summoned-anima · 11 months
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so I was supposed to get active here but Im hooked on playing through Samurai Remnant dfdfgd IT'S SO FUN
maybe will add Archer & Caster as muses, we will see when I finish all endings uwu
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summoned-anima · 1 year
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Time to play spot the difference.
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summoned-anima · 1 year
🧸Elijah @ Foreigner but hug in angelic translates to Elijah being terribly tired after working on their paradise and half consciously leaning lightly on Foreigner's arm
Send 🧸/"hugs for you" to give my muse a hug(Accepting) || @summoned-anima
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The angel cupped the back of Elijah's head gently in his palm, his other hand reaching around to rub his shoulder as he leaned closer. He sat quietly with the other, gaze switching between him and the beautiful world recreated slowly from the ashes.
"The Lord is proud of thine work. Thou art doing so well, Elijah... Truly worthy of rebuilding and residing in this new world of His."
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summoned-anima · 1 year
Feel free to change as needed!
"It's beautiful out today."
"I wish you could take me upstate."
"There's a party, and we're all going."
"We're all growing up."
"I want a love that falls as fast as a body from the balcony."
"I wanna kiss like my heart is hitting the ground."
"I don't know what I'm waiting for."
"I'm not gonna be what my daddy wants me to be."
"I think I've had enough."
"Change is gonna come, but when?"
"Lately, I've been crying like a tall child."
"Please, hurry, leave me, I can't breathe."
"Please don't say you love me."
"One word from you and I would jump off of this ledge I'm on."
"I was so young when I behaved 25."
"Yet now, I find I've grown into a tall child."
"I don't wanna go home."
"I don't know what to do without you."
"I miss you more than anything."
"I don't smoke, except for when I'm missing you."
"If you need to be mean, be mean to me."
"You can lean on my arm as you break my heart."
"Just don't leave me alone."
"I am stronger than you give me credit for."
"He only loves me when there's a means to an end."
"I miss when we first met."
"I'm starting to learn I may never be free."
"Fuck you and your money!"
"You know, I wore this dress for you."
"I will take good care of you."
"Stay with me, hold my hand."
"There's no need to be brave."
"All I've ever wanted is here."
"All I want is always you."
"I'll be brave."
"I say your name in hopes you'll hear it in the stars."
"I am relieved that I'd left my room tidy- they'll think of me kindly when they come for my things."
"I always wanted to die clean and pretty."
"I couldn't have changed, anyways."
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summoned-anima · 1 year
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three green apples, two completely rotten and one being the sweetest you could bite into
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summoned-anima · 1 year
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     Unimpressed eyeroll - partially covered by his glasses - followed the seriousness of the reply. His hand wiped corner of his mouth as he yawned, seeming almost bored. ‘Tsk, tsk, not all of them were gods with domain of death. Give me some credit, Daybit.’
     Clawed hand poked cheek of his ‘Master’ in playful mannerism. ‘Come on, I didn’t mean it in ill way. I just meant it as an inevitable future that would come. Smile more, man.’
summoned-anima asked:
❛ i am your god and your executioner. ❜ Tezca @ Daybit
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A bemused noise escaped the Crypter as he gives the Grand Servant a poignant look.  Seems like that nagged at something bad in his head. “You wouldn’t be the first nor the last who wanted to kill me.” he replied, deep violet eyes staring back at the Divinity
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summoned-anima · 1 year
6, 11 for Douman and 1, 9 for Tam Lin Tristan!
Questions for Problematic/Villain muses - accepting!
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6. Do they opmatically assume certain people are lesser than them?
Yes, pretty much. As an Alter Ego, Douman believes himself to be equal or even above gods. That's why he was planning to become a Beast and have Lostbelt of his own - he thought all of this would be easy and something he can do when treating everyone around like playthings.
The only person he recognizes to be his equal is Abe no Seimei.
11. Do you feel like your muse can fall/be corrupted further if pushed?
No. And not because he is immune but simply because there is no 'further' for Douman. Alter Ego is completely corrupted and there is nothing that could be worse in him. He is already at his worst.
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1. How often does your character admit to being wrong? Do they ever change their way of thinking?
Baobhan Sith does change way of thinking and can notice that her actions were not beneficial/wrong/could be better but she would never admit it to others. She would die defending a stance that she made only good decisions.
9. What's a line your muse won't cross under any circumstance?
All she does is to gain appreciation and love from those she wants... so even during an outburst, she would probably not able to hurt those she loves. In any way that she would be aware of.
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summoned-anima · 1 year
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pondering on how to get that administrator advisor job...
