Lissa pondered this for a bit. What would they do for the day. “Weeeeeell... I haven’t been shopping for a long time. Would you be okay with that? Then while we’re out, we can have some tea and snacks!” Lissa suggested happily. “Spending time with you is always time well spent!” Lissa giggled. 
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Lissa then hugs Maribelle tightly. She always like how nice and cuddly she was! There was also the fact that the Princess didn’t get hugs too often anymore since Emmeryn’s fall. Lissa was a type of person that needed to be around people as she got lonely easily. Losing the one person she spent the most time with besides Chrom, or Fredrick really shook her up. 
She then realizes that she might be over stepping her boundaries by hugging the noble so long and looks up at her shyly.
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“Sorry! I should have asked you first...”
    A small laugh escaped Maribelle’s lips as she placed her arms affectionately around the girl’s back. There was a part of her, well, something much larger than just a part, that wanted every single day to be like that. She certainly couldn’t admit that to Lissa though. After all, there were plenty of others that wished for the same thing.
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    “Certainly,” she confirmed. “Well, we could have some tea… or perhaps a picnic.” She never really planned out what they’d do for the day, as she always much preferred leaving it up to her friend. “Or we could go shopping. You mentioned you wanted another pair of boots a few days ago, is that correct?”
    Maribelle thought it would be prudent of them to take advantage of their time off either by spending a day in the nearby town or just relaxing at camp. Truly it didn’t matter to her; she’d be equally pleased with any plan.
    “If you have any other ideas, darling, I’d love to hear them,” she added, fluffing one of her friend’s pigtails with her free hand.
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“A-are... you really that busy?” She said sadly as Maribelle told her her schedule was full. It was a bit disappointing, but she knew Maribelle had to tend to her duties, she was after all the only child of a rather important noble. She however was the youngest so aside from healing soldiers she didn’t have much to do.
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“I understand...” She trailed off as she listened to Maribelle, but then her face became a glow with happiness and cheer.
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“Y-you really mean it?! We can spend the whole day together?! Oh Maribelle! You don’t know how happy I am to hear this!” Lissa giggled as she snuggled up to her best friend once more. “We’re gonna have sooooo much fun!!! What do you want to do first?”
    Maribelle normally didn’t care for surprises, but from Lissa they were always pleasant surprises. She was always so… candid about her feelings. Maribelle assumed she was probably that way with everyone, and she was, in a way, envious of that. It wasn’t malicious, though. Actually, she was grateful the princess was so open with her. No one else had ever been.
    “Well I certainly wouldn’t object to the thought,” Maribelle admitted. She wanted to spend time with Lissa equally as much, though she feared she didn’t express that enough. “Actually, darling, I’d say I’m absolutely booked for the remainder of the day.”
    She paused for a moment, waiting to see if Lissa would be surprised. She sometimes teased her, but it was all in fun.
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    “My plans for the rest of the day include spending time with my favorite princess,” her eyes drifted upward, as if she was checking some imaginary schedule. She couldn’t lie, she’d put off just about anything if the princess requested time with her.
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Lissa nodded as she listened to the instructions she was given. “Overtime? Well, I can’t really say no if people need my help!” Lissa nods determinedly. “I suppose the best thing to do is to get the staves first so we can use them for the soldiers. I should get to work right away then.” 
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“Ah, Robin, if you’re not too busy... would you mind coming with me? I know this is silly of me, but I do get quite lonely when I’m on the job myself.” Lissa requested, twiddling her fingers shyly. It wasn’t a think she was proud of... constantly being lonely. She felt as though it was a sign of weakness, often craving the company of others. It was something that she had since she was little, as she was often bound to the castle with only Maribelle as a friend.
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“Yes, it’s time, unfortunately.” Robin hid a tired yawn behind a quick cough. “I had hoped we’d have at least a week or two more around here, but that’s not a luxury we can afford. Especially not with the threat to the South..” her closing words dropped to a low, thoughtful whisper. She banished the thought from her mind, not wishing to worry Lissa more than need be. “I suppose we have a while to spare.. we still have a lot of duties we need completed before we begin moving..” Robin pictured the several crates of weapons that needed to be organized, paperwork to be signed out and shipped off, as well as folding and packing the camp tents. “We’ll need your help soon, though. A few of our sword-wielders ran into some scrapes earlier in the day and could use your talent with healing magic. It looks like you’ll be working overtime.” She chuckled lightheartedly, feeling a little bad that more responsibilities were being thrown Lissa’s way. “Also,” Robin continued, “we received a shipment of new staves from Anna a few hours ago. They’re in the pavilion   —  “
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“  — you can collect them now or later, but sooner would be better. Either way, I have some business to take care of before we leave.” Robin turned on her heels to return to the rest of the Shepherds, wishing Lissa a farewell before hesitating. “Do me a favour, move closer to the camp?” She asked. “It’s a little worrying having you out of sight at a time like this.”
