sudarhospital-blog · 5 years
What is Orthopedic surgery, How the Sudar hospital help for Orthopedic surgery.
 Orthopedics is a department of medical sciences that deals with the skeletal system of the human body. Whether it is a minor hairline fracture or an entire reconstruction, anything that deals with the bones in the human body will come under orthopedics. There are specific doctors who have specialized in the field. They are the ones who carry out all the surgery procedures. The orthopedic surgeries exist in different scales from the simplest ones to the most complicated ones. One of the interesting facts about the department of orthopedics is that it is the one that has to perform a lot of surgeries.  
Sudar Hospital’s Orthopedics
The department of orthopedics at Sudar hospital is considered to be one of the best in the best in the country. It has all the state-of-the-art machineries, and experienced professionals. Our track record of successful surgeries is an evident testimony of our capabilities and expertise in the field of orthopedics. We make sure that everything is properly maintained and update ourselves in every aspect to provide the patients the best of our capabilities. Sudar Hospital’s orthopedic department is a renowned name that has earned the trust of people with their hard work and dedication throughout the years. 
The doctors
The very reason why the orthopedic department of Sudar Hospital in Chrompet has become a renowned and reliable name is because of the dedication, hard work and the expertise of the doctors. Everyone has made sure to take an extra effort in the well-being of the patients. They have always made sure to give their best no matter what. Even the surgeries that considered to be very complicated in various hospitals are easily performed at Sudar with absolute ease and perfection. All of the doctors at Sudar’s orthopedic department have a lot of experience and they are involved in various researches.
Their extensive research in the field is one of the reasons why they are able to render some exceptional services. As a hospital we are really proud that we have some the best professionals in the world working along with us.  If there is something called being the best in what they do, the orthopedic department of Sudar Hospital is one place where you can literally witness it. For many people our doctors are not just doctors. They are considered Gods. It is because the impact that they have created in their lives is something that cannot be explained in words. It would not be an understatement to say that thousands of people from all over the country have benefitted by getting treated at Sudar Hospital in Tambaram.
Other medical professionals
We all know for a fact that it is not just the doctors who can make things work. Even though the work of the doctors plays an important role, there is also other professionals who play a very prominent role in the treatment procedure. Few of them include nurses, dieticians, physiotherapists, and lot of others. Their professionalism and their dedication is something that deserves a special mention. Their part in making Sudar Hospital a reliable name is really huge. It is an undeniable fact that without their service, dedication and loyalty Sudar Hospital will not be what it is today. The medical professionals are very reason why we are able to render holistic treatment. It not just about medicines. The vibe that they have with every patient is very personal. The way every patient is treated will give them confidence and will give them will power. This will definitely have a positive impact in the treatment procedure.  We make sure that we recruit people who are willing to go that extra mile for ther sake of patients. This is why everyone in our ortho facility is exceptional in their own way. We can assure anyone that it will be a something that you have never witnessed or heard of anywhere in the world. The whole Sudar Hospital Department is filled with talents whose dedication levels are way beyond the levels of imagination. For us patients come first everything else can take the backseat on our lives.
As mentioned earlier we have the state-of-the-art facilities in our orthopedic department. Our uncompromising attitude when it comes to the quality, is one of the main reasons why have the best of everything. We are very particular that the name Sudar should be very synonymous with good quality. No matter what we will not compromise at any cost. This the one of the reasons why Sudar Hospital orthopedic department is considered to be one of the best in the country. We are very much aware of the fact that the world is growing day in and day out in the field of health care. Hece we are very conscious that we need to keep updating our knowledge and the facilities so that we can render world class treatment to every parent that is stepping foot in the hospital.
Research at Sudar Hospitals
We have a dedicated team of enthusiastic people who are working day and night in the field of orthopedics. They have presented their research papers in the many international forums and it was also published in many magazines. Our research team is so dedicated to finding a cure for many ailments and they they make sure to push their limits on a daily basis. Their extensive research has contributed a lot for the improving our treatment across different verticals. Their work in specific subjest has actually put us in international standards. This is why people from all over the world approach Sudar Hospital for their medical treatment. When it comes to medical tourism, especially in field of orthopedics Sudar Hospitals is one of the most preferred names in many countries.  
