Mod Fuck-Up Meme
Edit names and pronouns as you please!
“Mod Flana.”
“Organised chaos, yay!”
“You get an allowance of 3 inch cleavage.”
“Oh wow Katya went missing. Oh wow a freshly buried hole in the ground.”
“I ain’t afraid of no crown prince.”
“She’s died twice before, I can kill her again.”
“Dealing with them is tradition.”
“Unless one of you wants to talk to the bot?”
“Blame Laslow.”
“Mod Cheom.”
“There is no Chrom here.”
“Is this a conveniently placed rock to touch?”
“Except Chrom isn’t allowed to bring his horse.”
“Well I just walked into an interesting side of this conversation.”
“Baby Lucina is important!!!!”
“Ily more.”
“Anri gets Grima.”
“I ain’t scared of mom’s boss.”
“Let’s all jump to the Persona fandom.”
“We need more bad endings.”
“Tell Al I’m a failure.”
“We’re a SHAM.”
“Whack a mole....START.”
“An entire team of Morgans.”
“Morgan Emblem.”
“Tonight, baby Lucina r i s e s.”
“We're literally the white people infomercials dropping unnecessary items and getting tangled in the blinds.”
“If you're a failure, I'm a failure.”
“Listen every Scramble has one fuck up allowed.“
“Let's all get in the trash can together.”
“At least this is a smol fuck up.”
“I can't believe we're doing a fucking skeleton war.”  
“Laslow's Deliverance: SkeletonWar2018.”
“40 skeletons per wave sound good?”
“A battalion of skeletons.”
“I’m keeping track of our kill count.”
"It's August, which shares the same first two letters as Autumn which is the season Halloween is in so therefore it's almost Halloween so let’s get Spooky."
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In Closing...
Thank you again for another successful Summer Scramble this year!
 It meant a lot to the mods to be able to bring you another week of vacation fun, so we hope you enjoyed yourselves and made some new friends! As always, this never could have happened without the community’s support and willingness to look past selectivity for just one week, as well as everyone’s participation, of course! You took the framework we gave you and once again, made it into something special. 
That’s about it from us for now, though we do have one last parting gift in the queue... So make sure to keep an eye out for that! It’s a little collection of things we screamed at each other throughout the week, free for you to goof off with as you please. 
We’ll hopefully see you all around the dashboard soon... Maybe in the fall? 
With love...
Mods Alm, Laslow, Robin, Clive, Emmeryn, and Chrom.
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Maze RNG + Statistics!
ALM: |||||  ||||| | ( TOTAL: 11 )
LASLOW ||||| ( TOTAL: 5 )
ROBIN ||| ( TOTAL: 3 )
CLIVE | ( TOTAL: 1 )
EMMERYN ||||| ( TOTAL: 5 )
CHROM |||||  ||| ( TOTAL: 8 ) 
ALMOST-WINS ( got to the coin flip but it landed on tails ) 
|||||  |||||  |||||  | ( TOTAL: 16 )
HENRY KNOCKOUTS ( ended with result #59 )
|||||  ||| ( TOTAL: 8 )
LITTLE LUCINA ENCOUNTERS ( both results #9 & 39 combined )
|||||  |||||  |||||  ||||| ( TOTAL: 20 )
The more common of the two was #39.
Under the cut are all 60 possible outcomes for the maze! Numbers 1 through 30 were the positive results, 31 through 60 were the bad ones. Entries 35, 40, 45, 50, 53, and 60 were the mod game overs.
You find an opening between two hedges, connected by an enchanting archway woven with roses. You decide to walk beneath it, entering the next area of the maze. 
You notice fruitful grapevines twisting around a wooden trellis on each side of your path. There are several breaks in the hedges on the right and left where you could pass under the vines to turn, but you choose to follow the them to their roots. There, you find planks of wood sunken into the ground to create a few steps down to the next level of the maze. You pick a juicy grape to snack on, and then proceed. 
