sun-shines-gold · 4 years
Elsa most sincerely did not want or need him to get her a water, but it seemed there was no stopping him from helping her in some way. Besides, he had already gotten up before she could refused. As she needed was to stay inside for a bit longer until she felt better. If only she could control her powers and be able to use them when she actually needed them.
“I would much prefer if you did not,” Elsa felt herself tense up for a moment, leaning further back in her chair out of fear that he would do it anyway. She heavily disliked people touching her. And even though she appeared to be burning up, she knew from experience that if he touched her forehead she would still feel cold.
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Apollo looked concerned. “I won’t if you don’t want me to, but I would like to help.” They usually had a more fun demeanor, but there was something about someone in pain that Apollo felt he could turn that off. He just wanted to make sure she was okay. “Please at least drink this water.” He added pushing it towards her. “I just really don’t want you passing out here, we don’t want a sleeping beauty situation.” He winked with a soft smile. 
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sun-shines-gold · 4 years
“that’s so weird, so did i. well, more like a little over a week ago. i didn’t know you were moving, least of all here. i didn’t even know you were still in greece….” persephone bit her lip to stop rambling. she reached up and caught her shoe. “lost is putting it nicely. disposing of would be a better term. i absolutely hate them. i don’t know how people wear those things,” she wiggled her toes. “so…. what have you been up to? know of anything fun to do? particularly things that don’t require shoes,” she grinned.
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Apollo smiled a bit, he remembered why they had liked her so much. She was the kind of girl that Apollo had always liked, free-spirited and soft, she was absolutely his type. “Right, shoes are prisons for your feet. Was that you that had told me that first?” They sat down next to her, warming up a bit to the familiarness of being near her again. “Hmmm, things you can do without shoes. Technically, if you try hard enough, you can do anything without shoes. Without any clothing at all, actually. It’s just a matter of not being stopped.” He laughed a bit at the song. “Yeah, Artemis and I kinda decided... You know, it’d be best for both of us to be here.” 
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sun-shines-gold · 4 years
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“dude, you don’t gotta ask me twice…” varian trailed off as he took the remaining treat from apollo’s hand, as to him ( and his relatively picky, extremely lazy stomach and brain ) poptarts were a gift from whatever deity was out there, and one couldn’t simply throw them away. “well me, obviously –– and ruddiger, ” the dark haired boy spoke as recently as he had taken another bite of the pop tart, even getting a little of the marshmallow stuffing on his cheek. “but i get the confusion, don’t –– don’t sweat it.” he said with a chuckle, finally standing up to take out a few things such as pillows and a blanket for later. “i know it’s spacey, but i need it for my equipment mostly.”
“So you’re telling me that you live alone? I could never, not even with my dog  Lyric.” They ran a hand through their hair. “So explain, what you use the equipment for again?” Apollo said, walking around the empty place touching each box one by one. He was tempted to open them, but they were not THAT curious. 
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sun-shines-gold · 4 years
“dancing to rap music? wait i- i mean in general, no dancing here.” norman stuttered, eyes wide as the other moved as if norman wasn’t even speaking. looking at her, norman shook his head. “i mean, ballet dances to opera sometimes, that counts… maybe jazz music?” norman mumbled, looking over at him. “no no no, no dancing, I can’t dance, I have two left feet and i’m not gonna learn now. i’ve just accepted it after 20 years.”
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“You really are no fun,” Apollo laughed. They didn’t care if he didn’t want to dance. This boy needed a push and Apollo was ready to be that for him. Apollo took his hands and began leading a dance, putting Norman’s left hand on his shoulder, while Apollo put their right on Norman’s hip. Grasping the other hand, Apollo began dramatically ballroom dancing and singing Tango Maureen from Rent. 
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sun-shines-gold · 4 years
“And what are we singing?” They were definitely some kind of performer, that Anna was sure of, throwing around words like diaphragm. She’d heard it before, she knew what it was, but that didn’t mean she had any clue what singing from it meant. She was more of a sing along to the radio or in the shower kind of girl, just the idea of theater and choir had terrified her in school.
