sultanhanin · 7 months
"In every shadow there's a light"
Growing up in a simple and humble family wasn't easy. We didn't have much money, but we had each other, and that was enough to keep us going. I remember times when my parents worked really hard just to make sure we had food on the table, and as a kid, I didn't really understand just how much they sacrificed for us.
One particular memory that sticks out is when we had to do odd jobs, like working on farms or helping out neighbors, just to make some extra money. These jobs, called kupras, were what helped us survive during tough times. However, life in our hometown was far from easy. Shootings and violence were all too common, and my parents feared for our safety. In search of a better life, we made the difficult decision to move to Luzon, hoping to find better opportunities to sustain ourselves.
But life in the city wasn't what we expected. We moved around a lot, trying to find work, but it was never easy to make enough money. It felt like we were constantly chasing after something that was just out of reach. I started to lose hope that things would ever get better. When I was 12 years old, I had to face some harsh realities. I had to stop going to school and start helping my  parents  to  support our family. Whether it was selling things or doing chores for people, I did whatever I could to help my parents . But no matter how hard I tried, it never seemed like enough. We were always struggling to get by, and it was really tough.
Just when we thought we were out of options, my aunt from Cebu reached out to us and offered us a chance for a fresh start. We were hesitant at first, but we were desperate for a change, so we decided to take a chance and move to Cebu, hoping that things would be better there. To our surprise, life in Cebu was different. It was slower-paced, and people were friendlier. There seemed to be more opportunities for us to make a living, and we finally started to feel like things were looking up. But even as our lives were getting better, I was still struggling with my own identity.
Growing up as a gay person in a society where being straight is seen as the norm wasn't easy. I felt different from a young age, and I worried about how people would react if they knew the truth about me. There were times when I questioned whether it was worth it to be open about my sexuality. But in the end, I realized that hiding who I am would only make me unhappy.Coming out was a big moment for me. It was scary to tell people about my sexuality, but it was also freeing. Being open about who I am allowed me to be true to myself and stop hiding. It wasn't always easy, but the sense of freedom I felt was worth it.
Being gay is a big part of who I am. It's not just about who I'm attracted to; it's about embracing my identity and being proud of who I am. Finding love and companionship as a gay person has been important to me, and it's made me feel happy and fulfilled.Of course, being gay isn't always easy. There are still people who discriminate against LGBTQ+ individuals, and that can be hard to deal with. But I refuse to let fear and hatred control my life.
In elementary school, I was bullied for not fitting in, and it was really hard for me.It wasn't until high school that I found the courage to be myself. Hiding who I was only made things worse, so I decided to embrace my true self and not let anyone else's opinions affect me. And surprisingly, once I did that, the bullies didn't bother me anymore. I had found strength in being true to myself, and it was empowering. Being gay has taught me a lot about resilience and strength. It's shown me that it's okay to be different and that love is love, no matter who it's between. And for that, I'm grateful.
But lucky me I have a loving parents who are always there for me they are blessing that I cherish deeply. They have been my rock, my guiding light through all the ups and downs of life. Their unwavering love and support have given me the strength and courage to navigate life's challenges with confidence and resilience.My parents have always been my biggest cheerleaders, encouraging me to pursue my dreams and ambitions, and standing by me every step of the way. In return, I am here for them, ready to offer my love, support, and assistance whenever they need it.
Looking back, I can see how every challenge I faced has helped shape me into the person I am today. I've learned to be resilient and to never give up, no matter how tough things get. And for that, I'm grateful.
Now, as my life continues, I know that there will always be challenges ahead. But I'm ready to face them head-on. Life is full of ups and downs, twists and turns, but I've learned to embrace the journey, knowing that each obstacle I overcome makes me stronger. Facing challenges is never easy, but I've learned that resilience and determination can carry me through even the toughest times. Whether it's personal struggles, professional setbacks, or societal pressures, I'm prepared to meet each challenge with courage and perseverance.
Life as a gay person comes with its own set of challenges, but I refuse to let them hold me back. I'm proud of who I am, and I won't let anyone else's opinions or prejudices dictate my happiness. I'll continue to live authentically and unapologetically, forging my own path and creating a life that reflects my true self.
So, as my journey unfolds, I know that there will be obstacles to overcome and hurdles to face. But I also know that I have the strength, resilience, and determination to tackle whatever comes my way. And with each challenge conquered, I'll emerge stronger, wiser, and more determined than ever to live my life to the fullest.
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