sunagakurenosato · 2 years
“I can bring you home if you want,” Rasa slipped an arm around Karura’s waist and led her away from their crowd of friends. He should have known. The whole affair had /bad idea/ written all over it-- no matter how expertly Karura danced around Hiashi’s offers of snacks and drinks. “He’s… he tries.” And then would forget the proper etiquette of human-to-other-being interaction.
“It’s fine,” Karura reassured with a laugh. All the while, she fidgeted with the white gold bracelet that Mikoto lent her. Her wrist was more used to the feel of a leather watch that was older than she was.
Bad idea.
Not dating Karura-- no, not exactly. That couldn’t be a bad idea because they’ve both discussed this. His mother would not approve of it. Rasa seeing a human? Terrible. He and their legacy as the leading aswang clan in Manila could do better-- much better. But mother would get over that.
Rasa dating a girl several social classes below theirs? Never. She’d sooner disown him than sit down to discuss the possibility.
Perhaps, he was waiting for that.
Perhaps, these half-hearted attendances in public social gatherings, waiting for gossip to reach the right ears, was some roundabout way to ask the Universe to make a decision for them. Maybe, Karura would see how plastic the relationships of his friends and colleagues have with one another and decide that this wasn’t for her. Or they could surface a whole different problem.
So he’s not the only one self-sabotaging the one thing that’s made him happy all year.
Bad idea. Thinking was a bad idea.
He turned back to Karura. “I’m serious. If you’re not feeling comfortable--”
“It’s fine, really,” her smile didn’t reach her eyes the way it normally did. For good measure, she laughed-- though that only made Rasa suspect more. “He just looked disheartened that I wouldn't try it-- can’t try it.” Her fingers twisted around the bracelet lightly. “It gets to me…”
“You’re too thoughtful.”
She laughed-- this time real, like little silver bells that made his chest flutter. “Maybe. I know that doesn’t always land me in the right places.” They wandered to a darker and more quiet corner of the hall, right next to an old Cacnio sculpture. These days, too many things reminded her of Sasori; and then of childhood; and then of the storms that shook the metropolis during the rainy months.
“You know sometimes,” Karura continued, “You’re just trying to be nice and friendly-- and the next thing you know, your mother catches you with an engkanto and a spoon of rice on one hand. Hah.”
“That’s oddly specific.”
Then Mama would explain that both of them were /called/ too early. Too early for her mind to understand what that meant-- what promises and dreams would haunt her and her brother for years to come.
“It’s September,” Karura said simply, as if a single month held the answers to all her jitters and worries. “Would you mind it if we stopped by the hospital before going home?”
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sunagakurenosato · 3 years
I will be here more often now as part of a New Year cleaning measure!
Will still be writing (Suna fanfiction > RP), and some headcanons maybe. Fanfics and medicine mostly. Some adulting stuff, probably.
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sunagakurenosato · 3 years
Cabin Pressure
Prompt: SasoRasa/Modern AU
Summary: Rasa is only one flight and one last job away from home.  Sasori….isn’t.  Featuring guest appearances by Yashamaru and Hiruko.
Hey!  Merry Christmas to @youknowthelines for the Akatsuki Gift Exchange 2020! I really liked your prompts and music recs!  I hope you like it!
Also, I owe a very special thank you to @thatshipcat for all of the incredibly helpful feedback and time put into editing this with me.
Story under cut
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sunagakurenosato · 3 years
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Gift for @thatshipcat!
Thank you so much for all your help ♥
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sunagakurenosato · 3 years
ca*whispers* RasaKaru. Don’t mind me, ramblings under the cut. It must be documented. For posterity’s sake. And 100% not because I can’t get enough of this stupid song I’ve tagged as RasaKaru. Not at all. I have not gone through several friends’ DMs just to rant about this.
But I just love this song--- hell, whole relationship between Raoul and Christine in this iteration of Phantom of the Opera. Hadley and Sierra give these two characters an amazing depth that you don’t see in other versions of it.
