sulfurbatz · 4 years
dont care didnt ask plus you cant even comprehend the horrors im about to summon
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sulfurbatz · 4 years
needed some time to be alone
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sulfurbatz · 4 years
are my prophetic visions a joke to you
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sulfurbatz · 4 years
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“Badr al-Dine. Badr is moon, it means something like moon of faithfulness”
“When I see a full moon, it’s like he’s telling me not to look back or feel sad about things”
kofi | instagram
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sulfurbatz · 4 years
Oh we’re performing behaviours are we? We’re acting in ways??
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sulfurbatz · 4 years
*drinks some water* oooh yeah baby…..health goth … *washes hands* ooooooohhh yeah it’s cleancore …
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sulfurbatz · 5 years
By the Gods!!! They seek to kill the overseer!!!
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sulfurbatz · 5 years
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sulfurbatz · 5 years
me when i open my eyes randomly at 3am: nah there’s nothing there.. it’s just my eyes adjusting… go back to bed….
demon from the fifth dimension in my open closet:
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sulfurbatz · 5 years
Ok <walks away in a direction you cant see or imagine>
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sulfurbatz · 5 years
another day has gone by and honestly it’s pissing me off. the sun comes up one more time and i lose it
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sulfurbatz · 5 years
awake i’m awake. i’m god damn awake i’m Up. i’m not asleep i’m awake and here or whatever you call it. i’m here. fuck
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sulfurbatz · 5 years
be gay and eat dirt. realize freedom is just another word for worm.
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sulfurbatz · 5 years
Yes I have a nightly routine it’s called being Insane in my room till I pass out
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sulfurbatz · 5 years
so apparently the “bad vibes” I’ve been feeling are actually “severe psychological distress”
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sulfurbatz · 5 years
in this house we believe:
this place is not a place of honor
no highly esteemed deed is commemorated here
nothing valued is here
what is here is dangerous and repulsive to us
the danger is in a particular location
the danger is still present in your time as it was in ours
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sulfurbatz · 5 years
Who am I, if not the sexiest goth in w*lmart
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