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sudarhospital-blog · 5 years
Type of surgeries performed in Sudar Hospitals
Type of surgeries performed in Sudar Hospitals
It would not be an understatement to say that “Human Life is Invaluable”. We at Sudar Hospitals have immense faith in this quote and we stand by it. The uncompromising attitude in quality at Sudar Hospitals, is the evident reflection of our belief. 
Surgery is considered to be the last resort when it comes to curing ailments. Hence, we make it a point to perform the finest quality surgeries with experienced surgeons. Our services are not just limited to eminent professionals. The state-of-the-art facilities, especially in our surgical section plays a very prominent role in having a high success rate.
Our expertise is not just confined to limited departments in medicine. We are skilled and dedicated to render unparalleled services in various departments. There are perceptions that only a few names in the health care sector that are capable of providing all kinds of services and do all kinds of surgeries. But the truth is there are a lot of hospitals that provide exceptional services in all departments in medicine. One of those names is Sudar Hospitals. It is a one-stop-shop where all kinds of treatments and surgeries are done.
Heart is one of the vital organs in our body. Considering the lifestyle that the predominant population is leading, it is not a huge surprise that a large number of people are suffering from different heart conditions. If the conditions were diagnosed in the earlier stages, there would not be a need for extreme measures like surgery. But the fact is that not many people do regular health check-ups. So, most of the people come to know about their condition only in the advanced stages. This inevitably leads to surgery. It is because they have exceeded the levels where things can be cured with medicines.  Our cardiology department and the experienced cardiologists are considered to be one of the best in the country. When it comes to heart surgeries Sudar Hospitals is a name that anyone can rely on.
Dental Care
When it comes to dental care people think that only the complex surgeries are considered as surgeries. But the truth is that even the simplest things like tooth removal is also considered as surgery. Our dental department is known for rendering the best services in the dental department. Most of the dental surgeries that are done in our facility are reconstruction surgeries. There are a lot of accidents happening on a daily basis. The jaws are one of the first things in the body that gets damaged. Hence, we are dealing with a lot of dental reconstruction surgeries and various other dental surgeries. Day in and day out we are proving to be one of the best in providing wholesome dental care. 
It is a well-known fact that the brain is one of the most complicated organs in the human body. Even the simplest complications will take a lot to cure. And it is very evident that the complications that are involved in brain surgery is something that cannot be explained in words. But we have some of the best neuro-surgeons who are capable of performing some of the most complicated surgeries. Our neurosurgeons have proved their capability. The track record is an evident testimony of the above-mentioned facts. We have some of the finest facilities to perform even the most complicated neurosurgeries. Our excellence in the field is actually made Sudar Hospitals a reliable name when it neurosurgeries and other treatments for neurological disorders. 
It would not be an understatement to say that of all the departments that the orthopaedic department has performed many surgeries. It is a well-known fact that the fractures can be treated easily. But there are complicated major fractures That will require surgeries for complete recovery. These surgeries might sound very simple. But the fact is that is it very complicated and they are complicated. It requires a lot of experience and expertise to make these surgeries. The entire orthopaedic department is filled with a lot of eminent doctors who are capable of rendering some extraordinary services. In the entire country, Sudar Hospitals has one of the biggest orthopaedic specialty centres that has literally changed the lives of thousands of people. When the rest of the hospitals has lost faith, our doctors have stood up have performed critical ortho surgeries that impacted the lives of people in a way that cannot be explained in words. 
Nowadays, the new born and little children are getting affected by a lot of complex diseases. There are few that can be diagnosed in the earlier stages and hence it can be treated with the appropriate treatment. At the same time, there a few that cannot be treated with medicines and surgeries are the only option. Treating a child is not an easy thing. The complexity involved in the entire process is way beyond the levels of imagination. Hence we have made sure to bring in the best in the business when it comes to paediatric surgery. Every doctor and every professional in the paediatric department make sure to go that extra mile to make sure every step that is taking is well planned. This is one of the main reasons our paediatric department is exceptional in every aspect. 
