sullivanxshaw · 47 minutes
Sully had this habit of getting in his own head. He would dwell on things and just mess with his own anxieties and fears because he always felt like he was under a microscope. He didn’t think anyone would take his guardianship away because he did try his best but the thought it could happen never left his head. It always had him on edge. To hear positive affirmations from others about what he was doing helped so much. He couldn’t see reality sometimes until someone pointed it out to him. “ I hope they do. I’m sure I’m not cool to all of them but I’m trying to be good over cool “ he noted before giving Gwen another smile. He couldn’t imagine new kids every year but he liked her perspective on it. “ I feel like maybe that applies to everything in life ? It’s sound advice “
“ maybe it’s been a while since I had gone to school but is there a big change from kindergarten to first grade? Cause in my head it always had felt so huge” he asked before sighing at his baby sister having a difficult adjustment period. “ people were rude to her and I’m not sure they knew it They would ask where her mom was cause it was always me. I had to tell Sera to lie and say I was her dad and that her mom wasn’t living with us in town right now”
When it came to mentioning things with Sage, sully felt more sure of himself. He had once been a different person. More confident. Time and tragedy put dents in his armor and he was slowly rebuilding that life and being are Sage helped that. It was something he wanted to share with Gwen because she knew how tragedy could change so much over night. “ thank you. It’s something I wanted to happen for a long time but o had been too nervous. I wondered if I was still the same or if we’d still be the same. I think it’s going well so far. “ he smiled. “ how about you?” @gwenxmoreno
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"It's the way you should think about it from now on. Your siblings will continue to look up to you so it's a good rule to have in that they'll reflect what you give them." Even if the ages were drastic from each other and Sully thought differently since not everyone got along at times, Gwen was sure that they still looked to him for everything. "Well, thank you. It is hard, but I can only look forward to seeing who I get the following year. That's how you get through it in my opinion. You give just a little bit of your love to them so that you always have some for whoever comes next."
"I think she'll get the hang of things pretty quickly. Don't get me wrong the first few weeks will probably suck, but once a routine is set and followed through, it'll get easier. She might have a hard time at first, but as long as she makes friends I think it'll get smoother."
Gwen couldn't stop the smile at Sully's news. She truly believed that things would get better for him, even if he didn't see it at times. They were very similar in that aspect of not thinking a light would be seen. And yet, things were turning around for the both of them. "Wait, really? Oh my gosh, that's amazing. Oh, I'm so happy for you." She easily wrapped her arms around him in a tight hug. "So, how did it go? What was the date?"
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sullivanxshaw · 48 minutes
Sera lit up and the mention of a stuffed unicorn somewhere in the vicinity. She turned as much as she could to find it. “ I think you said the magic words “ silly teased before glancing back at the woman in front of him. “ I think things can get a bit hectic when people are excited but I don’t think there’s anything wrong with being excited especially over a plushie” he joked @themeixhuang
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Mei looked the man over and then the girl on his shoulders, making sure they were okay too before she let out a long breath and shook her head, "No, no. It's our fault." Mei gave her daughter a look then, Luna at least looking apologetic as she moved then to half-hide behind Mei's leg and Mei just shook her head again before giving the man a polite smile, "Are you? Hopefully no earthquake feelings way up there?" She asked Sera, her smile softening. "Someone here just really wanted a stuffed unicorn."
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sullivanxshaw · 1 day
Closed for @lucydriscoll
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Sully had Sera on his shoulders as he walked around the grounds, which gave his baby sister a height advantage that he didn’t have. It took him a lot longer to realize that she was trying to get Lucy’s attention by waving her arms in the air. “ what are you doing?” He asked before his little sister said it was Lucy, and sully decided he had to listen to his baby sister who wanted to say hi to someone who had felt a lot like family the past few years. “ I had no idea what was going on but Sera had been waving her arms for you for like five minutes “
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sullivanxshaw · 6 days
Sully had been walking around with Sera on his shoulders only to stop suddenly at the minor collision. “ are you okay? “ sully asked moving to let sera down and to check if the woman was alright. “ I’m so sorry about that “ @themeixhuang
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open - @aurorabaystarter
where - the carnival
Mei always loved these events the town put on, especially as her daughter got older and couple experience more of things. So after an afternoon of riding rides and playing games, it was time to eat something. Or so she thought, because as Mei was heading towards some of the food vendors, Luna was suddenly tugging on her arm, emphatically talking about seeing a game stall with plushie unicorns and she just needed one. "Luna, not right now--!" Her daughter's tugging resulted in Mei smacking right into someone and she stumbled a bit, wincing at the impact. "Geez..sorry."
