suhwife · 2 hours
gente eu acho q o jeno deve ter um jeitinho bem marcante e dominante sim! mas só o fato dos meninos não terem nem coragem de fazer alguns tipos de brincadeiras com o jaemin (diferente de como é com os outros) me faz pensar muito em como ele deve ser quando não tá mostrando esse lado caótico e engraçado ou calmo e silencioso dele!! ele deve por até o diabo pra correr se quiser, o que me deixa com a ideia de que no dia que ele tiver no clima pra isso, sem dúvida, vai conseguir ser o mais dominante, mesmo se comparado com o jeno (ou até mesmo o chenle)
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suhwife · 2 days
bf!jeno headcanons
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bf!jeno that loves to shower with you, there's nothing better to him than being surrounded by the scent of you shampoo, not caring if the boys poke fun of him for smelling like a girl
bf!jeno that forces you to go to the gym with him, enjoying seeing you try to do his workouts, laughing as you struggle to lift his weights that he was easily using before
bf!jeno that "accidentally" leaves his shirts and hoodies lying around your house just so that you'll send him a picture later that night with it on
bf!jeno that always lets you pick which flavor drink you like more, offering to switch his with yours if he notices that you didn't really like the one you chose (he always orders himself a flavor he'll know you'll like for just to be safe)
bf!jeno that secretly loves physical touch, he loves when you comb your fingers through his hair or rub his back, feeling weird when your hands aren't on him
bf!jeno that has become the handyman of the house, he bought himself a whole tool box just so that he'll be ready the next time you call him for a leaky pipe
bf!jeno that will always pay for your clothes, hair, and nails because he loves when you feel pretty and confident, asking you to send him pics and put on a mini fashion show for him
bf!jeno that notices every little detail about you and uses it to his advantage, always knowing how you feel and what you need
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suhwife · 3 days
Lee Jeno who always holds you close, whether you are walking together and he holds you by your waist or you are standing in the kitchen or talking with friends and he would come and hug you from behind and place his chin on your shoulder.
Lee Jeno who would buy matching shirts, rings, necklaces etc for the two of you and proudly show them off whenever somebody asks about them.
Lee Jeno who is so obsessed with how your body feels under his touch that he can't keep his hands on himself whenever you are around him. You two would be making out, and he would travel with his hands your whole body tryung ti discover all of it.
Lee Jeno who sends you little cute animals or a meme that he thinks you would relate to and says 'you'
Lee Jeno who knows you so well and you can't hide anything from him. Are you sad and you don't want to tell him because he is busy and you don't want to burden him? Good luck with that cause he knows when you are faking happiness and when you are genuinely smiling and he won't let it go if he senses you are not doing okay.
Lee Jeno who gets easily jealous when other people are hitting on you and is ready to fight anyone that comes close to you, but is the biggeat sweetheart with you, always sweet and gentle.
Lee Jeno who when you first meet him he is scared that you will take him for a mean person but as you get to know him you unravel his amazing personality.
Lee Jeno who looks at you in shock when you laugh at his jokes so hard, since he is not used to people laughing at the jokes he makes.
Lee Jeno who was so nervous to introduce you to his family and his members and stayed up thinking of all the possible outcomes of the meetings.
Lee Jeno who sends you fit checks and expects your fit checks back. When you do send him what you are wearing he would probably melt at how beautiful you are or want to come to you and undress you immediately.
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suhwife · 5 days
literally my bf😍
jeno is the type of boyfriend that…
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keeps extra handwarmers in his pockets for when you get cold
shampoos, blow drys, and brushes your hair
asks to see your nails after you get them done
is a little speechless when he sees you after time apart
facetimes you and just sits with you while you both do your nighttime routine
loves that you are friends with his friends
listens to the little things
runs through the rain so he can pull the car around for you
buys all of the products you use and keeps them in his bathroom so you can stay the night at his place
rolls his eyes when you baby him and squish his cheeks but secretly loves it
wears the matching pajamas with you
loves when you gossip with him
kisses you over and over before you have to push him away because he will be late
likes when you surprise him
buys practical gifts like new plates or linens
wants you to do a fashion show for him anytime you get new clothing
pushes the shopping cart while you point at all the products
always manages to bring you up in any conversation
enjoys cooking dinner with you
sends random gifts in the mail because he thought you would like it
thought he didn’t like skinship until it was with you
does a sheet mask with you
reminds you to take your medicine
paints your nails
let’s you paint his nails
shows off if you ask to join him at the gym
gives the most comforting warm hug after a long day
will do silly things just so he can hear you laugh
holds your hand in his pocket
asks questions while you tell him the lore of your favorite characters
supports any hobby you have
kisses your head
leans his head in your neck when he’s pouting
likes when you do his hair and pick out his outfit
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a/n wrote this in like 10 minutes 😵‍💫 should i do a nsfw version 👀
© tddyhyck
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suhwife · 5 days
https://pin.it/64UhBTuZc (inspired by this)
a/n: i am so sorry this took so long but it’s like i got hit with a loving a sweet haechan láser and i had to write this like NOW
it’s not unusual for haechan to try to wrap himself around you.
he’s always been a touchy person. days where he traps you in a bear hug, days where he can’t seem to leave your side. he always likes having a hand somewhere on you, finding comfort knowing that you’re right by his side.
today, as you’re laying in bed, you find haechan hovering by the door. he got back from practice, just changed into some fresh clothes so he can join you.
he’s quick to throw himself on top of you, practically knocking the wind out of you. he doesn’t bother to move, and you don’t bother to push him off of you. your hands thread through his hair, hearing the satisfied hum he lets out at the feeling.
“how was work?” you ask.
he doesn’t respond verbally, letting out a low whine against your chest. you chuckle at the sound, one of your hands moving the hair at the nape of his neck, causing him to shiver. he whines out, “i just… need you.”
it’s only then that you feel how he’s hard against your thigh, how he’s subtly grinding into you. when he looks up at you, you can see his flushed cheeks and his hooded eyes. all you want to do is make him feel good.
he pulls himself up to look in your eyes before kissing you, slow and deep. his lips feel soft against yours, one of your hands reach to hold his cheek. your thumb smooths against his skin, watching him pull away from you so he can nuzzle into your touch.
he looks sweet like this, just a bit needy for your touches.
your thumb instinctively moves to trace over the moles of his face, feeling the soft smile he makes against your lips. he sighs contentedly when your hands fumble with the waistband of his sweats, your fingers slipping under his boxers to toy at his leaking tip.
it’s easy for you to give into him, letting him pull of your shirt and sweats, whining because he wants to feel you too. as he lazily presses kisses onto your neck, his hands wander all over you, hands touching you as he pleases.
as much as he would like to stay like this with you, the feeling of your hands running through his hair makes his heart race. he thinks he might be the luckiest person ever to be able to have you like this, to be able to share such a moment with you.
even if he’s a little impatient, haechan softly presses his fingers into you, prepping you just to make sure your comfortable. it doesn’t last long though, not when you’re squirming around, letting out quiet moans of his name.
a few moments later, he’s lining himself up, and you can feel just how needy he is when as his cock twitches against you. he leans over to kiss you, letting out a soft whimper against you as he bottoms out.
