sunflower-farm · 5 months
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charlie the chicken and samuel's relationship is a bit rocky at first, but they eventually reach a happy truce. also who dropped all this cheese on the floor?? 🧀 gatdangit it's everywhere 🧀🧀🧀
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sunflower-farm · 2 years
If you see this the queue ran out again go yell at me the inbox lmao
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sunflower-farm · 2 years
Autumn 26th - THE ALIEN IS GONE 👽
Not much else happened today lmao I bought a house plant from the Travelling Merchant
Dug up another chicken statue
Oh I made some Dino Mayo thats fun
Photo of the Day:
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That can’t be good
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sunflower-farm · 2 years
Autumn 25th - Sweet Gem Berry 💎
George Mailed me More Rocks! Thanks George
My Sweet Gem berry came up which got me thinking... maybe this is what the monkey wants cus all its descriptions are all about how its the sweetest thing ever
I went to the beach to give Elliott a pomegranate and bumped into sebastian on the pier and we shared an umbrella :)
When I went to Elliott’s house he played the piano it was cute
I found an old mariner who wont sell me his amulet >:(
I took the sweet gem berry to the monkey and he gave me a stardrop!n it was the thing he wanted hehe
Photo of the Day:
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An Offering for the Monkie
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sunflower-farm · 2 years
Autumn 24th - George Birthday 🥬
(its a leafy green its basically a leek)
I caught Queen of Sauce! I missed it on Sunday for the first time ever so I was lucky that it was a rerun of the one I missed
I gave George a leek for his birthday
Tried to go fishing in the sewers for carp so I can make lots of quality fertiliser but I just wasnt hooking anything (damn unlucky days!)
I went to the secret woods to carp fish there again and realised that the monkey statue is still looking for something sweet and that wasnt resolved by the bear thing with the syrup 🤔 I have no idea what the monkey wants
Photo of the Day:
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Happy Birthday George!
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sunflower-farm · 2 years
Autumn 23rd - Rain 🌧
It rained today :(
I took my geodes from yesterday to Clints but there was no ore in em :( Got some cool stuff for gunther tho
Set up the signs in the greenhouse and accidentally put a sign on a sign
I visited Krobus in the sewers :)
Photo of the Day:
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Sign on a sign!
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sunflower-farm · 2 years
Autumn 22nd - Calendar 📅
Clint sent me a Bean Hotpot Recipe
I missed Robin’s Birthday yesterday 😭 Hopefully she forgives me cus I bought a calendar from her maybe she gets the vibe
Kent asked for a purple mushroom on the help wanted board so I went and got him one
I went mining and got a load of geodes and found a secret note about Leah’s favourite things
Photo of the Day:
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Lets Get Mining
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sunflower-farm · 2 years
Autumn 21st - Fashonista ✨
I took all the cloth I’ve collected so far to Emily’s to make it into clothes
First I had to solve a petty argument about couch cushions but then I got to sewing hehe
I took a Sunflower, a Crab, a Solar Essence, a Void Essence, a Purple Mushroom, a Neptunite, a Pumpkin, an Aubergine, and a Strawberry to see what clothes they would make (and an Iron Ore cus I miscounted)
Here’s What I Got (in no particular order cus I can’t remember):
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Also one of them (I think it was the purple mushroom?) gave me literally the same exact shirt that I was already wearing so its not included in the fashion show haha
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sunflower-farm · 2 years
Autumn 20th - Fishtank Solution 🐡
I’m still mad about the fishtanks from yesterday but I missed Willy’s shop hours cus I was too busy making seeds for the greenhouse (maybe I should make another seed maker lmao)
I did manage to find a fishtank solution that I dont hate tho which is fun
Photo of the Day:
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it’s kinda like in romeo + juliet 2004 when they look thru the fishtanks at each other
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sunflower-farm · 2 years
Autumn 19th - More Fishtanks 🐠
Pam wants a battery
I planned out the greenhouse more and then cleared an area around the mushroom in the bottom half so I can get more mushroom
(I’m considering putting a slime hutch in that corner so I can grow slimes hehe)
I bought some seeds from Pierre and then I finally went down  to Willy’s to buy more fishtanks but I bought small ones that only fit 1 fish at a time and I’m kinda mad about that
Went to see krobus again and I bought an iridium sprinkler from him so I can fill out the greenhouse a little more
I went to the saloon and Gus was sad cus Pam didn’t pay off her tab haha but I guilted her into it
Photo of the Day:
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New Sprinkler!
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sunflower-farm · 2 years
Autumn 18th - More Dino Eggie 🦕
I got another dino egg B)
I got a lobster from the crab pot down at the beach! I gave it to gus cus he wanted a lobster
I went fishing in the sewers and said hi to krobus :)
Photo of the Day:
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Gus Lobster!
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sunflower-farm · 2 years
Whoops. That'll be Thursday 26th
Yo! I'm taking a little hiatus but I'll be back on Thursday probably xx
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sunflower-farm · 2 years
Yo! I'm taking a little hiatus but I'll be back on Thursday probably xx
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sunflower-farm · 2 years
Autumn 17th - ET 🛸
I heard a weird Noise overnight! And now there is an alien in my backyard! and it is Pulsing
I don’t exactly know what to do with it I hope it doesn’t steal either of my cows
I spent most of the day bug hunting because I’m low on bait
Photo of the Day:
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Goo Tube!
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sunflower-farm · 2 years
Autumn 16th - The Fair! 🎪
Its the fair its the fair its the fair
I gathered all of my grange display stuff which I thought was very cool and I went to the fair
I played the fishing game lots and I won lots of star tokens also (just a shame the only thing I didn’t already have was a rug and a stardrop)
The Displays Got Judged
I lost to Pierre :( I could’ve sworn I beat him last year how is my display worse this time
I bought the rug and I went home haha
Photo of the Day:
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Look at my Very Cool Display!
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sunflower-farm · 2 years
Autumn 15th - Sandy’s Real Birthday! 🥥
Seeing as I was going to the desert anyway to give Sandy a birthday present I figured I might as well try and rack my brains for what to feed the Dragon
I took a bunch of sunny stuff with me like a sunflower and a tomato (because in real life tomatoes need a lot of sun to grow) but also a solar essence which ended up working
Apparently Qi has hidden something On My Property which uh sir I’m gonna have to ask you to not
Made some beet seeds from the 3 beets I had left and accidentally made the cranberry sign say beets also which is unfortunate I’m gonna have to cover that over once the cranberries actually come up
Photo of the Day:
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sunflower-farm · 2 years
Autumn 14th - Not Sandy’s Birthday 😔
I learned Blackberry Cobbler from the Queen of Sauce which would have been helpful YESTERDAY because I know for a fact it’s one of Abigail’s favourites (a secret note told me so)
I continued schemeing about the greenhouse and went to Pierre’s to buy seeds and some quality fertiliser cus I didn’t want to fish all day for it haha
I took a coconut to Sandy for her birthday! Except it’s not her birthday today her birthday is tomorrow. Oops. Tho it wasn’t raining in the desert even though it was in the valley and Sandy said its always hot which got me thinking about the Dragon...
I bought some cool seeds from Sandy also that I can put in my greenhouse
I started planting! Didn’t realise until later that I had planted the beets outside so I ran out of beet seeds but here’s what it looked like right before I passed out on the way back to my house
(Photo of the Day:)
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Its very dark I need to invest in some better lighting I think
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