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sullivanxshaw · 7 days
Sully: wait what? What did I miss? Last time I checked you were with Carter and then broke up? Was there someone else? Sully: oh my god why am I prying like this. I’m sorry Kylee. Please stop me from rambling Sully: yeah I’m going. Sera wants to go for a little bit and then I’ll probably come back alone @kyleexanthony
Kylee: Was gonna be good stuff but now I'm single again so Kylee: Are you going to the end of summer bash this weekend? @sullivanxshaw
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sullivanxshaw · 8 days
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sullivanxshaw · 8 days
🌸 sera
The first time Sully truly felt like a parent versus just a big brother was the first time Sera got a cold as a baby. He was so scared that he took her to urgent care and said that he was her dad. He hadn't realized he'd said that until later in the day when a nurse told him that he was a good dad and that Sera looked exactly like him. It was then where he realized that maybe how he was raising her was going to be more complicated, because in every way other than DNA he had taken on being the dad in her life. It was also the first time he felt like he was doing the right thing as a guardian also
Sully and his sister Summer have set aside their college money that was left to them after losing their parents for any sort of emergency for Sera. Because she is the youngest it would cost the most to raise her and the oldest two Shaw sibling gave up their share for Sera.
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sullivanxshaw · 13 days
Sully smiled a bit as he watched Sage and Sera interact. It always surprised him how amazing she was with his little sister but then he would always remember she’d been there from day one with him when it came to raising the little girl in front of them. Even after they split she’d been a huge support network for him. Sage being around so much was why his feelings never went away. They could never when he fell for her every time he saw her.
“ See? And I know you like to listen to Sage more than me” he teased before he told Sera to be good for her sister while she got ready for work and that Noelle was going to be by to look after her, which made the little girl very excited that Noelle was stopping by. He then turned back to Sage as they headed out of the apartment and he let out a breath he’d been holding in. He was so nervous like they hadn’t been in one another’s life for years but he was also incredibly excited. It was a second chance in a world that didn’t always give them, and sully wanted to make the most of things
“It’s so funny she forgot about the door rule the minute she knew you were stopping by. I probably would have done the same “ he admitted before giving her another smile. “ I’m really excited too. I know we spend time together but this feels different. In a good way “ @sagexwilliams
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Sage had squatted down to be eye level with Sera and she looked up to listen to Sully. She did hope the little girl wasn't opening the door for just anyone. "Good. Never open the door if you don't know who it is." Sage told her, though she knew Sully had probably drilled that into her. Sully was a good guardian to the girls and Sage hoped he knew that.
When Sage moved to stand she smiled at Sully, her stomach was doing somersaults as her heart fluttered. She hadn't been this nervous in a long time. She was so happy that Sully wanted to give their relationship another chance, but she was going to let him set the pace. "I'm so excited." She tried not to seem too giddy but that was quite difficult with the way he kissed her cheek.
"Bye!" Sage waved at Sera over Sully's shoulder as they walked out the door. "She's so cute I could die."
