summinkofthewolf · 7 years
someone: if you are a rp blog then how come you never post any replies?
me: *sweats*
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summinkofthewolf · 7 years
“let me run you a bath.”
“Are you havin’ me on?” 
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For one thing, he couldn’t possibly be offering to do something so...domestic. For another, just what exactly was he trying to say? 
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summinkofthewolf · 7 years
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I was trying to finish this drawing, but there were too many things I wanted to fix and, in the end, I started an entirely new one. Same theme, though — post-TIP-TSP make-out session.
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summinkofthewolf · 7 years
domestic couple starters
“you forgot to take the trash out again.”
“do you think we should just order in tonight?”
“what’s the point of making the bed if we’re just gonna mess it up?”
“will you pick up your clothes? it’s like a pig-sty in here.”
“you cooked, it’s only fair that i clean.”
“i haven’t shaved in like a week.”
“let me run you a bath.”
“you used all the hot water.”
“oh come on, i just cleaned the kitchen!”
“can you stop using my bath bombs? they’re expensive.”
“dinner was ready a half hour ago.”
“you cooked me dinner?”
“i had to carry you to bed last night, you were exhausted.”
“do you even know how to load a dishwasher?”
“your red sock turned all my whites pink.”
“what’s with the hat? are you having a bad hair day?”
“we’ve spent too much on pay per view this month.”
“are you watching porn?”
“next time it’s your turn to do the dishes.”
“my parents are coming over for dinner tomorrow.”
“play hooky and let’s sleep in tomorrow.”
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summinkofthewolf · 7 years
The urge to smack him was real once he started laughing at her -- and crying! he was laughing so hard, the prat was crying. Her arms were crossed over her chest while she waited for him to finish. It was just -- it wasn’t as thought she’d really believed he would do something that would hurt her and normally, she loved it when he laughed! Except he was laughing at her and well, all right, she felt a bit ridiculous for overreacting because she knew he wouldn’t hurt her or let anything hurt her. 
But people (such as they were) were watching them by now and Rose’s cheeks were as red as a ribbon tied ‘round a Christmas tree. 
She eyed the flower he held back out to her dubiously, then let her gaze flicker back up to his. “I know that,” she said, stubborn lilt to her chin as she took the flower back from him. “Dunno if I trust us not to wind up runnin’ through open flames, though.” 
After a bit of walking (more like straying away) from his part, the Doctor spotted her between the gathered crowd. Her smile, even through the distance, flared his bravado and encouraged him to carry out his plan. Through unusually sweaty palms, the Doctor gave his own flower a gentle squeeze and walked the last few steps to get to Rose. Deep breath in — and he embraced her shoulders from behind, holding out the flower in front of her face. "Happy Yulemas, as they say." He whispered warmly.
If she hadn’t been scanning the crowd in front of her, Rose probably would’ve seen the growing giddiness on the child’s face. The soft giggle drew her attention back down just in time to see her new flower-bearing friend skipping off toward the other children. Her brows pulled together in confusion momentarily, but then she was being embraced from behind and she knew those arms. Her gaze lands on the flower he held out and she her stomach did a little flutter, teeth catching on her bottom lip as she fought not to swoon like a - well, like the completely smitten woman she was. 
“Happy Yulemas, Doctor,” she replied, an echoing warmth in her voice. Rose turned to face him – careful not to break the shoulder embrace – and held up her own flower, hands coming to rest against his chest. “Great minds, yeah?” 
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summinkofthewolf · 7 years
“What?” she shrieked, shoving the flower at him and trying to step away. “If it’s toxic, how come you’re still lettin’ me hold it? Or giving me one, come to think of!” Rationally, she knew he would’ve snatched the flower from her hands the second he saw her holding it if said flower were going to kill her. But still. “Take it! S’yours. Both of ‘em, even. Extra Yulemas blessings for the precious-- for you!”
It’d been such a lovely tradition. Passing around poisonous flowers, yikes.
After a bit of walking (more like straying away) from his part, the Doctor spotted her between the gathered crowd. Her smile, even through the distance, flared his bravado and encouraged him to carry out his plan. Through unusually sweaty palms, the Doctor gave his own flower a gentle squeeze and walked the last few steps to get to Rose. Deep breath in — and he embraced her shoulders from behind, holding out the flower in front of her face. "Happy Yulemas, as they say." He whispered warmly.