“s-so tight… just for me, right?” his voice his a little shaky when it reaches your ears. you respond with your hips grinding up into his, trying to fit him deeper inside you.
the feeling causes his head to fall to your shoulder, his warm breath hitting your skin as his hair lightly tickles you. you can feel his nose rub against your neck, trying to surround as much of himself with the feeling of you.
“i don’t… don’t think i’ll last long. you feel so good wrapped around me.” his words feel hot against you, and it’s only emphasized as he messily fucks into you. there’s no rhythm, no set pace, just a need to make the both of you feel good.
“it’s okay, love seeing you like this.” your hands press down against his back, pushing his chest into yours just to get him as close as possible. you can feel his eyes shut at your words, practically giving into you.
he kisses your shoulder before speaking, “needed you all day. just- just wanted you like this. wanted to hold you close to me.”
your nails dig into the skin of his back, drawing a moan out of him. you can feel him begin to shake against you, his cock twitching inside of you. he can’t help but succumb to you. everything about you makes him so weak.
despite how close he is to cumming, he continues, “can’t get enough of you. everything about you is perfect- you feel so nice against me.”
all you can do is moan out, caging him around you as you wrap your arms around his back. his whimpers raise in pitch, fucking helplessly into you, “gonna cum, gonna fill you up with all my cum…”
“please, haechan, wanna make you feel good.”
as soon as you place a soft kiss to the top of his head, his quick to cum inside you. moans of your name fill the air. his hands grip at your sides, trying to ground himself as he’s caught up in the feeling of you.
he tries to continue fucking his hips into you knowing that you didn’t cum, but he whines with how sensitive he is. you chuckle, calling his name out so you can press a kiss to his forehead. he thanks you quietly, head moving to nuzzle against your neck.
he quietly asks, pressing another kiss to your neck, “don’t you want me to return the favor?”
you murmur, “just stay here with me.”
you can feel him nodding against you, his cheek feeling warm against the skin of your collarbone. your heartbeat slows down, matching with haechan’s. all that’s left is the low hums of a song he lets out as you run your fingers along his back.
you wouldn’t trade this for the world.
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suhwife · 5 days
NCT DREAM + breeding you
f!reader x mark, f!reader x haechan, f!reader x jaemin | content ☆ baby fever insana por parte deles, spanking, dirty talk, squirting, na jaemin (!!)
warning ☆ este conteúdo é destinado a adultos, portanto, se você não tiver idade na descrição e, pelo menos, uma foto de perfil, será bloqueada!
Era mais um dia normal nas suas férias. Você estava vendo tv, com a cabeça apoiada no colo do namorado, enquanto ele rolava o feed do insta. Até que, nos posts sugeridos, um reel aparece. Um vídeo fofo de um bebê sendo alimentado com sua papinha. Na gravação, o pai leva a pequena colher até a boca do neném, que come a comida e gargalha logo depois, batendo as mãozinhas, contente. Uma chama parece ter acendido no coração de Mark.
Um vídeo. Foi tudo o que precisou.
Mais tarde naquele dia, Mark fez questão de trazer o assunto à tona depois de passar horas e horas pensando em como seria sua vida com um pequenino e pesquisar rios de produtos de neném.
— Um bebê? — você pergunta, olhando estranho para o namorado, enquanto ajeitava seu travesseiro antes de se recostar.
— É, um bebê! — ele falava tão animado e aquilo não fazia sentido algum. O seu Mark queria um filho. O seu Mark, que morre de medo toda vez que goza dentro de você, mesmo que esteja com uma camisinha. O seu Mark, que, mesmo depois de escutar um monólogo inteiro da própria mãe sobre prós e contras de ter um filho, chega à conclusão de que "não pode ser adestrado, não é uma boa ideia". Esse Mark queria um filho?
— Você tem certeza disso? — perguntou olhando nos olhos dele, que brilharam.
Mark chega mais perto de você, segurando seu rosto com ambas as mãos e beija seus lábios, demorando ali, querendo te passar o máximo de confiança possível, antes de dizer: — Sim, eu tenho total certeza disso.
— Sabe que a gente vai ter que replanejar toda a nossa vida e procurar uma cas- — isso é mais que o suficiente pra ele ter uma confirmação de que pode esguichar toda a porra dele dentro do teu útero.
E é assim que você para nessa situação. Sob ele, com a bunda ardendo de tanto tapa. Os olhinhos vermelhos e as bochechinhas molhadas pelas lágrimas porque, porra! Mark tá te comendo tão forte... tão bem!
Você agarrava o travesseiro com a sua vida, enfiando o rosto ali para reprimir o grito que foi causado por mais um tapa que o namorado deu na tua bunda.
— Vai ser a melhor mãe do mundo... porra, nosso bebê não pode ter mãe melhor... imagina só, você segurando ele nos braços, colocando pra dormir... merda... — ele murmurava, baixo o bastante pra você pensar que é um mero murmuro, mas alto o suficiente pra te deixar saber o que ele pensa. — Eu não podia ser mais sortudo... essa bucetinha recebe a minha porra tão bem, amor... vai deixar os meus bebês aí dentro até gerar um, huh?
Você balança a cabeça, concordando veementemente com a fala do namorado.
Mark te segura tão forte que, com certeza, depois do estado de completo frenesi, no próximo dia, vai estar dolorida, isso se conseguir andar direito.
A combinação dos teus choramingos e chamados pelo nome dele, a visão da tua buceta molhada contraindo no pau, previamente lambuzado de porra, dele e o som molhado que era emitido cada vez que a pelve dele batia contra as bochechas da sua bunda, o fazem revirar os olhinhos e, mais uma vez gozar em você.
Quando ambos se acalmam, Mark se retira de você, a soltando. Seus quadris caem na cama e você suspira. Mark beija a parte de trás das suas coxas, sobre para as bochechas da bunda, que foram ridiculamente maltratadas, e então sobe pela lombar. Ele afasta seu cabelo, cuidadosamente, e beija a concha da sua orelha.
— Acha que é o suficiente pra colocar um bebê aí? — pergunta com a voz mansa e você apenas balança a cabeça, molinha. Ele ri, roçando a ponta do nariz na sua bochecha, deixando um beijo. — Ou então a gente pode tomar um banho agora e eu coloco mais... — sugere galante antes de receber um tapa forte no peitoral e se aquietar.
Desde que sua sobrinha chegou pra passar a semana com vocês, Donghyeok não deixava de perceber seu jeito maternal com a garotinha que era a sua cara. Toda vez que vocês saíam e as pessoas presumiam que ela era sua filha, ele se segurava pra não te deixar corrigir a pessoa.
Toda vez que ele a ouvia chamar de "titio Channie", o coraçãozinho dele derretia. Definitivamente, foi uma das melhores temporadas da vida dele. Ter a sobrinha com ele, praticamente brincando de casinha por sete dias, foi a melhor experiência que ele teve. E ele não deixaria isso de lado tão cedo.
— 'Cê deixa eu gozar dentro, amorzinho? — ele murmura no seu ouvido, rolando os quadris contra os seus num ritmo lento, torturante. — Deixa eu encher você... dar uma melhor amiga pra nossa sobrinha... — ele ri, apertando ainda mais sua cintura.
