sugarcoatedcigs · 4 months
ps it’s low quality in the beginning on purpose…
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sugarcoatedcigs · 4 months
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♡ mini series: enduring you pt.2 ♡
[pt.1 right here]
a/n: it’s an understatement when i say i am WEEPING FOR BLACK TSHIRT ELLIE. (and no i am not talking about my eyes) anyways!
summary: ellie has been…off since your first interaction with her. at dina’s party, ellie and you share a joint alone. what will come of this?
word count: 1.7k
warnings: slow burn, alcohol and weed consumption, a lil angst :,)
well fuck. i swallow the knot that formed in my throat, hopefully ellie wasn't staining dina's opinion of me. dina then snapped me out of my thoughts, "well get in here silly." while coming in, i glanced at ellie where she had taken up half of the small couch with her manspreading. her hands were fidgeting with a cup she was holding.
dinas house was warm and inviting, just like her. i looked around every inch, except where ellie sat. i could feel her eyes on me. "wow nice place. it's got charm." dina smiled wider, "isn't it great? why don't i get you some tea?" before i said anything she was already out of the living room. goddamnit dina. you leave when i need you most. i pretended to look more around the house but then ellie cleared her throat.
"so we're neighbors huh?" her voice was gruff and bored. i paused at my looking around to meet her gaze, she was looking through her hung eyes with disinterest. responding with the same bored tone, i said "uh huh. neighbors." there was a drawn out pause then she started again, "you can come by anytime i guess." her eyes dropped to the ground, and she scratches her lips. that's something i wasn't expecting.
before i could reply, dina came in with a cup of tea for me. "it's chamomile from the town garden. i put some honey in it too." she passed me the cup and then ellie stood up suddenly and made her way towards the door. her eyes met mine again and they slowly dropped until they were back on the ground. opening the door she nodded at dina, "i should get going. bye d." she closed the door leaving me a lil stunned. why was she acting weird? i mean i only have had a few interactions with her but this one was different. "what's with her?" dina hummed lowly, "poor thing. she got dumped today." i debated telling dina about this mornings interruption with my sleep, but i decided against it. the situation must complicated, better to stay out of it.
dina and i wrapped up after i was done with my tea. now i was back at my apartment, getting giddy as dina's party was approaching.
for tonight, i decided on a black sleeve that just so happens to be showing just a little lil cleavage. and the usual jeans, with my only puffy jacket. should be good. i was going to be late if i didn't leave now so i hurried out the door.
i opened the door to an unknown smell. it smelled pungent and earthy. i took my jacket and scarf off and out of 20ish people i spotted dina in a corner with jesse. while making my way towards them i saw ellie, she was with someone and they looked both upset. that must be the girlfriend. ellie, was dressed in a black tee shirt and some rough jeans. her hair pulled back half up half down. her eyebrows furrowed as she looked frustrated. i squeezed my thighs together as i took in her muscles peeking out of the shirt.
"hey y/n!" dina called out to me, interrupting my staring. she was smiling bright as always. when i got into earshot i asked, "what's that smell?" she giggled, "its weed for the party, ellie got it. have you tried some before? ask her for some." dina and i looked over to ellie in unison, where she was still arguing with her girlfriend. then dina winced, "well maybe ask later. you want a beer in the meantime? we also got some tequila over in the kitchen." i smiled, "i'm feeling tequila. i'll be back." when entering the kitchen i spotted the liquor and poured myself a lil shot, i shot it back feeling the liquor wash down my throat. i felt immediately warmer and excited. then music started to play in the other room and everyone started to dance. i happily joined in and started to dance with dina. a busty bass song came on and we were both feeling it. "fuck yeah!" dina screamed. we both moved our hips and swung our bodies around to the beat. but then my dancing got interrupted when i felt the need to pee. well fuck. i partially yelled at dina, "i need to pee! wheres the bathroom?" dina pointed down a darker hallway and i made my way over there, weaving through people. i spotted a door, this must be it. the door was unlocked and upon opening...i find ellie. she was leaning on the counter when i bursted in looking dazed at the wall. she, surprised, said "what the fuck?" i gulped and sheepishly looked back on the ground. shit.
