summerravenn · 4 years
Food: I went to go get food from longhorn in Buffalo. Since were in this pandemic the state is not allowing us to eat in anymore so we have to go in with our mask and pick up our food up. So no more dine in we can only do take out.
People: I don’t really encounter a lot of public employees and especially with Covid I stay in the house. But yeah the public employees be wearing uniforms and there job shape an influence my life because if it wasn’t for the mailman I wouldn’t get my important things. If it wasn’t for UPS I wouldn’t get things I ordered offline. Of course thry wear mask. There was less public employees in my life than I expected.
Transportation: When I be driving around my town you see a lot of signs of rules etc. I see speed limits. I see deaf child area. I see school area. Now New York State has sighs to wear masks etc. In Buffalo NY the streets are so bad they don’t do anything to fix them.
School: New York State education is really hard. Because we got regents exam and they are common core. New York State make peace pay for taxes if you live in a area where a school is at. Through out my school years we had to pay for lunch in my public school.
Social life: New York State is really strict. So we have a lot of age restrictions with a lot of activities, drinking, and etc. People under the age 18 not allowed to walk in the mall by themselves. Can’t go to the movies after 8 if you not 18 and older. Can’t drink until 21 etc.
Media: New York affect the news a lot. They post everyday about Covid and keep us updated about everything in New York State. I don’t listen to the radio and i barely watch TV. But if we like another football team and it playing at the same time at the Buffalo bills we won’t be able to watch the other game.
Absence: I feel like the state is absent in my life at home because I do whatever I want in my hosue I don’t have to go by any rules by New York State.
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summerravenn · 4 years
Fieldwork chapter 13.
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Interviewing a immigrant I’ve learn a lot from her. The immigrant came from Russia she’s 18 years old. Came here 4 years ago and is becoming a American citizen this year. She said her push factor was her Dad getting a job in America that he was offered. And the pull factors higher wages, better job opportunities, and better environment. They didn’t really face any bridges or barriers. Because I’m Russia they do this thing that a family get selected to move to America and her family won that year. Overall they love american and was happy to get an opportunity here. They still love Russia. They still can’t vote yet because they not American citizens yet and they is mad about that. They adopted to American culture real fast and easy.
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summerravenn · 4 years
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Snickers ingredients are sugar, coca butter, chocolate, skim milk, latctose, milk fat, soy lecithin, and etc. Ingredients Come From Many Places It is made by Mars, Inc. in New Jersey, U.S.A., but the ingredients come from all around the “Americas.” For Snickers, that basic recipe is a nougat base made with egg whites, sugar and vanilla (a mixture Mars called "frap"). Then, freshly roasted peanuts are covered in caramel. The caramel mixture is layered on top of the nougat then machines cut the mixture into long, thin bars. The working conditions are good. Mars buys cocoa beans from Cote d'Ivoire, where farms are notorious for abusive conditions. Brand Snickers has targeted people from the all age group that belongs to middle, upper-middle and an upper class section of society as its target customer. I brought it from wegmans. A storeowner can profit margins between 55 to 75%. I don’t believe there is any hidden cost. Mars international corporation dominate the chocolate trade.
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summerravenn · 4 years
CH.10 fieldwork.
I would not be able to live on $2 a day. I wouldn’t be able to do it for one day all I do is spend money on food. I wouldn’t be able to do it in general to be honest.
