sueo21 · 2 years
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sueo21 · 3 years
I can’t help to think about Loki, meeting all a bunch oh other Lokis
He follow the three Loki’s in a fallen building and see a sort of large group of Lokis in circle
And what in the center ? Mobius jocking around about being pruned and living his first real adventure, being the softest man on earth and all Lokis, listening to him and already falling in love with this adorable man
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sueo21 · 4 years
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childhood friends in a zombie apocalypse AU? Cute:“)
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sueo21 · 4 years
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| Cr tr twt lovemazejikook gifs @mimibtsghost
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sueo21 · 4 years
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that’s pretty cheap
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sueo21 · 5 years
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Yoongi: *cuddled up and cute* What?
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BTS: How the fuck are you so cute
Yoongi: *whole blushing a bit*
Shut the fuck up
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BTS: *literally stare at him*
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Yoongi: *shy*
Hobi: *literally cries of uwu because of yoongi behind his phone*
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sueo21 · 5 years
namjoon: where's taehyung?
jungkook [stepping forward]: allow meㅡ *coughs* YOONGI-HYUNG! WILL YOU GO OUT ON A DATE WITH ME??!
taehyung [running towards them]: nOT UNTIL YOU'VE KILLED MEㅡ!!
jungkook: there he is
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sueo21 · 5 years
reblog if you think we need more of that
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sueo21 · 5 years
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Yoongi hyung is soft for the kids and I’m soft for Taegikook
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sueo21 · 5 years
Kingdom Hearts AU Where
Sora, who has now been Norted: You’re too late, Kairi. My Heart has opened to the shadows, and now the Darkness flows throughout my very being. I am no longer the Sora you once knew. Instead, I have become a vessel for—
Kairi: Oh no, Sora, nooo… that’s- that’s so… terrible… Don’t, like… KISS me or anything… that would really suck… Hoo boy… Ohhhh boy… Damn
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sueo21 · 5 years
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Scenario: When Kairi wakes up in Sora’s heart, she finds Ventus there.  I wanted to do a comic or sequence of images, but I’ll just write a little something instead :)
Keep reading
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sueo21 · 5 years
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sueo21 · 5 years
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his pretty and only slut.
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sueo21 · 5 years
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love this prompt bby!!!!
“I’m not going.”
“Yes, you are.”
“I am not.”
“You will.”
“I won’t.”
“You are insufferable!”
“And you’re crazy! I’m not going on a date with a random guy.”
“Why not?! Look at him-” she shoved her phone’s screen in front of him, “-he’s gorgeous!”
“He’s a catfish.”
“Says who?”
“Says me, North. Isn’t it obvious? That man in the photo is a god.”
“So it’s your duty to worship him. Just go already.”
“No one with that face would be single”
“You’re pretty and you’re single.”
“It doesn’t matter.” He waved his hand dismissively and scoffed. “I’m not going and there’s nothing you can say to make me do otherwise.”
Two minutes later, he was dejectedly walking out of the door of his own apartment.
“Don’t forget to give him flowers!” He heard North laugh from another room.
Markus sighed and irately shut the door behind him.
As he got into his car, he wondered about the Connor he and North met online. He was dashingly handsome and spoke eloquently. Markus hoped he wasn’t going to meet a fifty-year-old going through a midlife crisis. That would be too awkward.
What if it were a girl? That wasn’t really his area. What if the person didn’t show up? He’d just treat himself to a donut or something, then. What if he was a serial killer? Markus supposed that he’d simply pretend to be a serial killer as well to throw him off.
He arrived at the cozy coffee shop and inhaled nervously. This was going to be fun.
As he walked up to the door, he spotted a fluffy head of hair and his heart stuttered. He shook his head. It was too good to be true.
He made his way to the counter, trying his best to not look at the familiar stranger sitting in near a large window.
“One coffee, please.” He politely smiled at the blonde barista as he payed. Markus waited for his order, never glancing behind him. Why was he scared? He was used to disappointment.
The blonde handed him his order and he nervously swallowed the lump in his throat. He brought out his phone and texted his supposed date.
To: Connor  (possibly not his real name)
I’m here. Where are you?
He stood, staring at his phone, waiting for a response with bated breath. His eyes kept darting back to the stranger with the soft tufts of hair. Markus was close to dropping his cup of coffee when he saw the stranger look at his phone.
Calm down. Why are you so nervous? It’s either this goes well or you end up getting a donut. Maybe two donuts. Life is good.
“Excuse me?” He felt someone tap his shoulder behind him.