She stumbled a bit as they spun her, the bouncing combining with her usual clumsiness wasn’t doing her any favors, but managed to keep her feet beneath her and grinned, “We should call my sister! If anyone can make me royalty, it’s her!”
“Well, you do look like the prettiest princess in this kingdom. That is certain.” He winked with a bit of a laugh as he stood her back upright. They took their hand tucking a piece of hair behind her ear that had come loose from her braids. As he did, his hand found her cheek, running down it softly. She was very pretty, that was certain, and extremely sweet.
 “What songs do you know?” He asked curiously. The thing about Apollo was that he knew so many songs sometimes he had a hard time pinning one down. Something pop seemed Anna’s speed, but he wasn’t sure what. Maybe Carly Rae Jepsen? Demi Lovato? Taylor Swift? They weren’t sure, but whatever it was, they were ready. 
Outside of the bouncy house, he heard the angry yells of parents. It was clear that their time in the bouncy house might be cut short. Apollo didn’t want to go through, he liked it in here. A private but bouncy room just for the two of them. 
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sun-shines-gold · 4 years
A second wave of color and heat wash over Vanellope’s already rosy cheeks in response to Apollo. 
“Yeah, let’s.” She says as nonchalantly as possible after clearing her throat, but the effort she’s putting into not bursting into giggles is quite evident in her strained tone. “I think it went that way.” She notes as she points to the distance while deliberately turning her head away from Apollo to conceal the deep breaths she was taking to calm down.
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Apollo caught the girl blushing and smirked. They didn’t say anything about it though, they liked the game. He looked at where she was pointing, it was a long way down the hill, but as long as his healing worked and there was nothing more serious than the minor healing he did, then she should be fine. “Let’s go and get it,” he winked taking her hand and leading the way. “What did you say that was that wizzed by before? What exactly are we looking for?”
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sun-shines-gold · 4 years
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with the help of apollo, the whole moving ordeal went down incredibly fast. heck, varian couldn’t even believe in no time they would be sharing a treat, and likely, he’d spend that whole night ordering the rest of his stuff, which in a way, also excited him. “here you go,” the guy told apo as he handed out a pack of smore’s poptarts to his new friend while he stuffed one of his own into his word, and undoubtedly went on talking, even with his mouth full. “the toaster should be in that box, if you want it warm or something.”
Apollo couldn’t remember the last time he had a pop tart, so he ate it with care. About four bites in he was a little over it and handed it out to Varian, “I mean, you want the rest?” Apollo asked. It was in a moment that Apollo realized that might not be as masculine as he wanted to be, especially around this cis guy, but he had always shared before why not now? “Are you going to tell me about who all is going to live here?” Apollo looked around the place, and all the boxes, curiously. 
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sun-shines-gold · 4 years
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A shy smile pushes a corner of Vanellope’s lips up in response to Apollo’s sweet words. “Gee, thanks,” she giggles. Her gaze remained fixed on the ground in an attempt to hide her flushed cheeks and bashful smile.
“Well, hey, would you look at that, my legs are all better!” Vanellope exclaims in amazement and in an attempt to prevent the silence between them getting awkward. “Thank you good sir,” the girl says in a faux British accent with an exaggerated curtsy. “You truly are a gentleman, a knight in shining armor.” She continues as she gets up. 
“I’m Vanellope, by the way,” she says as she extends her hand towards the other. 
“Vanellope, can I help you stand up?” He smiled flirtatiously, grabbing her hand. He loved seeing how excited she was about her healed leg. Her happiness fueled him to continue flirting. “A gentlemen, a knight in shining armor, your hero, whatever you want to call me.” They winked, taking her hand and kissing it.  “Should we go get whatever zoomed on by?”
