styxnbrimstones · 3 years
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“I may never knew you but i can feel an authoritative aura in you. I can see that happening by a chance~” 
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“Oh ho ho ho! Finally! Somebody with eyes and wisdom. Truly you know the truth. Tell me, what’s your name?“
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styxnbrimstones · 3 years
This time she can read his lips and she nods to his question. She did lose her mommy didn’t she? She STILL doesn’t truly know what happened to her because as soon as she left, the Girl had poofed into this place. 
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“No way home.” Her crying is so quiet, hopefully the god has no problem hearing her. “No way back home. Stu-Stuck here. Momm–Mom not here.” Here, she even pulls out that cellphone people use to look at their contacts and there’s no Mother. There’s no mom or anything close to something similar. It only fuels the tears more. Oh, there IS snot coming from her nose too. 
Oh dear. 
Hades lets out an annoyed sigh, loud enough for any near by to hear. His hand reaches up to rub at his temples. When he looks up again he finds a sight but amusing and sad at the same time. 
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“You should go. Maybe cry back home or something. Look kid, people are looking and none are gonna help. Most they’re gonna do is blog about seeing you on the ground on their little clock or bird apps. Save us both the embarrassment.”
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styxnbrimstones · 3 years
My Melody smiled cheerfully as Hades accepted her treat; but once he showed disgust for the taste, her expression changed to one of bewilderment. Who could hate cupcakes?! They were so yummy and sw– annnd now he was burning the cupcake to a crisp. 
If this had been a gift hand-made by My Melody, she would’ve been very upset, but since this was a fancy party, and they were both strangers, she wasn’t really that bothered. If anything, she was now more curious about this fellow!! “Ohh…burnt is better for you, huh? Well that’s just great!” She was unbothered and flourishing. 
“Say…are yooouu….” She tilted her head slightly; staring at the flame on top of Hades’ head. “A fire fairy? Or maybe–” She gasped “….a fire wizard?!” 
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“Did I hear that right? You call me a wizard? Oh no no no no....“ 
His hand clasps around the rest of the burnt cupcake, reducing it to dust and letting it fall onto the floor. 
“Do I look like I have a parrot on my shoulder and dream of genies? No. And don’t get me started on being called a fairy. Say that one more time and I’ll have roast bunny for dinner. You’re only safe because of your gracious offering of that...Sweetcake. Be more careful next time.” 
He threatened, his index finger waving slowly as a stern school teacher might. Tut tut My Melody, Tut. Tut. 
“I’m something way better. Much more important.” 
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“I’m a god.”
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styxnbrimstones · 3 years
       oh, he’s had that reaction before from people before - especially when he’d been in hell. “ yeah…its an….obvious name. my old man chose it. ” he’d never really had much of an issue with it, honestly - until he died. at most, it was just plain unfortunate. “ kind of attached to it now, though. ”
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      the fact that the self-proclaimed god didn’t claim any part in the events of the city..he didn’t know if that was reassuring or not. ( the bit about gods not interfering until it was ‘interesting’ to them sounded par for the course, in his opinion. ) and if the ones in charge of this place had the power to bring a god here… that was an unsettling thought. 
       “ fair enough. guess i can see why it’d get your attention, at least… it’s a nice party, anyway - undead, demons, and faulty magic masks aside. “ he frowned at that; he was less than thrilled about looking like he currently did. “ it shakes things up a bit, i suppose. ”
“It’s fitting.“ 
He admits with a shrug.
”You the son of a demon? Looking at the way you carry yourself, a progeny of somebody ancient or powerful. Ooooo scary! Perfect!“ 
He slams a fist into his palm. A yellowing grin grows upon his face. His stride along the floor an effortless glide as he makes his way to the flank of Hellboy. An arm outstretched as he attempts to rest an arm among the other’s shoulder. 
“I could use a guy like you. Looky here fella with these undeads and demons and stuff it makes me a god of the underworld look bad you know? You know people gossip? Even if it’s not my jurisdiction people will talk and then they’re gonna associate these unruly fiends as mine and I can’t have that. However!” 