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Lissa sighed. “You have a one track mind Gaius. Of course you still need to stay off of it!” Lissa exclaimed. “It’s not /too/ bad, but you still need to let it heal properly. 
“Hot chocolate?” She questions. “Wouldn’t the sugar just keep me even more awake?” She asks curiously. “Thank you for the offer, the best thing you can do for me is just stay off that leg until it heals.”
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Should she tell him the real reason that she was up? Yes, insomnia was part of it, but often she was woken up by horrible nightmares of her late sister’s fall. It guilted her so much that she was only able to idly stand by as she fell to the ground. 
“I-I have really bad nightmares... so I’m always afraid to go back to bed...”
     “So it’s not broken? Thank gods, I thought I’d need to sit out on a few thieving escapades to wait for it to heal,” he said. Gaius didn’t seem all that bothered over the fact that he nearly put his health in jeopardy all for the sake of candy.
Helping himself onto one of the benches in the Mess Hall, he’d heave a pained sigh as he waited for the ache to fade away. After several moments, he would glance back to Lissa. What she said had piqued his curiosity, and he didn’t think he had the wrong idea concerning what was keeping her up at night.
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And so fishing in his sack, Gaius would hand over a small sweet to Lissa before helping himself to a honeyed bun. Taking a bite out of it, he chewed for a moment before speaking, “that so? You know, what I find helps with insomnia is a warm mug of hot chocolate. I’d, uh, make you some but I can hardly walk as is at the moment.”
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“Oppsie! Sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you. I just got really excited because I saw you in the distance and I really wanted to give you a hug!” The Princess giggled. It was honestly a bad habit Lissa had of sneaking up on People. Well, rather than “sneaking” Lissa liked to use the word “surprising”. After all, who didn’t like surprises? Only a stick in the mud, that’s who.
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“Really now? If that’s the case, we should be together all the time then! I just really love being around you!” Lissa giggled. She then paused for thought. “Do you have anything to do today?”
    Maribelle nearly gasped as she was embraced from behind. She was familiar with her darling Lissa’s ambushes, but she was rather proficient at the act of sneaking up upon her. Still, she always knew it was her, and, frankly, there was no one else in the world she’d rather it be.
    “Lissa darling, you’ve nearly startled me to death again,” she let out a sigh as she felt the princess snuggle against her. Truthfully, she couldn’t be anything but happy when she was around her.
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    “Darling, you know I have a multitude of tasks to do, and there is no reason why you should ever have to concern yourself with them,” she said firmly, a smile crossing her lips as she closed her eyes briefly. “Because I will always make time for you. Should you call, I will be there in a moment’s notice.”
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Lissa yawned softly. “Is it time already? I don’t like fighting! It makes me really sad!” She huffs. The princess knew she was being a bit childish. She knew that this was her duty, and that she needed to help protect her people. However, she wished that they could at least get a break. Fighting non-stop like this was starting to take a toll on her.
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“I’m boooooored…” Lissa huffs. “Everyone is too busy to have fun with me, and I already finished all my clerical duties for the day…” The princess sighs as she flops back onto the ground underneath a shady tree. “Maybe a nap would be nice…”
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“Gaius, I know I’m not as smart as Miriel, but do I look like I was born yesterday!?” She huffed, as she inspected his knee closer. She then sees a honey-bun roll out of his sack. “Gaius?! Did you nearly shatter your knee for sweets??? AGAIN???” 
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“Honestly Gaius! You are going to get hurt really badly one of these days because of your sweet tooth! You have to be more careful. Also, I appreciate the concern, but uh, I had trouble sleeping, so I thought some tea would help. I didn’t expect to see you tumbling down like a gumdrop on a hill!”
Slowly, Gaius picked himself up with a wince. Once he realized how close Lissa was, he would hurriedly try to cram his stolen cakes and other delectable treats back into his bag without her noticing. 
