sujiroll · 5 years
Henry makes a face, followed by a shake of his head. Autumn isn’t that bad to him, actually – he likes getting cozy, he likes Halloween, and he likes the color of the trees before their leaves begin to fall. But he’d rather skip what comes afterwards – winter. “I mean, I guess it’s okay,” he then says, shrugging a shoulder with a small grin. “I already miss summer, though. Luckily we still have a few warm days ahead of us before we’re gonna freeze our ass– … butts off.” The grin on his lips grows a little wider. “What is it that you like so much about autumn, anyway?” 
Her favorite time of the year was in approach - but the heat still lingered over the city of Seoul, a small remembrance of summer lingering to her dismay. “There’s so much to look forward to in Autumn. My birthday recently passed, the weather is ideal, and it’s the most beautiful time of the year when it comes to the seasons. I’m sick and tired of summer.” Her statement is met with a hand moving through her dark tresses of hair, the light breeze that passed through allowing her eyes to shut in a moment of indulgence. Seemingly talkative and social through her everyday schedules, fans knew the beauty stuck close to her introverted ways, so the colder weather was also a perfect excuse to stay in. “Also - did you just change your wording? You can’t swear around me?” She snorts in a joking gesture, but can’t help but glance at him with her brow lifted in the process.
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sujiroll · 6 years
( I want to return to krp, but im not the biggest fan of twitter, and im sure tumblr krp is pretty dead. ;; anyone aware of any active directories, etc? )
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sujiroll · 7 years
“you want me to fight someone?”
The phone call was intended to be private - l, but frustrations has the volume of her voice raised and unexpectedly for her it had drawn in unwanted attention. “I just don’t understand how you can keep saying that … of course it hurts .. am i stuck waiting for nothing?” The phone call finally ends as a frustrated sigh escaped natural rosy lips; her expression far from amused and eyes slightly puffy from a wave of emotions she was trying to battle then and there. The voice that calls out suddenly startles her and causes her gaze to shift up to the doorway with a rather familiar face eyeing her warily. Attempting to hide her frustrations with a laugh, she pulls the hood in place of the thick sweater she was wearing to conceal her reddened pale face and is already starting to gather her bag from the floor of the practice room. “Oppa, how much of that did you hear? And there will be no fighting allowed. It’s…honestly a very confusing situation. And – urgh frustrating. Why are you here so late?”
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sujiroll · 7 years
“if you keep talking i’m gonna get out of the car.” / o yea. let's try to be alive a little.
She was frustrated for reasons beyond her comprehension, but the confrontation is unfair either way despite how badly Suji wanted to believe she deserved some sort of apology. He was possibly one of her closest friends and at one point they were inseparable at the most comfortable level she had experienced apart from ones with her intimate partners. And for that reason alone, she was hurt and expressed it with her eyes pointed out of the drivers seat of her luxury car. Cars zoomed past their pulled over spot on the road and his threat makes her want to trigger the lock systems in her car to prevent him from sticking true to his declared statement.
Today was supposed to be a casual day, a day where the two friends who shared almost a sibling like relationship could catch up in their own little moment. Her passive aggressive statements happened from the beginning with what was supposed to be playful but immediately sounded irrational because of her tone - ‘Glad to see you didn’t cancel on me yet AGAIN. Good to know you have time for people other than your girlfriend -’ From there on out the two began bickering and now she found herself with her car shifted into park and both hands gripping tightly onto the wheel in wait to see what he was finally going to do. 
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sujiroll · 7 years
“what happened to your feet?”
A soft string of laughter follows, and truthfully she feels a bit embarrassed because of the two band aids on the same spot on both of her feet. Two rilakkuma decorated band aids were prominent on the back of her calves where one would guess a blister formed from potentially uncomfortable shoes. “It was from the shoes. Have you ever felt like…..your feet are getting bigger? People tell me all the time it’s my imagination but when shoes start doing this to you, you start to think you’re not so crazy!” It’s a defensive statement really because of a irresponsible decision to go with such restricting shoes. The female after all was quite familiar with her fairly large feet …..
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sujiroll · 7 years
starter for @sseola​ !