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sullivanxshaw · 13 days
Sully smiled a bit as he realized how Noelle’s baker issue seemed long forgotten. He wasn’t trying to distract her or anything but he figured this was the better course to take considering how he was not great at talking about people being let go. “ I just get worried that maybe cause I’m focusing on my own life one day someone is gonna knock on the door and decide I’m not being a good guardian anymore because I went on a date ?” Sully said voicing the fear he’d always had in his head. The fear that made him essentially drop his entire life for his sisters. That he wasn’t good enough to raise them if he wasn’t giving 110%
“She has. Even though we broke up, she still stayed with me. I can’t imagine anyone else doing that. I was so stressed out, I couldn’t be a boyfriend. “ he noted “ yeah they do. Even Selina likes her and she doesn’t like anyone “ he noted, bringing up the angsty fifteen years old who was definitely going through something even he couldn’t exactly help with. “ is it rushing if I’ve been in love with her this whole time? It never stopped. I never stopped. I just knew I couldn’t be a boyfriend back then “ @noellexdriscoll
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"Yes, I'm sure." Noelle waved off his question because she was so invested in Sage and Sully's story while also just wanting to avoid having to fire anyone. "Exactly! Things are in a better place now, so it'll be fine." And when Sully said that he felt Sage was the one but things had been bad for so long, Noelle just gave him a look. "Sully, and who has stayed with you through all of that bad, besides me and Liza and Sterling? Sage. Sage has stayed. She's helped you, your sisters love her, and she's obviously still interested! I don't think there's any harm in trying again, but if you feel like it's rushing, then don't rush. But I do think things will be okay."
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sullivanxshaw · 13 days
“ that’s a good way to think about it. I don’t even think she remembers anyone raising her other than me. “ a thought that made sully sad cause he knew it meant she didn’t remember their mom, but it also meant he was the only parent in her life and the one she considered her dad. “ I can’t even imagine how things must be when it’s the end of the year and you have to say goodbye to them. I don’t think I could do that. You’re amazing for doing that “ he noted giving Gwen the praise she deserved. “ thank you. I get so nervous around this time of year now, just cause she didn’t have an easy time last year. “ he noted before a small smile appeared on his face. “ I told Sage I was still in love with her and we’ve gone on a date” he admitted bringing up his ex @gwenxmoreno
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"Well of course, she's your kid. Sister or not you are raising her and so she will always be a reflection of what you teach her. I mean, I sort of feel the same way with my school kids. Though they aren't mine, I certainly love them enough to know how I teach them will reflect for years to come. The same goes for you." Gwen knew of the village he needed in order to raise Sera to the best of his abilities and she would always be in his corner for that. "I'm sure she'll do just as good as you hope. If not, then we'll take it in stride together." They continued down the aisles, picking up a few things here and there. "Besides school starting and that stress, how's everything else being going?" || @sullivanxshaw
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sullivanxshaw · 13 days
Sully got red at the attention being placed on him. He wasn’t sure how to react, because he mostly just liked being invisible, so any day about him was a lot to handle. “ please come inside, I’m worried the neighbors are gonna hear this” he noted giving her another smile. “ but thank you Lucy, I really appreciate this “ he added shutting the door behind her. “ I like that episode. Makes me think i should have a fork everywhere “ @lucydriscoll
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"Are you kidding, of course I'd remember! — Happy Birthday!" Lucy stands at Sullivans door with a set of balloons of various animals bobbing above her above, whilst holding a cake specially from Sweet Nothings she'd requested well in advance. "Just because you don't want to celebrate yourself, doesn't mean other people don't." She adjusts her gip on the cake box. "Now if you don't mind, let me come in so I cake put this cake on a table. Or we might have to make like Rachel and Joey from Friends and eat it off the floor."
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— @sullivanxshaw
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sullivanxshaw · 13 days
“ I think have a positive but vocal fan base is a lot better than a negative one. And to be fair there is a lot to hype up about this food. It’s certainly one of my favorites. “ he was always surrounded by good chefs and bakers he couldn’t put one above the other, so they all occupied number one in his heart, not just cause he knew them but because the food was that good.
“ I believe it. Some people don’t know what they’re getting into but a good Thai place sounds pretty great to hear about. There’s a lot of people who can’t handle spice. Which is strange cause I think if the flavor is that good, the heat only highlights the taste more. It’s like a good heat. “ he added. “They might just not have the rate buds for it. like my little sister is five and she already is starting to get the palette for spicy food. I have to warn her when she tries to take things of my plate from you guys but there’s certain things she already likes. She’s maybe your youngest fan “ he joked
“ I can see that. I’ve been told I give teacher vibes before. before I had to drop out. I was pre med “ he admitted he didn’t always talk about his previous career goals because then everything had been replaced with being a parent and a guardian. “ I don’t think I can do that still just cause of the time it takes, but I’ve considered a paramedic? I do already drive around for a living? I really wanted to help people when I was younger “ @solaadisa
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"Oh, yeah, they're vocal. Some of them are freaks, but they like our food so," Sola shrugged, "who am I to judge?" Her feet kicked idly, soles scuffing the gravel beneath the truck. Sometimes she wished that her livelihood wasn't, at least to a certain extent, dependent on teenagers making forty-five second food reviews for the internet, but most of the time engaging with people (even the weirdos) was pretty fun.