You come upon a small, circular clearing with several identical openings in the shrubs around its circumference. In the center is a stone statue fountain. You look upon the profile of a young girl playing a flute, from which water spills forth, splashing into the pool below, and decide to take the path the flute's stream is pointing towards. You proceed to the next level of the maze.
The hedges on either side of you split to reveal three different paths. To the left, a dirt road between wooden fences making a walkway around the outside of the maze. Straight ahead, a tunnel made of arches covered in ivy, and small embers of magical light floating about the air within like fireflies. To the right, more hedges await, but they come up higher than your own head and cast shade over the gravel they line. While stopping to think, you notice the sound of crackling fire and the smell of smoke coming from the right. You follow it into the shadows, and find a turn which would take you between two blazing braziers lighting either side of a brick path. You take it and proceed onto the next section of the maze. 
You are traveling along the side of a stone wall. It appears to be the side of a building, but you notice a small tunnel built into the bottom, and recall a snake you saw earlier slithering into a crack in the mortar, and think perhaps there is more on the other side than what it appears. You crawl through the tunnel, locating a short cut to the next level.
 You decide to take the usual advice of keeping to the right, in the hopes that there is some logic behind that strategy. Everything looks the same to you, and after around 10 right turns, you begin to wonder if you have lost yourself in the visual flurry of vines... Only to find the next area of the maze! 
There are surprising number of secrets hidden in this maze. You come across one such hidden area, and discover a miniature waterfall. With the heat making you feel grimy, you decide to duck your head underneath it for some sweet relief. Upon doing so, you notice that there isn't rock behind the water as you so believed... It's a hidden path! At the consequence of getting completely soaked, you step through and into the next are of the maze. 
You're not quite sure what an area of lavender is doing here. Did its seeds fly in from a nearby field? Or maybe someone thought the maze needed more variety. Regardless, you decide to take a sniff of it, and find yourself relaxed. After spending a fair amount of time resting, you find yourself feeling calmer, and more able to tackle the challenge ahead of you. It helps that the next portion of the maze is on your next left. 
After going around in circles for a good while, you begin to wonder if your mind is still in tact. Insanity does seem to be the only explanation for that constant whisper you're hearing... Oh! It turns out that you're not crazy, but rather that Lucina has been trying to get your attention! Apparently, she didn't quite understand that she isn't allowed to come in and help. You take the child's tiny hand in yours, and allow her to guide you to the beginning of the maze's next portion. Make sure you bend down before you go – Lucina wants to give you a kiss on the cheek!
Upon trying to pick a grape, you prick your finger on the thorn of a flower that got tangled with the vine. Now distracted by the mild pain, you wonder aimlessly throughout the maze whilst sucking on the injured finger. Despite having lost your focus, by some miracle you manage to find the next area of the maze. Congratulations!
After some wandering you come across a dead end, though you can make out some sparkling in the distance. Upon inspection, you encounter two floating orbs, one red and one blue. After a moment of thought, you examine the red orb. At first, it seems as though nothing happened. You're about to turn back when a hidden path opens up, taking you deeper into the maze. 
A sudden burst of pale blue in the green catches your eye, and you chance upon some hydrangeas blooming along the hedge. Curious, you follow the path of the flowers until coming across a small hole in the hedges. It'll be cramped, but you can squeeze through just fine. You decide to try your newfound shortcut and move on! 
To your surprise, there's a small key hanging on the hedge. Wondering what it could possibly be for, you pocket the key and continue on. Soon enough, you get your answer. An old, rusted door sits smack dab between the hedges. You try it, and it's locked. Deciding this must be what the key is for, you attempt inserting it. The lock clicks, and with some effort you push your way through and move on to the next stage of the maze! 
You can hear melodic singing around the next bend, and encounter a small bluebird. Upon sighting you it flies away, but you're quick to follow. By the time you lose track of it, you're pleased to realize it's led you deeper into the maze. How nice of it!
By chance, you happen across a rosebush... Though it seems the white roses are in the process of being painted red. Haven't you heard a story like this before? Not wanting to get tangled up in any trial business when you have a challenge to complete, you hurry away from the roses and further into the maze before you lose your head.