Medical Tourism
Gone are the times when people used to travel abroad for getting treatment for many body conditions. The tables have turned. Now people from all over the world are travelling to India for medical purposes. When it comes to South India Sudar Hospital in Tambaram is one of the most preferred and trusted names. We have performed many complex surgeries to people who are traveling for medical treatments. As a hospital, we make sure to render the finest quality of services to people who have trusted us and travelled a long distance believing in us.
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sudarhospital-blog · 5 years
How Should Low Blood Pressure Go?
How Should Low Blood Pressure Go?
A few decades ago, people would be really surprised if you have blood pressure. But now after a certain age, people are really surprised if you do not have blood pressure. It is a very sad fact that we have reached a point where certain diseases have become inevitable. Even after a lot of advancements in the field of health care, we are still not able to find a cure for some for ailments. But at the same time, it is not a surprise that many people are being affected by these kinds of body conditions. It is because of the lifestyle and lack of physical activity.
But blood pressure is not the kind of body condition that happens overnight. There are actually a lot of factors that contribute to the occurrence of high blood pressure.
High Salt Content in Diet
According to experts, one of the main reasons for high blood pressure is the high salt content in our diet. This is the reason why doctors advise people to lessen the salt content in their diet when they are diagnosed with blood pressure. Lessening the salt content in the diet will definitely have a positive impact. There will an evident difference as the blood pressure levels will definitely decrease up to a considerable level. Having low salt content will also indirectly help in weight loss.
If you are thinking that being overweight is just an issue with the appearance you are absolutely wrong. The fact is that overweight is the reason for many body issues. The most important and the very common among them is the increase in blood pressure. If you feel that you are being overweight make sure that you take all the necessary steps to reduce the weight as much as possible. This is not just high blood pressure. Reducing weight will also contribute to your personal health in many ways. At the same time, it is important that you lose weight in a healthy way. It is because there are a lot of unhealthy ways through which weight can be reduced. These unhealthy ways might seem to be effective in the present. But there are good possibilities that it will have a negative impact in the long run. Overweight and blood pressure go hand in hand.
Alcohol Consumption
We need to accept the bitter fact that alcohol consumption has become very common nowadays. To be frank it is no longer considered to be a bad habit. Many people have this perception that consuming alcohol is not a bad thing and it is more of a way to enjoy life. Enjoyment in life is important. But that enjoyment should not have any kind of negative effect on your health. There is actually a constant increase in the number of people who are consuming alcohol. Consuming alcohol not just increases the blood pressure, but it also weakens your body and affects various other parts. But it would be better if you get rid of that particular habit. Things might not happen overnight. But a little bit of progress every day is all that is needed to completely come out of it.
Smocking has now become a fad. The funniest part about smoking is that each and every person who is smocking is very much aware of the fact that is causes life-threatening diseases. Even after all this, the predominant people are not able to quit it. It is also because these people are actually addicted to it. There are actually a few who think that smoking is a stress buster. The best example would be people who are in stressful jobs. Every time when they are stressed they come out and have a smoke and go. An increase in blood pressure is just the initial effect of smoking. We all know what are the other things that smoking can lead to.  
Lack of physical activity
The calories that we consume must be burned. There was a time when human lifestyle had a lot of physical activities on a daily basis. But we have reached a point where we need to spend some separate time to indulge in physical activity. The accumulation of unburned calories will definitely lead to a lot of health issues. One among that can last for a lifetime is the increase in blood pressure. Indulging in some sort of physical activity is definitely one of the best and easiest ways to prevent an increase in blood pleasure. If your life is all about riding a bike to work, sitting all day in front of the computer and again come back home, there are very good possibilities that you will get high blood pressure.