“I’m sure if we got you to wear similar glasses and or chop your hair vs wearing a wig - you could’ve served as a body double. Maybe we could’ve even been able to get you to do some of the kiss scenes with Jongsuk oppa?” A simple promise of watching Uncontrollably Fond alongside her “twin” became a night full of nonstop chatter, laughter as well as infinite teasing. Seated in front of Suji’s large tv side by side in her spacious apartment, the two girls who resembled one another even sported similar hairstyles and makeup from earlier when they were comparing just how much they could appear alike. “Would you have done it~? I’ll have to keep you in mind for my next drama! Would you be on call for me?” She asks joking with a giggle.
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sujiroll · 7 years
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pretending to be happy.
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sujiroll · 7 years
“you were right, i shouldn’t have eaten all that bread.”
“Are ….. are you okay?” She doesn’t mean to laugh, but that face looking back at her seems a bit pathetic though only because she now appeared bloated with a stomach full of bread. It was cute more than anything, because somehow Suji felt the need to suddenly become maternal; which included covering the younger girl with a blanket and then returning with a glass of water placed in wait at her side. “Can you move? Raise your arms? Turn your neck? Have you turned into a literal piece of bread? Can bread still perform, sing and dance?” She laughs again because the thought seems funny pertaining to the young girl. “You can’t just loaf around for the rest of the day - keke, get it? Loaf around…”
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sujiroll · 7 years
“i just wanted to say… shit.”
That was a proper reaction. Because now the two females found themselves basically stranded as intensely cold winds were the culprit behind why week old snow was being blown in their direction. Suji tried her hardest to remain warm, and while she wanted to be able to inspect the problem her car was facing (though they were both sure it was the battery with the repetitive clicking sound it was creating) there was little the two females could actually do. “Unnie, let’s get inside the car, quick! It’s too cold out here, at least it’ll be warmer in there” Though not too significantly either since the car wasn’t planning to start up any time soon to provide them with active heat. “I’m not getting signal on my phone … is yours working? We could try to call someone or wait until someone stops to help…” The last idea seemed interesting solely for the fact that whomever it would be to help, would get the chance to run into two of korea’s most popular ladies. 
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sujiroll · 7 years
“i did, i jumped out of a moving car.”
If by moving car did she actually mean to refer to Suji’s car shifting into park, then sure, but the car was barely moving and Suzy’s friend had already began to belligerently teeter out in hopes for something to hold onto. 
“Mijoo…!” Suji calls out while trying desperately to not laugh too much at the situation her friend put herself in, but it’s one that suji herself had dealt with before so in return she tries to be as supportive as she can be. The drinking they had partaken that day had initially planned to start with small amounts at least by suji’s standard since she had to drive her car back. Mijoo on the other hand had the pleasure to sit in the passenger seat of Suji’s luxury porsche, but the alcohol had already began to creep up clearly from the imaginative state of mind of believing she was actually jumping from a steadily moving car. At this point and time, her main focus is to make sure that her friend doesn’t blatantly hurt herself with a potential slip, but that doesn’t mean she can’t play along for a little while either. “How did it feel? Was the wind rushing through your hair? Do you want to try it again, maybe???!”
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sujiroll · 7 years
crazy, stupid, love sentence starters:
“you were right, i shouldn’t have eaten all that bread.”
“no puppy eyes, you little maniac.” 
“you’re not talking, and that only makes me talk more.”
“if you keep talking i’m gonna’ get out of the car.”
“just for the record, i think about you… while i do it.”
“i’m pretty sure you’re my soulmate.”
“i did, i jumped out of a moving car.”
“i don’t care, i love him. and given the opportunity, yes, i would have his babies.”
“friend to friend, ew.”
“your life is so pg-13.”
“don’t you think you’re a little old to be using cheesy pick-up lines?”
“i can’t take my eyes off of you. that’s a fact, not a line.”
“you’re a double negative.”
“i hope this doesn’t make you uncomfortable, i’ve developed like a little… crush.”
“i just wanted to say… shit.”
“i don’t know when you and i stopped being us.”
“i’m a total stranger, how would i know something so intimate about your life?”