Já tava tão bobinha que tudo o que conseguia fazer era gemer e murmurar um "goza, hyeok..." e quem é ele pra te contrariar, não é?
Haechan saiu de você e a virou, pressionando sua frente na parede fria. Você choraminga quando ele entra novamente, te fodendo com força. As mãos dele apertam sua cintura fortemente, te mantendo no lugar pra ele poder te encher logo.
O único pensamento na mente de Hyeok era te engravidar. Queria – e teria – um bebê seu a qualquer custo. Ele precisava. Precisava ser o seu homem. Precisava mostrar pra todo mundo que vocês estavam juntos, que se amavam tanto a ponto de fazer um filho.
Você choraminga mais alto, levando um dos braços para trás, segurando no pescoço do seu noivo, que enfia o rosto no seu, respirando fundo e mordendo seu ombro. Assim que sente os jatos de porra de Haechan, você goza. Esguicha na parede, fazendo uma poça embaixo de vocês, mas não poderiam se importar menos.
— Merda... — ele xinga. Aquele parece ser o orgasmo mais intenso que já teve na vida e, definitivamente, o mais cheio.
Sem retirar o pau de você, ele beija seu ombro e sobe pro pescoço, roça o nariz ali e ri, te segurando quando você parece perder o equilíbrio.
— Será que eu já coloquei nosso bebê aí dentro...? Ou precisa de mais? — você reclama quando ele te pega no colo, a levando pro quarto.
O sexo entre Jaemin e você era sempre desprotegido. Quando namoravam, poucas vezes usavam camisinha e agora, casados, nem olham pro objeto na farmácia. Nenhum de vocês sabe como ainda não tem um bebê correndo pela casa. Não que estivessem tentando ter um, mas, em contrapartida, não estavam usando nenhum método pra impedir que isso acontecesse.
Quando descobriram seu fetiche em comum, nada os pôde segurar. Transavam como dois coelhos e com um só objetivo: te encher da porra dele.
Suas mãos acabaram encontrando suporte nos ombros largos de Jaemin, que tinha os lábios macios colados no seu pescoço, deixando beijos e marcas, e as mãos nos seus quadris, guiando o teu ritmo lento sobre o colo dele. Estavam recuperando o fôlego do recente orgasmo de ambos.
— Acho que agora eu quero um bebê... pra valer... — ele diz abafado, não tirando o teu peito da boca.
— Quer dividir, é? — você balança o torso em diversão, sorrindo quando ele aperta sua bunda. — Achei que a gente tava tentando desde a primeira vez que transou sem camisinha.
— Quinto encontro e você já sabia que eu seria o pai dos seus filhos, amor? — ele zomba, soltando um muxoxo em seguida. — E eu que sou o emocionado...
Você belisca o mamilo dele, que retrai, soltando um "ai!". — E é mesmo! Onde já se viu. Segundo encontro e já querendo me apresentar pra família.
— Ué, meu amor, poxa. Sempre falei que eu era homem de família, que era pra casar. 'Cê sempre soube... — a voz dele foi ficando mais mansa e os lábios dele voltaram a colar na tua pele. — Ter filhos... muitos filhos... — você suspira quando ele te segura e suspende os próprios quadris. Ele sorri. — E a gente pode fazer agora, né? — Jaemin te vira, a deitando confortavelmente e se pondo sobre você. — Quantas mais eu preciso colocar aí dentro pra te engravidar, huh? Já foram duas.
— Muitas, Nana... — sugere, dengosa, enlaçando o pescoço dele com os braços e o puxando para um beijo.
Durante o beijo, Jaemin retira o pau de você, o punhetando algumas vezes pra fazer ele voltar com a corda toda. Ele geme contra a sua boca e separa o beijo. Seus olhinhos chegam a revirar quando vê o teu homem todo melado de porra, assim como você. Ele sorri, com a língua entre os dentes, e provoca sua entradinha. Você manha e ele entra de uma vez, se pondo sobre você.
— Muitas? — o Na roça os lábios sobre os seus. — Então é bom 'cê não ter nada pendente pra amanhã porque 'cê só sai dos meus braços quando eu tiver certeza de ter colocado um bebê aqui. — seu marido beija sua barriga antes de começar o quarto round.
notas ☆ tá sem foto, sem nada, porque eu quero ver se vai pras tags, mas acho que tumblr só me odeia mesmo...
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suhwife · 7 days
vou contar uma coisa aqui e vocês podem até me achar estranha mas... desde criança, eu tenho por mim que Abraham Lincoln é minha alma gêmea (de forma platônica), sei que talvez não faça muito sentido só que eu acredito nisso mesmo, sem nem brincar🤰
meus pais sempre falaram q eu nunca fui mt normal pq eu falava q era a melhor amiga do Abraham Lincoln e a esposa do Michael Jackson... 😇
mas enfim o que eu queria mesmo era compartilhar um funfact sobre fato de que o Jaehyun do nct faz aniversário no mesmo dia que ele fazia 12 de fevereiro (meus homens sendo just like twins🤞
os famigerados velentine boys😍
com isso, deixo também uma foto do livro q eu comprei do Lili pra eu ler no intervalo do meu trabalho👇
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suhwife · 11 days
jeno is the type of boyfriend that pays attention to you. pays attention to your rambling about films, your blabbering about pop culture and all the trivia and unnecessary facts you know about famous people. pays attention to you. knows your drink order in restaurants, so when you’re a bit late because of traffic or delays, he orders your drink for you as soon as he arrives. he knows your period cravings. he knows your favourite sodas and the brands you love most. he knows all your favourite flowers and he comes back home with a bouquet in hand, at least once a week. he knows you love getting sweet treats after work so when you both get off work at 5 pm he calls you over to new cafes to have some pastries and coffee together. he knows that during dates your food choices are not that great, you hate them, so he orders something that he thinks you might like — and it always turns out that he’s right; you steal food off his plate and his smile reaches his eyes. he loves you very much. he knows you like to nibble on gummy bears when you work on some projects at home, sometimes until midnight. and he also knows that you hate the raspberry bears with a passion. so when you two are watching some show on the tv and he holds the gummy bears pack in his hand, he only fishes out the flavours he knows you like, before giving them to you. he’s not a yapper, but he occasionally engages in your energetic gossiping sessions. he loves the spark in your eyes when he asks questions or comes up with feedback about said gossip because you realise he’s been paying attention to your rambling. how could he not, when he loves you so much? he loves when you let him take care of you — cooking for you when you finish work late, slicing some fruits for you when you both work from home, massaging your shoulders when you’re too tensed. he loves you incredibly much.
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suhwife · 13 days
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Pairing: Lee Jeno (NCT) x fem!reader
Genre: Fluff/Smut
Contains: Kissing, body worship, dry humping, swearing, dirty talk, hair pulling
Word count: 3345
A/N: With a special dedication to @sexygrass, I hope you'll like this version of cute 'n' sassy Jeno 😉
“The final assignment’s gonna be easy, my ass,” you murmur angrily, trying your best to focus on the book in your hands.
Despite the fact that you’ve been sitting there for over half an hour, not much progress has been made in your reading. If only this was the area of your interest, surely you wouldn’t be bored out of your mind, but well, it’s not.