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sun-shines-gold · 4 years
“i’m… sorry? yeah i- not a music person, at least not music you can dance to.” norman smiled awkwardly, mouth dropping open as the stranger grabbed their hand and twirled around. these two were on the opposite sides of the social spectrum, and norman was getting second-hand embarrassment from them. 
as the other sang in front of them, norman couldn’t help but smile awkwardly, watching them move around, totally frozen as they move. “I’m sorry I have no idea what that is.” norman admitted slowly, looking down at the other.  “i- I listen to metal, we headbang and that’s about it. do you know any anthrax? Metallica?”
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“Is there music you can’t dance to?” Apollo thought for a moment. “Every genre I know you can dance to rap, pop, rock, metal, classical... nope every genre you can dance to. Do you know of a genre I don’t? I mean... Opera might be a little strange, but if you try your best you could probably dance to it.” Lost in their own thoughts they pulled themselves back down. “I think you’re just shy, you start a song and I will join in.” He winked and grabbed the boys hand squeezing it. 
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sun-shines-gold · 4 years
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most like an overly excited child, varian couldn’t stop himself from running out of his truck onto the back of it to get whatever he could unpacked as soon as possible, even so, that he left apollo on his own with rud to figure out what was much more of a first step. “look in the mailbox !! ” varian shouted as he had already managed to get his hands full with spare stuff that didn’t fit in a box and needed to get put down immediately, jumping off the back and hoping nothing would get too off balance in his arms. “upstairs, it’s supposed to be the… 3rd floor, door number two –– i think. whatever door the other key opens, that should be it.” he insisted. “boxes go anywhere there’s space for them, and after that, we have celebratory pop tarts.”
Apollo carried the boxes, following Varian up the stairs. This was a strange way to meet someone, sure, but Apollo didn’t actually mind helping. Pulling some strange balancing act, they found the keys and handed them to the boy. “Uh, please be careful.” They added, looking at how much the boy was carrying. They could only do minor healing, so if this boy really went to hurt himself, they would have to go to a real doctor. 
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sun-shines-gold · 4 years
“Do you know any Norwegian folk dances?” Anna was not ashamed to admit that those were all she knew, the few simple dances she’d done as a child, swinging around the living room with her mother. She’d never gone to a club or a school dance, not being willing to go alone, or able to convince her father to keep the bodyguards at home.
She allowed the gesture, grateful for once not to be the one with difficulty understanding the concept of personal space, though she laughed awkwardly at the compliment and ignored the heat traveling up the back of her neck and focusing on the wink. She couldn’t do that, had never been able to get one eye to wink fully without at least partially closing the other. She knew Apollo wasn’t trying to taunt her, but it was still frustrating, “Think I can get away with diplomatic immunity?”
“I am from Greece, so I am going to go with a no on that one, but maybe we could freestyle it?” Apollo offered. The girl was strange but bright, just like him. He liked having someone around that matched him and his attitude.  Apollo started dancing a bit, but there was no music. “Maybe we should sing? That might work out better while jumping. As long as we breathe from our diaphragm.” 
Apollo liked her laugh, it was like a pillow he didn’t know he needed. This was the first time Apollo had found someone on the same wavelength as him. “You could try, but you’d probably have to become a princess first.” Apollo laughed a bit, taking his hand and guiding the girl to spin around once like she was a princess at a ball. 
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sun-shines-gold · 4 years
“Thank you, but I’m fine,” She tried to reassure the other, wishing he would take her word and go back to whatever he was doing before. Having someone - a stranger, nonetheless - act concerned over her wasn’t something she was used to and it made her rather uncomfortable. Elsa could take care of herself perfectly well. She gently slid a tad further from him in her chair, “I just needed a few minutes out of the sun. I’ll be on my way soon.” 
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“Alright, but I am getting you water.” Apollo smiled warmly. Getting up from the seat across from her and walking over to the counter. When he returned he looked her over again. “Could I check your forehead? You really don’t look... well.” 
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sun-shines-gold · 4 years
a jolt ran through her and she froze, her leg still up in the air from removing her second shoe. persephone didn’t even need to look to know who the voice belonged to, though she was unsure how they were here of all places. a string of bad words played in her head. there were no options, she was trapped. she swallowed the lump in her throat, plastered a smile onto her face, and moved her foot out of the way. “apollo…. hey, what- what are you doing here?”
