sugasshaay · 2 years
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@iwasumi starter pack 💖💖💗💗 i know most of them are inside jokes but that's ok 😁
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sugasshaay · 2 years
┅ Taglist;
@tsumussweetheart | @iwasumi | @aelatus
[No title]
┋you and haikyuu!! MSBY characters as cute kitties┋
Type; extremely fluffy
Character(s); Sakusa.kiyoomi, Meian.Shūgo, Atsumu.Miya, Hinata.Shoyo, Bokuto.Kōtarō.
Note; I did this a while ago and it was so cute and I wanted to do some more characters bc why not. Here's part one!
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See you next time.
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sugasshaay · 2 years
[No title]
┋you and haikyuu!! MSBY characters as cute kitties┋
Type; extremely fluffy
Character(s); Sakusa.kiyoomi, Meian.Shūgo, Atsumu.Miya, Hinata.Shoyo, Bokuto.Kōtarō.
Note; I did this a while ago and it was so cute and I wanted to do some more characters bc why not. Here's part one!
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See you next time.
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sugasshaay · 2 years
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@iwasumi yes I did sob when I was looking for the baby pictures
self-ship moodboard but its more baby daddy iwa lol
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sugasshaay · 2 years
┅ Taglist;
@tsumussweetheart | @iwasumi | @aelatus
┋“You know, no one has ever reached this far.” You said. Both you and him laying on the uncomfortable old bed staring at the ceiling.
“What do you mean?” He said, sounding sleepy. You turned around and put your head on his chest.
“Every relationship I ever had ended before they met my parents. And one of them did, but my parents hated them so much.” You cringed as you remembered how awkward the meeting was. Both of you stayed quiet for a while until you spoke again.
“I guess you could say you're special.”
You heard him chuckle lightly. Before you could ask why he spoke, “so it's like a video game right? Did I finish the game yet?” He asked, and you chuckled quietly, trying not to wake anyone up.
“No you didn't finish dumbass, we still didn't get married yet.”┋
Sakusa.kiyoomi, Meian.Shūgo, Iwaizumi.Hajime, both miyas, Sachirō.Hirugami.
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sugasshaay · 2 years
┋“You know, no one has ever reached this far.” You said. Both you and him laying on the uncomfortable old bed staring at the ceiling.
It was the second meeting with your parents after he proposed, and knowing your parents, they wanted both of you to stay the night because the distance between your homes is long.
“What do you mean?” He said, sounding sleepy. You turned around and put your head on his chest.
“Every relationship I ever had ended before they met my parents. And one of them did, but my parents hated them so much.” You cringed as you remembered how awkward the meeting was. Both of you stayed quiet for a while until you spoke again.
“I guess you could say you're special.”
You heard him chuckle lightly. Before you could ask why he spoke, “so it's like a video game right? Did I finish the game yet?” He asked, and you chuckled quietly, trying not to wake anyone up.
“No you didn't finish dumbass, we still didn't get married yet.”┋
Sakusa.kiyoomi, Meian.Shūgo, Iwaizumi.Hajime, both miyas, Sachirō.Hirugami.
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sugasshaay · 2 years
osamu & cooking 🙏
Bet 😈
Character(s): osamu miya.
Type: fluff
Warnings: ig none?? Maybe food ig idk and gossiping
[3:27 A.M]
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You have a relationship that most people dream about. I mean come on, you're with a cook and he's hot. So you've basically hit the jackpot. You get the best free food everyday without even asking.
One of you two's favorite thing to do together is definitely cook together. Especially if one of you found a new recipe. It gets really exciting because you two don't really care if the food would turn out how it's presented on the internet, you two care about the presence of each other. Its really more about having fun than anything.
Cooking together for both of you is like a haven you two come back to whenever you want.
One thing you're used to is definitely waking up at 3 am to Osamu's side of the bed being empty. You'll instantly know that he couldn't sleep and in the kitchen.
That's exactly what happened tonight. You woke up to his side of the bed, that's usually warm, being cold. You turn around to realize he isn't in the bed with you. You waited for a long time for him to come back, thinking he was in the bathroom or just drinking water, but he never did.