Markus jumped and turned around. “Yes-”
Oh my god.
It was him.
The gorgeous “catfish” had the audacity to smile at him. “Hello,” he said huskily, “it’s me, Connor. I’m the person you talked to on Cyberlove.”
“Oh.” Markus sincerely wished there wasn’t any drool dripping from his mouth.
Connor blinked at him. “You know, I was quite worried.” He laughed charmingly and Markus would’ve cried then and there. “I suspected that you wouldn’t have… quite matched your profile.”
“Me?!” He found his voice. “Look at you. You’re so pretty.” He wanted to kick himself. Who even says that?
“Thank you. I get that a lot.” Markus blinked. “Would you like to sit down now? I fear that your coffee is getting cold.”
Markus panicked. “I’m sure you can warm it up with your smile.”
“Sorry! I just… wanted you to think of me as cool and suave, but you surprised me.”
“Oh, that’s fine-”
“Not as fine as you, eyyyy…”
“Sorry. Let’s just sit down now.”
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sueo21 · 5 years
North: Fuck the police.
Markus: (looking at Connor) Shit North, I’m trying.
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sueo21 · 5 years
Connor:*thinking intensely*
Markus: What’s up?
Connor:…What are we?
Markus: Deviant Andro-
Connor: No. Like, are we a creature… or a thing?
Markus: Well, we’re alive so I’d say we are creatures.
Connor: Right but we’re man-made…
Markus: *thinking intensely along with Connor*
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sueo21 · 5 years
I need more 😭
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OMG I FUCKING LOVE THIS!!! Fair warning: a tiny bit dark. just how I like it.
“So,” Markus raised an eyebrow as he gently tapped the end of his gun on his henchman’s forehead, “was it you who betrayed me?”
“No!” He replied, sweat dripping down his face. “I never tipped anyone off! I swear! It was Jordan!”
Markus clicked his tongue. “I don’t really like snitches,” he sighed exaggeratedly, “they’re so annoying.”
“I’m so sorry! Don’t fucking kill me! Please!” He begged on his hands and knees as he sobbed for his life.
“I have an idea,” Markus smiled gently at the man, “I will forgive you, but you must do one thing. Do you swear your loyalty?”
“Yes! Oh, god, yes!” He looked prepared to kiss Markus’ boot. Pathetic.
“Ah, ah.” Markus shook his head as if he were talking to a child. “you need to do one thing before I forgive you.”
“Shoot off one of your fingers.”
The blood drained from the man’s face. “But I-”
“I can kill you right now, you know.” Markus gently placed his gun on the man’s hand. “However, I won’t. Everyone deserves life.” He smiled kindly. “Except, well, you’ve been a thorn on my side. I suppose you don’t deserve a finger.”
The man was shaking with fear. He stared at the weapon in his hands. Markus only watched with a pitying expression.
“Go on, then.” He softly coaxed, his pretty features showing nothing but patience. “Your wife makes the sweetest pies. We wouldn’t want anything bad happen to her, hmm?”
The man slowly brought up the gun to the level of his other hand. Tears were quickly falling down his sweaty anticipating face. “I can’t! I can’t!”
Markus softly brushed his hand on the man’s hair. “But you must.”
“Holy shit, holy fucking shit-”
The man placed his finger on the trigger and Markus smiled-
“Markus. A detective’s a the door.” The lazy voice of a young woman called out from behind them.
The godfather groaned, irritated. “I’m a bit busy, North.”
“I don’t care,” she stated, “he specifically asked for you.”
Markus glared at the man kneeling before him. With swift movements, he managed to get his gun back and have the coward groaning on the floor in pain.
“You deal with him then,” he said as he grabbed his coat.
“Fuck yeah-”
“No, no, no!” The man managed to sound out, blood steadily dripping down his nose. “I’ll fucking shoot my hand off! My dick off! Just don’t leave me alone with her.”
Markus laughed and shut the door with a loud thud.
The godfather grasped the door knob and prepared his prettiest smile.
“Hello, what can I-” he looked at the most beautiful face he has ever seen, “-…do for you?”
“Mr. Manfred,” the boyish face said politely, “I’m a detective. May I ask you a few questions?”
“Sure!” If the man, in that moment, had asked him to dance the Macarena with frosting all over his face, Markus knew he would. “Please! Come in!”
“Thank you.” The private investigator walked into his humble home and sat on the comfy sofa. A man died there once.
“So, er-” the cute and awkward persona always worked on people. “-what’s your name exactly?”