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“You can help me. In return you get paid. Gods can’t directly interfere but we can hmmm how do you say....Delegate. You take care of me, I take care of you. You seem like a smart man so...Waddya say?”
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styxnbrimstones · 3 years
This being plays hard to get, huh? This…. god. A god. This makes things more interesting. Grimm wants to assure these two lackeys that they are indeed adorable (because they are), but that can wait.
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“Oh, is that right?” The moth’s demeanor alters quickly: more sinister a tone, scarlet eyes gleaming. “This changes things. Only a sliver, however. I am who I said I was, but Grimm has other aspects. This god of nightmare believes we should be friends!”
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“How cute. So the whole flamboyant act was all a facade huh? What are you really little one. A spirit? A demon? A fairy? You have a story to tell if you want me to truly beleive you are a god.“ 
He teased, a clawed finger reaching forward to scratch Grimm on the head. 
“Are you a child of Nyx perhaps?”
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styxnbrimstones · 3 years
If it wasn’t for the fact that her ears does senses something despite not being able to hear a thing, she wouldn’t have noticed the other. Lifting her head up, she  looks at the man with flames through tearful eyes. She hadn’t caught a single thing he said. She sniffs and wipes away her tears though, though it didn’t do much to stop fresh new tears from rolling down her cheeks. 
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“I want…” she does her best to speak through her little hiccups of tears. It’ll be so much harder to understand her in this state, “I want…I want my Mom.” She knows he probably can’t just snap his finger and poof bring her mother here, but….a girl can STILL dream, right?
Lips pursed and eyes roll. He was physically uncomfortable. Hand moving to his mouth as he processed her words. He wasn’t a fan of children but something about her was how does the word go? Tolerable. His hand reached forward before pulling it back, another grimace growing on his face. 
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“You lost your mommy?” 
How original Hades. 
“Did she fall into the hole? Huh it’s deep down there. Maybe if you go home you’ll find her in bed sleeping.”
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styxnbrimstones · 3 years
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“Cute clown, but I doubt he can entertain you in the manner that I can! You look upon Troupe Master Grimm, the finest entertainer in the land! I do it all—singing, dancing, acrobatics, stage magic, acting, and battle! To who do I speak to on this day?”
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“You hear that? He called me cute my lord!“ 
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“Am I cute? I think I’m cute.“ 
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“Neither of you are cute now shut up. Now back to you. Do you think this resume impresses me? But I guess it’s fair I introduce myself too. Hades, god of the underworld and king of the dead. What was your name again? Grimm? Hmmm. Apt.“
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styxnbrimstones · 3 years
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No signs of her Mother anywhere. She’s been waiting, waiting, and waiting for her to turn up and soon, there’s only just a few people left by the gaping hole in the center. The demon child has been seated the entire time, eyes staring right ahead, searching, but when there really is no signs of Sarah, the Girl blinks away a tear and soon there’s more tears falling down her cheeks. She balls her hands up into fists and brings her hands up to her eyes, wiping away tears silently.
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He was watching the center for a while now, waiting for something but not knowing exactly what. The crowds that grew over the course of the eclipse dissipated until only a few stragglers stayed. Eyes scout the area until he notices the visage of little child. 
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“Hey. Uh.....Are you okay? You’re making people really uncomfortable.” By people he meant himself.
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styxnbrimstones · 3 years
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    were pluto and hades different? because he definitely killed pluto. this was awkward. “ huh… nice to meet you. ” definitely a lot more civil than his meeting with pluto. if this guy actually was a god, maybe he was still dead…but that was a big ‘if’. “ i’m hellboy. ” he held out his smaller hand to shake. “ this your doing, then? all the undead and other demons? ”
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Was this really his name or just a really unoriginal nom de guerre?? He looked the part, looking very hellish in the Abrahamic variety. Red skin, horns, that toasty smell of a Pompeii morning. 
“Hah, I wish. Not my doing but you can say at the moment I am just an interested party. You know gods don’t like to mettle in the life of men. At least not until till things get interesting.”
