sunflower-spells · 2 years
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The leaves have started to fall off the maple in the backyard. Usually it’s one of the later trees to go, but this year it seems about on pace, or even ahead of some of the other trees. The cottonwoods in the swampy area down the hill are still mostly green, with just a little bit of yellow and brown tinging the edges. The squirrels have been incredibly active for weeks, but this weekend they’ve seemed particularly busy. I sometimes can hear them squabbling from the kitchen where I can watch them chase each other along the fence and up the trees. I cleaned and refilled the bird bath yesterday and it’s been popular with the chickadees. It’s easier to forget about factors like drought when the weather is cooler and I don’t have to water my vegetable garden anymore, but we’ve been in a period of very little rain for a while. I picked some last lemon balm during the warmer day yesterday also and hung it to dry in the broom cupboard. I still have some from last year, but since my tea consumption skyrockets in the winter, better to have more stored. I saw someone post photos of a wooly bear caterpillar this morning with a huge brown stripe, so hopefully that means the winter is mild. I would be perfectly happy with a less cold, but snowier winter since the winters here have tended to be the opposite in recent years.
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sunflower-spells · 2 years
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Weather - 77 Degrees and Sunny
The leaves are about halfway to peak now. If you ask the birches and sumac, it’s probably more like three-fourths of the way but the oaks and several other hardwoods aren’t quite there yet. On my walk, the cottonwoods had that palest green look about them that happens just before the flash of yellow. The sun in the yellow leaves is dazzling. Almost as if someone was taking sunlight and turning up the volume. The weatherman says tomorrow will be when the cool front moves in, plunging us down into the 50s. So far it’s been unseasonably warm, and this makes it even harder to remember that it’s October now. If the air wasn’t so dry I would think it was early September. I’ll sleep with the window open again tonight, possibly for the last time this season. A few crickets are still singing very softly, probably even more determined than I am to make the most of this last warm night.
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sunflower-spells · 4 years
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sunflower-spells · 4 years
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sunflower-spells · 4 years
Chronically ill witchcraft: For your symptoms
Since it’s super hard to find them when you need them! Anyone is welcome to use these, but I don’t want to see “this is great for people who DON’T have chronic illnesses too” (trust us, we know).
These are to be used as a supplement in addition to professional medical care, treatment and medication, not as a sole alternative!
Back + neck issues:
“Ease my neck pain” sigil
“Ease my lower back and hip pain” sigil
“My back is relaxed and free of pain” sigil
“I am free of back pain” sigil
Brainfog lifting
Brainfog relief spell
Memory masterpost Memory and concentration spell
“Brainfog begone” sigil
Spell for energy
Energy gain spell
Energy jar
Energy bath
Crystals for fatigue
“No fatigue” sigil
“Energy” sigil
“I am energetic” sigil
“I have the energy to take a shower” sigil
Headache soothing tea spell
Headache healing
To banish a headache
Tea for cluster headaches
Curing a headache
“Ease my morning headaches” sigil
“Headache” sigil
“Against headaches” sigil
“My headache goes away” sigil
Immune system:
Masterpost of sigils to boost your immune system
Joint pain:
Joint pain spell
“Ease my joint pain” sigil
“My arthritis is manageable” sigil
“My joints are stable” sigil
Anti-migraine spell
A spell for migraines
Anti-migraine spell bottle
Migraine relief bath
Migraine magic (herbs and crystals)
Witch tip for migraines
“Ease my migraine” sigil
Muscle pain + spasms:
Crystals for rheumatic and muscular pain
Muscle pain sachet
“Ease my jaw tension” sigil/s
“My muscles are relaxed” sigil
Pain (general):
Chant to ease the pain
Chant for bad pain days
Simple ease the pain spell
Chronic pain relief spell
Release my pain to the wind spell
Bath spell to ease chronic pain
Change the pain spell jar
“I find moments of peace from my pain” sigil
“The pain is gone” sigil
“Relieve chronic pain” sigil
Sleep problems:
Sleep crystal spell
Spell to help you sleep when you’re in pain
Sleep easy spell sachet
Sleepy witch tip
Sleep aid art
“My chronic pain doesn’t affect my sleep” sigil 
Stomach issues:
Soothing tummy tea
Anti-nausea bath
“Anti-nausea” sigil
“Find your way out” (constipation) sigil
“My digestive issues are eased” sigil
“I overcome stomach pains” sigil
If anyone knows of additional witchy content for any of these that I missed, or content on a category I wasn’t able to include, feel free to send it my way and I’ll get a part two started for this post!
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sunflower-spells · 4 years
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sunflower-spells · 5 years
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Sometimes you need to let some things go in order to move forward. It can be difficult looking over the things you’ve carried with you for so long and determining what you should hold onto and what you should release in order to grow and make room for what comes next.
This was inspired by my recent move, as I packed and decided what physical objects I should donate or throw away and what I should take with me to my new home and what sort of things I would need to acquire. It felt like a well-timed metaphor for personal growth in the new year.
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sunflower-spells · 5 years
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Botanical illustrations taken from ‘Flora Graeca’ (vol 9,  published 1837) by John Sibthorpe, John Lindley. Typis Richardi Taylor.
Lloyd Library and Museum.
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sunflower-spells · 5 years
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sunflower-spells · 5 years
Here’s something I wanna say real quick, while I’m feeling salty: Amazon has totally contributed to the devaluation of literature. Those prices you see, the $13 they’re asking you to pay for a hardcover book? Those are deep, DEEP discounts that they’re able to implement because they don’t collect sales tax if they can get away with it, they don’t contribute money to the communities where they have a physical presence, they have shitty labor practices, Jeff Bezos has more money than god, etc. 