     “Huh? Princess? Hold on a second, I think the question here is: what are you doing up so late?” he said as he continued to shovel his pilfered desserts into his sack. “I mean, you’re the princess and all; shouldn’t you be getting your beauty rest? I mean, not like you need it, but you know.”
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Gaius was always a sweet talker… especially in times of distress. At the moment, he needed Lissa to pretend she never saw him, so he would say and do anything to get himself out of this sticky situation.
     “Muh? My knee? No worries, just a scratch, so uh…” Hurriedly, Gaius made to stand up, only to wince in pain and fall back down due to the aching throb in his leg. Gods, was this what Sumia felt like daily? 
     “Just go about your business, Princess. run along now, no need to hang around little old me.”
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Lissa giggled as she spotted one of her favorite people in the whole wide world! The Princess snuck up behind Maribelle and hugged her tightly, as she gave her best friend snuggles. 
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“Marry-belly~! Where have you been? I haven’t seen you in days!”
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He froze the moment he heard Lissa’s voice call out. 
Crap, had he been spotted?! If Lissa knew of his thieving escapades, then she would certainly tell Chrom! And the last thing Gaius needed or wanted at the moment was the nagging of his superior. While he thought Chrom was a pushover at times, it didn’t mean he particularly enjoyed the schooling the prince provided the thief with whenever he acted out of line.
And so silently, Gaius carefully tied his sack before slowly slinging it over his shoulder again and making his way towards the entrance of the Mess Hall. His eyes strained to see in the dark, and just as he was getting close to freedom, his foot suddenly snagged on the leg of a chair and brought him tumbling down.
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A filthy swear along with a few undignified cusses left his lips as he crashed to the ground unceremoniously. With his fall came the spillage of treats from his bag, which lay out on full display for Lissa or anyone who heard the ruckus to feast their eyes upon. There was hardly time to clean up after himself either, for he was too busy nursing the blooming bruise on his knee.
     “Son of a–!” he hissed as he rocked back and forth with his injured limb in his grasp. “Gods, that stings!” Again, another filthy swear escaped him. At that moment, Gaius felt as graceful and put together as Sumia herself.
Lissa watched as Gaius tumbled down, with a mouth full of swears. If Fredrick was here, he would not stand for the thief’s foul mouth around the small princess.
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She couldn’t help but feel sorry for him, and embarrassed for him, even pity. The princess ran up to him to check on him. “Gaius you dummy! What are you doing up so late at night?!?” Lissa exclaimed. “Even more, jumping around like that in the pitch darkness? Let me take a look at your knee.”
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Lissa sighed as she entered the mess hall. Ever since Emmyern’s fall, she always had problems sleeping, and thus wandered into the mess hall in order to fix herself some tea, hoping it would help lull her to sleep.  It didn’t take her long to locate what she was looking for. Unfortunately, the tea was on the top shelf. Damn the gods for making her so short!
She turned swiftly as she suddenly hear the sound of moment nearby. “W-who there?” She questioned nervously. Was it ghosts? Oh goodness, the poor Princess was terrified of ghosts! Emmeryn was always the one to shoo them away when she was little. 
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“W-whoever you are, show yourself!”
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The thief peeked around the tree that he stood behind, his head whipping to and fro for any sign of a straggler out of their bed at this ungodly hour. He didn’t think anyone would be up, but what sort of thief would he be if he didn’t take every necessary precaution while out on a heist? 
Once he discerned that there was nary a soul to be found, he would creep across the camp grounds and towards the Mess Hall with his sack slung over his shoulder. There had been extra helpings of dessert earlier and Gaius intended on pilfering every last bit of sugary treats he could find. 
     “Heh, heh… Nimble Fingers Gaius strikes again,” he mused to himself as he crept through the inky blackness and made his way through the doors of the building. 
Sharp green eyes combed through the aisles within the Mess Hall, and once coming to the conclusion that he was indeed alone, a wide grin would spread across his lips as he would slip into the shelter and begin to shovel the hefty helpings of desserts into his bag.
     “One… two… thirty… what’s it matter? No one’s going to notice a few desserts missing, right?” he said to himself as he continued to help himself to the wide array of confectioneries. 
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“I’m boooooored...” Lissa huffs. “Everyone is too busy to have fun with me, and I already finished all my clerical duties for the day...” The princess sighs as she flops back onto the ground underneath a shady tree. “Maybe a nap would be nice...”
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