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summoned-anima · 1 year
Questions for Problematic/Villain muses
1. How often does your character admit to being wrong? Do they ever change their way of thinking?
2. What's something you constantly have to re-explain about your muse
3. What's an inherently problematic view your character holds
4. Does your muse deserve a second chance?
5. What's makes your muse respect someone? Are they capable of respecting others without reason?
6. Do they opmatically assume certain people are lesser than them?
7. Do you ever think that despite your muses actions/morality they do have a point when it comes to their reasons?
8. Does your character feel like their in the wrong? If so does it bother them?
9. What's a line your muse won't cross under any circumstance?
10. Is a healthy relationship (platonic or otherwise) possible with your muse?
11. Do you feel like your muse can fall/be corrupted further if pushed?
12. Does your muse have a reason for their misdeeds or is it all for pleasure?
13. When it comes to your muses love ones, are the exception to their behavior or are they also treated poorly
14. Is your muses morality compliance or does it follow a strict set of rules?
15. Do you think your muse needs to pay for all that they've done?
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summoned-anima · 1 year
Questions for Problematic/Villain muses
1. How often does your character admit to being wrong? Do they ever change their way of thinking?
2. What's something you constantly have to re-explain about your muse
3. What's an inherently problematic view your character holds
4. Does your muse deserve a second chance?
5. What's makes your muse respect someone? Are they capable of respecting others without reason?
6. Do they opmatically assume certain people are lesser than them?
7. Do you ever think that despite your muses actions/morality they do have a point when it comes to their reasons?
8. Does your character feel like their in the wrong? If so does it bother them?
9. What's a line your muse won't cross under any circumstance?
10. Is a healthy relationship (platonic or otherwise) possible with your muse?
11. Do you feel like your muse can fall/be corrupted further if pushed?
12. Does your muse have a reason for their misdeeds or is it all for pleasure?
13. When it comes to your muses love ones, are the exception to their behavior or are they also treated poorly
14. Is your muses morality compliance or does it follow a strict set of rules?
15. Do you think your muse needs to pay for all that they've done?
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summoned-anima · 1 year
fuck, I forgot about editor changes. How do I fix it aaaaa to get to the new one
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summoned-anima · 1 year
​deeply sorry, you cannot be friends with us
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NUUUUU- why not? we are totally so friends, fufufu, coworkers... Rasputin-kun..
@summoned-anima replied to your post “koyan: "you suck kys but like with respect (😳)"”:
meanwhile at douman: you suck kys and I mean it with no respect douman: but we fwends :CCCC
​deeply sorry, you cannot be friends with us
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summoned-anima · 1 year
i'm not afraid of anything i feel. i'm afraid of saying it. i'm only afraid of what happens when i do. //miyabi to pepe.
Pepe offered one of their reassuring smiles to Miyabi, one that they were well known for. Especially when someone was pouring their heart to them.
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'We are at the end of the world, no? Apocalypse, humanity almost gone, end of the ends. What hurt could saying aloud your feelings do? It's better to die hurt than with regrets of never giving something a chance.'
Said the biggest hypocrite in the room right now who didn't dare to say a word to the person that could be their entire world as well. Oh well.
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summoned-anima · 1 year
"You’re up to something. I can smell it. What are you planning?" Gabs to Douman!
Douman swayed from left to right in a carefree, almost child-like manner as his obsidian eyes looked at the girl. 'Uhuhuh~? Me, scheming, planning? Fufufu, you have to mistake this humble priest with someone else... fufufu...'
and yet, he moved like a shadow, just behind her. Green claws ghostly traced beautiful, long hair. Almost like he didn't touch it and yet... he did.
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'I was just thinking... theoretically... Do you also get all weird when you see birth date and death date on the gravestone being the same? A tragedy? or a whim of fate? Just... It always gets my head all fired up, fufufu~ to think of such...'
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summoned-anima · 1 year
"I’m me. I just don’t know who ‘me’ is." (Daybit to either Pepe or Tezca)
'Yo Daybit, stop yapping around' sunglasses were lowered just to look from above them at the man with a disaproval. Tch, tch, they didn't have time for such matters.
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'Thinking of it would give you damn nothing - others chose what you were after you are done with this life and bound to my realm. You are a warrior to me if that helps you to shut the fuck up and focus on the job.'
Oh? They were used to talk about others' inner problems and problems in general but Daybit didn't share his struggles often. Pepe was instantly devoted to try and do their best.
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'Is it important for you, to find you?' they started softly, humming in a deep thought 'Perhaps you would like to discuss it? Self discovery is a path that is often covered in thorns and yet might bring freedom. Wait, I will make us some tea, yes?'
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summoned-anima · 1 year
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Tezca is obviously cat-coded but in the mean cat way.
Forget about cuddling and purring, welcome throwing glass off table, ignoring you until he needs something and bullying for food/treats.
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summoned-anima · 1 year
"you've been warned." @ guess who :) <3
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'OH, ARE WE BACK TO FLIRTING PHASE?!' one would regret to approach him quite fast, even if he thought there was any advantage to be had in a fight against clownery.
'I would... love to see... results... of those... warnings... holy daddy~ fufufufu~ Am I doing the catholic thing correctly?'
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