If she hadn’t been scanning the crowd in front of her, Rose probably would’ve seen the growing giddiness on the child’s face. The soft giggle drew her attention back down just in time to see her new flower-bearing friend skipping off toward the other children. Her brows pulled together in confusion momentarily, but then she was being embraced from behind and she knew those arms. Her gaze lands on the flower he held out and she her stomach did a little flutter, teeth catching on her bottom lip as she fought not to swoon like a - well, like the completely smitten woman she was. 
“Happy Yulemas, Doctor,” she replied, an echoing warmth in her voice. Rose turned to face him – careful not to break the shoulder embrace – and held up her own flower, hands coming to rest against his chest. “Great minds, yeah?” 
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summinkofthewolf · 7 years
After a bit of walking (more like straying away) from his part, the Doctor spotted her between the gathered crowd. Her smile, even through the distance, flared his bravado and encouraged him to carry out his plan. Through unusually sweaty palms, the Doctor gave his own flower a gentle squeeze and walked the last few steps to get to Rose. Deep breath in — and he embraced her shoulders from behind, holding out the flower in front of her face. "Happy Yulemas, as they say." He whispered warmly.
If she hadn’t been scanning the crowd in front of her, Rose probably would’ve seen the growing giddiness on the child’s face. The soft giggle drew her attention back down just in time to see her new flower-bearing friend skipping off toward the other children. Her brows pulled together in confusion momentarily, but then she was being embraced from behind and she knew those arms. Her gaze lands on the flower he held out and she her stomach did a little flutter, teeth catching on her bottom lip as she fought not to swoon like a - well, like the completely smitten woman she was. 
“Happy Yulemas, Doctor,” she replied, an echoing warmth in her voice. Rose turned to face him -- careful not to break the shoulder embrace -- and held up her own flower, hands coming to rest against his chest. “Great minds, yeah?” 
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summinkofthewolf · 7 years
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baptized - daughtry // let me go - avril lavigne // beautiful disaster - kelly clarkson // mercy - onerepublic // how - maroon 5 // state of grace - taylor swift // crash - daughtry // little bit of truth - you me at six // one more night - maroon 5 // clarity - zedd ft foxes
excuse my shitty edit i’ve been awake for over twenty hours. anyways, i fell into a crackship i swore i’d never ship and i got bored so you get a shortened version of my playlist.. i’m too tired to do links, if you ship it.. don’t be lazy. youtube/spotify that shit.
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summinkofthewolf · 7 years
Send me the name of a character and I’ll tell you if I’d RP them!
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summinkofthewolf · 7 years
Bold the ones that apply to your character:
adaptable | adventurous | affectionate | ambitious | artistic | athletic | assertive | beautiful | brave | charming | clever | compassionate | confident | considerate | cooperative | courteous | creative | curious | decisive | dependable | determined | diplomatic | easy-going | enthusiastic | fair | fashionable | forgiving | friendly | fun-loving | funny | generous | gentle | hard-working | heroic | honest | hopeful | humble |  imaginative | incorruptible | intelligent | intuitive | inventive | jocular | leader | lively | loving | loyal | merciful | musical | observant | open-minded | optimistic | organized | outgoing | passionate | patient | playful | polite | popular | practical | resourceful | self-assured | selfless | sensible | sincere | strong | studious | thoughtful | tough | versatile | warm-hearted | well-intentioned | wise | witty
Character Strengths
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summinkofthewolf · 7 years
Character Flaws
Absent-minded - Preoccupied to the extent of being unaware of one’s immediate surroundings. Abstracted, daydreaming, inattentive, oblivious, forgetful.
Abusive - Characterized by improper infliction of physical or psychological maltreatment towards another.
Addict - One who is addicted to a compulsive activity. Examples: gambling, drugs, sex.
Aimless - Devoid of direction or purpose.
Alcoholic - A person who drinks alcoholic substances habitually and to excess.
Anxious - Full of mental distress or uneasiness because of fear of danger or misfortune; greatly worried; solicitous.
Arrogant - Having or displaying a sense of overbearing self-worth or self-importance.
Audacious - Recklessly bold in defiance of convention, propriety, law, or the like; insolent; braze, disobedient.
Bad Habit - A revolting personal habit. Examples: picks nose, spits tobacco, drools, bad body odour.
Bigmouth - A loud-mouthed or gossipy person.
Bigot - One who is strongly partial to one’s own group, religion, race, or politics and is intolerant of those who differ.
Blunt - Characterized by directness in manner or speech; without subtlety or evasion. Frank, callous, insensitive, brusque.