You could hear sounds coming from the kitchen, and that's how you knew he was cooking something. You got out of bed, putting your slippers on and walking to the kitchen to see what he's making. As you've expected, he was cooking a meal at 3:27 am like it's something normal everybody does.
He heard your footsteps coming near him and turned around. Not saying anything when he saw your sleepy eyes, only smiling and motioning his hand for you to come closer. You slowly drag yourself near his spot to see what he was making. Wrapping your arms around his waist and take a look, he was cutting peeled potatoes in French fry shapes. You looked at him, slowly and carefully cutting those potatoes, and you kind of got hungry. Knowing that he makes the best French fries to ever exist in your opinion.
You rested your head on his back, arms still wrapped around his waist, not moving at all. He is so warm, like a walking heater. And it's the best thing about him when the weather is so cold, like now. As you were closing your eyes and smiling in content, you could hear faint sounds of rain hitting the windows. They slowly get louder and louder, and you swear all of this could have you asleep standing up.
You were basically glued to him, even if he moved to get other stuff, you would still have your arms around him and moving with him. He didn't push you off or tell you to sit because knowing you, you're comfortable like this. After a while though, your legs got tired, and you decided it would be better to sit down and watch him fry the potatoes.
In nights like these, you always end up admiring him. He just looked so good, too good even when concentrating. It was unfair how attractive he looked, and the thing that makes you mad is that he probably doesn't even know how attractive he looks.
Later that night you both ate the French fries while sitting next to each other, gossiping about people, laughing when he told you about the rude costumers that came in the restaurant. The usual nightly routines you both have. You loved it, there isn't anything else you'd want to do other than hearing him talk. You wouldn't trade these moments for anything in the world.
See you next time.
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sugasshaay · 2 years
my boy issei.
matsukawa issei x gn reader
warnings: smoking(issei), angstish/comfort issei’s sad cause i am.
note: wrote in a sitting n not proofread. inspo by cigarettes out the window- tv girl.
mdmakki 2022. don’t repost r modify on this or any other platform.
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“my boy issei used to always smoke cigarettes when he couldn’t sleep.”
2:21 read the screen of your phone. it wasn’t unusual to wake up in the middle of the night, everyone does it. it’s not unusual for you to wake up in the middle of the night, alone in the white sheets. your boyfriends location not beside you but known.
“he’d disappear for an hour and a half, and when he come back he’d brush his teeth”
it’s been 20 minutes. you know this because he always goes at the start of the hour, a ritual he has. usually you would wait in the warm bed, those 30 minutes were minutes issei needed alone. that’s what he tells you. but what if those 30 minutes are enough to make him not come back? what if those 30 minutes were 30 minutes too much.
“but i could still smell it on his raggedy tee, and i could taste it on his lips when we kiss.”
interrupted we’re your worries. issei came back to his cold side at 2:31. 31 minutes, maybe that was enough time alone. tired, he looks so tired. not as in tired from the late shifts of the funeral home. but tired of everything around him, the blur of hours that he calls his day. should you say something? what if he doesn’t want to talk? talking isn’t his strong suit. “is everything okay?” nice. the one question someone in issei’s shoes doesn’t want to hear. you watched him, like you always do. breathe in, breathe out and blink slowly. “of course baby, are you okay?” of course you’re okay. well okay is a strong word. but people in issei’s shoes aren’t okay. “just making sure” don’t say it, he’ll get upset. “i’m always here if you need me, y’know.” nice. he smiles. not his real ones, you’ve learned to tell the difference. he leant in, the scent of toothpaste new in his breath. latching lips with yours for a few seconds of the night. the taste of cigarettes fresh on his lips. “don’t worry about me, i’ll be fine like always. but thank you angel”
“poor little issei used to always quit, but he never really quits he just says he did.”
don’t bring it up, just go to sleep. “i thought you quit?” nice. he leans back on the headboard, a hand rubbing down the beautifully tired face you love. “i did, i was just tired y’know, couldn’t sleep.” but what about when your suit smelled yesterday? and at lunch when you left for 30 minutes? “okay, i’m proud of you ‘sei. hope you know that, and you know i’ll always love you.” issei smiles. a real smile, you know it is. and you know why he looks at his hands. you and him know that if he looks up, you’ll see the gloss in his tired eyes. “can, can you just,” issei speaks without looking at you. “can you hold me, please?” no verbal reply is given by you. just your arms wrapping around his frame as he slips down. head in your lap, arms around your waist, shoulders shaking and poor lungs letting those tired sobs tell you how tired issei is.
