suki-2892-blog-blog · 9 years
Happy Birthday Denmark!
Denmark Birthday Party AU where Finland convinced everyone to help him prepare the party. So Sweden buys a Lego shaped cake, Finland is busy decorating the house while Norway is out distracting Denmark from the house and Iceland is furiously making this Puffin out of Lego blocks because nobody wanted him to work too hard. They finish and text Norway to come back and they get ready to yell surprise when the door opens. The door opens and they yell surprise and at the door you see Denmark looking so happy and Norway behind him holding like 4 bags from a Lego Store. They have a great time and Denmark still recalls it as the best birthday ever.
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suki-2892-blog-blog · 9 years
"How do you say 'kiss me' in German?"
Feliciano Vargas
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suki-2892-blog-blog · 9 years
AU where Italy likes to put sticky notes on his wall for reminders and stuff like "remember to make pasta for Doitsu" and Japan comes over by surprise to discuss about tomorrow's meeting and he walked in just to see Italy putting another sticky note on his wall that's like "surprise cake for Doitsu and Ni Hon!" And Italy sees Japan and just attempts to cover his wall and stall while he takes the sticky notes off. Japan sees it all but smiles and turns around, saying that it's fine and he'll be leaving now. Japan then goes to Germany's house and asks if he likes cake.
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suki-2892-blog-blog · 9 years
Kindergarten AU
Where 'girl cooties' are dangerous and everyone tries to avoid it. All the boys are just avoiding the girls desperately. Then China touches Alfred on the shoulder and everyone gets confused cause they don't know if Yao is a boy or girl.
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suki-2892-blog-blog · 9 years
Hetalia S6: The World Twinkle, will be aired on July 3rd at noon, Japan time.
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suki-2892-blog-blog · 9 years
And the world keeps turning…
Denmark (Mathias)
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suki-2892-blog-blog · 9 years
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When the bae gives you a hug from behind
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suki-2892-blog-blog · 9 years
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Sassy Japan is my spirit animal.
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suki-2892-blog-blog · 9 years
My friend was versing some other person at air hockey and instead of cheering her on I was thinking about Gerita. My friend lost but I still regret nothing.
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