“Why me,” you groan dramatically, throwing your head back against the backrest of the sofa.
It’s not like you didn’t expect it to be difficult – you did, actually – but it doesn’t make you feel any better now that you have to finally start working on it. Not to mention that you constantly complain about all the work you have to do, and this certainly doesn’t help your motivation.
“You don’t seem to be very into it," you can hear Jeno laughing from the bathroom.
He must have heard your whining all the way from there.
“No shit,” you scoff in the answer, as you roll your eyes good-naturedly.
Trying to work at your house proved to be impossible, as everything there distracted you: there was always something better to do than reading that goddamned book. When in the morning you video called Jeno to complain, he suggested coming over to study together, as he had an exam the day after tomorrow, and you agreed.
“We can motivate each other this way, you know,” he exclaimed with the sweetest of smiles, causing your heart to skip a beat.
That’s when you realized that you’re fucked. Desperately trying to escape one distraction, you’ve happily thrown yourself right into the muscled arms of another one. Maybe you should’ve thought about it some more before giving him a positive answer, but at that moment you were way too busy thinking about how pretty his brown eyes appear in that lighting.
“So, what exactly are you doing?”
Jeno’s voice makes you jump – lost in your thoughts, you didn’t even notice him approaching you.
“Reading, or rather trying to–,” you manage to say before you look up, and the words die on your lips.
He’s standing a meter or so away from you, a warm smile playing on his lips, as he’s waiting for your answer – at this moment it really hits you how fucked you actually are.
It’s all because of your tardiness – you’re not exactly the type to arrive on time, and Jeno is no stranger to that fact. There’s no wonder he simply assumed that he didn't need to be in a rush when he came back from his training – he thought you’d be late. This time, however, you arrived exactly on time, only to catch him still walking around in his sweaty gym clothes. A bit flustered with the turn of events, he asked if you mind giving him some time to clean up and change, and you, of course, agreed without a second thought. You were completely lost at this point, enchanted by this flustered mess of a man. You should’ve known better than to think that this is going to turn out fine, really.
“Trying, huh?” he chuckles, his long fingers pushing damp locks from falling into his eyes.
You don’t know where to look. Would be awkward if he caught you gaping at his muscled chest.
“Y–yeah, I’m trying really, really hard,” you answer rather nervously.
You’re trying to control yourself and not let your eyes wander, which is a crazy difficult task. From the corner of your eye, you can see droplets of water falling from his hair and rolling down his chest: slowly travelling down his muscled abdomen until they reach the waistband of his sweats and soak into the fabric. He’s saying something, but you can barely focus, as you’re too busy gaslighting yourself into ignoring how hot your best friend looks right now.
“You’re not listening to me, are you?”
“Pardon?” you question with an apologetic smile, trying your absolute best to ignore your dirty thoughts.
To be frank, falling for your best friend is, in your opinion, the worst possible option in terms of catching feelings for someone. You can’t even pinpoint when it happened and what exactly caused you to become infuriated with him. Was it his weird sense of humour and that joyful laugh of his? His respectful behaviour towards you? Or maybe it’s all about his handsome face? You can’t tell – all you know is that there’s something about Jeno that causes your brain to turn into a mush whenever you need it the most.
“This book must have tired you out more than I thought it would,” he chuckles good-naturedly, walking towards the table where his laptop is placed.
Moving some papers to the side, he settles comfortably on the chair, and then opens the device.
“You’re clearly out of it,” he adds over his shoulder with an amused smile, turning the laptop on.
You, on the other hand, are not as amused. You’re no stupid, you’re just stupidly in love with this irritatingly handsome man.
“Of course I am,” you say, tongue-in-cheek. “You really expect me to stay focused, while you’re walking around half-naked, huh? Might throw some t-shirt on, you’re distracting me, Jeno.”
Jeno turns around slightly, and stares at you, his brows furrowed: a perfect picture of disbelief. There’s something in his expression that you can’t exactly put your finger on, but it appears to be a hint of sadness, or even regret.
“Not that you have a bad sense of humour or something, but this joke isn’t funny at all.”
Now it’s your time to be surprised, as you blink quickly trying to process his words.
“I’m not joking, though,” you say, puzzled a bit by his reaction.
“You saw me without a t-shirt countless times already,” he hums, scratching his neck as if in wonder, but you know that in his case it’s a sign of embarrassment. “What’s the difference? I didn’t think you’d care that much.”
It’s your turn to furrow your brows now. It does affect you quite a lot, actually, he just doesn’t know that.
“So you think that it doesn’t affect me that you walk around me basically naked?”
“Please,” he scoffs, turning around back to his laptop to type the password in. “It’s not like you’d like to fuck me or something.”
Your mind goes blank for a second, the wave of heat immediately hitting your cheeks.
“What are you saying?” you chuckle nervously, your heart pounding rapidly in your chest.
Jeno glances over his shoulder, clearly not understanding the reason behind your awkward reaction. He clears his throat before adding:
“Doesn’t really matter what kind of attraction we’re talking about. It’s pretty obvious that you don’t think of me as someone attractive.”
First of all, you can’t believe your ears, and second of all, you’re starting to feel a little hysteric. You take a deep breath, and put your book to the side.
“You think I’m not attracted to you,” you say matter-of-factly, trying your best to keep the tone of your voice neutral.
“Exactly,” he shrugs in the answer, not even turning around, too busy checking something in his notes.
Your heavy sigh is a little dramatic, you have to admit, but you’re done, just done with this man. Either you’re an absolute pro at hiding your feelings, or he’s just a lost cause in terms of noticing what’s going on around him. You don’t really suspect yourself of being that good of an actress – you know very well that your self-control is in pretty bad shape when you’re around him.
“You’re such a fool, oh my god,” you groan helplessly, standing up from the sofa.
Two big steps is all it takes to reach him.
“Excuse me?” he dramatically turns around, clearly offended by your words.
A quiet gasp escapes his lips when he realizes that you’re now mere centimetres away from him, invading his personal space in a way that causes a shiver to run straight to his crotch. His breath hitches slightly when you gently grab him by the chin and tilt his head back so that he’s staring up at you.
“Look me right in the fucking eyes and say it again. Say that I don’t want to fuck you.”
Jeno opens his mouth but doesn’t say a single word. The longer his dark eyes bore into yours, the deeper the flush on his cheeks gets. When he licks his lips nervously, your stare drops unceremoniously for a second before you slowly raise your eyes to meet his gaze once again.
“Cat got your tongue?” you ask with a raised brow, your tone deeply amused.
He tries to shake his head, but your grip makes it almost impossible. His Adam’s apple bobs when he swallows audibly, and you don’t even try to stop yourself from touching it. The fingertips of your free hand caress his skin tenderly, and you can see that he’s barely breathing at this point.
“You see, Jeno,” you hum as your fingers move up his neck, brushing over his prominent jaw, down his neck to his collarbones and bare shoulders. “All this time I thought that I was so goddamn obvious that you purposely pretended not to notice my behaviour.”
“W–what?” he stutters out, his voice a bit higher than it usually is.