“my boy issei always smokes when he couldn’t sleep”
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sugasshaay · 2 years
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@iwasumi I heard you weren't having the very best days this week so. 🙁
Vale x Iwaizumi Hajime self-ship moodboard 💃💃
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sugasshaay · 2 years
moonlight — ariana grande
cw: mattsun refers to the reader as a girl
"you're a really shitty dancer, mr. issei," you laughed, almost breathless, as the cold tile of the kitchen froze your feet. he was comfortable in comparison, hands warming up your entire being.
"it's sir matsukawa the great to you, and maybe i'd be better if i could reach your arms." he lifted his arm, hand still grasping yours, prompting you to do a little spin. a deep chuckle reverberated from his chest as your (his) sweatshirt rose up a bit, revealing the hem of his boxers that had been mysteriously missing from his dresser all day. "cute."
rolling your eyes, you pressed up against his chest, arms looped around his neck as you sleepily grinned up at him. "you can't put the blame on me, you're a giant. and those tattoos don't make you any less intimidating."
matsukawa scoffed and raised an arm to your face, tendrils of ink trailing up and disappearing under his rolled up sleeve. "from the looks of it, you love them, silly girl."
"i can't even see them, the lights are off," you laughed as you exaggeratedly closed your eyes, vision darkening impossibly more as the moonlight disappeared from your sight. the two of you were still swaying to the music, soft humming in your ears as matsukawa rested his chin on your head.
"i've gotta stop working the night shift..." he mumbled, pressing a messy kiss to the top of your head as he sighed. fingers looped through one of your hands as he pulled away, keeping an arm snug on your waist as his other held your hand up. you continued swaying slowly as the beat quieted, leaving just you two in the stillness of the night.
"i really don't mind waking up to see you, it's like an early start to my day i guess," you rested your head on his chest as the rocking slowly lulled you. his warmth seeped into you, eyelids drooping as your bed seemed to be calling you.
"liar, it's 4 am and you hate waking up before nine." matsukawa smiled as you yawned, reaching over to shut off the radio. he certainly got the hint that you were too tired to continue on, opting to bend down and hoist you up instead.
"you caught me," you breathed into the crook of his neck, allowing sleep to take over once again as he carried you off to your shared bedroom, not even bothering to change out of his work clothes, just so he could be with you.
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sugasshaay · 2 years
eternally suffering bcs they don’t make men like iwaizumi hajime
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iwaizumi hajime is a morning person.
yes, even on the weekends.
he likes being active, likes starting his day with a rush of energy. it was a habit nursed from his high school days, and carried into adulthood. he'd never understood the concept of slowing down, or granting oneself the luxury of a lazy day.
so he doesn’t hit snooze when his alarm wakes him at 7am (which is sleeping in, by his definition. on weekdays he’s up at the ass-crack of dawn). he doesn’t pull the covers over his eyes for ‘just five more minutes.’
iwaizumi simply turns off his alarm, gets up, and presses a kiss to your forehead. he murmurs, good morning, baby, pulling the covers back up around your chin before heading into the bathroom to splash his face with some cool water.
by 7:15 he’s changed, stretching in the center of your bedroom and pretending not to notice you peeking at him whenever his shirt ride up. then it’s another forehead kiss, a trip down to the kitchen for a light breakfast, and to feed the dog, and by 7:45 he’s lacing up his shoes, clipping on the dog’s leash, and they’re heading out the door.
he likes running in the mornings, especially on weekends. the city’s still a little sleepy, the roads and sidewalks a little less congested, giving him and your eager german shepherd plenty of room to move.
keeps a steady pace, taking the time to enjoy the sparkling layer of morning dew that’s blanketed across the park greenery. this speed is a little laxer than he’s accustomed to, because he’s not checking his watch every few minutes to make sure he won’t be late for work.
runner’s high is a thing, and iwaizumi’s addicted. he likes the feel of his heart is pumping blood through his veins, the crunch of the dirt path beneath his soles steady, constant, comforting amongst the dull hum of the city waking up.