There are a lot of things in today’s world that contribute a lot to the increase in the stress levels. Most of the youngsters, especially the ones who are working in the private sector have to deal with high stress on a daily basis. According to stats being stressed is considered to be one of the rapidly growing factors for high blood pressure. For different people there are different stress busters. One of the healthiest ways to reduce your stress levels is yoga. To put things in a funny way “Just keep calm and avoid high blood pressure”.
Acceptable levels of blood sugar
When it comes to blood pressure there are two levels. The upper limit and the lower limit. The normal blood pressure levels can be somewhere between 120/80 to 140/89. If it exceeds that level it is considered to be high blood pressure. If  it comes below that is considered to be low blood pressure. So if you are feeling abnormal or something make sure that check your blood pressure levels at Best Hospitals in Tambaram and act accordingly.  
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sudarhospital-blog · 5 years
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sudarhospital-blog · 5 years
Cancer Treatment and what is the benefits of coming to Sudarhospital for Cancer Treatment.
Cancer Treatment and what is the benefits of coming to Sudarhospital for Cancer Treatment.
It is really weird that we are not taking cancer such a huge thing right now. It is now because a cure is found or something of that sort. It is entirely because it has become more common and people have become accustomed to it. There were a time only chain smokers and people who work in hazardous environment used to get cancer. But now that is not the case. Every random person si being affected by cancer. It mainly because of the highly polluted environment and our unhealthy lifestyle that we are leading on a regular basis.
If you consider smoking there are a lot of factors that contribute to people getting affected by cancer. Some of the important factors include
We all know that smoking plays a very important in causing cancer. The direct interaction of tobacco with the lungs and with body has very harmful effects which ultimately leads to cancer. The worst part about this is that all the people who are smoking are very well aware of the fact that smoking causes cancer. It does not just affect the people who are smoking, it also affects who is standing nearby the smokers. They become passive smokers. There is no other way that it can be prevented except to give up this unhealthy habit.
When we say smoking it nit just limited to smoking cigarettes. Usage of tobacco in any form will definitely affect your body. And if it reaches the advanced stages it will definitely cause cancer. As days are progressing use marijuana is also increasing steadily. That is very different league addiction and people who are so much into it are really finding it difficult to get over it. So make sure that you distance yourself from the use of tobacco in any form.
Awareness Programs
Sudar Hospitals is extremely concerned about the public and we have done a lot of things that would help them in one way or the other. As a part of our social service program, we make it a point to conduct some cancer awareness program which we believe will have an impact in the minds of people. Educating them not to involve in unhealthy practices and also letting them know in detail about cancer will give them the minimum knowledge about cancer.
It is a saddening fact that there is no cure for cancer. But there are treatments that can arrest the growth of cancer cells. When it comes to cancer we have come a long way. Researchers have found a lot of things that are contributing to make the lives of many people a blissful one. At this very moment, there is constant research going on to and we can expect a drug for cancer cure in the near future. Different kinds of treatment are offered to different kinds of cancer. Most of the hospitals in the developed countries have amazing facilities and Sudar Hospitals is definitely one among them. We say it with absolute confidence that we have the state of the facilities to provide the cancer patients the best treatment possible. We put people’s lives first and hence we make it a point to go that extra mile and do everything in our strength to offer the best.
Cancer Specialty
We have a specific department for cancer treatment. It is considered to be one of the best in the country. This is the reason why people from all over the come to Sudar Hospitals for treating cancer. It is not just about the facilities that we have. We all know just have the modern facilities won’t fetch anything. Our medical professionals and experienced doctors are giving their best to make some sort of difference in the lives of people. Even though the treatment that we offer is exceptional in every aspect the way we approach every patient is also very different. We at Sudar Hospitals consider every patient as a part of our family. This is why our services are not just limited to providing the right diagnosis and right treatment. We make sure that every one of us connects to every patient at a personal level and boost up their mental strength which is one of the most important aspects
We have an uncompromising attitude when it comes to quality. This the main reason why we are able to provide exceptional services in the health care sector and become one of the most prominent names in the country. As a reflection of our attitude to provide the best to our patients we have tie-up with a lot of other doctors across the country. We are connected with foreign doctors who are well experienced in cancer treatment. It is also a reason why we are able to promise the best of everything. We have flown in doctors from various parts of the world to offer special treatments to various people. There are only very few in the country that render these kinds of services and we are honored that the name Sudar Hospitals also comes in that list.