“Apologies,” he said with a fair bit of shame, “my name is Connor Anderson. I’m a detective sent by the Detroit Police Department. I’m here to ask questions.”
Markus casually sat next to him, getting as close to the man without making it strange. He smelled good. “Oh? What sort of questions?”
“Neighbours have reported gun shots,” he stated, watching Markus’ face carefully, “perhaps you, or anyone in this household, have anything to help the investigation?”
Markus’ trained expression gave nothing away. “Yes, I…” He trailed off, looking scared, “Those were gunshots then? I guess I wanted to believe it came from the fireworks the little kids next door play with.”
“Are you sure?” He titled his head to the side.
The godfather nodded sadly, hoping his beautiful eyes caught the detective’s interest. “Yes-”
“There’s gun oil residue in your hands. The way you walk is asymmetrical, your right leg movement is hindered, most likely due to a heavy object attached to your waist. Probably a gun.”
Markus snapped his gaze upwards, a predatory hunger lingering behind his eyes. This man will be his now.
“Interesting,” he replied calmly. He drank the image of the detective in front of him.
Connor leaned in, attempting to be intimidating. All he accomplished was making Markus want to roughly kiss his jawline. “The way you subconsciously adjust your body to get my view away from the right side of your waist indicates that you’re hiding something.”
“Oh?” Markus raised a perfect eyebrow.
“Yes,” he said back, “you have a gun, don’t you? Of course you know what a shot sounds like. You and I both know it’s not quite like fireworks. Tell me, Mr. Manfred, why lie?”
“What’s your favorite color?”
“Pardon?” Connor’s gorgeous brown eyes widened.
“What’s your favorite color?” He hated repeating himself, but he’d make an exception for his detective.
“Blue,” he stated, “what does this have to do with anything?”
“It has to do with everything, Connor. Tell me, flowers or jewellery?”
“Mr. Manfred, this is an investigation-”
“Connor,” he smiled, a twinkle in his eyes, “flowers or jewellery?”
“Jewellery has more value,” he said matter-of-factly.
“Excellent!” He clasped his hands together. “Tell me, what made you become a detective?”
“To help people-”
“Blah!” He brushed him off. “That’s a dull answer. An answer you tell yourself every morning.” He winked. “I shall repeat myself: why become a detective?”
Connor looked uncomfortable. It was delicious. “I want to help people.”
“If you can’t answer,” Markus began, “perhaps we’ll see how familiar we both are with gunshots.” He smiled like a Cheshire Cat.
“Is that a threat?” His detective narrowed his eyes. The godfather’s heart stuttered. He was so brave! 
Markus chuckled. “A suggestion, really.”
“Because solving puzzles gives me a thrill.” The more he leaned in, the more the godfather could see the suspicion and aggregation behind the depths of his orbs.
“What sort of thrill?” Markus smiled.
“When I solve cases,” he said, “that no one else can, I feel needed. Important. Alive. If I can’t do just that-” he broke off, “-then what good am I?”
“Come back here tomorrow.”
“Excuse me?” His detective was bewildered.
Markus shrugged. “I have a job, too, you know.”
“But, Mr. Manfred-”
“Tomorrow, Connor. Six in the evening. Don’t be late.” He stood up, making his detective do the same. 
“Mr. Manfred, please-” God, Markus wished he could make his detective beg more.
“Sorry,” was all he could say, “tomorrow. Dress nicely.” And so he shut the door in front of him.
He smiled to himself.
“What was with you out there?” Simon questioned.
Markus looked at him dreamily. “I’m in love!”
Josh answered. “No, you’re not. You’re infatuated. Would you risk our family’s blood for a… twink?”
“No, silly.” He shook his head. “Our blood will flow in his veins soon. My detective will be happy we saved him from such a dull world.”
“And you’re going to convince him by-”
“Throwing him a candlelit dinner when he comes by tomorrow!” He looked at his blond friend appreciatingly. “Excellent!”
“What the fuck-” North came in, small flecks of blood invading her otherwise pristine shoes.
“Everyone,” he said with his calmly commanding voice, “get all the information you can on a Connor Anderson. What he likes, what he hates, what he does, and everything else!”
North huffed. “That’s so-” 
“You get to do whatever you want to any of his enemies.”
“-not boring!” She whooped and turned the other way.
“Simon, my perfect little stalker, find anything you can on my detective. Have our men follow him around. Let everyone else know he’s off limits.”
The blond smiled and walked away.
“And Josh-” he looked at the man, “cook us dinner for tomorrow.”
The said person gained a determined look in his eyes.
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