subetaconfesses · 8 months
do new players know about the jessi-doxxing-people saga? pepperidge farm remembers.
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subetaconfesses · 8 months
the subeta relationships forum section makes me feel so bad even though i don't know any of the people involved. i have a real problem with too much empathy. i've even felt bad for an ha before. it's embarrassing.
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subetaconfesses · 8 months
the cw queue gets more attention to detail the the official art does at this point lmao. that misspelled backdrop was embarrassing.
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subetaconfesses · 9 months
it's hilarious to me seeing people act like staff is going to actually do something super careful and sensitive and woke with nori and mori when staff is basically a bunch of 2010 edgy snark blog writers all day every day licking their mustache finger tattoos before they type
I sat on this one for months to see if you would end up being right, and I'm happy to say that you were not.
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subetaconfesses · 9 months
idea: subeta should add the option for gold account users and/or subscribers to get to vote on the next boutique line concept added out of the options staff is considering, I think this would be a really nice perk!
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subetaconfesses · 9 months
I'm thinking about quitting the whole commission thing because people for real think they're being very clear on the details of what they want when they're not AT all and then they get sorta lowkey offended when I press for more. You want a cherry blob overlay, except its strawberry? SO like an actual strawberry with eyes, or the color of a strawberry, or WHAT? Am I missing something
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subetaconfesses · 9 months
whether that tumblr freak was lying or not about a terf being on staff, it is weird that there's two lesbian flags available on subeta and one of them is specifically one that has been overwhelmingly taken over by terfs.
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subetaconfesses · 9 months
when will we get the tile game baaaaaaaaack i loved procrastinating with it so much
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subetaconfesses · 10 months
I ended up finding out about Subeta through a case I worked on. It had nothing to do with the person's death but I checked out their forum posts just in case and joined a few months later.
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subetaconfesses · 10 months
i don't see the point of having literally multiple stores of gross-out foods. for every new cake or sandwich we get ten CANNIBAL BUTT MUFFINS and ANUS STEAKS and FINGER FUCK PUS PUCKS and literally no one on the site wants this
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subetaconfesses · 10 months
hot take but from a design perspective i think neopets' actual pets are nicer. subeta pets often really crowd the 200x200 space they're given and end up in weird, contorted body shapes where your eyes don't know where to look. if it weren't for custom overlays i'd only use it as a dressup site tbh
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subetaconfesses · 10 months
subeta users are charlie brown and discord messages of "you're so good at art, you should do cws!" are the football
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subetaconfesses · 10 months
i'm glad staff stopped allowing people to post about being suicidal, stuff got really disturbing sometimes and this is a site where i go to escape my problems
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subetaconfesses · 10 months
If Staff actually cared about racism, people would not be charged extra CSC to upload skin tone recolors. It is as simple as that actually. Either the site cares more about money than whether they look racist or not or there's active racism in the cw department and both are shameful.
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subetaconfesses · 10 months
second confession, i always want to tell artists who undercharge for their art that they should raise their prices but i'm scared people will get mad at me for it. i just hate seeing people probably work for way under minimum wage doing comms.
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subetaconfesses · 10 months
oky i have 2, so i'll send them in different messages. number one, i got my ex into subeta and they've become kind of popular. i'm happy for them and the breakup was mutual and no hard feelings but seeing their username pop up so much in the forum makes me miss them a lot cuz we don't talk much anymore now that they're dating someone new. i send them anonymous gifts sometimes and they always thank anon. i don't think they know it's me but i'm happy i can still make them smile for even a second
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