How the turn tables, really. You didn’t even do anything to him yet, but he’s already reacting in such an adorable manner. Jeno is truly delightful.
“Turns out that you simply can’t see shit, and that’s it. No other reason behind it except for obliviousness,” you scoff, shaking your head slightly.
“I–I don’t think I understand,” he murmurs, blinking innocently at you, his long eyelashes brushing his cheekbones.
“You think that I wouldn’t touch you even with the tip of my finger, no?”
This time he tries to nod, but once again the grip on his chin prevents him from doing so. It’d be too easy to answer this way – you want him to use his words, you want him to state clearly what he thinks and what he wants.
“Um, well, yes,” he answers then, the tone of his voice way less certain now.
You can’t help but huff a laugh in the answer. In the meantime, the fingers of your free hand comb through his still damp hair, and it truly feels marvellous to do so. You wanted to play with his hair for such a long time now, imagining more often than not about how he’d sound if you just pulled on them – so you decide to do exactly that.
“Think again then, babe.”
You let go of his chin, and grab a fistful of his locks, pulling his head back.
“Oh fuck,” Jeno whimpers in the answer, his gorgeous neck on full display now.
Once again, you have no idea where to look but for entirely different reasons than mere minutes ago. He’s just so stunning, and you can’t stop staring at him.
“You see, if I had the opportunity to do so, I’d have fucked you senseless plenty of times already,” you hum, your thumb grazing his lover lip teasingly. “I’d make you fucking scream my name.”
His breath hitches audibly, causing your core to clench deliciously. Seeing how responsive he is to your words, your actions, makes you hungry for more. You want him so badly.
“You can’t even imagine what I’d do to you if you just let me, Jeno. You make me go crazy,” you breathe out, leaning forward until your faces are mere centimetres apart. “All this time, I thought you’re not interested in me, and that’s why I never took the first step. I didn’t want to lose you.”
“I didn’t know,” he sighs, closing his eyes as your nails scratch his head gently. “You never reacted in any way to me, I just thought that you don’t see me that way.”
“Such fools, both of us,” you murmur, pressing your lips against his forehead.
A moment later you place another kiss between his eyebrows, then one on the tip of his nose, and on both of his eyelids. You’re dying to kiss every millimetre of his body.
“Do you want me to sit on your lap, Jeno?”
Your lips brush his when you whisper the question, and he opens his eyes, sending you a stare full of emotions. You can see the want in his dark eyes, clear as the day, and a shiver of excitement runs down your spine.
“Yes, please,” he breathes out, his arms already reaching towards you to pull you closer.
As you settle on his thick thighs, his arms circle your waist tightly, holding you as close as he dares to. Judging by his carefulness, he’s still unsure of what’s going to happen next, but he’s clearly not opposed to whatever you’re planning to do. You can’t help but marvel over the wonderful feeling of being in his arms, your body pressed tightly against his. Your breast touching his bare chest, your crotch pressed against his, faces in such close proximity – you can barely think straight. In this position, you can feel his hardening cock through the fabric of his sweats: it’s not completely hard yet but clearly on the high road to be fully erect, and your mind is already in the gutter, thinking about all the possibilities.
“Such a nice lap to sit on,” you say with a smirk adorning your lips, your hips rocking ever so slightly against his.
There’s a mischievous spark in his eyes just before he says:
“Actually, there’s nothing that’s stopping you from settling yourself on them more often.”
Jeno might be flustered as hell right now, there’s no mistake about it, but that sure ain’t gonna stop his sarcastic side from showing. You can’t help but smile widely in the answer, knowing very well that he has a point now that you’re on the same page.
“Glad to know,” you say before gently pressing your lips against his.
You were imagining that first kiss countless times already, but your imagination can’t compare to the reality of his plushy lips moving against yours, the feeling of his strong arms pulling you as close as possible. At first, it’s delicate and slow, but it doesn’t take long for both of you to lose your resolve. The kisses become more hungry with time, all tongues and teeth, his hands wandering all over your body, your fingers in his hair. Soon you’re both completely breathless, and have no choice but to pull away. Your body feels way too hot, and there’s nothing you’d wish for more than to take off your clothes, to feel his skin right next to yours without any barriers.
“I wanted you for so long,” he rasps, panting heavily. “I couldn’t stop thinking about you when we weren’t together, and when we did, it was even worse because I couldn’t be with you the way I wanted.”
You kiss him again and again and again, grinding your hips against his already hard cock, making him moan into your lips. The friction created by the fabric, and the hardness of his shaft, sends little bolts of pleasure through your body. Jeno’s right hand slips underneath your t-shirt, his fingertips delicately tracing patterns on your skin, while his left hand lands on your thigh, moving up towards your butt and down again.
“Jeno,” you sigh, when his fingers brush your breast ever so slightly. “You’re such a tease.”
“Didn’t you already know that,” he answers with a broad smile, his hands touching you everywhere they can reach.
“I suppose I knew,” you chuckle in the answer, shaking your head slightly.
What a perfect combination: easily flustered, and such a sweet man, but with a sassy side, a little bratty even.
“One of the reasons I’m so attracted to you,” you add, your hand slipping into his hair to grab it once again, gentler this time.
“Another one is that gorgeous neck.”
Jeno’s laugh turns into a soft whimper, when you place a kiss just under his ear and start to slowly move down his neck, one kiss at a time. It makes you feels so good that you’re the one making him moan quietly right into your ear, causing his cock to twitch underneath you with such simple actions as kissing his neck, whispering sweet words into his ear.
“You’re such a pretty thing, you know,” you pant out, nibbling on his earlobe.
The way he smells drives you absolutely crazy, and you love the way his soft hair tickle your face ever so slightly. Gorgeous.
“God bless women’s bodies aren’t as traitorous as men’s, otherwise I’d have been utterly fucked a long time ago,” you say with a small chuckle, licking his skin as your fingers rake through his tangled locks.
“What?” he chokes out, his hands now clenched tightly on the fabric of your t-shirt, his breathing heavy.
“You can’t even imagine how aroused I can get just from observing you simply being yourself,” you murmur, peppering the skin of his neck with kisses. “Only I know how many times I’ve got off to the memory of you cooking a diner for me shirtless.”
“Seems like I should do that more often then,” he hums, placing both of his hands on your hips.
“Wonder what would taste better: my cooking or me.”
“Good question,” you laugh, your mind already being flooded with the images of Jeno cooking for you, and you licking tasty things off his skin.
You start to slowly but steadily rock your hips against his, searching for the best angle to get off. When you finally find it, a jolt of pleasure runs through your body, and you sigh his name softly.
“My name sounds so pretty when you say it,” he murmurs into your neck, his lips, tongue and teeth all over your skin.
“Since today, I’ll say it as often as you want me to,” you moan, your head falling back as he starts to massage your breast through the fabric of your t-shirt.
The sounds of moaning, panting and curses fill the room, as the humping becomes more and more aggressive, both of you getting closer and closer to your release. The seam in the front of your pants rubs onto your clit just the right way, especially with his hard cock pressed against it. It feels wonderful to finally be in such a situation with him.
“Fuck, I’m going to cum into my briefs because of you,” Jeno moans, but clearly he doesn’t mind that.
“Next time, I swear to god, I’m coming right into your pussy,” he pants into your ear.