You heard advice about mazes once. Apparently, if you keep your hand on one of the hedge walls, you’ll have to find the center eventually. Following this advice, you stroll through the hedgerows, turning and twisting to make sure your hand is always brushing against the leaves. As you go, you stir up some white butterflies. They flutter around you as you find your way to the next level of the maze!
Walking through the maze, you happen upon a little white rabbit. How curious! You decide to follow the rabbit as it hopes through the hedge maze, and you find that you’re led through a short cut! The rabbit leads you to the next section of the maze before he hops into the bushes and you lose sight of him.
You hear the distant sound of running water. Is that a fountain? As you turn another corner, you come across a grand stone fountain carved with gods and goddesses from mythology around it. For good luck, you toss a coin into it and hope for the correct direction. As if by fate, you feel the wind breeze by, encouraging you to go right. You do, and find you’ve made it further into the maze!
While you were told that some grapes grow in the maze, you weren’t expecting to find wild blackberries growing as well! You take a chance to pluck a few, enjoying the sweet summer berries. Their delicious flavor gets you feeling especially energetic and you set back off into the maze proper with new inspiration. You find your way to the next level of the maze!
As you traverse the maze you come to a fork in your path. You could turn left or right… but which way is the best? From your left you hear the faded voice of someone muttering something. Could that be one of the moderators? Knowing that encountering them will disqualify you from the prize, you turn right and hurry on, making it to the next level of the maze while narrowly avoiding a ‘game over.’
Your traverse through this maze thus far has been easy . . . too easy, some might even say. There’s really no reason to complain about it, but the feeling of uncertainty is creeping on you as you come to a crossing -- one that you can either go left or right with. On one path, it is clear with no sign of anyone taken it yet. On the other, there’s an obvious trail of rose petals. Despite your better judgement, you trust your luck getting you this far, and you follow the rose petals --- yet, they only seem to lead to a dead end . . . or do they? Upon closer inspection, you realize that there’s a few petals scattered around a rock, once touching it with your palm, the hedges reveal your path onward!
The air within the maze seems to shift the further you go in, but you’re unsure if it’s a good feeling or a bad one. Still, there’s no way to go but forward if you want to win. A chest to your left seems tempting to open, and there wasn’t really a rule saying you couldn’t open it. Inside is a key, to which you decide to take. A gate lies just ahead a few turns away, and with your instincts, you’re able to unlock the gate with your key and proceed onward!
You’ve certainly been walking for a while -- when and where does this silly hedge maze end? To your thrilling discovery, someone has placed a comfortable looking bench on the path. No other reason for a bench to exist than to sit on it, so you decide to, you can’t go much further with aching feet and an uncertain way to go. But... is that shaking you feel? Ah! The bench tips backwards into what you thought was a line of hedges -- only to be a sly illusion into the next area of the maze...you just wish the bench had been a bit more gentle on it’s toss.
Despite it being a maze, the scenery and the shrubbery are all very well kept and cared for. While you admire, you’re careful to remember where you’ve been and where you’re going, staying to the outside of the bushes where you believe the opening should be. Staying to the outside is like a puzzle -- it makes the inside so much easier to construct. Only seeing one possible dead end, you can only wonder if this maze truly had any openings to the center. Cold air hits your face as you breeze by a path you weren’t originally going to take, but something about the coolness makes you turn back -- and you are glad you did when you come upon the archway to welcome you to the next area of the maze!
You tell yourself not to be afraid of being in here alone -- there are people just outside that are willing to help you out if you get lost. Yet, something feels amiss -- but you’re certain it’s just your nerves from having to find your way without a map or guidance at all. Thankfully, you know enough about survival that the east is always a good way to go. Terrified as you are, this method does not let you down, bringing you to your final fork in the road, both paths winding around this conveniently placed wall. You cannot see around it until you go one way or the other. You choose the right . . . though it seems you could have chosen either direction and still make it to the door you were in search of. You move on to the next area!
