sunderious · 32 minutes
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sunderious · 2 hours
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silly little bones x2 i made awhile ago, nothing crazy,,, bonus spock dancing :3333
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sunderious · 2 hours
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cat people, you know
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sunderious · 2 hours
Hi, I'm Kanzy from Gaza. 🍉
I hope you are well but I'm not. 😞
My family and I are in a dangerous situation due to the ongoing war, please help my family by sharing the link in profile post and donating if you can. Every donation helps us reach the goal. 🙏
Thank you for your understanding and support❤️
Campaign Verified!!
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sunderious · 2 hours
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“what if spocks handwriting is just pt 12 times new roman” is not the hot take i thought id bring to the internet but it is the one im bringing
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sunderious · 2 hours
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sunderious · 8 hours
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Breakfast time is the most magical time of the day
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sunderious · 11 hours
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…..another time travel episode or something?? idk
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sunderious · 11 hours
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sunderious · 11 hours
gonna be honest nothing has fucked with my head more than learning that the UK only has three species of snake. like what do you mean three? three species with twelve subspecies? three native species but a ton of other nonnative ones? three species technically but it's an accident of ancient taxonomy?
nope. just three
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sunderious · 11 hours
the most beautiful thing i’ve ever seen in my life was just a wet street. no one was on it. no one was near it. just a flat, staid wasteland, wet with rain. and then the sun came out, and for ten seconds, the world was made of light. the sun refracted on every angle, at every moment, and for a quarter mile, everything was shimmering. the road, the trees, the grass, the sidewalk, all glowed like the sky, they all glowed like heaven. and for ten seconds, that’s where i was. and on my shirt was the domino’s logo lol. but that wasn’t really a factor in said beautification
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sunderious · 15 hours
i cant stop saying "grisp it"
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sunderious · 1 day
recently saw ppl discuss whether they put their medicines in a kitchen cabinet or a bathroom cabinet and i was shocked by the fact that many ppl said kitchen cabinet. so now i need you to reblog this and say where you keep yours
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sunderious · 1 day
The international airport in Lebanon is now closed. The current evacuation routes are through boats to Cyprus. God help them all.
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sunderious · 1 day
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Remember Marcellus Williams! A black Muslim man falsely accused. Remember that he's innocent. Remember that the governor of Missouri, mike Parson who had the opportunity to save this man's life, decided not to. Remember all but three supreme court justices decided his life wasn't worth saving either. Remember his face. Remember his Last words. And remember how fucked up this country is
Rest in peace Marcellus
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sunderious · 1 day
The death penalty was made to harm black people. It's the closest thing to lynching. The powerful use it as a way to control the the poor. Abolish the death penalty, it's pass overdue
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sunderious · 1 day
Governor Mike Parson deserves death, deserves pain, deserves not another moment of peace.
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