sunflowervoltage · 4 years
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you guys remember that time lauren ridloff said a shower scene between these two would be nice
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sunflowervoltage · 4 years
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“Michonne is the perfect definition of a strong female character. She never disappointed us once in her 8 years on the show. Her developments throughout the show have always been a top notch. I don’t think we will have another great female character like her. I’m gonna miss her presence on the show. Her, Rick, Carl and Glenn was TWD.”
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sunflowervoltage · 4 years
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- daryl touching connie in the s10 premiere.
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sunflowervoltage · 4 years
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“I’m tired of the sexism surrounding Judith. Women characters always get labeled “mary sues” or whatever whenever they are badass. Judith is no mary sue just because she’s good with a sword like her mom taught her. She’s mature because that’s what Michonne would’ve made her be after living in the world they’re in. Get over it. Judith is amazing.”
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sunflowervoltage · 4 years
Connie Fancam.
My Girl Connie is beautiful, strong, intelligent and amazing. I hope we see her again soon. 
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sunflowervoltage · 5 years
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i just think they’re neat 💕
inspired by this post !
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sunflowervoltage · 5 years
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sunflowervoltage · 5 years
You know what’s also easy? Minding your business and letting people ship what they want. 
Why can I totally picture Daryl and Connie reuniting and giving each other a tight hug and him pulling back a bit to sign “you okay?’ while looking concerned but also relieved?
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sunflowervoltage · 5 years
Lil Asskicker-Judith Grimes
Because folks really out here hating on this 10 year old badass. Don’t forget, Judy is superior to you. 
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sunflowervoltage · 5 years
RJ Grimes. The Unbothered Prince of The Walking Dead.
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sunflowervoltage · 5 years
Connie & Michonne Fancam. 
Because they’re two of my top favorite women in the show. 
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sunflowervoltage · 5 years
Connie Week Day 7
Connie Week Day 7 - Learning ASL
For day 7, I just decided to write about who I’d love to see learning ASL to be able to communicate more fluently with Connie. I’d love to see Judith and Lydia learn ASL. 
Judith said she’d work on practicing her signing when she first met Connie. She was the one who helped rescue Connie and her group from the beginning, so it would be nice to see them bond more. 
Connie is the one who convinced Daryl to bring Lydia back to protect her. Thanks to her, Lydia has a home to thrive in. I think it would be nice for them to know each other more. Connie teaching Lydia ASL would be amazing. 
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sunflowervoltage · 5 years
Thank you so much! I really enjoyed seeing all your work! I loved doing Connie Week and I’m so glad you all enjoyed it too! 
Connie Week
Day 1 - Crossover (Connie as Storm aka Ororo Munroe)
"Queen. Goddess. Cloud-Walker. I think those are too many titles for one who simply wishes to help"
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Day 2 - Headcanons
Before ZA she was an anti-corruption journalist, I wanted to imagine Connie heading to her office on any day.
Original illustration credit to Nicholle
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Day 4 - The Cave
I'll be back soon!
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Day 5 - Reunion
I have a feeling that the reunion will be bittersweet, joyful for some... heartbreaking for others...
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Day 6 - Favorites
Of all of Connie's favorite moments, I wanted to highlight her presentation to the ASZ board, her beautiful relationship with her sister, her courage as a warrior and the iconic moment when she saves Adam.
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Day 7 - Connie teaching ASL
This has been a fun week and I just want to thank you all for being able to participate in this event and see so many wonderful creations. Thanks!
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My thanks to @sunflowervoltage for creating Connie's Week, it has been fun and a privilege to share so much love and admiration for our Queen.
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sunflowervoltage · 5 years
 Connie Week Day 6 - Favorites
For Day 6 "Favorites," I decided to do a little analysis on one of my favorite Connie scenes, from the episode "Chokepoint."
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sunflowervoltage · 5 years
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#ConnieWeek #ConnieWeekDay5
Day 5 - Reunion 🥺🥰❤️
Having seen many fans & mutuals discuss & imagine the reunion of Connie & Daryl, I picture it to be a teary scene, with both happy crying & half embracing (a kiss?) I can’t wait and see what the rest of the season has in store for these two.
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sunflowervoltage · 5 years
Connie Week Day 5
For Day 5 'Reunion,' I decided to write my ideas on how I'm imagining the reunion to go. I've had it in my head that Connie & Maggie arrive at hilltop together in the aftermath of the whisperer battle.
Kelly, Yumiko & Luke would be the first to see her. Kelly, ahead of her group, would race toward her sister and tearfully embrace Connie, and Connie would hold her close. Luke and Yumiko would follow suit, wrapping their arms around the sisters, enveloping them in a tight embrace. They’d pull apart just enough, inquiring where Magna was. Yumiko would already feel it in her heart that she’s gone.
She’d wants to remain strong despite the pain engulfing her heart, and because she’d be half parts thankful for Connie’s safe return and wholly heartbroken. The absence of Magna would not be lost on Kelly or Luke, who’d look from Connie, to Yumiko to each other; a silent goodbye for their fallen friend, and they’d all embrace once more, providing comfort for each other.
Those who’d recognize their former leader Maggie would be gathering around, smiling and greeting her, watching the reunion. We’d then see a scene where Daryl is looking out a window from inside and he’d see Maggie. But due to the crowd, he wouldn’t see Connie, though he’d see her group near Maggie. He would be surprised at seeing Maggie at Hilltop at all, so he would make his way outside and toward the gathering crowd...and it would disperse just enough that he can make out the back of a familiar head of hair.
We’d see Daryl slow ever so slightly in his stride, eyes widening slightly in disbelief. You would tell his heart is pounding fast, just by the expression on his face. He’d see Kelly, Yumiko and Luke are surrounding someone and Kelly would turn just enough to notice Daryl. With a tearful smile, she’d release her hold on the one hidden from his view…Connie.
Daryl's expression would tell it all. His mouth would tremble from the shock, the relief, the unwavering affection that’d hit him like a tidal wave, and he’d make his way toward her. Connie would be smiling brightly, her own eyes shining with unshed tears. Daryl wouldn’t stop until he's right before her. Around him, eyes would watch their scene, but to Daryl and Connie, in this moment, it would just be the two of them.
Daryl would reach out a hand, almost hesitantly, as if afraid she might disappear if he got any closer. His hand would land gently on her shoulder…she'd still be there. A genuine smile would grace his lips for the first time in what would have felt like forever.
The two would lock eyes, a thousand conversations would do no justice to the raw emotions conveyed in them; emotions reserved for one another.
Closing the distance between them, neither one quite knowing who was first, their arms would wrap around the other, pulling each other into a warm embrace. Daryl would hold her tightly, because if this was some kind of elaborate dream, he'd want to cherish it for as long as possible before reality took hold.
But when they part, in what could've been seconds, minutes, or days, she'd still very much be there...and he'd feel whole again.
He’d notice the absence of Magna, and in each other’s eyes, they’d have a silent understanding of the loss; the pain of it all. They’d give one another a heartfelt smile, before he’d turn to Maggie in a greeting hug, and Connie would wrap her arm around Kelly.
Daryl and Connie would part for now…but they’d each swear a silent promise to themselves; it would never be for long. 
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sunflowervoltage · 5 years
ConnieWeek Day 4: The Cave
For 'The Cave,' I decided to compile the list of Connie moments that happened in the cave. I think this episode really illustrated again, Connie's bravery, intelligence & compassion toward others.
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