weekend runs are nice, with the natural high, the beautiful scenery, and cool air (if only he could convince you to join him. then it’d be perfect.)
it’s almost nine by the time he’s finished a final cool down lap. both he and the dog are panting lightly, his mind refreshed and body energized, ready to spend the day with you.
though he’s walked from the park to home enough times to be aware of every shortcut, iwaizumi takes the long way on sundays. and he doesn't jog back, he walks.
iwaizumi hajime, walking during his morning run.
he’s greeted with a cheery ‘good morning!’ as he steps into your favourite cafe. the sunday morning shift knows he and his order by heart now, and sure enough, there’s a couple of muffins and a pair of croissants boxed and up before he can even order.
he’s a little eager to get home to you now, pace quickening to a jog as he weaves through other early morning commuters.
judging from the aroma of coffee brewing, and the crackle of something on the stove, you’re awake when he steps inside the house. iwaizumi unclips the dog from his leash before slipping his shoes off and hanging his windbreaker.
and he'd have preferred to be the first to properly greet you, but he's been beat by the dog, who's already happily accepting an affectionate kiss to his head and scratch behind the ears.
he huffs a little (it's not petulant, don't get it twisted, babe), but can't help but smile when he opens the fridge and sees the protein shake you'd already made for him.
you're quick to turn your attention to him anyway, grinning big and bright as you take the box of pastries from his hands, placing it on the counter before standing on your toes to kiss him. hands now free, he takes the opportunity to settle them on your hips, smiling as he steals a few more.
"you need to take a shower," you hum between kisses, though your hands are gripping his shoulders, pulling him closer. "too sweaty."
"join me?" he suggests, hands drifting down from your hips to grab handfuls of your ass.
"nice try, you had your fun last night." you tell him, iwaizumi laughing when you swat his hands away, rolling your eyes as you return to the scrambled eggs on the stove.
that doesn't stop him from wrapping his arms around you anyway, nosing at the column of your neck as you add a pinch of salt to the eggs.
"hajime," you whine as he takes the spatula from your hands, stealing a bite of eggs and humming with approval before dropping his sweaty forehead onto your shoulder, sighing dramatically. "if you shower now, maybe after breakfast we can--"
he doesn't even let you finish, pressing a kiss to your neck before heading towards the bathroom.
iwaizumi is finished hardly ten minutes later, out just in time to help you bring both plates of food out onto the sun-soaked patio.
it's funny, he thinks, as he watches you sip your coffee, basking in the warm morning sun. if he were on his own, he'd be standing at the counter scarfing down some more toast and chugging a smoothie whose consistency he can never seem to get right.
but sundays with you are sweet, soft, and syrupy, and he's sitting out on the patio watching your dog chase butterflies as he eats a butter croissant and sips at the perfectly blended smoothie you'd made for him.
you're his sole focus and he's yours. he listens as you talk about the book you're reading, about what's on your schedule next week. you laugh as he tells you some stupid story oikawa had called him about last night, and talks about what his plans are for team japan's conditioning session on tuesday.
it's always with a peek at your face and a fond smile that he realizes that sunday mornings with you are meant to be slow, and honestly?
he prefers it that way.
when you'd said 'maybe after breakfast we could--' iwaizumi realizes he should've let you finish.
because now he's on his knees, and not in a sexy way. he's got rubber gloves on, armed with a sponge and scrubbing at the bottom of the bathtub.
maybe he wouldn't mind if you were the one bent over, but you're wiping at the mirror, going over the checklist of chores the two of you are going to tackle before noon.
iwaizumi just grunts his, 'yes, babe,' and doesn't complain. sundays with you? yeah, they're also cleaning days.
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sugasshaay · 2 years
SAKUSA KIYOOMI | 8:19PM | @goreist
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“It’s a slow dance evening,” your husband decides. 
You disagree. The weight of this week’s stressors weigh heavily on your shoulders. Hunching your figure under his t shirt. You sigh heavily through your nose as he steps into your path. “Kiyoomi-”
He wraps you up in his arms, gently tugging you into his warm body and presses his head atop yours before you can finish your sentence. He’s shirtless and you can’t help but melt into the hard plains of him. Into his familiar scent.