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Apollo ran a hand through their hair anxiously, the summer sun had left their head damp with sweat and a part of them wished they had looked better for their meeting. “I live here- uh, I live here with my sister. We moved a few weeks back, what... What are you doing here?” They asked, nervous breath catching in their throat a bit. What was she doing here? Why wasn’t she in Greece? It had been so long since they had seen the other, now, looking at her, Apollo could barely remember how it was he was supposed to act around her... or anyone like her. People he had known before and when he had broken people’s hearts. “You lost your shoe,” He added, bending down and picking it up and tossing it back to the girl. 
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sun-shines-gold · 4 years
“A nurse, huh. You don’t strike me as the type to do something quite so practical.” She said over singing. “Where are you from?” She sang. An easy question that say a good deal about a person.
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Apollo laughed a bit, it was a little strange, they had to admit, but they liked it. They didn’t want to do it forever, but being able to heal minor wounds came in handy there.  “You know, I like helping people making them feel better and shit. What did you expect me to do all day, flirt with people and hope they give me money?” They laughed a bit. “Although, I would like that job a lot.” They thought for a moment. “Greece, I moved her a bit ago with my sister.” They looked the girl up and down. “You?” Before they let her speak (or sing for that matter) they presented the next question. “What is your dream date?”
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sun-shines-gold · 4 years
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varian’s words couldn’t have been more sarcastic, though his face lit up with a smile and a chuckle as he spoke “thanks for the good faith,” the guy insisted, glad to see rud had not scared the other with it’s little antics. “don’t flatter him too much or he’ll never let you stop.” the guy began nodding his head as the car came to a full stop and in a matter of seconds turned off. “dude, you got me at carrying. doing this on my own could’ve been such a pain.”
“Happy to help, do you have the keys yet?” Apollo asked. For some reason, for the first time in Apollo’s life, they felt like they were the responsible one... and Apollo wasn’t sure if they liked that or not. Apollo shoved Rud off of him but looked at the poor pet with big eyes. “I’ll pet you the second we get inside, I promise.” They hadn’t been thinking a ton about it, but they did miss their own dog at home right about now. “Okay, so what box goes where, where am I going, what is happening, when do we get to sing the song by the campfire at the end?”
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sun-shines-gold · 4 years
Apollo was spending some time in the sun soaking in as much vitamin D as they could before their shift at the hospital. They were happy to be outside as much as possible before hours under the harsh air conditioning of the doctor's office. “Wait, tell me again, what is going on?” They asked, a smirk forming on their face. “You broke some plates or something? Was it from a party? Because if it was, why wasn’t I invited?”
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“nothing’s broken but my pride, but thanks for asking,” adrien says with a sheepish grin. he’s been making a whole lot of messes lately, having a whole lot of falls. and it is in no way her fault, but it definitely has something to do with a certain french girl who has moved into their shared apartment recently. “which is good, because i just bought all these dishes this morning as a surprise for my roommate.” @sun-shines-gold​
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sun-shines-gold · 4 years
Apollo didn’t think today would be the day that they were hit with a shoe. But it seemed like, as good of day as any to have this first. “Hey!” They yelled, half joking as the shoes softly bounced off their shoulder an onto the ground. When Apollo looked over though, his eyes grew wide and he could feel himself begin to panic. They knew this girl. They didn’t just know this girl, they knew knew this girl, all the way from Greece. And here Apollo thought moving across the world would keep them from all of their exes. “Uh, hey,” They added, awkwardly. There was a chance she wouldn’t recognize him. They looked a LOT different than they did when they were together, but they had this unsettling feeling in their stomach that no matter what, they were going to recognize them. 
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persephone still hadn’t gotten used to the idea of wearing shoes. she wasn’t quite sure what the point of them was other than being socially acceptable. she jogged to the nearest section of grass and collapsed. sprawled out on her back, she pulled off her shoes, flinging them away from her without thinking about the people who might be passing by.
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