“you’re getting drunk on watered down vodka like a fourteen year old girl.”
“i don’t know if i should help you or if i should euthanize you.” 
“i’m gonna’ help you rediscover your manhood.”
“what happened to your feet?”
“are you steve jobs? are you the billionaire owner of apple computers?” 
“you have a mom butt. is that what you want?”
“stop slapping me. really.” 
“i wouldn’t touch you. if my life depended on it.”
“how you are doing this wildly sexy, yet unbelievably cute thing that you’re doing?”
“you ran in the other direction when you saw me coming the other day.”
“love is for stupid assholes.”
“god, would you put on some clothes, please?”
“my schwanz is in your face, if it’s not bothering you we gotta’ bigger problem.”
“you want me to fight someone?”
“go away. please don’t come back ever.”
“you are the perfect combination of sexy and cute.”
“you’ll learn to love me, i promise.”
“you know i’ll kill him if he hurts you.”
“i’m glad we switched babies at the hospital.”
“i’m so mad at you for what you did. but i’m mad at myself too.”
“you fight for your soulmates.”
“he scares the shit out of me.”
“i was trying to move on. but i don’t want to. you’ve always been the only one.”
“i thought that you were gonna’ propose.”
“do you still find me attractive? still wanna’ take me home?”
“no. i am sexy. i am r-rated sexy.”
“i am here to bang. we are gonna’ bang.”
“take off your shirt.”
“fuck! seriously? it’s like your photoshopped!”
“thank god i’m drunk.”
“i don’t want your slutty money.”
“no way. break up right now.”
“i will mess you up!”
“go big or go home, right bud?”
“i’m sorry for being a dick.”
“i’m in love with her. i love her.”
“i think it’s fantastic that you’re a better man.”
“there is no such thing as one true love.”
“i met my soulmate when i was fifteen years old.”
“because when you find the one, you never give up.”
“i brought a firearm from a shitty site. i’m prepared to shoot you in the face with it.”
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sujiroll · 7 years
underused character questions.
name: bae suzy age: 22  picture/gif of your muse:
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tagged by: @jaeneral
what would be their twitter name? what sort of tweets would they tweet?
back when suzy had first created her twitter, she posted more often compared to recent days. she openly conversed with idols as well as other stars she either looked up to or happened to run in to through social media. she often posted pictures of herself, her dog, as well as small updates on her busy schedule. she’s also used the username skuuzky for just about anything pertaining to social media.
what’s their favourite genre of movies? music?
she’s a sucker for movies in general and has recently replaced her bookworm ways with films instead as of late. she’s a sucker for drama and mystery as well as cheesier romance films which she typically does on her own. she’s not much for leaving the house to watch a movie and prefers the quiet aura of her own home and comfort of her own couch for movie nights.
what’s on their top queue on netflix?
mainly movies and sitcoms. she watches a lot of english ones specifically and will pick out movies that she had never even heard of or ones that don’t have as high of a rating anyway, she does enjoy watching newer movies, but since she stays home, it’s always through some sort of rental service provided by her satellite tv
what’s their favourite scent? do they smell like that?
she prefers softer scents. clean as well as light and airy floral scents for her own scent. she does also enjoy spicier smells not particularly for her perfume, but for candles around the house and etc. on males she as well prefers clean smells - stronger colognes tend to not be her favorite
apple or android?
favourite season? least favourite season?
winter definitely. suzy has forever been a winter child, and while the summer always contained such opportunities for vacations and she did enjoy lounging out under the sun, her fair skin could only take too much and the protection to it always has to be particularly meticulous. her least favorite would probably have to be spring but not by such a large margin. 
are they a bottom, top or versatile?
describe their morning routine. do they wake up early or sleep in? do they press the snooze button a bunch of times or do they immediately get up?
if she can - she’s typically sleeping in. most of the time, her schedules don’t agree with such things, or she’s buzzing around early in hopes to hit the gym before starting schedules. on her days off, she can be seen staying in bed til about 10 to noon - and that doesn’t usually end there because she’s only getting up to instead move to her couch.
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sujiroll · 7 years
Song : Jam Jam
Artist : IU
Album : Palette
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sujiroll · 7 years
“Give me those napkins, quick!” // Welcome to 0820KST!
