It all depends on your budget
It's beyond the scope of this article to show you how to write a good story. But know that it's worth the skull sweat to learn how to write (or tell) a good story.Their first order of business was to form an Executive Committee made up of the new owners, replete with a hand-picked CEO, CFO and a General Manager-none of whom knew anything about marketing.First, if you're familiar with ink sets, you likely know that in digital printing - direct to fabric or substrate - that you would use a CMYK color set to produce a 4CP (four color process, or full color) print on anything from static cling decals to corrugated plastic to vinyl or cloth fabric banners (the latter, IMO, is inferior to dye sub printing on polyester banner material).I could go on, but I believe you get the point here. There is also a single piece polyester fabric that has a blockout layer integral to the fabric, but it makes the fabric just toward light gray, so we rarely recommend that fabric if bright colors are used in your design. A black and white print would work OK with this type of fabric, but we recommend a 3-piece construction as it looks better, and is much more wind resistant.Fabric banners can be made from screen-printed fabrics or dye sublimation printed polyester fabrics. Our bias is toward dye sublimation printed polyester fabric banners as they are affordable and last a long time. They can be done both single and double sided, with a "silver blocker" lightweight fabric between the two pieces of fabric to eliminate shadowing.According to DM News, a recent study showed that 98% of consumers get their mail from the mailbox the day it's delivered, and 77% go through it immediately.I can't speak for other flag banner wholesalers, but I would think most will. We do. Dumb companies make sure marketing is kept under thumbs of bean counters, bureaucrats and other self-important blow-hard fools, who seem to forget where the money comes from.Buyer. These are made up of actual people who bought from the company. For example, Gurney's Seed & Nursey Catalog buyers is a list of all the people who bought from their catalog. As you can see, these are some of the very best names you could mail to. But there's another type which if handled correctly are the absolute most profitable list could mail to and this list is called...Did you know, good story telling has a place at the marketing table as well? Yep. And it's no surprise that great marketing and great story telling go hand in hand.Keep a diary on your daily happenings. At the end of the day, write down the good, bad, ugly things going on in your life. First, stories boost your credibility. Think about it: before you can tell a good story, you need to know your stuff. You are instantly more believable when your expertise is highlighted in a story.Polyester Flag Banner PrintingHowever, a flag on a pole, like a country or state flag, has an average life of 6 to 12 months. A banner flag tacked to a wall may last years, though, as the wind will have little affect. On the north side of a building, this banner may last five or ten years. On the south side, west side, or east side, the sun will reduce that banner flag's longevity, maybe up to 50% or more.Unlike DTF (direct-to-fabric) printing, our printers use the "dye sublimation" printing method, which uses a CMYO dye set (that stands for Cyan-Magenta-Yellow-Clear) rather that the traditional CMYK (that stands for the same thing except the K is black whereas the O is clear, but they ultimately both end up black). Pros in this biz hate to admit it, but it's better to have a good list with "OK" writing skills and a poor product than it is to be top-shelf copywriter with a hot product, sent to the wrong list.Yeah, I know the drill all too well. "I tried direct mail and it don't work and it's expensive."Continuation/Usage List. This provides very valuable details to help you decide if you should rent the list or not. This shows you which other mailers have used the list. Oftentimes it's broken into those who have tested the list and those who have continued the list.There is also a single piece polyester fabric that has a blockout layer integral to the fabric, but it makes the fabric just toward light gray, so we rarely recommend that fabric if bright colors are used in your design. A black and white print would work OK with this type of fabric, but we recommend a 3-piece construction as it looks better, and is much more wind resistant. For starters, when you get a mailing list you're renting the list, not buying it. Typically, it's rented for a one-time usage. Sometimes you work out other terms like unlimited usage.And in case you're wondering, internet companies such as Google rely on this marketing channel to get businesses to advertise with them.First, you won't find a more reliable and robust system to get your message out to your clients and prospects.As the paper and fabric enter the heated and pressurized rollers, the dye on the paper (due to the heat) is converted to a gaseous dye, whilst the cells within the poly-fabric, simultaneously, open like a flower in the sun, and the dye infuses the cell with color, which then closes up with the color in the cells as the fabric cools. All wholesaler's sell below consumer price levels, which is what the base definition of a wholesaler is, but as you can see, there are many variations on that business model, and it is up to the individual businesses to decide how to implement themselves in this type of market.Compiled (from pubic records, warranty cards, etc.)The pole pocket will have to do with the banner's overall size, but typically, a two inch vertical pole pocket height will be enough to accommodate 95% of the horizontal banner poles in the market place.Mainly fiberglass, aluminum, or steel for the pole, and usually aluminum or steel for the base and strapping. Our company, for instance, distributes for various manufacturers that do not issue wholesale contracts for protected territories, so there is no need for any type of licensing.Pole banners should last, on average, 2-3 years or longer. However, the sun, wind, and weather will affect longevity negatively, so professional installation is a must where wind and weather are concerned. Sunny climates will reduce the life expectancy of any pole banners, vinyl or polyester.They may want the engineering department to make sure the poles are strong enough to handle the wind load, similar to the engineering required for flag poles in general. 1134
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