Specifically, it does align a bit with how I see Rasa (start to see Rasa? Definitely a bit different from how I first wrote him. Has learned lessons). Quite so, actually. See most of the Raouls’ I’ve seen for Phantom are very... soft voices. Loving presence. Will hold your hand gently--- and I get it! It’s like putting a contrast between the Phantom and Raoul. In case... I don’t know, people get confused about the appeal, I suppose.
But Hadley’s Raoul definitely has more oomph to him. And definitely portrays an imperfect character-- but with a clear personality and motivations. He doesn’t always believe Christine. He’s pressured her into doing something she didn’t like but thought would save them all from the Phantom. And with an air that was not wholly kind and gentle ish. But that doesn’t make him any less of a steady rock, or a fixed point when Christine needed him to be.
((And right before this scene in All I Ask of You, Christine was frightened by the echo of the Phantom’s voice and she’s weeping. And Raoul is still exasperated cuz childhood friend is being hysterical about some “Phantom” and he’s an investor and blah, and he reaches out his hand to her. And the way she looks at him then. And the way he just wraps his arms around her ;A; ;A; ;A; ))
And the song doesn’t start out as a declaration of love. The first thing Raoul does is to calm Christine down and tell her “I’m here, nothing can harm you.” It wasn’t love initially, it was comfort. And it was Christine who called out and asked him to love her--- and no one actually declares I love you until Raoul calls out to her at the end of the song. Which brings me to
RasaKaru. Please. It’s a canon ship, I know. But we don’t know enough about the two of them and what their relationship was like and that is absolutely unacceptable for me-- your local Suna stan.
And based on the sand siblings’ memories, he sounds like a hard kinda guy. And I have so many headcanons on that. But there’s characters like Hadley’s Raoul that make some harder characteristics have a certain depth to it. Capable of more than just the negative things (I mean look at Sierra’s lovestruck expression. perf).
It is 12:28, I need to be up early and it’s a good few hours past my bedtime. BUT. RasaKaru. I don’t make anymore sense but RasaKaru.
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sunagakurenosato · 3 years
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205 notes · View notes
sunagakurenosato · 3 years
Do you ever start writing something that you’re excited about and that seems like it’s turning out well and that you’re getting eager to share, and then you start typing it up or doing an edit pass and it’s just awful it’s awful its premise is fundamentally flawed and it’s out of character and the prose is clunky and the plot is badly paced and ludicrous and the whole thing is embarrassing, how could you have done this, how could you have sunk so much time into this, you can’t even look at it, how is this that shining thing you were so excited about, how could you even have considered finishing it let alone sharing it with anyone, you’re crying, your mother is crying, nuns are spontaneously exploding in the streets,
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sunagakurenosato · 4 years
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Sweet but deadly.. Rin is 💯 acab 🤘 
Metal Konoha- 30 minute timed excercise
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sunagakurenosato · 4 years
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uchiha boy (sasuke)
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sunagakurenosato · 4 years
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The art of broken things
Kintsugi (or kintsukuroi): the art of repairing pottery with gold or silver lacquer and understanding that the process results in something more beautiful than the original.
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sunagakurenosato · 4 years
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Gentle Sand Boi
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sunagakurenosato · 4 years
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Promo art by @falloutdope​, posted with permission.
Multi-Sasori Month!