After a while of walking, you hear a knocking noise. Just a little ways ahead, there's a crow perched atop an old iron gate, tapping its beak against it. It squawks when you get close, but peering through the gate reveals the next part of the maze! You offer the wise little bird a grape as a thank you and continue on your way through the gate.
You wander the maze aimlessly for a little while, snacking on grapes the entire way, until a sparkling object on the path catches your eye. When you bend down to look, you can see its a bunch of shiny stones laid out in a line. Following the line leads you to a gate that opens into the next part of the maze! Triumphant, you pick another handful of snacks and continue onward.
While walking through the maze, you hear a shuffling sound ahead of you. Following the noise, you see a pop of color: another contender! Following behind them, you manage to spy a break in the hedges that they missed. Sqeeeeeeezing through it, you find that it's a shortcut to the next area of the maze!
You wander around for a while before you hear the rush of water. You come upon a small stream, originating from water spilling from one of the stone walls that dot the area of the resort. Following the stream leads you to the next area of the maze! How lucky!
The hedges for the maze seemed extra tall in this part of the maze, even seeming to grow together into a tunnel. While creepy, it seemed to be a lucky break -- it opens up into the next part of the maze after a little while of walking!
 Thick fog from within the maze clouds a small gate opening forward to the proper path. You miss it and make a wrong turn which leads you out to a side exit from the hedges. Better luck next time. 
You see a chipmunk scurrying beneath the branches of shrubbery lining a dirt path, and decide to follow it. Unfortunately, he had already gotten what he came for, and led you out of the maze to an open pasture before running off into the woods. Too bad. 
You hear the sound of bubbling water in the distance, and try to find where it's coming from. You exit the hedges and see a long stream with no more path markers. You're now outside the maze and disqualified. 
You enter a butterfly garden, and find the flowers so soft and the colors floating around you so peaceful that you fall asleep. It’s dark when you’re discovered, scolded for slacking, and escorted out of the maze.
You feel lost and confused within the endless bushes with plenty of twists and turns, but no sign of a hint or even change in scenery. Stopping to take a breath and collect your thoughts, you notice a gust of wind rushing against your clothes. It keeps blowing, in only one direction, rustling leaves and guiding you down a particular set of turns. You find Robin standing with a wind tome at a dead end. "Gotcha." 
You decide to take the usual advice of keeping to the right, in the hopes that there is some logic behind that strategy. Everything looks the same to you, and after around 10 right turns, you begin to wonder if you have lost yourself in the visual flurry of vines. You have likely been going in circles, and decide to change things up by going left... Only to find yourself back at the beginning. You have been disqualified. 
You hear your stomach growling. It doesn't help that the maze is filled with grapevines taunting you with your every step. Eventually, you decide to try one. It isn't ripe yet, but you're too hungry to care. You keep on picking off grapes as you go, and eventually start feeling a little sick. You need to find a professional and ask if the fruit is supposed to be that sour, or if you're going to have food poisoning. The grapes were safe to eat, but you had to exit the maze in order to find someone. You have been disqualified.
You're not quite sure what an area of lavender is doing here. Did its seeds fly in from a nearby field? Or maybe someone thought the maze needed more variety. Regardless, you decide to take a sniff of it, and find yourself relaxed. After spending a fair amount of time resting, you realise that you are too sleepy to continue and return to the start. You don't want anyone reminding you that “there are better places to take a nap than on the ground”, after all. You have been disqualified.
After going around in circles for a good while, you begin to wonder if your mind is still in tact. Insanity does seem to be the only explanation for that constant whisper you're hearing... Oh! It turns out that you're not crazy, but rather that Lucina has been trying to get your attention! Apparently, she didn't quite understand that she isn't allowed to come in and help. She wants to feel independent, so you follow a little behind her. Unfortunately, she trips over and hurts her knee, requiring you to carry her out of the maze. Whilst her father is grateful for the assistance, he can't bend the rules. You have been disqualified. 
Towards what seems to be the end of this segment of your journey, you hear a cry in the distance. Hurrying over, you encounter what appears to be Chrom being dragged by his own horse. You stop to help him but in the process, end up following them out of the maze. You have been disqualified. 