"oh sorry. i didn't know it was being used." i maintained looking at the floor (hoping she didn't think im a creep) while i was shutting the door. then she stopped my attempt by grabbing the edge and said "no go ahead. i'm not using it anyway." she eyed me as i rushed in, "thank you thank you!" once she got out, i slammed the door and rushed over to the toilet. i sighed as the feeling of relief washed over me. thank fuck. it felt like 2 minutes of peeing but maybe it's because i was tipsy.
when i was done washing up i opened the door and ellie was still standing there. it was an awkward second of just her eyes staring into mine until she opened her mouth to a lit joint. i watched her take a puff in and then she offered it to me. "you want some?" i nodded. the joint, in between her pointer and middle passed to me. her skin brushed against mine and i licked my lips nervously. i eyed her hands, which looked rough with little scars scattered them. her eyes train on me as i brought the joint up and took a puff in just like she did. it was heavy in my chest when inhaling. i looked at her before exhaling and then released the smoke. huh. that wasn't so hard.
her mouth was slightly agape and her eyes were low. then she smirked a little bit, "i thought you'd cough." if i had been sober i would of been offended but i took this as a compliment instead. i smiled and then took another puff. i hummed at the feeling. i think i like this. i offered the joint back to her and looked over at the end of the hall where everyone was dancing. the music vibrated through the walls and it was started to become muffled. i felt relaxed, and my brain started to tingle. i laughed under my breath, this feels weird. ellie chuckled and smiled, "you're fucking high." i started to laugh. "shit maybe i am." silence took over the both of us and we were content with leaning on the walls outside of the bathroom. i looked at her. her eyes were trained on the ground, deep in thought. "can i ask you a question?" i said. she hummed and looked back up at me, "shoot." she took another puff. maybe it was the liquor courage had but i was curious. despite it not being my business it felt like this was my only time to say it.
"i know this isn't my business...but what's going on between you and that other girl?" i didn't know what to expect for a response maybe she'd get mad and tell me to fuck off or punch me. but she didn't, instead she furrowed her brows, "why?" i sighed (partly in relief), "i saw you when i got here. you looked upset." yeah i saw her, practically ogled her actually. her face was unreadable for a second or two. then she took a deep breath, "she broke up with me today because she's been seeing someone else. her name was cat." oh. her eyes looked down. then she licked her lips and bit down on them. i blurted, "i'm sorry." feeling a since of regret from asking. she started to laugh, holding the joint in one hand and the other pinching the bridge of her nose. she slowly stopped and looked at me, "sorry, i just i don't know why i told you. i mean i don't even know you." i laughed at that. "yeah i guess that doesn't really make sense."
she was still smiling but looked down. the more i looked at her the more features i noticed. her eyes especially drew in my attention, she had long lashes and her eyes were really fucking pretty. shades of hazel and green. her scar on her eyebrow suited her a lot. and her lips. they were the perfect plump pink lips and they also had a barley visible scar. a strand of hair fell in front of her face. i had the urge to tuck it back and kiss her but i didn't. my trance was interrupted by her eyes flicking back up at mine. but they didn't stop at my eyes. they stopped at the base of my shirts v neck. i saw her chest rise as she took a long inhale in. she stopped staring and adjusted her posture. i could see her ears turn a shade to red when she looked up at my face. she cleared her throat and was about to say something but got interrupted by a sudden noise in the room where everybody was. it sounds like someone broke something. we both started to walk towards the commotion trying to get an idea of what happened. someone had broke the coffee table. jesse was evidently mad and dina didn't seem to be that upset. i heard a "fuck" under her breath. when i turned to her she was leaving. i watched her back as she moved through the crowd. i didn't reach out or say anything.
hang in tight. pt.3 will be a wild one. and i promise you smut:-)
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sugarcoatedcigs · 4 months
update: its a close call between piercer!ellie and bbf!ellie…so im writing both :,)
expect new fics this friday.
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sugarcoatedcigs · 4 months
my tlou master list:
ellie williams
mini series:
enduring you
pt. 1 posted
pt. 2 posted
pt. 3 coming soon
oneshots: coming soon
so bitter…bbf!ellie and reader are at a party, ellie notices reader and some girl dancing on each other and she gets territorial. cw: smut
owe you one…piercer!ellie owes reader a service as reader gave ellie a tat, in exchange ellie piercer readers nipples. cw: smut
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sugarcoatedcigs · 4 months
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sugarcoatedcigs · 4 months
help palestine
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sugarcoatedcigs · 4 months
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a mini series: enduring you pt.1
summary: your new to jackson, and your first interaction with ellie williams was anything but nice. she was rude and showed no respect. she carried herself like she was some hot shit and you hated it. if you could, you would turn back time and have shown up a little bit later to that party. but you can't. so you learn to endure her as life continues in jackson.
word count: 2k
warnings: swearing, alcohol consumption, angst?
i took a deep breath in as i walked next to my horse into the protected town of jackson. the ground crunched beneath me, it was the last week of february and the town was frozen over. looking around, people were busy and they looked the most content i've seen since all this shit happened.