(Read this report from the Institute for Self-Reliance if you really want to get into how they’re hurting the economy.)
They’re so omnipotent at this point that they’ve normalized the discounted prices for books as the standard. I can’t tell you the number of times I’ve had someone come up to me and tell me what the price on Amazon is, expecting me to match it. The number of times I’ve been told, “Oh, it’s cheaper on Amazon, I’ll just get it there.” Even at author events, where book sales DIRECTLY CONTRIBUTE to whether or not that bookstore will be able to get more authors in.
So when you go into a bookstore, and you’re asked to pay $27 for a hardcover, remember: THAT IS THE COVER PRICE. Set by the publishers. The bookstore is not upcharging you. They are asking you to pay the value of the book. Amazon’s low prices come with a cost. Please, just keep that in mind. 
(I made a post with options for buying books online that aren’t Amazon. Check it out!)
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sunflower-spells · 5 years
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allthebeautifulthingsblog @instagram
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sunflower-spells · 5 years
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❄️ 🌿 Happy Solstice~ 🌿❄️
Merry Yule everyone!! I wish you the best in this end of 2018! May the celebrations bring you joy and a fantastic new year!
You are free to use it as a phone background or as a cover! 
Credits are more than welcome ♥
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sunflower-spells · 5 years
A Yule Ritual
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Spell originally by Cassandra Eason.
What you need:
12 white candles or tea candles (in a circle)
A red candle in the center
Festiveness around the candles (greenery, baubles, etc.)
Timing: Between December 21-23 in Northern Hemisphere; June 21-23 in the Southern Hemisphere (Yule’s timing)
1.) Light the red candle and from it the circle of candles. Say “I walk into the darkness without fear at the turning of the year, knowing the light will return. Candles no more burn.”
2.) Extinguish the candle circle so only the central candle flame remains. Say “ Let the old sun die, carrying away what must go, the illusions, the excuses, the inertia, and open the door to a new tomorrow.”
3.)After a few minutes relight each candle in the circle, clockwise from the red candle, saying “ The sun is reborn and light returns to the world. The dark times are ended.”
4.) Let the candles burn and use the decorations around the home (keep an eye on the candles so you don’t burn down the house :D )
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sunflower-spells · 5 years
How to become a Witch
- probably educate yourself on what witchcraft is and the different ways of practicing
- call yourself a witch
- stare at the moon a lot (most important step)
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sunflower-spells · 5 years
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sunflower-spells · 5 years
us witches get colds too
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hello greenies! i’ve been getting sicker and sicker as the seasons change and so have my fellow witches. this is a loose recipe that i use for colds and i hope it can help. sorry if the measurements aren’t exact! 
for kettle:
4 cups of water
2 lemons
chopped ginger (an inch? maybe less depending on how strong you want it)
a small handful of peppermint (i have the hands of a child)
2 sticks on cinnamon
honey (will put in at the end)
for cup
1 cup of water
¼ of an inch of ginger
a few of leaves of peppermint
half a stick ( if you have powder use like 1 tsp?) of cinnamon
honey (will put in at the end)
heat up water until it comes to a nice low boil/simmer. place ginger, peppermint, and cinnamon in. 
after 4 minutes place thyme and lemon.
***for the lemon make sure you cut in half, squeeze out, and place the peels in the water (for kettles place 1 of the lemon shells in the water, for cup place a few slices). let sit for another 4 minutes. then when done put in cups!
put in as much honey as you want! (i use about a tablespoon per cup) stir clockwise and chant:
“Frost in the body, cast out.
Mother Earth bring to me health and wellness.
Bring to me the warmth of spring.
Frost in the body, cast out.”  
visualize a green light flowing into the cup as you chant and as you drink that same light travels into you. 
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sunflower-spells · 5 years
🍌🍓🍊 Smoothie Potions🍍🍑🍒
for when you still want to work a little magic into your day and feel healthy af too. smoothies! here’s just a couple of suggestions with fruits and their correspondences, but you can totally come up with your own ideas!
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for all recipes, chop, cube, or slice all fresh ingredients. freeze and chill respective ingredients before blending!  feel free to add your favorite herbs and other ingredients you love to your potions!
for  love, purification, and new beginnings 🍇 🍉
1 cup frozen blueberries 1 cup frozen raspberries 2 cups cubed watermelon
for familial love, prosperity, and protection  🍌
2 tbsp. rolled oats ½ milk or substitute 1 frozen banana
for  fortune, friendship, and wealth  🍓 🍃
½ cup frozen strawberries 1 cup milk or substitute ½ cup kale or spinach
for beauty, divination, and love  🍌🍊
½ frozen banana ½ cup orange juice ½ cup greek yogurt
for nurturing, prosperity, and protection 🍈🍌
½ medium avocado 1 frozen banana 1 cup milk or substitute
for  fortune, friendship,  purification, and cleansing 🍓🍈
½ cup frozen strawberries ½ milk of choice ½ cup coconut flakes
for nurturing, prosperity,  chastity, and fertility 🍌🍊
1 frozen banana 1 cup milk or substitute 2 tbsp lime juice
for luck, wealth, and chastity  🍍🍌
¾ cup frozen pineapple chunks ¾ cup coconut milk ½ frozen banana
for fortune, friendship, and love   🍓🍍
1 frozen banana 1 ½ cup frozen strawberries ½ cup milk of choice
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