1. This illustrates Marx theory of social class because he believes society is based on two social classes, the ruling class (bourgeoisie) who own the means of production (factories, for example) and the working class (proletariat) who are exploited (taken advantage of). In this article thry describes the working class and how it defines people status and where they stand in society. https://www.investopedia.com/terms/w/working-class.asp
2. This illustrates Weber’s theory of social class because his theory is a person's power can be shown in the social order through their status, in the economic order through their class, and in the political order through their party. Trump is the president of the United States and his power is shown through his status. He a Republican and they are usually know for Rich high people because of there status. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.washingtonpost.com/business/2020/11/12/republican-party-trump-authoritarian-data/%3foutputType=amp
3. This illustrates Bourdieus theory of social class because Bourdieu says that social class is not “defined” by any particular property but rather by “the structure of relations between all the pertinent properties.” But he never explains which “structures of relations” produce which classes. This article talks about soical capital it has everything to do with his theory. He saw that as a property. It elements of life. https://www.socialcapitalresearch.com/bourdieu-on-social-capital-theory-of-capital/
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summerravenn · 4 years
My family tree story is different but similar to a lot of families. It shows how strong of a person my mom is. She’s a single mom and get things done all by herself. My dad not in the picture. I don’t know anyone on my dad side. But My family is all about be loyal and being there for each other. It shows that we have a big family. We will like to continue it on. We have strong moms who do it all by themselves.
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summerravenn · 4 years
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There was two commercials aimed at boys. There was only one aimed at girls. Yes, two commercials were not gendered. The technique they used to attract boys was sports etc. The technique they used to attract girls was showing a girl taking a stand. The boys comerial said boys don’t cry. They have to be tough and can’t be soft. It was telling boys you have to be great and you can’t be the weak one. That is gendered behavior because boys believe they can’t never show there soft side. Society doesn’t allow them too and now the commercials is teaching them that. The girls commercials in the beginning was telling females all we are filled with is drama and we are less than. But near the end it showed that girls are strong and fighters too. This commercial went against what society think women have to be or act like. All us women are strong, smart, and can do anything.
Field work #7
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summerravenn · 4 years
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(Picture of my great grandma and my great grandfather) * my great grandfather is 100% Native American.
After doing research and talking to my family, I have learned that my family been in the United States for a very long time. My ancestors are Native American and black. My Native American family comes from Seneca tribe. I still have family members who live on the reservation and embrace our Native American heritage on a daily basis. I visited them one time and they live so different from us. All the roads are not developed on the “Rez”(as they call it) and some of them don’t have running water or actual homes as we do. Some of my Native American family have embraced American nationalism. My African American side is originally from Alabama. They was land orders. My great grandma remembers the water fountain had the white and for colors on them. After a while they inherited the American nationalism. After talking to my family members my looks on ethnicity and nationalism are the same because I already knew about the history of my family. I still consider myself Native American and black.
Fieldwork #6
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summerravenn · 4 years
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Institutional Racism: The network of institutional structures, policies, and practices that create advantages and benefits for Whites, and discrimination, oppression, and disadvantage for people from targeted racial groups. The advantages created for Whites are often invisible to them. Or are considered rights. An example a white person and a black perosn can apply to the same job. Have the same abilities and be equally good at. The white perosn would get the job just because of the skin color. The white people have so many benefits they don’t even realize. They can walk around with a gun if they want and nothing is going to happen to them.
White Privilege: The concrete benefits of access to resources and social rewards and the power to shape the norms and values of society which Whites receive, unconsciously and consciously, by virtue of their skin color in a racist society. The picture shows that white privilege. They can do something and get away with it. White people don’t get shot or abuse by the police. They don’t get question why they walking down the street or anything because of how much they are valued by the society.
Systemic Racialization: Systemic racialization describes a dynamic system that produces and replicates inequities. Systemic racialization is the well-institutionalized pattern of discrimination that cuts across major political, economic and social organizations in a society. An example anywhere black people go people stare. People be scared. Black people get so much discrimination just because a skin color. People will think we’re not good at anything. We get treated like we’re nothing.
Individual Racism: The beliefs, attitudes, and actions of individual that support or perpetuate racism. Individual racism can occur at both an unconscious and conscious level, and can be both active and passive. Examples include telling a racist joke, using a racial epithet, or believing in the inherent superiority of Whites. Believing stereotypes. Thinking all black men are in gangs.