Research Team
We have a dedicated research team that is pushing the limits to find a solution for cancer. This research team consists of energetic youngsters and well-experienced doctors. This group of intellectuals has represented the Sudar Hospitals in Tambaram and the country at many international stages. Their papers have been published in many renowned journals and in many websites. Their contribution to cancer research is something that cannot be explained in words. Their dedication and progress throughout these years is literally out of the world. We don’t want to play the humble game here because we are really proud of the contributions that we made in the field of cancer research and treatment in our country.
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sudarhospital-blog · 5 years
Benefits of Gas detection Equipment
Benefits of Gas detection Equipment
Gas detection equipment are the ones that are used to detect the presence of gas. This equipment is mostly used in the safety systems. It plays an integral in the oil and gas industry. In most of the cases, it is used to detect the leakage of gases and various gas emissions. There are no second thoughts on the fact that this equipment is nothing less than a boon. Their contribution to safety in high-risk jobs is enormous. This equipment is mandatory in many industries to ensure the safety of the workers. It does not take a lot of brains to understand the importance of gas detection equipment. It is because it is basically saving lives of many. Now that we know what are gas detection equipment, we will now see in detail the benefits of gas detection equipment.
Industrial Safety
It very evident that safety which is offered by the gas detection equipment is the biggest benefit. To put is the simplest way it is life and death matter. If it was not gas detection equipment thousands of people would have been dead right now because of various industrial accidents. There are a lot of industries that demand a lot of safety measures. Even the smallest mistakes will lead to many catastrophic events. No matter how careful people are mistakes are inevitable. We are humans at the end of the day. In most of the cases, the gases that are used in many industries are hazardous to health. Even though all the safety measures are taken to prevent the gas from leaking and creating any kind of damage, there are possibilities that things not working properly. There are some gases that you can detect just with your senses. But at the same time there are a lot of harmful gases the does not have any smell or color. But they will be very poisonous and injurious to human health. In some cases, it might also take things to extreme levels. All of these hazardous and life-threatening situations can be easily avoided with the help of gas detection equipment.
Domestic Safety
Cooking gas is one of the things that we use on a daily basis. You cannot deny the fact that there are good possibilities that things might go wrong because of our distraction and lethargies. It is necessary to tell what will be the end result. It necessarily need not be your mistake. You cannot deny the possibility of things going wrong with the connections, gas stove and other devices associated with it. If there is a gas detection device in the house you need not be stressed about anything. It is because they will notify you if there is any leakage in the gas line. With this notification, you can take the necessary steps to prevent any big accidents happening in your households. The latest devices are really advanced. They are capable of even turning off the gas supply if they detect any gas leakage.
Manufacturing sector
When it comes to manufacturing sector different industries use different gases. For example, even the simplest soda manufacturing needs carbon dioxide. Hence different industries need different kinds of gases according to their manufacturing needs. Carbon dioxide, in general, is not a very harmful gas. But if there is a gas leak in the industry their will considerable loss for the company. This can be applied to any manufacturing sector. It is because in one way or the other industries use different types of gases. To avoid monitory loss this gas detection equipment is installed. This gas detection equipment acts like sensors and notify people if there is any gas leak in that particular place. If notified then the required actions can be taken and further loss can be prevented. The benefit of a gas detection device is not just confined to that. In many manufacturing processes, there will be some unwanted gas with the end product. For the product to be perfect there are certain situations where the gases need to be totally removed and there are situations when a particular level of gas need to present. With the help of gas detection equipment, both can be achieved. It is because the latest gas detection devices are advanced in all the aspects that you could think of. They not just detect the gases they also measure the gases that are present. This feature comes in hand in many situations. It would not be an understatement to say that most of the manufacturing industries will not be able to function without gas detection equipment. They contribute a lot in terms of safety and also in terms of production. Whatever that is mentioned above is just the crust of it. If we take a deep dive you will really surprise with the applications of gas detection equipment.