Bold - In a bad sense, too forward; taking undue liberties; over assuming or confident; lacking proper modesty or restraint; rude; impudent. Abrupt, brazen, cheeky, brassy, audacious.
Callous - They are hardened to emotions, rarely showing any form of it in expression. Unfeeling. Cold.
Childish - Marked by or indicating a lack of maturity; puerile.
Complex - An exaggerated or obsessive concern or fear. (List specific complex.)
Cruel - Mean to anyone or anything, without care or regard to consequences and feelings.
Cursed - A person who has befallen a prayer for evil or misfortune, placed under a spell, or borne into an evil circumstance, and suffers for it. Damned.
Dependent - Unable to exist, sustain oneself, or act appropriately or normally without the assistance or direction of another.
Deranged - Mentally decayed. Insane. Crazy. Mad. Psychotic.
Dishonest – Given to or using fraud, cheating; deceitful, deceptive, crooked, underhanded.
Disloyal - Lacking loyalty. Unfaithful, perfidious, traitorous, treasonable
Disorder - An ailment that affects the function of mind or body. (List the disorders name if they have one.) See the Mental Disorder List.
Disturbed - Showing some or a few signs or symptoms of mental or emotional illness. Confused, disordered, neurotic, troubled.
Dubious - Fraught with uncertainty or doubt. Undecided, doubtful, unsure.
Dyslexic - Affected by dyslexia, a learning disorder marked by impairment of the ability to recognize and comprehend written words.
Egotistical - Characteristic of those having an inflated idea of their own importance. Boastful, pompous.
Envious - Showing extreme cupidity; painfully desirous of another’s advantages; covetous, jealous.
Erratic - Deviating from the customary course in conduct or opinion; eccentric: erratic behaviour. Eccentric, bizarre, outlandish, strange.
Fanatical - Fanatic outlook or behaviour especially as exhibited by excessive enthusiasm, unreasoning zeal, or wild and extravagant notions on some subject.
Fickle – Erratic, changeable, unstable - especially with regard to affections or attachments; capricious.
Fierce - Marked by extreme intensity of emotions or convictions; inclined to react violently; fervid.
Finicky - Excessively particular or fastidious; difficult to please; fussy. Too much concerned with detail. Meticulous, fastidious, choosy, critical, picky, prissy, pernickety.
Fixated - In psychoanalytic theory, a strong attachment to a person or thing, especially such an attachment formed in childhood or infancy and manifested in immature or neurotic behaviour that persists throughout life. Fetish, quirk, obsession, infatuation.
Flirt -To make playfully romantic or sexual overtures; behaviour intended to arouse sexual interest. Minx. Tease.
Gluttonous - Given to excess in consumption of especially food or drink. Voracious, ravenous, wolfish, piggish, insatiable.
Gruff - Brusque or stern in manner or appearance. Crusty, rough, surly.
Gullible - Will believe any information given, regardless of how valid or truthful it is, easily deceived or duped.
Hard - A person who is difficult to deal with, manage, control, overcome, or understand. Hard emotions, hard hearted.
Hedonistic - Pursuit of or devotion to pleasure, especially to the pleasures of the senses.
Hoity-toity- Given to flights of fancy; capricious; frivolous. Prone to giddy behaviour, flighty.
Humourless - The inability to find humour in things, and most certainly in themselves.
Hypocritical - One who is always contradicting their own beliefs, actions or sayings. A person who professes beliefs and opinions for others that he does not hold. Being a hypocrite.
Idealist - One whose conduct is influenced by ideals that often conflict with practical considerations. One who is unrealistic and impractical, guided more by ideals than by practical considerations.
Idiotic - Marked by a lack of intelligence or care; foolish or careless.
Ignorant - Lacking knowledge or information as to a particular subject or fact. Showing or arising from a lack of education or knowledge.
Illiterate - Unable to read and write.
Immature - Emotionally undeveloped; juvenile; childish.
Impatient - Unable to wait patiently or tolerate delay; restless. Unable to endure irritation or opposition; intolerant.
Impious - Lacking piety and reverence for a god/gods and their followers.
Impish - Naughtily or annoyingly playful.
Incompetent - Unable to execute tasks, no matter how the size or difficulty.
Indecisive - Characterized by lack of decision and firmness, especially under pressure.
Indifferent - The trait of lacking enthusiasm for or interest in things generally, remaining calm and seeming not to care; a casual lack of concern. Having or showing little or no interest in anything; languid; spiritless.