The image that forms in your head pushes you over the edge, and you come hard. While shivers run through your body, Jeno holds you strongly, bringing you even closer as you lazily move your hips, riding your orgasm. You can’t tell for how long you’ve stayed like that, but you sure took your time.
“I think I’m the one whose underwear is ruined now,” you sigh into his neck, when the aftershocks die out, and you can feel your drenched panties in all their uncomfortable glory.
Jeno laughs softly, such a beautiful sound feeling your ears. The feeling of his thick biceps pressed on either side of your waist is certainly something else, and you know that in the future his arms will receive a lot of your attention.
“I’m not sorry at all, but I’ll happily help you take your panties off,” he says, his hands massaging your butt and thighs.
“And the rest of your clothes too, of course. Let’s not forget, I have a promise to keep,” he whispers into your ear, placing kisses all over your head.
You can feel your core clenching in delicious anticipation.
“Indeed, you’ve made a promise,” you answer, a smirk forming on your lips.
“And I promise that I’ll make you scream my name, Jeno baby.”
His cock twitches at that.
“Can’t wait.”
Copyright © 2020-2024 by byzantiumshades. All rights reserved.
296 notes · View notes
suhwife · 15 days
gente mas eu preciso tanto...
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crazy handsome
890 notes · View notes
suhwife · 20 days
jeno fucking a dumb sensitive overly submissive reader?
a/n: sorry to the anon that sent this months ago... but, ig i'm officially back now :D
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by the time jeno decides to slide his fingers out of your poor sopping cunt, you can barely tell where or when you are anymore. you sit and twitch in his lap, basking in the numbing daze of being fingerfucked through a countless number of orgasms. his arms wrap around your body bringing your back flush against him, his erection presses firmly against your ass.
"baby...” he whispers lustily into your ear.
"jen- i-i just-" you've barely caught your breath and your legs are still shaking.
"don't tell me you've had enough, i haven't even cum yet." he pouts while rocking his hips against you to emphasise his desperation. "lemme keep making you feel good." his mouth grazes your shoulder as his hands skim down your tummy to push your thighs apart.
"you don't want me to stop, do you?" it sounds more like he's telling you than a question. of course, he knows what your body wants better than you; there's no way you can deny him. 
jeno wastes no time rearranging your tired limbs, laying you on your back. he crawls over you eclipsing and caging you with his muscular form, a darkness akin to that of a starved beast ready to descend swirling behind his sparkly brown eyes. your entire body jumps in surprise as you feel his hard cock brush against your puffy folds.
"sure you can take it?" he chuckles, reaching a hand down to take hold of his girth and slap it down against your swollen clit - a feeling you can't help but mewl at.
"please, jeno, please! i want- i need your cock." tears begin to prick your eyes. the empty feeling between your legs begins to gnaw at your sanity. 
how can he deny you when you beg so, so well? you bite back a whine as he buries his swollen tip into your slit. a sensation so searingly pleasurable begins to spread through your body as he sinks into you. 
"oh my f- jeno!" you shriek, the stretch becoming more overwhelming with each inch. "it's so, i- you're so-"
"it's okay," he coos out as your clumsy hands rush to claw at the sheets. "i know baby, you’re still sensitive, but you’re gonna be good and take it all, m’kay."
this was the part jeno loved. his eyes don't leave your face for a second as he bullies the rest of his cock into you. your eyes gloss over and your mouth lolls open, the feeling of being filled so well was just too much for your poor, dumb brain to handle.
your sensitivity seemly becomes contagious, as he takes a moment to revel in your warmth; your walls grip and suck around him, even though you swore you couldn't take it a couple of minutes ago.
he takes hold of your waist pulling out to sharply thrust back in forcing a hiccup out of you. the meek sounds turn into garbled moans about how good it feels as he picks up the pace, each thrust sending you further into hysteria. 
"takin' me so fucking well." he strains, “my perfect, dumb little fuckdoll.”
his heart swells as tears begin to spill from your eyes but it's overpowered by the need to ruin you further. as you sob, he clutches your jaw and kisses you tenderly while bucking into you viciously. your cunt convulses around him so enticingly, your legs spread further under the influence of his strong hand so easily, 
"shit, not gonna last long, baby, feel too good." you can barely even process what he’s saying any more. all you can do is take him and feverishly shudder at the feeling of your silky walls being stretched to their limit.  
jeno just barely makes out the word ‘inside’ between the jumble of sounds coming out of your mouth.
"cum for me first, yeah?" jeno can feel his balls tightening, your heat gripping him dizzyingly tight, begging to be pumped full. "wanna see you make a mess all over my cock."
jeno's thumb rubs down on your clit in rapid circles as his thrusts start getting choppy. his moans getting whinier by the second. 
a burst of power seems to shoot through him as he lifts your hips higher angling himself to perfectly hit your spot. you let out a shrill before releasing; making a bigger mess than either of you expected as you squirt all over his abdomen.
“good girl, messy fucking slut,” the sound of your skin slapping together becomes overwhelmingly wet. all the stimuli push jeno over the edge; his nails dig into your hips, pushing the both of you to your limit to hit your deepest spots. 
“gonna- take it all for me, i’m- fuck!” he lets out an almost pained groan as he pumps thick, hot spurts of cum deep inside of you. eyes rolling back as his mouth hangs open. 
jeno just barely catches himself before smooshing you under his weight. you’re still trembling and gasping at the aftershocks of it all as he rests his forehead against your own. his breath fans over your face before he connects his lips with yours passionately, turning into somewhat of a doting puppy now his carnal desires have been satiated.
“okay? too much?” he breathes out, sweetly dotting kisses all over your face.
“‘m okay,” you slur, eyes barely staying open. he had drained all the energy out of you; you’re surprised you’re even still conscious.
“did so well for me,” he plants one last peck on your lips, “think that might have been the hardest i’ve ever cum, thank you.”
920 notes · View notes
suhwife · 20 days
Doctors Appointment - L.J.N
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This is a Prequel to Never a Martyr , they aren't really connected plot wise but the same au, if you are feeling funky and fun you can go and read that one as well!!!
Pairing: Jeno x Fem reader MDNI 18+ 2.6k +
Genre: Smut, like a whisper of plot building
Warnings: Oral f! receiving, Unprotected sex, a tiny bit of manhandling..? Jeno is a quiet freak
Summary: After being hired as the new doctor, one of the patients in your case file draws your attention. You try to ignore him staring at you through his window as you walk down the hallways until curiosity gets the best of you, and quite possibly might be one of your better decisions and the start of a very bad patient-doctor relationship.
Authors Note: hello friends : ) I started writing this because I wanted a bit more to the story from before, but I really liked the idea of this story starting before the first one. So I hope you guys enjoy, this isn't super proofread so bear with me lol - xoxo flashbangstars
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It was day 173 when he heard the rhythmic tap of heels on the concrete floor, a hot contrast from the normal harsh slam of military boots on the cold floor. Going to his window he peered out and watched as a long white lab coat fluttered as you walked away, and a black pair of stilettos carried you swiftly throughout the hallway. Your hair bounced with each step, uniform dark curls contrasting against the pristine white of the coat. 