He takes a deep breath and you feel the evidence of his life under your fingertips. The way his chest expands and his lungs fill with oxygen. The contraction of the muscles as he exhales above you. 
“Kiyoomi, seriously, we can’t-”
He squeezes you. Carefully applying enough pressure to force you to shut up. And then he’s breathing deeply again as he begins a slow circling motion around the space between your kitchen and living area. You don’t bother struggling. You relax into his hold and let him rock you, let him guide you through the motions.
There is no sound except the rustling of clothes and the busy city outside your safe haven. You find yourself reluctantly relaxing in the warmth of his embrace, your eyes slipping shut when he begins to hum some familiar tune. The stress of your week takes a back seat to the comfort of being engulfed in Sakusa Kiyoomi’s arms. Being protected by the broadness of his shoulders and back. 
“You’re safe,” he whispers and your emotions go haywire. A ball of emotion rolls off the back of your tongue and settles in the back of your throat like an uncomfortable boulder. “I’ve got you.”
The first shudder makes him pause in his swaying and the action sets of a domino effect. Another shudder wracks your finger and then you’re sobbing into his bare chest. Ugly, wet, hiccupping sobs that chip away at your husband’s heart. For one reckless moment he wonders if he can just get you to quit your job and stay home. Let him take care of you in every way. But then he remembers who you are and the absurdity of his thoughts. 
He adjusts you so he can run one hand up and down your spine in soothing strokes. You cry until your knees give out and then he scoops you up bridal style and carries you into your bedroom. He sits against the headboard and deposits you in his lap. He chuckles when you straddle him and bury your face in his neck. 
“You know it’s okay to be overwhelmed, love,” he says, settling one hand at the base of your spine while the other cups the back of your neck. “And it’s okay to cry and take a break and maybe even, you know-” he releases your neck and you can imagine him making a random gesture with his hand “-quityourjobandletmetakecareofyou.” He finishes in one breath. 
A giggle interrupts your sniffling, and you pull away from your hiding place enough to glare at him playfully. 
“There you are,” he smiles, cupping your cheek. “Feeling better?”
He reaches into the nightstand to pull out a Kleenex box when you sniffle and nod. 
“‘m sorry for-” you gesture to his shoulder and neck and chest, damp from your tears and snot.
He purses his lips, eyes narrowing at your embarrassment. “We’ve been married for half a decade,” he deadpans.
“Uh, so?”
“I’ve had your puke in places that-”
“Okay!” You squeal. “I get it!”
He cleans your face gently, his thumb massaging your cheek. When you’re both clean and your eyes are dry he presses a soft kiss to your mouth. “I don’t know how many times I have to say this before you get it into your pretty little head,” he says, cupping both your cheeks so you’re forced to stare at him as he speaks. “We can’t be too embarrassed to lean on each other love. That’s not how this thing between us-”
“You mean our marriage?” 
“-works. The point of this-”
“-mar- stop it,” he scowls. 
You blink innocently. “Continue.”
“I want you to trust me enough to come to me when you’re overwhelmed,” he admits. 
You sober immediately, bringing your own hands up to cup his around your face as you lean into them. “I’m sorry, sometimes I bite off more than I can chew and then life also decides to knock me around at the same time and before I know it everything is too much and I-”
“I know baby,” he soothes. “But you still have me. You will always have me. Do you understand?”
You nod.
“Good girl. No more work today.”
You pause “But-”
His glare is unsettling enough that you immediately snap your jaw shut. “We’ll order your favorites and watch a movie.” 
You open your mouth to protest and Sakusa kisses you soundly. Flipping you so you’re beneath him, legs wrapped around his waist as he pins you to the bed. When he pulls away you don’t even remember what you were going to say. The only thing you know is that you’re safe here. 
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sugasshaay · 2 years
┅ Taglist; @tsumussweetheart | @aelatus
can u write aboute iwas boobs .
I hate you I can't believe you're making me do this.
Character(s): iwaizumi.hajime
Type: i have no idea but I guess fluff??
Warnings: man boobs and the use of the word boobs a little too much.
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We all know iwaizumi has huge boobs. It's something he gets comments about everywhere. On the internet or in real life.