"you must be y/n." a voice tugged me in the direction of the stables. a beautiful woman stood there, with almost silver hair with sharp blue eyes. "my name's maria. i heard you were headed this way. charlie sent a letter you were coming. it's good to have you." i smiled at that.
"yeah, i'm really happy to finally be here. it was a trek. it's nice to know a name." i reached out my hand and smiled. her hands were soft but they had a firmness to them.
"why don't I show you around? let's get your horse a spot in the stables first." as maria helped unload my belongings off of my horse, she gave me a rundown of life here in jackson. the responsibilities and the duties that are done around here. maria took me through the town, and time passed quickly until the last stop was the apartment in which i would be staying.
"and here she is..." maria swung the door open it was furnished, and my bags were already placed in the middle of the living room. "i'll let you get settled in. there's a town party tonight at the bison at 8, no pressure but I'm sure people would love to meet you." she dug out of her back pocket and gave me the keys.
"thank you and yes i'll definitely stop by." she shut the door leaving me in my apartment alone. it was quaint. small. perfect. the air was heavy with almost a...nostalgia. there were plenty of windows giving me a perfect view of the mountains surrounding us. the sun was starting its descend into the horizon. better get started. i move my bags into my room, unpacked, dusted and managed to get two windows open to invite air in. by the time i was done, the space is mine and it's pleasant. only thing left to do is get ready i guess.
i grab a towel and head to the shower, turning the faucet on. the water wasn't just any water, it was hot. my body was eager and excited. hopping in, i was met with immediate relief. goddamn this feels great. i could've stayed a bit longer but i felt a certain obligation to save this precious water.
i dressed in a long sleeve that complimented my color palette and some dark jeans. ready to leave i looked into the mirror to make some final touches to my hair and applied a yummy mint and vanilla rub i made a few months ago. all ready. i put on my jacket and zipped up my boots, then i closed the door behind me.
the air was frigid, i felt my nose get numb and my eyes start to water. after a long and cold 2 minutes, the bison came into view and i could hear the bumping music and sounds of people talking as i approached. i got a sudden wave of excitement. as i wrapped my hand around one of the doors, they busted open. the edge of one of the doors hit the side of my face. "oh fuck!" i grabbed my cheek and i could feel the blood surge to the area.
"jesus. watch where you're going."  i looked up to see a woman with auburn hair and harrowing green eyes. her voice, blunt but sultry. the woman had a freckled face and a scarred eyebrow. what the fuck. you are the one that fucking rammed the door into my face. i opened my mouth to cuss her out but stopped, i dont want to get into a fight on my first night here. adjusting my posture and looking at her i said "excuse me." her face flickered, like she wasnt expecting my response, but she remained silent. i grabbed onto one of the handles again and started walking in but then i felt her grab my wrist, holding me back.
"shit I'm sorry." her voice, one that was originally cold, was now honey-like, "i didn't mean to." ignoring the ache in the side of my cheek, i looked back at her and gave a tight smile, "do you always grab people without asking?" she let go but not without a subtle scoff, "i was just trying to apologize." god it's aggravating that she's so hot and yet, she's the one that busted your face on your first night out. i laughed, "well you sure have an odd way of trying to." i briefly looked down at her pink lips, but maybe not brief enough...because she immediately wetted and then bit down on them. her eyebrows scrunched together and she retorted, "whatever, i was just trying to be nice but someone's clearly got a stick up her ass."
wow. this stranger (attractive or not) is an asshole. i bit down on my lips, stopping whatever bad decision i was going to make. i didn't want to spend another minute wasting my night so i swiftly turned to face the pub and mumbled, "fuck you" under my breath. the doors shut preventing her from getting another word in. i waited a sec, expecting her to burst through the doors and harass me some more, but she didn't. relieved (yet disappointed), i sighed.
despite the night starting out shitty, it developed into lots of fun and new people. i met a really nice girl named dina along with her boyfriend jesse. the two were hilarious and easy to get along with. i also saw maria and she introduced me to a few others, one of them being the manager of the bison and he said the team would be open to hooking me up with a waitress job here.
