suncleansed · 6 years
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Have you been trying to find cures for bacterial vaginosis that actually work? If you have then you are not alone!
Many women suffer needlessly from this horribly embarrassing condition having tried numerous ways to get rid of it using antibiotics and expensive over the counter medication. The very nature of the condition makes it difficult to get hold of specific cures for bacterial vaginosis as it is not a true “infection” but rather an “inflammation” caused by an imbalance of bacteria in the vagina.
learn more about bv miracle book at http://www.bvcure.info/
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suncleansed · 6 years
Home Remedies For BV That Last
Not all home remedies for BV give lasting results. In fact, most of the treatments you will hear about are just temporary solutions that are really no better than the antibiotics your doctor would prescribe you. These treatments include betadine and vinegar douches, and natural antibacterials such as tea trea oil.
The home remedies for BV that DO bring lasting results focus on changing the vaginal environment, rather than just killing off the excess bacteria.
But even most of THESE remedies don't work for most women either because they are used in the wrong way, or because their effects are best produced when used in combination with other treatments.
One example of a natural bacterial vaginosis remedy that can bring very powerful and permanent results, but will only work when used correctly, is probiotics. Probiotics are yogurts or tablets that contain live strains of lactobacilli – the good bacteria that is present in a normal, healthy vagina.
Most women just start to take probiotics and hope that their BV will go away. But in most cases, this does not happen. Although probiotics do an excellent job at helping to restore the vaginal flora to its natural and healthy state, they are not very good at killing off the excess overgrown bacteria in bacterial vaginosis.
Probiotics work best when you use them AFTER having used a different method to kill off the overgrown bacteria first. You then have to introduce probiotics into your regime just at the right time, or you risk lessening their effect dramatically.
To learn all the secrets about how to use probiotics and other home remedies for BV in just the right way to get rid of BV permanently visit endago.net
learn about the popular ways to get rid of bv for good with bv freedom program by elena peterson at http://www.bacterialvaginosis.org.uk/
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