It was day 184 when you were back again, this time the heels were swapped for a red pair of stilettos. He caught you before you had passed, His movements stuttered back from the window when he saw your face, dark eyes framed with thick-framed glasses. Your eyes bounce around the hallways observing the row of doors and locks as you quickly try to make it to the end of the hallway. Your hair was down again in the same curls. 
Days 185-203 he began to paint the image of you into the inside of his brain. The hair, the way you bit your lips, and the way you would wear blouses that you thought weren’t see-through. The way where if he was discrete enough he could make out the outline of the bra you were wearing underneath the satin. The time when you grabbed something from your pocket and dropped a pen on the floor pulling it out, when you bent over the slit in the back of your skirt showed off the back of your legs, dangerously close to where it would be indecent. All of this was on repeat in his head.
It felt like a sunny day when you stopped directly in front of his room and stared in through the glass, he stepped back and tried to still himself as he was caught in your gaze. Hearing the door knob move, his eyes snapped to the lock and watched as It turned to pop open, disengaging the lock. Taking another step back he could tell he was almost flat against the concrete wall.
And then you walked in.
Today you were wearing a white blouse tucked into a grey pencil skirt, your hair down, and that same pair of glasses laid on the bridge of your nose. He was unable to think, his eyes scanned you all over at an alarming rate, taking in everything he could while there was no barrier between you two.
“Hi, I am Doctor Y/L/N, I am part of your healthcare team” you spoke, your voice constricting around everything in his body.  
You had been hired under the main doctors of the project, you weren’t technically an outsider, but with the little amount of what they had told you. It felt as if you were being kept with a veil over your eyes. Walking in the first day to rows of rooms filled with people, all in uniform order, and all looking as if they were inherently scared to not be in uniform order.
You had been assigned as a caregiver to 0423 in your third week there. You had known who 0423 was, he had a habit of staring at you each time you walked through the exhibit hallway. You would always feel his cold gaze as you passed. Being face to face with him felt like being in a cage with a scared animal, but you couldn’t quite tell who was what. 
You moved closer to 0423 and watched as his eyes widened again, You pulled your stethoscope from around your neck and gestured for him to come closer, resigning to let him choose when he wanted to allow you in. 
You pressed the cold stethoscope to his chest and avoided eye contact, as soon as his heartbeat filled your ears, your brows shot up, eyes snapping to meet his that had already been watching you. 
“Why Is your heart beating fast” your voice came out a bit more concerned than you had meant for it to be, but you couldn’t take it back now. 
“Because you are here” he answered, breathing out his words as if he had been holding his breath.
You felt your face heat and averted your gaze away again, pretending you were occupying yourself with moving the stethoscope around his chest. 
“I saw you the first time you came down this hallway” his heartbeat quickened as he started his sentence “Your shoes look very uncomfortable” he uttered. 
You couldn’t help the laugh that came out of you, dropping the stethoscope back around your neck and smiling. Your laugh was half agreeing with his sentiment, and the other half being amused that this tall six-foot-something super intimidating person just shared his opinions on your high heels. 
“Well, beauty is pain-“your sentence dropped off reminding you that you only knew him by a number, your eyes looked up in question.
“Jeno- My name is Jeno,” he said in response, his tone turning lighter than before. 
Out stretching your hand you smiled. 
“Well it is nice to meet you Jeno” he grasped your hand and shook it firmly, not breaking eye contact, the corner of his lips curling into a small smile. 
You knew this technically was not allowed between you two, but something about him negated the cold reviews from your supervisors. Labeling him as “dangerous” and “a risk” didn’t make sense to you. 
You had left his room that day confused as to what to think. As you walked further from the room, you became conscious of the eyes on you, specifically Jeno’s.
The next day, you were assigned to the night shift of patient checkups. Surprisingly Jeno was never on the list. He was always in top health and you were sure that was because of higher-ups wanting him to be in top health. 
As you made your way through the list, your eyes would linger on Jeno’s door each time you passed. The first time you passed he was sitting on his bed reading, and the second time an hour later he was out of view. Part of you was glad he hadn’t noticed you, but also felt partially disappointed. You knew that creating this bond with him wasn’t smart. But each time you were brought back to those dark eyes, it was hard to ignore the want for more. 
You had finished your last room and locked the room behind you, as soon as you heard the lock click your head slowly turned in the opposite direction of the hallway. Checking your watch the time read 3:54 am. 
Without thinking you let your feet carry you to right in front of the door you had been carefully observing all night. Inserting the key in into the lock and turning it, your hearting pounding against your chest, your hands shaking. 
Opening the door, you slowly looked up and were met with those same dark eyes staring back at you. He was standing back pressed against the wall with his shirt unbuttoned and nothing underneath, signs he had been attempting to sleep but still was wide awake. 
You breathed out heavily not knowing how to break the silence or staring contest you two were having. Squeezing your fists together you swallowed down the lump in your throat. 
“Hi,” you said in a breathy voice, being careful not to be loud to alert others.
He slowly sat up on his bed and the light from the hallway reflected off his chest, the dim lights illuminating the taut muscle that was usually behind thick navy uniforms. 
“I don’t usually have check-ups, I’m not on the list” He stated, phrasing it as a question, but you could tell he already knew the answer. His vocal pace is painstakingly slow, with each drag of consonant-vowel making your heart beat faster.
“You’re not” you confirmed, stepping closer and planting yourself at the end of his bed, leaving less than a couple of feet in between you both. 
Not breaking eye contact he began to walk towards you. 
“Why are you here” He whispered now standing directly in front of you, his breathing audible from how close he was, and his chest rising and falling in coordination. 
“ I don’t know..” You said exhaling, your shoulder tensing with how tight you were clenching your fists. You flinch when you feel his hand slide around your waist and his face angle closer to yours, his bangs now brushing against your face.
“I think you do know” his lips now grazing yours as he spoke, his nose nudging into yours. Completely invading your space and begging to be close, needing to be closer. 
“Yeah..” You breathed out, your reserve finally breaking and pushing closer to him closing the gap, slotting your lips with his, and beginning to move in sync with him. The kisses slowly grew sloppier and hungrier.  The grip on your waist was tight and he kept grabbing you harder. Beginning to move he directed you towards his bed and laid you down, blanketing himself down on top of you and resuming the kiss. Spit began collecting at the corner of your mouth as he pushed deeper exploring your mouth. Pulling away you felt his teeth graze your bottom lip and then snap down on the soft flesh. Pulling away from the kiss with your bottom lip between his teeth and letting it go, you tasted the familiar tinge of iron in your mouth, your breathing quickened. 
Jeno was straddling you at this point, both his knees framing your hips. Standing up on his knees over you he pulled the navy button up off his shoulder leaving him topless. Reaching down he made eye contact while he slowly untucked your blouse and began to unbutton it. Making sure to brush against your chest as he went. Taking the thin fabric and pushing it away to reveal your chest.
Ducking his head he took your nipple into his mouth and began to lave his tongue over the bundle of nerves, his other fingers occupied with pinching and rolling the other. Whiny breathy gasps kept leaving your mouth and you kept trying to arch off the mattress in response, but each time was met with a large hand pinning you back down. 