Infamy - Having an extremely bad reputation, public reproach, or strong condemnation as the result of a shameful, criminal, or outrageous act that affects how others view them.
Intolerant - Unwilling to tolerate difference of opinion and narrow-minded about cherished opinions.
Judgemental - Inclined to make and form judgements, especially moral or personal ones, based on one’s own opinions or impressions towards others/practices/groups/religions based on appearance, reputation, occupation, etc.
Klutz - Clumsy. Blunderer.
Lazy - Resistant to work or exertion; disposed to idleness.
Lewd - Inclined to, characterized by, or inciting to lust or lechery; lascivious. Obscene or indecent, as language or songs; salacious.
Liar - Compulsively and purposefully tells false truths more often than not. A person who has lied or who lies repeatedly.
Lustful - Driven by lust; preoccupied with or exhibiting lustful desires.
Masochist - The deriving of sexual gratification, or the tendency to derive sexual gratification, from being physically or emotionally abused. A willingness or tendency to subject oneself to unpleasant or trying experiences.
Meddlesome - Intrusive in a meddling or offensive manner, given to meddling; interfering.
Meek - Evidencing little spirit or courage; overly submissive or compliant; humble in spirit or manner; suggesting retiring mildness or even cowed submissiveness.
Megalomaniac - A psycho pathological condition characterized by delusional fantasies of wealth, power, or omnipotence.
Naïve - Lacking worldly experience and understanding, simple and guileless; showing or characterized by a lack of sophistication and critical judgement.
Nervous - Easily agitated or distressed; high-strung or jumpy.
Non-violent - Abstaining from the use of violence. 
Nosey - Given to prying into the affairs of others; snoopy. Offensively curious or inquisitive.
Obsessive - An unhealthy and compulsive preoccupation with something or someone.
Oppressor - A person of authority who subjects others to undue pressures, to keep down by severe and unjust use of force or authority.
Overambitious - Having a strong excessive desire for success or achievement.
Overconfident - Excessively confident; presumptuous.
Overemotional - Excessively or abnormally emotional. Sensitive about themselves and others, more so than the average person.
Overprotective - To protect too much; coddle.
Overzealous - Marked by excessive enthusiasm for and intense devotion to a cause or idea.
Pacifist - Opposition to war or violence as a means of resolving disputes. (Can double as a merit in certain cases)
Paranoid - Exhibiting or characterized by extreme and irrational fear or distrust of others.
Peevish - Expressing fretfulness and discontent, or unjustifiable dissatisfaction. Cantankerous, cross, ill-tempered, testy, captious, discontented, crotchety, cranky, ornery.
Perfectionist - A propensity for being displeased with anything that is not perfect or does not meet extremely high standards.
Pessimist - A tendency to stress the negative or unfavourable or to take the gloomiest possible view.
Pest - One that pesters or annoys, with or without realizing it. Nuisance. Annoying. Nag.
Phobic – They have a severe form of fear when it comes to this one thing. Examples: Dark, Spiders, Cats 
Practical - Level-headed, efficient, and unspeculative. No-nonsense. 
Predictable - Easily seen through and assessable, where almost anyone can predict reactions and actions of said person by having met or known them even for a short time.
Proud - Filled with or showing excessive self-esteem and will often shirk help from others for the sake of pride.
Rebellious - Defying or resisting some established authority, government, or tradition; insubordinate; inclined to rebel.
Reckless - Heedless. Headstrong. Foolhardy. Unthinking boldness, wild carelessness and disregard for consequences.
Remorseless - Without remorse; merciless; pitiless; relentless.
Rigorous - Rigidly accurate; allowing no deviation from a standard; demanding strict attention to rules and procedures.
Sadist - The deriving of sexual gratification or the tendency to derive sexual gratification from inflicting pain or emotional abuse on others. Deriving of pleasure, or the tendency to derive pleasure, from cruelty.
Sadomasochist - Both sadist and masochist combined.
Sarcastic - A subtle form of mockery in which an intended meaning is conveyed obliquely.
Sceptic - One who instinctively or habitually doubts, questions, or disagrees with assertions or generally accepted conclusions.
Seducer - To lead others astray, as from duty, rectitude, or the like; corrupt. To attempt to lead or draw someone away, as from principles, faith, or allegiance.
Selfish - Concerned chiefly or only with oneself.
Self-Martyr - One who purposely makes a great show of suffering in order to arouse sympathy from others, as a form of manipulation, and always for a selfish cause or reason.
