sultmhoor · 6 years
It’s kind of awesome of you, Tumblr, to try to ban porn and then market vaginal lips stick to me. You dumb fucking hypocrites
Tumblr media
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sultmhoor · 6 years
Obvs, I’m leaving here.
I’ve deleted all of my content and moved to greener, less corporate pastures.
If you’re really dedicated to following me:
More or less unfiltered:
http://twitter.com/sultmhoor lol not with assholes running the place https://joindiaspora.com/people/fdeba8d6941f2fb2 (ex: [email protected]) https://christmas.tattoo/@sultmhoor https://fosstodon.org/@sultmhoor https://mstdn.social/@sultmhoor https://mewe.com/profile/5abbc79c310a7842453126b9 https://www.flickr.com/photos/sultmhoor
Mostly worksafe:
http://twitter.com/kevinbryant5 No. just No. https://www.youtube.com/user/Sultmhoor https://pluspora.com/people/69cc5c00afd10136206800505608f9fe(ex: [email protected])
Warning: I won't add you back or give you access unless I know you from here or otherwise.
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sultmhoor · 6 years
Honestly, that anyone expected anything less than this happening on a corporate social media site... kind of amusing and appalling. You’re the product, not the customer. Kudos for them for allowing it as long as they have, but the second their revenue stream was threatened in a socially-unacceptable way (remove porn or we remove you! said apple) it was always going to be the first to go. Decentralize and/or pay to not be tweezed through for ad revenue.
You know what sucks the most…
…about Tumblr removing adult content? It’s that this place was more than just about porn. Its where I gained my first semblance of confidence. It’s where i found that people appreciated guys like me. I wasn’t just the ugly fat guy that I felt I was. People liked me for who I am and how I looked and slowly I started to believe the possitive things people said about me. I was lucky enough to experience that, and so I’ll personaly be fine. But the idea that someone who has no self worth or self esteem can’t come here to experience that same sense of pure acceptance for who they are just doesn’t seem fair to me, because I honestly don’t know what I would have done without this place.
Tumblr was a refuge for a lot of people. It was a means to express themselves sexually without ridicule or judgement. It helped people grow and feel good about themselves. It’s not just about the loss of some cheap titillation for a lot of people. It’s been way more important than that and it’s a shame they’re willing to sacrifice all of it just because they couldn’t keep a handle on their porn bot problem.
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sultmhoor · 6 years
well, it was nice while it lasted. get on a diaspora pod and federate me (you can figure it out, I believe in you) if you want explicit content again.
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