After some wandering, you come across a dead end, though you can make out some sparkling in the distance. Upon inspection, you encounter two floating orbs, one red and one blue. After a moment of thought you examine the blue orb. A path opens up immediately and you step through, eager to press on. Unfortunately for you, you've stepped into a magic circle. In a flash of blue light, you find yourself standing outside the entrance to the maze. Oops! 
All this maze-navigating is sure making you hungry. You catch sight of some grapes on the trellis overhead, and decide a small snack won't hurt. You continue on, plucking grapes as you go, though you get so caught up in getting your snack that you don't notice you've gone back the way you came! The entrance of the maze looms above you. At least you're not hungry anymore?
You find a clearing in the maze, and oddly enough, you come across the remnants of a very large tea party. Several mismatched chairs and tea sets are strewn about an almost impossibly long table, and it seems the tea and snacks have long gone cold... Though you chance upon a little box labelled 'Please Take One'. You open the box, and discover an assortment of biscuits labelled 'EAT ME'. Wondering what the worst that could happen is, you pluck up one of the biscuits and follow its advice. It's tasty! Though... It seems you now find yourself standing beyond the maze walls. Perhaps you shouldn't have done that... 
A sharp gust of wind whips around you, causing you to cover your eyes to prevent dust flying into them. When the wind subsides and you look up, things appear different than before... Not wanting to give up despite the setback, you bravely press on. At this point you have to be nearly done, right? Unfortunately, you make one wrong turn in your overconfidence and soon find yourself walking into a clearing outside the maze. 
Huh. You seem to have come across an orange tree in the middle of the maze. How odd! You thought there were only grapes here. Feeling your tummy rumble, you decide to try picking an orange from the tree. As you approach you hear rustling in the branches and think to yourself that there must be a squirrel up there, but as you reach for one of the lower hanging fruits you suddenly find yourself offered an orange by a familiar voice... Uh oh. It looks like Alm found you! Rules are rules, so he hops down from the tree and offers to walk with you back to the entrance of the maze. 
You heard advice about mazes once. Apparently, if you keep your hand on one of the hedge walls, you’ll have to find the center eventually. Following this advice, you stroll through the hedgerows, turning and twisting to make sure your hand is always brushing against the leaves. But you get a little turned around and find yourself getting lost… You accidentally wander back where you came from and leave the maze.
Walking through the maze, you happen upon a little white rabbit. How curious! You decide to follow the rabbit as it hopes through the hedge maze. But… maybe that was a bad choice. The rabbit led you on a path that seemed like a short cut, but it brought you bad to the start of the maze. The rabbit hops into the bushes and you lose sight of him.
You hear the distant sound of running water. Is that a fountain? As you turn another corner, you come across a grand stone fountain carved with gods and goddesses from mythology around it. For good luck, you toss a coin into it and hope for the correct direction. As if by fate, you feel the wind breeze by, encouraging you to go left… You do, but fate was cruel! You find yourself at the start of the maze.
While you were told that some grapes grow in the maze, you weren’t expecting to find wild blackberries growing as well! You take a chance to pluck a few, enjoying the sweet summer berries. Their delicious flavor gets you feeling especially energetic and you set back off into the maze proper with new inspiration. But maybe there was something sour in those berries… Feeling sick, you make your way out of the maze to go find some water.
As you traverse the maze you come to a fork in your path. You could turn left or right… but which way is the best? From your left you hear the faded voice of someone muttering something. Thinking that someone needs help, you head towards the voice, only to find Exalt Emmeryn at the end of a turn. She has been braiding some flower garlands and singing to herself as she did. While she has to disqualify you from the maze now, she does offer you a garland to take with you out of the maze.
This looks like a trap... the sign pointing left has hearts carved into the wood, while the one on the right has the hearts crossed out and broken. Logically, you would want to go to the side where things are promised to be lively, and yet you’re certain you’re smarter than to fall into a clever trick from one of the moderators. You go to the right, and within the path, the flowers seem to be gone from the hedges. There’s scattered petals of daisies on the ground, and you follow them around to their end -- which, unfortunately for you, has you run right into a three-way dead end, and your path into the box seeming to disappear. The only path open takes you outside of the maze-- which you’re so confused about, but will only remember for next time.
