot of people criticize this aspect of the movie, the fact that Quasi doesn’t get the girl BECAUSE of his appearance.  But my argument?  This is the best damn message a movie could ever send.
Because when things get dicey, when Esmeralda’s life in in danger, when Quasi would be putting his own life on the line, he knows that romance is no longer within the realm of possibility.  He knows he won’t be “getting the girl.”  He knows this, and he allows himself a moment of bitterness, he risks falling prey to the “nice guy” trope, and he almost succumbs.
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“She already has her knight in shining armor, and it’s not me.”
He has NO ulterior motive for saving her life.  NO ulterior motive for opposing the man who raised him.  And he doesn’t know that he’ll get any reward, he knows he could straight up get killed for his actions, and yet he still acts.
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And there’s no bitterness. There’s still so, so much love between him and Esmeralda, pure awesome platonic love, and love between him and Phoebus, and just fucking love all around, it’s amazing.
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I’ve heard so many people express distaste at Quasi not ending up with Esmerelda.  Like he was cheated out of some kind of reward.  But have they watched the ending?
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Does that look like a man cheated of his reward?  Does he look like he “lost” to Phoebus?  No dude, that’s a man who has everything he ever wanted, and that’s also a man who didn’t “get the girl.”
If that’s not an essential message for young boys to hear, I don’t know what is.
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stupip-shinny-volvo · 4 years
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new moon (2009)
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