Research Purposes
There are good possibilities that many might have thought that how would a gas detection equipment help in research. The truth is that it has a lot of benefits and numerous applications. When it comes to research different kinds of gases are used for various experiments. Both dangerous and simple gases are used in various experiments. We are absolutely sure that the predominant population has been to chemistry lab in their school. If you have been there you know what is the importance of preciseness. Even a single drop of extra addition will make things different and there will be an unexpected result. The same can be applied for gases. If there are doing any experiments for research purposes it is mandatory that the right gases should be added with the perfect quantity. If not, things will work in the other way. These gas detection equipment helps to add the perfect amounts which will help in ending up with different results.
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sudarhospital-blog · 5 years
We at Sudar understand that your nerves are important. It is for this reason that fearlessness is referred to as nerves of steel. Our expert neurosurgeons are always available at your service and in all premises,so you can experience the best neurological care. Our doctors are available even for a consultation! Just drop into anyone offer centres to experience the best in class neurological care.
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sudarhospital-blog · 5 years
What do we know about Neurology and What are the symptoms of a neurological disease? and how to cure it?
Neural networks and many replications and manifestations of the human nervous system have been taking the world of technology by storm. It is not surprising that a lot of innovative organisations that have achieved the unthinkable in the field of technology always relate and compare these achievements to the functionality and awesomeness of the human brain.
The human brain is one of the most complicated machines and computing systems that we often take for granted. It might not be easy for us to even think about how the world would be if we do not have a developed brain. The brain can process so many signals from so many different sensory perceptions that is beyond the understanding of the human brain, ironically!
This complex communication system is affected by a set of tissues called nervous. These nerves are connected to many parts of the body and b take care to send little electrical signals that communicate the intended message to the brain, and the brain sends a certain set of signals that help the intended body part take a specific action. If a fielder seas an approaching ball from the skies, the eyes communicate it to the brain, and the brain communicate to hands to manipulate the parameters of the approach and take the catch.
It would surely be a problem if this complex and vital sensory system of nerves of human beings is affected. This lack of optimal functioning of the nervous system can either be physical or psychological. There have been a lot of neurological problems that have been identified including but not limited to Parkinson's disease and stroke.
In addition to this, there are also a lot of abstract nervous diseases like autism and depression. The best news that can be received at this juncture is that most of the nerve disorders are completely treatable. 
There are a few basic precautionary measures that you need to take to protect your nervous system and keep your life free from any nerve disorders. The first is to have adequate amounts of alkali metals like sodium and potassium as a part of your diet. These minerals help in optimizing the functionality of your nerves and it goes a great deal in protecting your nervous system. 
More than this, it is important to keep your life free from unwanted worries. A mind that is clutter free will not be easily susceptible to passive diseases like depression.
We at Sudar hospital understand that your nerves are important. It is for this reason that fearlessness is referred to as nerves of steel. Our expert neurosurgeons are always available at your service and in all premises,so you can experience the best neurological care. Our doctors are available even for a consultation! Just drop into anyone offer centers to experience the best in class neurological care in selaiyur.
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sudarhospital-blog · 5 years
We at Sudar Hospitals deem it our responsibility to put back the smile on your face in its best quality. It is for this precise reason that we have state of the art dental facility in our premises. You can get in touch with our team of dental experts to treat your cavities or any other tooth ailment that you have!
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sudarhospital-blog · 5 years
Why do teeth get cavities? What is the treatment for this cavity?
One of the most basic needs of humankind or any living organism is food. Food comes in all forms and all sizes. Some of the food might not be physically digestible by the human digestive system. It is for this purpose of physically processing the food that the teeth have been created.
