suburbanmystic · 4 years
Fruit of the Spirit
AGAPE: the first fruit, called "agape" in Greek, is love. This is a pure love - freely given with nothing expected in return. This is the kind of unconditional love God has for His children.
CHARA: the second fruit of the spirit is joy. This is not mere happiness, which is fleeting and dependent on circumstances. This is joy found only in the LORD, and is everlasting.
EIRENE: the third fruit is peace. This is the peace found in salvation. This is serenity no matter one's lot in life due to trust in the LORD.
MAKROTHUMIA: after peace is the fruit of patience. Exodus 34:6 describes the Father as "slow to anger and rich in kindness and fidelity." This is what every Christian should strive for.
CHRESTOTES: kindness is the next fruit. This involves acting for the good of people regardless of what they do.
AGATHOSUNE: meaning goodness, agathosune involves virtue and morality. As Christians, we must strive to be of exemplary character.
PISTIS: this fruit is faithfulness. This is faithfulness in the LORD - believing, confiding, and trusting in Him.
PRAUTES: also translated as "meekness," this is the fruit of gentleness. We are to be gentle with those who sin or wrong us. This is not weakness.
ENKRATEIA: the final fruit is self-control. This requires mastery over ourselves - both our thoughts and behavior.
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