sunflowers-dream · 3 years
chapter one first day of school
today is aether and lumine's first day in genshin gmpact high school, they are very excited to meet new people.
Mr.zhongli - the homeroom teacher, also the history teacher, takes aether and lumine in class.
" good morning class! we have two transfer students today. they are lumine and aether. " said zhongli.
" hello everyone! my name's lumine " she chirped while waving her hand to the class passionaly " the other one is aether, he is my twin brother! "
" she is kinda cute " xiao thinks, he blushed a little.
the morning is pretty normal, they just studied some history and class dismissed.
at lunch time lumine and aether are just walking around the school, then they saw a ginger haired boy that is wearing a blue shirt with a narwhal walking toward them.
" hello, you two must be the new transfer student, my name's ajax, i am a grade higher than you. mr.zhongli told me to show you guys around the school " the ginger haired boy introduces himself.
so lumine and aether followed ajax around. then they made a stop at the music studio.
" what are those " asked aether, picking up some posters scattered on the table.
" how can you not know the 4nemo boys! they are the most popular boy group / band in the province! two years ago, their lead singer died in a car accident, their band was closed, but this year they decided to reopen the band agian, so now they are recruiting a new singer. "
" is it too late to sign up for the tryout now? " said aether.
" nope, the tryout is tommorow. if you are interested you better start practicing today. "
after showing lumine and aether other parts of the school ajax dropped them off in the cafertria.
" so this is basicially our school, here is the cafertria, we often eat lunch here, right now is lunch time. i will leave you guys here, i still have some work to do "
" umm... lumine.. is it alright if i go to the music studio at lunch, i want to do some practice, try out is tommorow. " aether murmured.
" of course! i am sure i will be alright " lumine said.
after aether leaved lumine stands in the middle of the cafertaria with her lunch tray, looking around.
" who am i gonna sit with " she thought.
then a voice behind her said " hey! come sit with us! "
lumine turned around, she saw a girl with short dark blue hair holding a big tray of cupcake.
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