sully-blogs · 1 month
technique looks perfect
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sully-blogs · 1 month
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sully-blogs · 1 month
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sully-blogs · 2 months
omfg i forgot that i never showed tumblr my greatest achievement. my pride and joy, my pi-ass de résistance
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sully-blogs · 3 months
It always gets me that the name "Gandalf" literally just means "Wand-Elf" or "Stick-Elf". I'm imagining old Gondorians just being like:
Librarian: I saw that weird guy at the library again today.
Guard 1: What weird guy?
Librarian: The old guy with the beard? Kinda elfy-looking, apart from the beard?
Guard 1: Oh, with the big-ass stick?
Librarian: Yeah, looked like he was carrying an entire tree branch.
Guard 2: Yeah, that's the Stick Elf.
Guard 1: Hell yeah, I fuckin' love the Stick Elf.
Librarian: The "Stick Elf"?
Guard 2: He comes by every few years, usually after some weird book or other.
Librarian: Oh. Yeah, he wanted a treatise on goblin breeding habits.
Guard 2: Like, how they have sex? We have books on that?
Librarian: Yeah, turns out we do. I was as surprised as you are.
Guard 1: What'd the Stick Elf need a fuckin' goblin-fuckin' book for?
Librarian: I didn't ask. So you just call him "Stick Elf"?
Guard 2: I mean, he looks kinda elfy and he always has that stick, so, like, yeah.
Guard 1: Dude also has some fuckin' dope pipeweed.
Guard 2: Oh yeah, his pipeweed is awesome.
Librarian: How long has he been coming here?
Guard 2: Oh, for decades. He's, like, super old.
Guard 1: More like fuckin' centuries. Dude's old as balls.
Guard 2: Wait, really?
Guard 1: Yeah, my gran-gran used to talk about him. She loved his pipeweed too.
Librarian: So he's… an immortal pipeweed dealer?
Guard 2: I think he's just, like, a connoisseur. He doesn't sell it or anything. He just always has some really top-notch pipeweed on him.
Archivist: Oh, are we talking about Stick Elf?
Guard 1: Hell yeah we are!
Librarian: You know about the Stick Elf, too?
Archivist: Oh, totally. Stick-Elf's a super chill dude. Gave me some awesome pipeweed when I was maybe 12, and tee-bee-aitch I think I'm still a little buzzed from it.
Guard 1: What'd I tell ya, fuckin' dope pipeweed!
Archivist: Also he's really old.
Guard 1: Old as balls.
Librarian: Yeah, so Éodan and Jenniforomir were telling me.
Archivist: My grandpa used to tell me stories - he said one time he saw Stick Elf enter a smoke-ring contest.
Guard 1: Ooh, I'll bet he kicked fuckin' ass.
Archivist: Apparently the guy made an entire warship out of smoke and it flew around shooting down the other rings.
Librarian: And how much of this "fuckin' dope" pipeweed had your grandfather had by this point?
Guard 1: No no, that's totally plausible. Dude's got weird elf powers and shit for sure.
Archivist: He brought fireworks for the king's birthday one year, too.
Guard 1: Oh fuck, I forgot about those! Fuckin' incredible fireworks! Dragons and knights and glowy trees and shit! I was fuckin' 6 years old or something, they totally blew my mind. Hey Éodan, did you see that shit?
Guard 2: No, I think that's before I lived in Gondor.
Guard 1: Wait, you're not from here?
Guard 2: Oh, no, I grew up in Rohan. We moved here when I was, like, thirteen because my uncle Éojeff said he could get my dad a sweet job. And also that there were houses that didn't smell like horseshit.
Guard 1: Oh shit, are you related to Éojeff and Éosteve who run that æbleskiver stand on Norndîl St?
Guard 2: Yeah, they're my uncles!
Guard 1: Shit, they cook a fuckin' great æbleskiver!
Librarian: Ok, hold up a sec, "Stick Elf" can't possibly be his real name.
Guard 1: Why not?
Librarian: What? You think his parents named him in the hopes that he would carry around a fucking tree when he got older?
Guard 2: Maybe they gave him the tree when he was born!
Archivist: I don't think a baby could carry that stick.
Guard 1: You ever seen a baby hanging onto something? They're hella strong.
Archivist: It's not a strength thing, their hands are tiny. That staff is enormous!
Guard 1: My halberd's bigger 'n I am, I can hold it just fine.
Archivist: You're not a baby.
Librarian: Also why would elf parents name their kid "stick ELF"?! Presumably they know that their kid's going to be an elf!
Archivist: Is he actually an elf? I didn't think they grew beards.
Guard 1: How'd he get old as balls if he's not an elf?
Guard 2: His ears aren't that pointy. Maybe he's just a really old guy? Like, a Numémoriam or something?
Guard 1: Did you just say "Numémoriam"?
Guard 2: Nûnenorman? Munimõrbitan? Y'know, those guys like the king that can get super old.
Guard 1: You mean the fuckin' Númenóreans?
Guard 2: Yeah, the Númenóreums.
Archivist: Even the Númenóreans don't live THAT long.