Active Racism: People who participate in active racism advocate the continual subjugation of members of the targeted racial groups and protection of ‘the rights’ of members of the agent group. These goals are often supported by a belief in the inferiority of People of Color and the superiority of white people, culture and values. An example white people think black people have no worth in the world. They feel like they better. Even made a KKK group to show us how strong they feel about there skin color.
Empowered Person of Color: An empowered person of color has an understanding of racism and its impact on one’s life without responding to the events and circumstances as a victim. Rather, being empowered means the capacity to engage individuals and institutions with an expectation of being treated well. An example black people are so good at sports like basketball and football. They can go into those sports knowing that they will be treated well. Because it not base on your skin color it’s based on your character and talent.
Fieldwork #5
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summerravenn · 4 years
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1. There is 14 men. There is 36 female. The boys in class spoken two times. Made a comment 1 time. The girls in my class spoken the whole time or made a comment more than once times. Female spoke more often.
2. The females was talking the whole time because of the topic we were talking about. Girls commented more and the comments was lengthy. The boys had one comment. It was 10 comments from girls.
3. In this class they had there cameras off. The professor doesn’t make it mandatory to turn them. But the people who did have it on they was at a desk and was paying attention they look interested. But the boys talk less proper like they talking to a friend. The girls talk more proper like they actually talking to a professor.
4. The females kept their cameras on more.
5. The instructor is a female. She encourage people to talk. She will go over something and then call on people to answer or say there opinions on it. The professor is in gaze. The professor body language shows it off. She talk with her hands etc.
6. I personally don’t think the instructors gender seem to influence the way they interact with the class. I feel like everyone was talking equally. Like everyone had an comment on something we was learning about.
Fieldwork 4
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summerravenn · 4 years
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1. I choose Millard Fillmore suburban hospital. I was drew to this place because that’s where I was born and that’s where I found out I had Covid. I was really sick and this place helped me. I found that there’s be people in and out of the hospital all types of hurt. It’s a Covid hospital so it had more than one case there.
2. I know that’s it very loud outside of the hospital because maple road is a busy street and there none stop cars driving on the street. I finally noticed that there was an church next to the hospital I never knew that because I usually go at night. Around the hospital it smell like fresh air. But inside smell like how a hospital usually smell. So outside is a great place to get fresh air.
3. There really nothing absent that I would have expected to find because I been there multiple times when I broken things. But I did always go at night. During the day I didn’t realize how big it was and what was around it.
4. This place most definitely been impacted by Covid. People who have or had Covid go to that hospital. I had Covid and I went there to get help because I was really sick.
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summerravenn · 4 years
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After doing this assignment, I learned that I like expensive things. I learned that some of the stuff I got I really don’t need. I realized I just want it because it’s nice and I like things that are nice. I feel like I should start saving and that I don’t need to buy every nice thing I see. Hopefully I get better with how I spend money.
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summerravenn · 4 years
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1. The history behind air jordan 1 is that it existed because Michael jordan didn’t want to sign with Nike. Nike creative director Peter C.Moore was tasked with designing Jordan’s first shoe. Michael Jordan didn’t like the shoe at first but it grew on him. Then Michael jordan start wearing them at games and the tv showed them and the rest is history. They become a great success and a really big sneaker world.
2. The item was made in Vietnam the first real air jordan 1 was made there.
3. The impact that these shoes have on my life is that this are my favorite sneakers ever to get. They really comfortable to wear. Those sneakers are me like they go with my style perfectly.
4. The people who was directly involved with making this item was Peter Moore, Tinker Hatfield, and Bruce Kilgore in 1984. Life for tinker Hatfield is good. He’s 68 years old and one of the worlds most legendary sneaker designers and currently Nike’s Vice President for design and special projects. Life for Bruce Kilgore he continued to working on court shoes and created a tennis line up. Unfortunately I looked everywhere to find Peter Moore and nothing is coming up for him. The only thing coming up is that he designed the shoe and promise me I looked everywhere.
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