The dental units play a very important role not only in the functioning of the human body but also in structural perception. Let us understand a few basic bits of information about human dentition.
Human teeth are classified into three different types.
The     incisors cut the food.
The     canines tear the food.
The     molars grind the food.
As discussed, in addition to having a functional connotation, teeth contribute to the beauty of a smile. It is considered to be one of the most pleasing attributes of personality for any person.
One of the most common problems affecting teeth is cavity. In line with the normal meaning in the English language, cavity implies a little hole. The holes can be painless in the beginning but as the depth grows, it might tend to become painful. 
periodic dental examination might help in the prevention of cavities. Cavities is one of the most common dental diseases. It is estimated that more than 2.3 billion people have been affected by cavities, which amounts to more than 30% of the global population.
An astonishing fact about cavities is that the frequency of occurrence is higher in the developed countries. This instance of cavities can be attributed to the excessive consumption of chocolates and confectionery, and above everything, sweet aerated drinks.
As of today, there is no solid treatment for cavities. However, there are a lot of superficial remedies that can be provided for cavities. Tooth fillings and crowns can be used as temporary remedies. However, if the problem persists beyond manageable levels, it would be a good idea to go for root canal surgery.
Cavities can be prevented at all costs. Consuming the right diet, taking care of your teeth with regular brushing and flossing, and chewing xylitol chewing gum will help in preventing tooth decay!
We at Sudar Hospitals deem it our responsibility to put back the smile on your face in its best quality. It is for this precise reason that we have state of the art dental facility in our premises. You can get in touch with our team of dental experts in Sudar Hospital In Tambaram to treat your cavities or any other tooth ailment that you have!
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sudarhospital-blog · 5 years
What is Cardiology treatment and what is the benefits of coming to Sudarhospitals for Cardiology treatment?
Without question, the heart is one of the most important organs in the human body. It is constantly listed among the five vital organs that include the liver, kidneys, the brain, and the lungs.
The functionality of the heart might be limited to pumping blood to and receiving blood from different parts of the body. In addition to pumping it all through the body, the heart also takes care to pump the blood to the lungs to purify and enrich it with oxygen, and take it back to the rest of the body.
The heart is entrusted with the responsibility of nourishing the body with all the nutrients. It is only because the blood takes it to the different parts of the body that all the functions happen properly. If the heart were to stop, it would not be an exaggeration to say that is no other organ will function properly.
All these aspects make the heart one of the most important organs to take care of. There are a lot of important blood vessels that travel from the heart to the different parts of the body and from the heart to the lungs. There are even important blood vessels that facilitate the movement of blood between the chambers of the heart.
Here are a few tips that will help you take good care of your heart.
Reduce     the intake of trans fat. this kind of cholesterol has the capacity to     block the vital blood vessels which might restrict the blood flow to     different parts of the body. This will result in the heart getting choked     for its functioning.
Increase     the intensity of exercising. Exercising totally helps in toning muscles     but also gives the need for the blood to be constantly purified and     oxygenized. This would mean that the heart needs to put in more energy and     more work. Exercises, in that way, also increase the strength,     functionality and longevity of the heart.
Keep     yourself free from stress. Although stress might be an abstract factor, it     also contributes in the general will be of the heart. It is quite known     that a major chunk of the blood pumped by the heart goes into the brain,     and the brain is quite susceptible to the factors of stress and strain.     Keeping your mind free of stress through meditation and some hobbies and     even wellness-practices like yoga can help in the well-being of your     heart.
 Sudar Hospitals understands the importance of your heart and we also empathize why the symbol of love has been credited to this special organ. It is for this purpose that we have a team of highly competitive cardiologists who bring in a lot of experience in various Medical and surgical procedures related to the heart.
Our cardiologists in Sudarhospital in Selaiyur ensure that your heart stays healthy and brimming with life. Should you happen you have any questions or needs with regards to your heart health, all they need to do is just drop in at one of our promises in Tambaram or Chrompet or Selaiyur.
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