"Because they're cowards, Sully," she said, very seriously. "People in New York can't handle spice. At least the transplants can't. My dad and I used to go to this Thai place in Brooklyn — hottest food you've ever had, and so, so good. Funniest part of it was watching all of the poor fuckers who didn't know what they were in for turn bright red."
Even though she'd ceded her plate to Sully, she still reached over to pluck a samosa from the edge of the plate. "Well, what do you wanna do? I could see you as a teacher or something like that."
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sullivanxshaw · 19 days
Closed for @lucydriscoll
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Sully was honestly hoping no one would remember his birthday. He just didn’t really like when there was attention focused on him and an entire day about himself made sully nervous. However when his baby sister made him a card when he woke up he realized that there was no avoiding it and he just had to enjoy things as they came.
When there was a knock on his door Sully looked over to Selina to as if the fifteen year old was expecting anyone and she shrugged and walked back to her room instead. That meant it was sullys job to check and as soon as he opened the door he was shocked to see Lucy there. Ever since Noelle started helping him out after everything that had happened, it almost made Lucy like another sister. One he didn’t have to stress about and that always was a comfort to him. Still his expression dropped as soon as he saw the surprise waiting for him. “ oh no. You remembered “ he replied laughing
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sullivanxshaw · 20 days
Sully: I’m gonna apologize for everything even if it’s not my fault Sully: I miss you too, though Sully: Good stuff? Sully: I like that idea @kyleexanthony
Kylee: You know you don't have to apologize for anything, Sully. I'm just telling ya that I miss ya Kylee: lol fair enough Kylee: I have a lot to tell you too Kylee: how does a drink or two and some apps at sea shanty shack sound? @sullivanxshaw
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sullivanxshaw · 20 days
“Oh geez. I don’t know how I feel about her getting bigger “ sully admitted with a small smile as he glanced back at Gwen. Even though Sera wasn’t his child, he still was the one who had raised her since she was a baby, and they did share the same blood. In a lot of ways, he felt like her dad. And the older she got the more he realized that he had fallen into that role in a way that he didn’t with his other sisters. “ like I know she’s not my kid, but she is my kid. And seeing her get older is scary cause I just worry about her a lot, especially in school. She’s gonna have to learn how to fight her own battles. “ he added before debating on the choices. “ maybe a mix. We have the money to get her own new stuff, but she’s always kind of a little partial to things that are her favorite. She is gotten really into Bluey the last year. So if we find anything with them on it. I probably should get it for her.” @gwenxmoreno
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"Oh my gosh, yes. It is totally huge. She's going to be a big girl now." Gwen was slightly biased in her agreeing with him, considering she taught second grade. But there was something so special about children and them being so excited about school. The first few years of elementary school were a precious time that she loved helping them mold into loving school before the next stage of middle school would ruin it. "Okay, so how big are we doing this? Completely new things? A mixture of old and new? What does she like now?" || @sullivanxshaw
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sullivanxshaw · 22 days
⚠️ a text meant for someone else.
Sully: Hello this is Sully from Sweet Nothings Bakery Sully: Your neighborhood has a gate code and I would need it to be able to delivery your cupcake order. @dancingdanvers
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sullivanxshaw · 22 days
🌳 a happy text. + Liza
Spencer: I told Sera you were at the bakery again and she is so excited she told me she wants to visit tomorrow Spencer: she also asked me to pick her up an Sera sized apron when we were school shopping and she wants to show you when she stops in. Are you ready to have a cupcake apprentice? @thelizaxlevin
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