subeanie · 7 years
Cherry Balm
I was inspired so this is for my faves @nctsummer and @seojo
Most people thank God when it’s Friday and most of the time, I am one of those people. But an unpleasant incident at work involving a three year old and one too many cake pops paired with a very nice but very prompt bus driver resulted in a wheezing university student with a side cramp slumped on the bus stop bench, watching despairingly as the vehicular pollutant rolled away. Once the blood had stopped rushing to my head and my breathing was slightly less than erratic, I realized three things; one, I’d missed the last bus back to campus; two, I was not the only breathless patron on this dingy bench; and three, it was beginning to rain. Ever guarded, I straightened my posture and cut a side glance to my right, where the heavy breather was rubbing his face tiredly, tousled hair hanging messily over his face. A few ounces of pepper spray, disguised as chapstick, hung securely from my key chain if needed. The boy, gangly and light, pushed his mop of hair off his forehead and I uttered, “Oh,” “Hi, Y/N.” I licked my lips, thinking of the real cherry lip balm hidden somewhere in my backpack, and offered a timid smile and a little wave. “Uh, hey,” He nodded to the steady patter of rain outside of our little glass and metal haven. “Talk about great timing.” Normally I am not the vengeful type, but suddenly I was cursing the bratty toddler for vomiting at the end of my shift. “We’ve got some good luck.” I refused to look directly at him but it was hard to miss the way his lips curled into a playful smile that said he definitely didn’t feel unlucky. “Tell me about it.” Johnny Seo bussed tables at an Italian joint downtown and occasionally we caught the same bus back to campus and sat near each other during our econ lecture. And it was very possible that when Irene repeatedly begged me to accompany her to a party I caved (mostly to cease her whining) and maybe unknowingly drank too much of the punch (it was delicious and fruity and apparently spiked? Who knew?) and perhaps Johnny Seo asked me to dance and somehow I did not adamantly refuse. It’s also very likely that I tripped over his feet and ended up pressed even closer to his chest and then we might’ve made out casually. I was trying very hard not to reminisce in the heated, broken memories of his skillful mouth as I reapplied the chapstick when he cleared his throat. “So...wanna split a cab?” I sat up impossibly straighter. “I, um, my friend has a car? If you want to...like, c-carpool?” My voice was terribly squeaky at the end and I had never hated myself more. “If your friend doesn’t mind, then...yeah. That would be nice.” Belatedly I realized that said friend with a car was none other than Irene. “WITH JOHNNY???” She squawked through the phone after I explained the situation. I winced at her uncontrolled volume and he offered a sympathetic glance. “It’s cold and rainy and getting dark so hurry up.” I said in a flat voice. “Please,” I added as an afterthought. “Maybe he can give you his jacket. That would be the gentlemanly thing to do. And he is pretty gentlemanly, I didn’t see any wandering hands or hickeys last weekend so-” I ended the call. He looked at me, eyebrows raised. “She’ll be here in fifteen.” I told him, hoping that he couldn’t see the way my cheeks flushed underneath the dingy light of the street lamp. “That sounds like enough time to recap our bonding experience and plan a first date, if you’re so inclined.” I whipped around to face him, eyes wide. “WHAT?” He blinked and smiled bashfully, mumbling, “Well, at least I hope you’re inclined because things between us could be, like, good, and you said you had a crush on me and I’ve really been digging you so I thought maybe I should ask and pray that you say yes? Like I know you were tipsy but chemistry is chemistry, right?” Johnny’s voice cracks a little and it occurs to me that this wasn’t the breezy confidence with which he always carried himself. He was anxious, and somehow I was the cause of his wavering self esteem. “Are you okay?” I blurted out, face still red, head reeling. The sky continued its torrential downpour but I could really only hear my heart thudding madly in chest. He laughed lightly. “I have some serious butterflies, to put it romantically.” He arched his eyebrow and fixed me with a sober look that made me inhale sharply. “But really, Y/N, I like you. I want to get to know you better. And teach you how to dance.” After a pause, he grinned and added, “And make out with you some more.” My jaw dropped a little. He scooted over and tapped the bottom of my chin. I snapped my mouth close. Johnny towered over me, even seated, so he had to lean down and into my bubble to hear my softly spoken, “Okay.” He didn’t even ask a question but somehow his rambling posed more inquiries than we could ever decipher. In a decidedly affectionate gesture, he cupped my cheeks. “Cute.” “CUTE WHAT DO YOU MEAN CUTE I AM-” “Really, painfully cute and you make my heart go boom boom.” Swiftly, he leaned down to brush his lips against mine, gently rubbing the pad of his thumb against my cheek and I actually sighed- it was all I could do to not go limp. “I think you’re going to kill me.” I muttered, blushing fiercely. “Funny, because you make me feel very much alive.” I groaned.
“So did he end up giving you his coat?” Taeyong piqued, thoroughly enjoying his newly purchased highlighter set as he went through our bio notes. “He did.” Irene piped up from where she took up too much room on my bed. “Soon he’ll be giving her d-” “A diamond ring, yes, of course.” Taeyong mutters, disinterested.
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