“You are so fucking pretty, You aren’t even supposed to be here. Why did you come here?” he kept questioning as he nipped along your chest, feeling his teeth against your collarbone before sucking on the skin.  His voice sounded drunk, and his actions growing more wild. 
Bucking up your hips, grabbing the pencil skirt he yanked it down your legs leaving you only in your underwear and tights contrasting the stark white lab coat beneath you. As if he was frustrated with there being another layer he grabbed your tights and ripped them down the middle, leaving a giant hole, the thread snapping and fabric ripping filling the silence beside both of you breathing heavily. His breath hitching when he was met with the black thong you were wearing.
“I watched you every day- in the hallway- your stupid skirts and their stupid slits-why would you wear that to work” Jeno spoke lowly as he lowered his face to be eye level with your pussy a smug smile painted his features as he scolded you for your clothing choices. A sharp gasp escaped you as he bit down on the thong and released it letting it snap back against where you were already extremely sensitive. Hooking two fingers in the piece of fabric and moving it away he dove into you, licking and sucking loudly, it sounded obscene in the echos of the room. The added pleasure of his nose continuously bumping your clit as he moved back and forth fucking you open on his tongue.
Jeno Pulls away and you grab blindly for him. Knowing that if you were too loud you risked someone catching on to you being in the wrong place, doing the wrong thing, with the wrong person.
“Please please Jeno” Your tone was watery and begging for him to continue to get you to that point you were craving. You were gasping for air borderline hiccuping at how bad you were needing the sensation again. Jeno stood up again and planted his knees on the bed, nudging your legs till the backs of your thighs were resting against the front of his. 
He unbuttoned his pants and pulled them down just enough to reveal a pair of black boxer briefs and a prominent outline of his hard cock. Your eyes rolled back into your head and you unconsciously pushed yourself closer to him. Feeling his hand push back down on your stomach stilling your movements.
“Be patient” he commanded, you looked back towards him and he was slowly stroking himself. Taking his hand off your stomach he brought it to his mouth and licked from palm to fingers, not breaking eye contact as he brought that hand down to your core.
Feeling his fingers ghost press around your entrance you felt yourself clamp down around nothing, it was almost painful at this point at how bad you need him in you. Feeling his tip bump at your entrance and slowly push in you bit down on your lip feeling the sting once more from when he had bitten you earlier. 
Falling forward he placed his hands on both sides of his your head and slowly pushed himself to be fully seated in you, his hips flush the back of your legs, sparks raking through your body as you clenched and unclenched around him, unable to calm your body. 
“Please move Jesus Christ” you said reaching to grab his waist to stimulate some sort of movement. pushing your heel into his side to urge him closer.
Upon hearing your request he slowly pulled out and slammed back into you, your back arching off the bed and bringing your hand to your mouth to try and stifle the scream that ripped from your throat. His pace stayed unforgiving and deep.  His eyes stayed focused on yours and watched as you struggled to be quiet as he unraveled you quickly. Tears began to collect and get caught where your glasses rested on your face.
In a quick move, he pushed your hips up further and folded you, pushing your thighs into your chest, your hand flying to grip the sheets as a sharp gasp echoed against the walls. His hand grabbing your face to muffle your sounds.
“You have to be quiet Doctor” he grunted through his teeth, the title almost feeling demeaning as you were literally pussy to the world at the moment.
From the new angle, you felt every single thrust in your stomach, racing fast toward your climax. On a particularly aggressive thrust you came, your back arched off the bed again and your legs shook from where they were being held your body jerking coming down from the sensation. Struggling to string words together you forced your eyes to look at him, to meet his gaze already focused on yours. His eyebrows were tightly knit together. 
He thrust a couple more times, and you felt the sting of overstimulation kick in with each extra drag in and out. Finally feeling that warmth in your core he collapsed down onto you pressing you deeper into the mattress, his body sweaty from the overexertion.
You felt his breath hot against your ear and felt your head return to somewhat normal-ness wrapping your hands around his back and stroking lightly against his spine. 
“I need to get back” you whispered into his ear, tracing your lips against the shell of his ear. pushing your glasses off your face and on top of your head.
Responding to your reminder her slowly lifted himself off you and stood up, He looked around and grabbed his t-shirt from off the floor, and looked at you apologetically, before flipping it inside out and wiping it in between your legs. You laughed and knew you were so utterly fucked. 
That night he watched you walk back down the corridor, stark lab coat, and those same uniform curls now ruined and thrown into a messy clip, Heels clicking a little bit slower as you exited from view.
☆★ ☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★
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suhwife · 22 days
nct e skank competindo pra ver quem é mais coitado
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suhwife · 27 days
god gave me three holes for a reason🚶🏻‍♀️
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suhwife · 1 month
netflix and chill
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❝ you’ve been eye-fucking me all night, and i was starting to think you weren’t gonna get around to the chill part of netflix and chill. ❞
PAIRING ▸ lee jeno x fem!reader
GENRES ▸ smut, fluff, crack, college au, strangers to lovers au
WARNINGS ▸ profanity, smut, couch sex, wall sex, shower sex, fingering, dry humping, lots of teasing!! and some degradation and praise, oral (fem. receiving), choking, size kink, bulge kink, hyuck is insufferable, i’m sorry this is pure filth, despite the warnings there are fluffy moments
SUMMARY ▸ lee jeno doesn’t want to give up the carefree life of a single man, not tied down by emotional entanglements and commitments. that is, until he sees you smacking a man twice your size with a stack of engineering paper. he kind of falls in love, so jeno does what any normal person does and invites you over to netflix and chill.
PLAYLIST ▸ long way 2 go by cassie • sour grapes by le sserafim • foreshadow by enhypen • lucid dream by aespa
WORD COUNT ▸ 10,087 words
AUTHOR’S NOTE ▸ hello hello! i went awol for a tiny bit but im back and i really hope you guys enjoy this !! shoutout to the ice cream sandwich that kept me awake to finish this. second installment of the bitch hunters series ♡ 
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Na Jaemin and Lee Donghyuck, his housemates, were still bickering behind Jeno about a pact they had made in the beginning of the year. It was a tradition the residents of the Bitch Hunters household carried out, in which they would get a girlfriend in their fourth year of college. Since their other housemate, Huang Renjun, had already accomplished a successful bitch hunting season, Jaemin and Donghyuck were arguing who would get a girlfriend between the two of them.
Jeno honestly didn’t care when it happened; he just knew he was ready for a relationship, but he was planning on waiting for the perfect girl to come along.
Jeno had flings here and there. He hooked up with Kim Minjeong for a long time before she got a boyfriend. He was a great guy and Jeno truly was happy for them, but he felt a strange feeling in his chest when he realized she was tied down.
No, it wasn’t jealousy in any sense. Jeno was on good terms with Minjeong, but he didn’t like her to the point of wanting to be in a relationship. The reason he felt so strange was because he felt left behind. Once Minjeong picked herself up and found someone that made her happy, Jeno felt like he was stuck in a rut.
That, or he just felt embarrassed to be lumped with Donghyuck and Jaemin.
Continuar lendo
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suhwife · 2 months
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guess who moved onto a certain man w a mustache and his alienasian son
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suhwife · 2 months
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