You’ve certainly been walking for a while -- when and where does this silly hedge maze end? To your thrilling discovery, someone has placed a comfortable looking bench on the path. No other reason for a bench to exist than to sit on it, so you decide to, you can’t go much further with aching feet and an uncertain way to go. But... is that shaking you feel? Ah! The bench tips backwards into what you thought was a line of hedges -- only to be a sly illusion to entice you and transport you back to the start of the maze. Sorry! Looks like you’ll have to try again later.
You can’t remember the last turn you took, as a maze isn’t supposed to be so straightforward. Still, you haven’t hit a dead end yet, so you think you have to at least be heading in the right direction. Yet the further you go, the stranger things seem to be. First, you can hear a faint humming in the distance, but you choose to traverse away from it . . . and . . . were those footsteps you just heard? Maybe other hedge maze participants are walking around on the other side, it has to be. Still, the further you go in, the thinner the path gets, until it finally opens up into a small clearing with one chair, a single rose on the table, and a seemingly warm cup of tea. It’s silly to sit down and take a break, but something about it compels you to do so. Taking a seat, you are enticed by the warm aroma of the tea, you’re too mesmerized to realize that Laslow has snuck into your clearing, holding out the single rose to you with a smile. He promises to give you the recipe to the tea blend, and tells you to keep the rose as a parting gift for playing... after apologizing for making you lose.
The air within the maze seems to shift the further you go in, but you’re unsure if it’s a good feeling or a bad one. Still, there’s no way to go but forward if you want to win. A chest to your left seems tempting to open, and there wasn’t really a rule saying you could open it. You decide to leave it, thinking it as a decoy to disqualify you . . . only to realize far too late that the gate to the next area is securely locked -- yet, like magic, your path backwards has been closed off, and you have no choice but to take the exit path outside of the maze.
Your traverse through this maze thus far has been easy . . . too easy, some might even say. There’s really no reason to complain about it, but the feeling of uncertainty is creeping on you as you come to a crossing -- one that you can either go left or right with. On one path, it is clear with no sign of anyone taken it yet. On the other, there’s an obvious trail of rose petals. Encountering a mod, you know, will bring a loss -- and this looks far too suspicious. You decide to take the path without the petals, as winding as it may be ( perhaps this is why no one seemed to take it ) . . . and it leads you to the vast clearing outside of the maze. Looks like you’ve been tricked!
After a while of walking, you hear a knocking noise. Following the sound, you come across a big iron arch with a crow atop it, banging against the gate with a tap-tap-tap sound. It squawks then you get close and takes off, stirring its friends perched around. The sudden flurry of feathers has you bolting back into the maze and getting hopelessly lost. You wander out of it some time later, frazzled and a bit disappointed.
You wander around for a while before you hear the rush of water. You come upon a small stream spilling out of a stone wall. Considering the heat of the resort, you decide to cool off in the water until you lose track of time. By the time you leave, it's gotten dim outside, leaving you wandering until you walk right back out the front entrance. Whoops!
You hear a shuffling sound ahead, spying another contender! They seemed to be wandering aimlessly, so you decide to go the other way, thinking they're probably lost. Your strategy brings you right back to the front of the maze -- seems they were on the right track!
You walk around the maze before you hear a familiar 'nya-ha-ha!' Henry seems to be lurking around the maze! Momentarily forgetting that Henry's just a guest like you are this year, you bolt in the other direction before he can see you -- and end up hopelessly lost. You eventually need help getting out of the maze, feeling a little embarrassed for yourself.
This maze seemed to sprawl on forever -- as you're walking around, you reach out for a vine of berries looped around an arch beside you. As you do, you bump into someone also reaching for it: Clive! He laughs and apologizes, but rules are rules: you're out. He does help you pick a good amount of the berries before escorting you out of the maze.
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