stutterqueer · 5 years
Let's see if this shit works!
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this is the money dog, repost in the next 24 hours and money will come your way!!
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stutterqueer · 5 years
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Reblog if you support romantic same sex relationship themes and gay characters in childrens entertainment!
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stutterqueer · 5 years
Bullshit that 'men can't be raped'
Just an experiment. Reblog if you actually give a fuck about male victims of domestic violence and rape.
Of fucking course
What sick bastard doesn’t
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stutterqueer · 5 years
I'm trying to eat M&M's yet it's a problem cause I am 5 pounds over weight?
If hating fat people is about hating an unhealthy lifestyle: 
Why do fat people get harassed at the gym, while jogging, or while swimming?
Why are fat people expected to cover up more? Changing what they wear will not make them healthier.
Why are thin people allowed to get away with not exercising and with eating all the pizza and bacon they want? If the problem is the unhealthy lifestyle, why doesn’t that apply to everyone? 
Never mind. I already know the answer.
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stutterqueer · 5 years
Y'all I'm starting a hashtag!
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stutterqueer · 5 years
Y/N: *walks in to see everyone staring at them from the couch*
Steven: Y/N, we need to discuss your issue. It's tearing us all apart. *points to amethyst crying while pearl and spinel pats her back*
Y/N: HoW tHe FuCk DoEs A cHoCoLaTe MiLk AdDiCtIoN tEaR a FaMiLy ApArT-
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stutterqueer · 5 years
Pearl: why is your bed broken Y/N?
Y/N: *sweats profusely*
Steven: her and amethyst were in her room last night, I think we know what happened.
Y/N: u-um yea.
*last night*
Amethyst: come on Y/N don't be a pussy!
Y/N: FOR NARNIAAAA *jumps on bed with massive force and with a pot on their head*
*flashback over*
Y/N: for sure let's go with that.
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stutterqueer · 5 years
Steven: so how did you guys even get together?
*Y/N flashbacks*
Y/N: *sees spinel on the roof* spinel what the fuck are you doing?
Spinel: *holds boombox while singing along in the rain* AND I WILL ALWAYS LOVE YOUUUUUUUU-
*flashback ends*
Y/N: trust me, you don't wanna know.
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stutterqueer · 5 years
Y/N: wait, so you, garnet, amethyst and pearl are basically space rocks?
Steven: yes basically.
Y/N: wow, you guys really are out of this world!
Steven: did you just-
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stutterqueer · 5 years
Y/N: Spinel?
Spinel: wHeReS tHe ChOcOlAtE mIlK???
Y/N: *holds chocolate milk behind back* uhh I don't know maybe outside?
Spinel: *runs outside screaming* MiLkKkKkK!!!
Y/N: damn that girl really loves chocolate milk...
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