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styxnbrimstones · 3 years
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        “ probably. memory’s not the same since i died. care to enlighten me? ”
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“Hmm.....How does one say the answer to the easiest question ever asked?“ 
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“Hi...Nice to meet you. Names Hades, King of the Undead and God of the Underworld. “
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styxnbrimstones · 3 years
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“Would it be interesting if the whole place is fully populated by demonkind?”
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“More creatures to do my bidding. Easy as that.“
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"Would it be interesting if the whole place is fully populated by demonkind?"
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styxnbrimstones · 3 years
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       “ okay, now i really am starting to get concerned about all the demons & undead here. especially with this party goin’ on. ”
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“Demons and undead? Aren’t you forgetting something way more important?“
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styxnbrimstones · 3 years
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“If you have the weapons and someone you want to see beaten in particular. I have some time.” -he holds up the hula hoop looking deadpan. He sees an opportunity here, though. It’s the only reason why he’s bothering. That and he wanted a closer look at this weird dude.-
“As you can see I’m a bit shy in that regard.” 
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“S’not my job. Look at you, your stature and form. Aren’t you some type of warrior? A pawn in some warlord’s scheme for local domination that will have no meaning in the near distance future? Isn’t there another warrior whomst you have a possible blood feud with?“ 
He eyes the hula hoop and grimaces. A wave of his hand signifying to the other to put the ‘weapon’ down. 
“If I wanted to see someone wave their hips around I’d ask that nice fella from Mississippi. Something about a hound dog or what not. But! If you have time then go prove yourself useful.”
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styxnbrimstones · 3 years
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“I don’t have anyone to fight, but you can watch me dance, darling.”
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“Why should I? I already have these two clowns.“ 
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“A clown? WHO ARE THEY!”
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styxnbrimstones · 3 years
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“What must a man do to get some entertain around here. Somebody should fight somebody while I watch.”
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styxnbrimstones · 3 years
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My Melody was wandering around the event; talking to random people and grabbing snacks when she came across them. She was also wearing a little pink dress, because this was a party!!
While munching on one of the soiree’s fancy cupcake’s she wandered over to the corner where Hades was lurking. She chose to plop herself down right next to him, for some reason. “This cupcake is cherry, but my favorite is almond. This is still good fancy food though. You want a bite?” She held up the half-eaten treat towards Hades.
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He grimaces. Both at this utterly adorable bunny thing and at the extremely sweet concoction held in her hand. Normally he’s used to honey, dates, figs, and the like but the dessert of this world was far more sweet than what he was used to. He stared at the cupcake offered to him and grabbed it gingerly between his clawed fingers. 
He held up the cupcake to his eye level and watched the glaze of the icing and the pores of the cake. The delightful wrapper holding it in place. Again with gentle fingers he peeled away at the wrapper and tossed it on the floor. Staring at the cupcake again he moved it to his lips and gave it a small licks. 
“Ugh disgusting!” 
And with that he immolated the cupcake turning it into a crisp husk of its forever self. Smiling with delight Hades takes a another bite, enjoying the bitter note of burnt cupcake as dusts of soot and ash fall to his chin. 
“Now that’s better! See, burnt is better.”
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styxnbrimstones · 3 years
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A hero? The vessel shook their head in disagreement. They weren’t a hero at all; not when they had failed their duty, not when they couldn’t even free more of their siblings from the Abyss without dying in their attempt to get back there.
They couldn’t say they liked the patronizing tone in this guy’s voice, either. It made them want to swat him away with the back of their sword as he squatted down in front of them. Especially with the heat coming off of his head… it didn’t make them feel comfortable or safe near him at all. They took a few steps back, notably still silent.
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“What? No words? Do I make you scared? Instil fear into your heart?“
Head thrown back as Hades breaks out into raucous laughter. A slap across his thigh as he final calms down, a clawed hand reaching forward to the bug as he attempts to give them a reassuring head pat...Head scritch? 
“Don’t be scared little one. Come closer...I don’t burn. Much.”
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