Guard 1: Plus he carries that fuckin' stick around.
Guard 2: Wait, what does the stick have to do with it?
Guard 1: That's an elf thing. Y'know, trees and shit? Very elfy.
Librarian: Ok, look, but his parents naming him "Stick Elf" would be weird whether or not he's an elf. In fact, it's even weirder if he's not - what human names their kid "elf"?
Archivist: Huh. Yeah, you're right, he probably does have another name.
Guard 2: Yeah, I guess so.
Librarian: He's been coming here for decades and nobody's ever asked his real name?
Archivist: I dunno what to tell you, he's Stick Elf. Even his library card just says 'Stick Elf'.
Guard 1: Fuck yeah, the Stick Elf!
Guard 2: Maybe we could, like, ask him his name sometime?
Guard 1: Hey, look, Elrond's over there. He's old as balls too, maybe he knows?
Guard 2: Oh, we shouldn't interru-
Elrond (coming over): Do you mean an old man cloaked all in grey and blue, leaning on a rough-cut staff, who came to the great library this day?
Guard 1: Yeah, the Stick-Elf!
Guard 2: (Sorry to bother you, sir...)
Librarian: He's got to have a real name besides 'the Stick Elf', right?
Elrond: Indeed, for no elf is he. You speak of the wizard Olórin, wisest of the Maiar, older even than Eä itself. Many are his names in many countries: Tharkûn among the Dwarves; Incánus to the south; Mithrandir he is called among my people, the Grey Pilgrim.
Librarian: Oh.
Elrond: And here in the North he is called Stick-Elf.
Librarian: Oh.
Guard 1: Fuck yeah!
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sully-blogs · 3 months
i wanna
i wanna
i wanna
i wanna
i wanna really really really wanna zig-a-zag *WILHELM SCREAM*
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sully-blogs · 3 months
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sully-blogs · 5 months
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In honor of our very first sneak peek of the movie Wicked, my nostalgia kicked into high gear and I'm honoring one of my earliest fandom crazes with a silly little comic I'm calling "Fiyero Doesn't Get Enough Recognition For All The Shit He's Been Through."
Enjoy Fiyero having the weirdest 72 hours of his life.
Sequel comic here.
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sully-blogs · 5 months
I wasn’t but only because mobile is laggy as shit
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sully-blogs · 5 months
This slaps way harder than it should
I really dislike Kawaii Future Bass or whatever this genre is called so I made it sound shitty with a bunch of random samples.
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sully-blogs · 5 months
God fucking dammit
Turns out most videos of this song on youtube are blocked in America, which is absolutely horrible. 
Anyway, here’s Wndrwll.
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sully-blogs · 5 months
I made some spotify playlists with very specific vibes to imagine scenarios to!!
You're lost in the middle of the woods trying to get out but at least your radio has signal...
You're in a spaceship... it's suddenly hit by meteors and now you're counting down the minutes
Your alien best friend has come to visit and you're starting to realize you have feelings for them
Logging into your old account when you remember online friends you lost connection with
You're in a post-apocalyptic world with only a small robot as your companion
You're all alone at your birthday party
On a road trip with a frog but he gets cranky from hunger halfway through
You're solving a mystery... and your handsome assistant is looking pretty suspicious
You're dreaming about being a mermaid
You're ready to fight god
they all kinda have a story so if you're interested in that it's best played from beginning to end
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sully-blogs · 2 years
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sully-blogs · 2 years
listen. I have never in my life been crazy about Daniel Craig, like I know he exists and I know he’s 007 James Bond but was I a frothing at the mouth over this middle aged man fangirl about him??? nah. hes just kinda been *gestures vaguely* around.
you put him in a silly little outfit, give him a southern drawl, and make him solve mysteries in THE fruitiest campiest way??? I suddenly understand the appeal and cannot tear my eyes away
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sully-blogs · 2 years
Ah yes the Mormon experience
ah yes, the profound cultural ritual of putting away five million metal folding chairs in a suit
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sully-blogs · 3 years
Space shanties?? Space shanties???
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sully-blogs · 3 years
How to get more Owl House content
In case you haven’t heard, Disney cut The Owl House season three (which will be the last) short, just three 44-minute specials rather than a full season.
One thing creator Dana Terrace suggested to get more Owl House content is to write letters and send them to the Disney HQ, voicing our love for the show and expressing that we want more.
For this sake, garseeyart on Instagram has set up a link where they anonymously collect letters from different people to print out and send in a bulk, which can be found here.
Not everyone is able to send a letter themselves, may it be because of their home environment, money issues, etc. etc.
If for whatever reason you can’t send Disney a letter personally, please use this form to voice your love for the show. This is entirely voluntary, of course, don’t feel pressured to do it if you don’t want to, but if we could get a bunch of letters to send that’d be amazing.
It’s specifically meant to be anonymously. If you feel more comfortable, you can use a pen name, you don’t have to share any personal information, not even your real first name. Honestly check out the artist’s profile tho she explains it better than I could.
Submissions are going to be accepted up until June 15th! Until then, it would be very neat if you guys could spread this so as many people as possible participate!
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