it's also been a few months since i got a drink in me so safe to say i was a little bit tipsy. nothing too serious but to make sure tomorrow morning wasn't murderous i figured i should get going and turn in for the night.
right before leaving, dina called out to me, "y/n! hey! before you leave i'll give you my info so we can plan something soon. i was thinking about a small get together tomorrow night at my place." dina wrote her address on a napkin along with the time of the party. then she embraced me in a tight hug before i left. with a little bit of liquor in me, the walk back was much warmer.
reaching my door, i fought the keyhole to get the key in. among opening, i immediately ripped off my boots and dressed down into my underwear, leaving a trail of clothes on the ground. i shivered as the frigid air enveloped me but warmth followed as i collapsed on the bed. i closed my eyes and drifted off.
the sunshine was too bright. my eyes scrunched and i felt my head start to pound. no not yet. i tossed myself towards the other side of the bed. just a lil longer. but no. a loud banging on the wall started. what the fuck? then moaning followed.
"ohhhh yes! fuck ellie right there." a yappy voice echoed into the bedroom. you're fucking kidding me. "yes yes yes!" no, no, no. i shut my eyes and yanked my pillow around my head, suffocating the noise out. the moaning continued on for what seemed like forever until finally..."i'm cumming!" then the banging stopped. i whined into my pillow. why me? why me?
taking this as a sign to get up out of bed, i stretched out my limbs and groaned. my head was still pounding but it was manageable. okay things to do today...i'll get ready and then i'll stop by the bison to figure out the job stuff.
i walked into the kitchen hoping to soothe my headache with nice cold glass of water. the water here was better than i imagined, the cold liquid washed down yesterdays grogginess. my tummy grumbled and i realized i hadn't eaten much yesterday. upon opening the fridge, it was near empty, only a few potatoes i found on the way here with the scraps of some jerky. hmm, looks like groceries are on my list today. the bison, groceries and...dina. perfect.
i brushed my teeth and tied my hair back. along with wiggling myself into some jeans, putting on a warm jacket and wrapping a scarf around my neck. i opened my door, closed it and when locking it, the door next to me opened up. auburn hair came into view. the girl wore a jacket on top of her flannel, her hair was tied back into a half up and half down manner. she looked familiar...then i remembered the interaction i had last night. it's her. she's not only my neighbor, but her name must be ellie. her green eyes met mine. they were a gleaming green. then she smirked wide. "oh it's you." i felt blood fill my cheeks. i didn't respond. whatever. no wasting time. i locked up the door and turned away from her, as i walked away she opened her mouth to say something but stopped and watched me walk away.
the morning at the bison was quick and easy. everyone kept to themselves which i didn't mind because they were all kind enough. my schedule was working morning shift on saturday and working nights on wednesday and thursday. i left the bison still feeling energized so i made my way to jack who collected milk from goats and cows for the town, and kate, who organized most of the goods here in jackson. she had all sorts of goods, beans, coffee, oats, she tended to the lot of chickens so she also had a lot of eggs.
the sun was higher in the sky now. it was much warmer today compared to yesterday. i couldn't wait for spring to come. i was getting closer to my place with bags in hand, and i felt an ache in my stomach, dreading another possible interaction with ellie. i wonder how she came to be so rude...i wonder what she went through. i approached my door, holding my breath and waiting for the one next to it to open, but a few seconds passed and nothing. my stomach eases.
it was the afternoon now, out of boredom i wanted to take a walk. maybe i'll stop by dina's so i can confirm that tonight is still on. i left the apartment again. the walk was longer this time but i enjoyed it as the sun was still out, warm on my skin. i looked at the napkin that dina gave me again, to see if i was in the right spot. should be right. i went up to the house and knocked, no response so i knocked again. then the door opened and dina was there in all her glory. "y/n! i was waiting for you to come by." she grabbed me into a hug. "yeah i wanted to say hi and also see whats going on tonight." then out of the corner of my eye i can spot auburn hair. fuck. my stomach starts to twist. dina sees me look over at ellie and she perks up, "ellie don't be a stranger. this is y/n, the one we've been talking about."
pt. 2 coming soon…
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sugarcoatedcigs · 4 months
hey guys. i’m new to tumblr but i also submit my work on wattpad… (maybe i’ll write on ao3 too but we’ll see). i just wanted to say hi before i post anything. enduring you coming soon…
i’m up to any suggestions and requests. i will try to post weekly, but just so you know i am a student so sometimes ill post semiweekly. that’s all. x.
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