Whenever he posts any photos or videos of himself people (like you) go completely crazy. Talking about how they'd pay to suck on his boobs or just to squeeze them. And whenever he goes to the gym he's always met with people asking him to "help them" to do a specific exercise. And would touch him all over, and they're eyes are always go up and down looking completely awestruck. Even his female friends are jealous because they literally jiggle??? His male friends make fun of him but deep down they are also jealous because he can easily get women without even trying.
He's not dumb. He knows about all these little things and he's kind of proud of himself for it. And he loves the attention so much, but he'd never admit that to anyone. He'd try to subtle and do these little things to keep everyone's attention on him. Like wearing skin tight tops, and do the very famous act we all love: lifting the shirt up when working out.
Iwaizumi thought he heard it all, have seen it all. But he was so wrong when he met you. You were just, different? But not in the good way. You'd post about him in the internet with unbelievably inappropriate captions. And the tweets that you post publicly about him could drive him nuts. Most mornings he wouldn't need an alarm when you're there. You'd wake up and rest your head on one boob and your hand squeezing the other. Your pet cat only likes him because his boobs reminds them of their mother. And would climb on his lap to try and suckle on his boobs. And he can't try to kick the cat away because they'd get mad.
His boobs are your personal pillows and stress relief squishy. And you're completely unashamed of this.
You should be so glad he loves you because Lord the things he'd do if he didn't.
See you next time
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sugasshaay · 2 years
can u write aboute iwas boobs .
I hate you I can't believe you're making me do this.
Character(s): iwaizumi.hajime
Type: i have no idea but I guess fluff??
Warnings: man boobs and the use of the word boobs a little too much.
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We all know iwaizumi has huge boobs. It's something he gets comments about everywhere. On the internet or in real life.
Whenever he posts any photos or videos of himself people (like you) go completely crazy. Talking about how they'd pay to suck on his boobs or just to squeeze them. And whenever he goes to the gym he's always met with people asking him to "help them" do a specific exercise. And would touch him all over, and they're eyes are always go up and down looking completely awestruck. Even his female friends are jealous because they literally jiggle??? His male friends make fun of him but deep down they are also jealous because he can easily get women without even trying.
He's not dumb. He knows about all these little things and he's kind of proud of himself for it. And he loves the attention so much, but he'd never admit that to anyone. He'd try to be subtle and do these little things to keep everyone's attention on him. Like wearing skin tight tops, and do the very famous act we all love: lifting the shirt up when working out.
Iwaizumi thought he heard it all, have seen it all. But he was so wrong when he met you. You were just, different? But not in a good way. You'd post about him in the internet with unbelievably inappropriate captions. And the tweets that you post publicly about him could drive him nuts. Most mornings he wouldn't need an alarm when you're there. You'd wake up and rest your head on one boob and your hand squeezing the other. Your pet cat only likes him because his boobs reminds them of their mother. And would climb on his lap to try and suckle on his boobs. And he can't try to kick the cat away because they'd get mad.
His boobs are your personal pillows and stress relief squishy. And you're completely unashamed of this.
You should be so glad he loves you because Lord the things he'd do if he didn't.
See you next time
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sugasshaay · 2 years
ft: atsumu x gn!reader
warnings: use of baby & other pet names possible
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Keep reading
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sugasshaay · 2 years
“let’s move in together. let’s finally do it,” he whispered — or at least attempted. it was more of a quiet shout, one that only you two could hear. not that it was secretive, but it was intimate, something he wanted for only you. 
a grin stretched across his face, red from the crisp winter air. “you heard me. i think we’re at a point that we could,” his voice wavered as he became bashful. his knuckles whitened, clutching the railing surrounding the frozen pond you were both standing at. suddenly he was not the bulky, 20-something year old man that you were used to, but instead his old teenage self — shy, and ridiculously in love.
“you really think so?” you breathed out, a small cloud forming in the cold night air as you spoke. the sound of the festival behind you drowned out as you focused on him, soft yellow lights becoming a blur as they illuminated the softest parts of his face.
“yeah. i really think so,” he smiled down sweetly, eyes softening. “i know so.”
kita, osamu, iwaizumi, oikawa, sakusa, atsumu, kuroo, akaashi, matsukawa, hanamaki
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sugasshaay · 2 years
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@tsumussweetheart meian and u 😻 I hope you feel better soon
Meian x leafy moodboard 💃
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