suicideismylover · 2 years
Just some dyed hair and piercing aesthetic since I haven't posted on here since like 2017😅
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suicideismylover · 7 years
Aries: The PASSION of a five year old that really wants to steal a cookie out of the cookie jar. The CHARISMA of a potato. A charismatic potato. The INTENSITY of an earthquake, rocking your world and your house since before years were a thing.
Taurus: The STUBBORNNESS of a child that refuses to eat their broccoli and will cry until their parents let them leave the dinner table. The COMPLEXITY of doing algebra problems without a calculator. THE DEPENDABLENESS of that one friend who always tries their best to not let you or anyone else down.
Gemini: The IMPLUSIVENESS of a middle schooler’s first kiss. The FLEXIBILITY of a professional gymnast, constantly flipping and turning 360 degrees at a time. The TALKATIVENESS of a child who just learned how to talk. You want to ignore them, but you can’t because they’re just so gosh darn cute. 
Cancer: The CARE a teenager has towards their new phone for the first week of owning it. The PASSIVENESS of someone who is always unaware of their surroundings, but for some reason always knows what’s happening around them. The GENTLENESS of a shiny glass cup, one mistake and they can be broken right before your eyes.
Leo: The DRAMATICNESS of an episode of pretty much every teen drama that has been on the air for way too long. The EGO of celebrities, always inflated and is constantly validated by others, either negatively or positively. The GENEROSITY of a teacher that decides to give the class another day to work on a tough homework assignment. 
Virgo: The PERFECTION of opening a new book and smelling that new book smell. The INDEPENDENCE of a tall and beautiful flower blooming in field full of dull grass and dirt. The CRITICALNESS of a Gordon Ramsay that spends his life roasting people on twitter.
Libra: The CHARISMA that Aries wishes they could have and 34 shades of more charisma on top of that. Loads of charisma. The INDECISIVENESS of someone who really wants to text someone that they like, but doesn’t want to come across as desperate. The PEACEFULNESS of feeling that everything is okay in life and being able to finally get a good night’s sleep.
Scorpio: The EVILNESS of a villain that just wants to be understood in this complicated world. The PARANOIA of someone that’s been hurt way too many times in another life and just came out the womb guarded. The WIT of someone who just mastered the art of sarcasm and refuses to talk any other way.
Sagittarius: The CURIOSITY of a child wanting to know where babies come from and will not stop until they get answer. The HONESTY of a mom that always wants to make sure that her children look as good as she does when leaving the house. The INTERESTINGNESS of that one strange toy from 5 years ago that you found while cleaning your room the other day.
Capricorn: The AMBITION of a grandmother making food for her starving grandchildren on a Sunday afternoon. The MATURITY of an adult who finally understands the concept of adulting and is pretty gosh darn good job at it. The INTELLIGENCE of Einstein, but it may not always be used. Trust me though, it’s there. 
Aquarius: The STRANGENESS of your cousin that everyone thought was going to be successful, but is now a professional hipster. The REBELLIOUSNESS of a suburban teen who just discovered rap music times one hundred. The DETACHEDNESS of someone who has not been able to find someone that they can fully trust yet.
Pisces: The CREATIVITY of doubt and security dancing together in a flame of inspiration. The INTUITIVENESS of a good friend that always knows when you’re upset and how to cheer you up. The COMPASSION of sweet child who just wants to make sure that everyone around them is happy.
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suicideismylover · 7 years
I need you by my side. Whether it’s 2pm in the afternoon, or 2am in the morning. I’m always going to be aching to have you next to me. Because without you around, I just feel so physically drained, and even then, nothing could make me feel the way you do. You see, the feelings you give me always boost my heart into overdrive and never fail to leave me wanting more of you. And every night I go to sleep without you laying next to me and the emptiness comes back in waves. I hate that feeling. The feeling of loneliness. And soon after those two hit me hard enough, that’s when the vivid images of you play out in my head to keep myself sane. The way you look at me, and the soft touch of your lips against my own. And the rhythm of my heart that only pounds its own song whenever you’re around. And the way your smile forms, or the intense color of your eyes. That’s the main problem. I’ve gotten so used to having you around me; that even a second without you next to me feels like I’m losing my damn mind. And it feels like I can’t breathe properly, or control my emotions as they go all over the place. You’re my safe haven. And without you, I can’t even function.
S.V//@Sempiternal.poet on Instagram (via sempiternal-poet)
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suicideismylover · 8 years
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suicideismylover · 8 years
when you’re lying and ur bestfriend backs u up
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suicideismylover · 8 years
I will always reblog this.
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suicideismylover · 8 years
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487K notes · View notes
suicideismylover · 8 years
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suicideismylover · 8 years
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be everything you want to be [insp.]
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suicideismylover · 8 years
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“I used to be someone who was always happy. I woke up happy. I was someone who used to skate at work. And then this happened. And everything was hard and everything took thought and planning. It was like my life didn’t fit me anymore. I wanted to tear it all down and start over, just throw it away and find a life that fit who I am now. But I’m starting to feel like I know who I am again.”
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suicideismylover · 8 years
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220 notes · View notes
suicideismylover · 8 years
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suicideismylover · 8 years
I will always reblog this.
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suicideismylover · 8 years
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Some friendships are forever
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suicideismylover · 8 years
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The Horoscope App
A Libra will take you on the first date, but make you feel like you’ve known the for years.
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suicideismylover · 8 years
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Libra Sun - Ravenclaw
 Or yet in wise old Ravenclaw,if you’ve a ready mind,                                  Where those of wit and learning,                                                                    Will always find their kind. 
The Libra sun sign personality is always performing a balancing act. They want to keep all aspects of their life in harmony. Libras are happiest as part of a couple and conflicts definitely drives them crazy. The Libra sun sign is also on which is sensitive to others’ needs, especially with their partner, with whom they may share an almost psychic bond. You are usually well-liked by friends and you love socialize. Libra is ruled by Venus. In ancient Roman mythology, Venus was a smooth seductress. Well, Libras are certainly the torch for her today. Libras are known to love beauty, luxury and good taste.
-anonymous request
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suicideismylover · 8 years
Signs when 3rd wheeling
*holds own hand*: Pisces, Sagittarius, Taurus, Leo
why am I even here I could just watch a romantic movie instead: Aries, Aquarius, Virgo, Capricorn
honestly I came here for the food and drama: Gemini, Cancer, Scorpio, Libra
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