Self-righteous - Piously sure of one’s own righteousness; moralistic. Exhibiting pious self-assurance. Holier-than-thou, sanctimonious.
Senile - Showing a decline or deterioration of physical strength or mental functioning, esp. short-term memory and alertness, as a result of old age or disease.
Shallow - Lacking depth of intellect or knowledge; concerned only with what is obvious.
Smart Ass - Thinks they know it all, and in some ways they may, but they can be greatly annoying and difficult to deal with at times, especially in arguments.
Soft-hearted - Having softness or tenderness of heart that can lead them into trouble; susceptible of pity or other kindly affection. They cannot resist helping someone they see in trouble, suffering or in need, and often don’t think of the repercussions or situation before doing so.
Solemn - Deeply earnest, serious, and sober.
Spineless - Lacking courage. Cowardly, wimp, lily-livered, gutless.
Spiteful - Showing malicious ill will and a desire to hurt; motivated by spite; vindictive person who will look for occasions for resentment. Vengeful.
Spoiled - Treated with excessive indulgence and pampering from earliest childhood, and has no notion of hard work, self-care or money management; coddled, pampered. Having the character or disposition harmed by pampering or over-solicitous attention.
Squeamish - Excessively fastidious and easily disgusted.
Stubborn - Unreasonably, often perversely unyielding; bull-headed. Firmly resolved or determined; resolute.
Superstitious - An irrational belief arising from ignorance or fear from an irrational belief that an object, action, or circumstance not logically related to a course of events influences its outcome.
Tactless - Lacking or showing a lack of what is fitting and considerate in dealing with others.
Temperamental - Moody, irritable, or sensitive. Excitable, volatile, emotional.
Theatrical - Having a flair for over dramatizing situations, doing things in a ‘big way’ and love to be ‘centre stage’.
Timid -Tends to be shy and/or quiet, shrinking away from offering opinions or from strangers and newcomers, fearing confrontations and violence.
Tongue-tied - Speechless or confused in expression, as from shyness, embarrassment, or astonishment.
Troublemaker - Someone who stirs up trouble, intentionally or unintentionally.
Unlucky - Marked by or causing misfortune; ill-fated. Destined for misfortune; doomed.
Unpredictable - Difficult to foretell or foresee, their actions are so chaotic it’s impossible to know what they are going to do next.
Untrustworthy - Not worthy of trust or belief. Backstabber.
Vain - Holding or characterized by an unduly high opinion of their physical appearance. Lovers of themselves. Conceited, egotistic, narcissistic.
Weak-willed - Lacking willpower, strength of will to carry out one’s decisions, wishes, or plans. Easily swayed.
Withdrawn - Not friendly or Sociable. Aloof.
Zealous - A fanatic.
From The Character Therapist
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summinkofthewolf · 7 years
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Had he just – the Doctor had actually giggled, which naturally meant Rose let out a bit of a laugh and grinned all the wider. Oh. My. God. He was adorable. Not exactly news, of course, but always put a smile on her face. If she took the extra moment to compare him in those moments to him in his broody moments, it was like night and day and damned if she wasn’t proud and floored that she, Rose Tyler, former shop girl from an estate in London, could make that difference happen.
Could go to her head if she let it!
“Sweat or guts, there’s still blood involved and m’not wearing something what someone else’s bled out in, yeah?” Silly Doctor. Also why in the world did he have those things? No. She wasn’t gonna ask. Better to focus on the babbling about modesty.
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Rose leaned in toward him. “Four layers and your trench coat, Doctor?” Was she teasing him? Absolutely. “What, d’you reckon I’m gonna wear trousers and Zeus’ll get distracted by my ankles?” 
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Can we go to Olympus? Or, s'that even a place?
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“A place, Rose? Singular? D’you really think, after New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New York, that such a culture-rooted name would just be used for one place–especially one culture that inspires the names of how humans name the stars? There’s an Olympus constellation, three Olympus planets, eight Olympus satellites, twenty four Olympus highways, seven hundred and eighty three Olympus cities and towns, and quite possibly dozens of Olympus diners. Probably even a chippy.”
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“…But, yes, we could go to the god’s pantheon. Although, if you ask me, they’re more puny than gods… Always getting in trouble for Zeus’… well… flings.”
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“……On second thought, you might want to use something a bit more modest. Like full-body armor. One that covers your face. In fact, I have this brilliant 16th century helmet, the real thing, almost brand new, except for a bit of, err, blood and sweat–but don’t worry, I cleaned it up!”