Napkins?! Was that really going to be their go to item at such a moment like this. Rather than thin pieces of napkin, they instead needed something of a thicker consistency. A towel perhaps? Or maybe her tossed hoodie that was removed because of the sudden heat that blasted out from the vent. Summer was approaching and somehow it seemed like a smart idea to have heat be released onto their already warm bodies. Still, she was hesitant in using her own article of clothing and napkins were closer anyway as she dashed over and tries to quickly save the panels in the recording studio. 
They weren’t exactly striving for anything serious then and there, it was more so a rather humorous attempt to sing along one another in search for some fun on a rare slow Sunday. Suzy was always quite busy, and for as long as she had known Hyuna, she couldn’t remember when she had free time herself. 
Now though, they found themselves in a predicament with soaked up messy napkins that crumbled  the instant they tried to absorb the spilled drink occurring to close to the knobs and dials in front of them. “I...I don’t think napkins are going to work -” Pessimistic in their approach to avoid ruining such expensive equipment, she dashes to grab her hoodie - one of her favorite; rose in color and perfectly fitting for the idol. For now it was a rag used to soak up the liquid, suzy cringing while watching the fabric turn a brown unappealing color. “Is it still working...Did we ruin it completely?”
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sujiroll · 7 years
"You seem so perfect. I don't get it." // Welcome to 0820kst!
It’s what she dislikes to hear the most actually. A stigma attached to the female with expected outcomes of an easy career path ahead of her. Sure, Suzy was presented endless opportunities; cf’s, acting gigs and just recently a swarm of offers from every possible big name label in South Korea. Her free agent status drew in such attention, numbers presented in front of her in a promise to spoil and lavish her with the most outstanding of offers just for her. 
Of course it was a luxury - and Suzy never went a single day without being thankful for any of it.
But she was far from perfect, despite what the general public said. Their standards of what equated with perfect ultimately tied into her stunning visuals. Her skin was the color of ivory, and her lips were so naturally plump and rosy that her faults never seemed to matter. It seemed easier to accept at a young age, her voice not as loud when she was merely a teenager, but now that she was an adult - she wanted to be known for so much more. She was needy, spoiled, selfish and often lazy, but perfection seemed to only count for ethereal looks. 
“I’m not” She adds, her voice quiet while even avoiding a second of eye contact with the male. Instead she rests the side of her face against her palm and allowed her eyes to shut close with her lashes rested atop her pale round cheeks. “I’m not yet that’s what’s expected of me. I’m not the best actress, not the best singer, and I isolate myself from people that love me and care for me. The whole country sees me as perfection because of this face, but if they all got the chance to know me personally, I’m sure their image of me would soon change.”
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sujiroll · 7 years
"You weren’t supposed to laugh! I’m so embarrassed!" // welcome to 0820KST !
It wasn’t as if the eruption of laughter was aimed to belittle or embarrass the younger girl, suzy was just having a difficult time inwardly expressing her amusement and genuine enjoyment at the dance displayed in front of her. It had been a while since she had seen the dance in front of her very eyes, the movements on the floor memorable to fans of kpop throughout the years. Sure, Miss A was practically at the brink of official disbandment, but the quartet of talented girls had forever embedded their music and unforgettable visuals into the minds of many up and coming new performers.  It was their turn now to perform such unforgettable songs and dances.
It was the way the industry worked. Change was prominent and it occurred all at once with an influx of new talented and determined males and females alike.
Somin was quick in rising to her feet, the embarrassment evident on her face from her late night display of moves to Miss A’s 'Good Girl, Bad girl’, a rather nostalgic treat for the original performer of the song. “I think you did a great job! you don’t need to be embarrassed! I don’t remember the last time I’ve even danced to this song. Somin-ah, you might be better than me at this point. Don’t mention this to anyone, but I think I might’ve even forgotten some of the moves.” Adding to her comment for dramatic effect, her hands flail forward as if her brain can’t properly process the exact moves she’s supposed to be making.
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sujiroll · 7 years
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suzy 🌟🌟🌟 dazed
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