A special time of year where Sasori adds to his collection o(`ω´ )o
DAY 1 - Sasori/Deidara
DAY 2 - Sasori/Kakuzu
DAY 3 - Angel/Demon AU or “Fallen” (ANY PAIRING)
DAY 4 - Sasori/Obito
DAY 5 - Sasori/Kakashi
DAY 6 - Canon Divergent AU or “Happily Ever After" (ANY PAIRING)
DAY 7 - Sasori/Sakura
DAY 8 - Sasori/Tobirama
DAY 9 - Modern Desert AU or “Sky” (ANY PAIRING)
DAY 10 - Sasori/Konan
DAY 11 - Sasori/Any Original Character
DAY 12 - Serial Killer AU or “Diabolical” (ANY PAIRING)
DAY 13 - Sasori/Rasa
DAY 14 - Sasori/Karura
DAY 15 - Valentine or “Heart Rot” (ANY PAIRING)
DAY 16 - Sasori/Itachi
DAY 17 - Sasori/Hidan
DAY 18 - College AU or “Test” (ANY PAIRING)
DAY 19 - Sasori/Kankurou
DAY 20 - Sasori/Sasori
DAY 21 - Mortician AU or “On the slab“ (ANY PAIRING)
DAY 22 - Sasori/Orochimaru
DAY 23 - Sasori/Yashamaru
DAY 24 - Kazekage!Sasori or “Power-Hungry” (ANY PAIRING)
DAY 25 - Sasori/Third Kazekage
DAY 26 - Sasori/Kabuto
DAY 27 - “Morning Coffee“ or “Wine-Red“ (ANY PAIRING)
DAY 28 - Sasori/Sai
DAY 29 - Sasori/Tsunade
DAY 30 - Witch AU or “Stray Cats” (ANY PAIRING)
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sunagakurenosato · 4 years
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((Super, super, super belated gift for the sasothird exchange jfnkafkanfkj i didn’t finish the 2nd part for about twenty years and you can see the difference in the areas i redrew + I ALSO LOST THE FONT THAT I USED ON PART 1 LOL)) thank you @thatshipcat for reminding me this existed!
Prompt: Dragons! 
Basic background is that Mr Sandaime is a feudal lord in a world where there are mystical creatures. he just happens to get one because he hit SSR in the gacha- //gets hit
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sunagakurenosato · 4 years
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Mirepoix [3/?] Rating: M Disclaimer Day’s Notes: Hello everyone! It’s been forever but I’m finally updating the chefsuke fic! Bet you’re happy about that huh @freshtoxinn lol
I’m working on updating my fics but “Seasons” has been keeping me busy.
Remember to pre-order your copy ‘cause it is a limited run! Pre-Orders have been extended until April 6, 2019 at 1pm EDT
Also, when you read this fic please disable any ad blockers you use. When you are redirected to my wordpress I have ads on now so that I can try and earn some revenue. Please help me out by letting the ads load on the page. I hope you enjoy the fic~ AO3 | FF
Chapter Three: 
Sakura scanned the shift schedule one more time. She squinted at the board willing it to look differently.
“Everyone’s working on the fourteenth.” She frowned at the board. “Not a single staff member is off…”
“It’s always like that.” A soft voice just behind her almost made her jump.
The pleasantly plump pastry chef was just behind her, pulling at her long dark hair. Sakura never had a chance to speak to her before but always got the impression that she looked a bit like the petit fours she made. She mainly kept to herself and her station and if it weren’t for the occasional moments when Sasuke would shout at her for moving too slowly, Sakura would forget she was even there.
“Oh, it’s you Hinata.”
“No one ever gets off on Valentine’s Day. It’s our busiest day of the year.”
“That seems a little unfair. What if you wanted to spend the holiday with your boyfriend?”
“You would need to get a boyfriend first, forehead girl.” Ino tossed her jacket over Sakura’s head and immediately started stripping. Hinata pulled her hood over head and covered her eyes.
“This is a mixed gender locker room.” Sakura tossed the jacket back over Ino’s head.
“It’s nothing anyone here hasn’t seen before.” Tenten, the brunette Ino had told Sakura worked as the boucher, opened up her locker next to Ino’s and stuffed her bag.
“You know you like what you see,” Ino teased, reaching over and tickling Tenten’s sides.
“I’ve never been into blondes.” Tenten smacked Ino’s arms away, trying to catch her breath. “Or girls taller than me.”
Tenten pulled out her smock and slid her arms into the sleeves. After she was done she pulled up her pigtails and styled them into twin buns.
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sunagakurenosato · 4 years
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sunagakurenosato · 4 years
"Nayeli, did you get the teapot like I asked you to?"
Nayeli nods and steps forward with the aforementioned teapot, handing it over to Chiyo. It's a large tin teapot they've used; Chiyo didn't want to use earthenware or porcelain or anything else that could break easily. Oh, wouldn't that be a great laugh, if we sealed this embodiment of the desert's malevolence only to have a klutz release it again?
If there is one writer (and there isn’t, there are like 2) who influenced Amaya close to a decade ago to write fanfics. And Suna fanfics in general--- It’s ncfan.
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sunagakurenosato · 4 years
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Interstellar (2014)
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