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summinkofthewolf · 7 years
Salty Ask List
What OTPs in your fandom(s) do you just not get?*
Are there any popular fandom OTPs you only BroTP?*
Have you ever unfollowed someone over a fandom opinion?
Do you have a NoTP in your fandom? Are they a popular OTP?*
Has fandom ever ruined a pairing for you?*
Has fandom ever made you enjoy a pairing you previously hated?*
Is there anything you used to like but can’t stand now?*
Have you received anon hate? What about?*
Most disliked character(s)? Why?
Most disliked arc? Why?
Is there an unpopular character you like that the fandom doesn’t? Why?
Is there an unpopular arc that you like that the fandom doesn’t? Why?
Unpopular opinion about XXX character?
Unpopular opinion about your fandom?
Unpopular opinion about the manga/show?
If you could change anything in the show, what would you change?
Instead of XYZ happening, I would have made ABC happen…
Does not shipping something ‘popular’ mean you’re in denial and/or biased?
What is the one thing you hate most about your fandom?
What is the purest ship in the fandom?
What are your thoughts on crack ships?
Popular character you hate?
Unpopular character you love?
Would you recommend XXX to a friend? Why or why not?
How would you end XXX/Would you change the ending of XXX?
Most shippable character?
Least shippable character?
*several of these questions are taken from a list that was not rebloggable
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summinkofthewolf · 7 years
me finding out i was wrong about something: wow……another example of the mandela effect…..
person: no you’re not in a different universe you’re just wrong
me: oh man the berenstain universe sure is wild……..
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summinkofthewolf · 7 years
The purple child laughed as if she'd told him the most hilarious joke ever. "No, no, you got it all wrong. I give you a flower and you give it again as a present. Look, everyone's got one!" The child pointed back towards the road they'd already covered and, as told, people were handing out flowers to other people, after receiving them from children. "You give it to your precious person! If you need more flowers for more persons, my friends are around doing the same as me."
“Right! I knew that!” Rose lied like a lying liar who lies. “Was just, em, testin’ you, s’all?” Clearly, she needed to spend less time in her head daydreaming and more time looking around because, now that the child pointed it out to her, the whole everyone-gifting-flowers-to-everyone-else thing was hard to miss. As in, impossible to miss. 
She was usually so good at taking in the details, but she supposed she might have still been just a little traumatized by the incident with the devil and ominous prophecies about her dying in battle. Just a bit, though. Really. 
Rose lifted the flower and gave the her new friend another smile. “I reckon just the one’ll do, but thank you. Honestly, it’s very sweet and I love it.” She glanced around for the Doctor and didn’t see him right off. “Once I sort out where he’s wandered off to, m’sure he’ll love it, too.” Or had she wandered off? Huh.
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summinkofthewolf · 7 years
The purple child shook their head. "It's a present, miss. It's tradition, and this year was my turn!" The child smiled, bouncing on their feet. "Do you have a precious person, miss?"
Rose’s smiled brightened, watching the bouncing child. “You’ve done a brilliant job at it, if you ask me. Best gift I’ve got the year.” How to even answer that, she wondered. Because she did but she couldn’t say that, exactly. Except she could because it wasn’t like he’d hear and really, it’d be rude to lie to the darling little bearer of seasonal gifts smiling up at her expectantly. 
“Um...yeah. He’s -- Yeah. I do. Bet he’d love one of those flowers, yeah? I know this one’s a gift,” she said, holding up the flower in her hand, “but if I wanted to buy one for ‘im, how much’d it cost me?” 
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summinkofthewolf · 7 years
A little kid (or so they seem to be, short and big-eyed, despite the purple scales instead of skin and yellow, vertical eyes with which they stared at her) tugged at her clothes and offered her a wild flower from a basket hanging by their elbow. The flower looked like a mixture between a tulip and a mistletoe, and it didn't seem to settle on being a single color. "For your precious person, miss. Have a Happy Yulemas!"
“Oh,” she started, a bit startled by the unexpected tugging -- and the then tugging at her heartstrings that happened when she saw the person doing the tugging and the flower he (she?) was holding out. “Thank you!” Rose smiled widely down at the purple child (she thought it was a child, anyhow) and took the offered flower. “That time already, is it? Happy Yulemas to you, too!” 
Cor, the flower was kind of mesmerizing, honestly. “S’beautiful -- how much?” 
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