sunfyress · 10 months
oep and dsor lighting people were on the same shit and i wanna scream
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sunfyress · 3 years
ggaaaaahhhhhh fanfiction is literally just another artistic medium through which a story can be told like literally any other medium!!! it has its own strengths and its own weaknesses but people ascribing so much meaning to it like its uniquely going to save literature or destroy it are being so weird!!! it’s not doing great harm OR solving great evils its just A Way You Can Tell A Story that’s IT
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sunfyress · 3 years
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→ ablaze : robb & elaena au
Robb is fostered at Dorne under the tutelage of Prince Doran Martell. There, he grows close to the Lord’s niece with the two rarely being seen apart. It comes as a shock to both of them then when Robb is forced to ride north to rally his bannermen and fight in the war of the five kings with no promise of return...
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sunfyress · 3 years
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if u want to donate to haiti these are the organizations u can donate to instead of the red cross
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sunfyress · 3 years
CNN really purposefully mistranslated things to be Islamaphobic? That’s very 2001 of them.
they sure did
this is just one of the clips - the people behind her are saying ‘allahu akbar’, which just means ‘God is greater’, and is a phrase all muslims use during our daily prayers and day-to-day life
the reporter is on camera saying that it means ‘death to america’ instead. this is not true.
i hate the taliban just as much as the next person, clarissa, but there’s no reason to incorporate islamophobia and lies into your reporting like that
shame on CNN
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sunfyress · 3 years
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Prison abolition. Always.
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sunfyress · 3 years
The Federation of Anarchism Era in Iran and Afghanistan is accepting donations to help activists escape Afghanistan. The country is likely to fall to the Taliban within the next few days and they won’t show any mercy to activists fighting for freedom there, so please help out if you can.
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sunfyress · 3 years
hi guys muslim aid is raising money for aid in afghanistan, following the news. donate if you can, pray if you can’t. the minimum donation is £3.
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sunfyress · 3 years
Full offence but countries like America, Australia, the UK, etc, should all be -- not only accepting as many refugees from Afghanistan as need be, but helping refugees get the fuck out of Afghanistan.
We're the ones who spent twenty years fucking up their country and murdering their civilians "for fun." And then we just collectively drop everything and say "the Taliban can have you."
Fuck that noise. It's disgusting. There are untold numbers of people fleeing the Taliban right now, across the whole country, with all of them -- but especially women and anyone who might be accused of helping the old government/foreign armies -- fearing for their lives.
The Western countries that have spent two decades fucking up Afghanistan have a duty of fucking care to the civilians left behind.
Breaking news as of 16 August 2021 is that the Afghan president and all other government officials have fled Kabul. The "last stronghold" that was predicted to "hold out against the Taliban for three months" has fallen within a week, and most civilians in that city and others that have been overrun are now fearing for their lives.
We have a basic moral obligation to help them in any way possible. That includes taking unreserved numbers of refugees that are refugees in large part due to the actions of the "heroic west."
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sunfyress · 3 years
hey if you don't mind, could you explain what's going on in afghanistan right now?
I am by NO means an expert on the whole situation, so its absolutely worth looking up everything I say here for some more detail and etc, but the long and short of it is: America and all the other countries that have been involved in "the war on terror" for the last 20 years (a war which has primarily been based in Afghanistan, and which has DECIMATED much of the country) have all pulled out; quite suddenly, and with little to no handover process to even attempt to make sure that everything wouldnt fall to pieces in their wake.
And the SECOND that all the foreign countries moved out, the Taliban moved in, and have captured the majority of the country within a week, including Kabul today, 16 Aug 21, which was a) where the Afghan President was and b) was pretty much the last city that hadn't been taken by the Taliban.
There are countless displaced Afghan civilians, who have been driven from their homes in fear for their lives, and who are now refugees. Some of them made it out of the area in time; some didnt and are now hemmed in on all sides by Taliban forces.
There are multiple reports, from a BUNCH of different cities that they've taken, that the Taliban are torturing and slowly murdering anyone that they think helped any foreign power -- this includes translators who worked with foreign armies, cooks, cleaners, drivers, etc. Litwrally, if there is anyone the Taliban suspects of interacting with foreign military and doing anything other than spitting in their face, the Taliban is now viciously murdering those people.
There are also numerous reports that they are taking women and female children and forcibly marrying them off to Taliban members. I'm sure you can imagine how consenting the marriages and all they entail are on the part of the women/girls involved.
There are also reports of them recruiting young boys and men to their forces, and torturing and murdering anyone who doesn't immediately agree to sign up.
The US and its allies (Australia, UK, Canada, etc) have spent twenty years fucking up Afghanistan under the guise of "helping them to create a democracy." What we actually did was further destabilise an already destabilised nation, commit a shittonne of war crimes, and then leave them all at the not-so-tender mercies of a militia who have now, within a week, taken over the country, and who will conscript or murder their male civilians, and who will rape and/or murder their female civilians.
The various governments around the world are "shocked" at how quickly this has happened, but note!!! They knew it would happen. They're surprised by the speed with which the Taliban have taken over the country, but they have been open about knowing full well that it was only a matter of time. Their initial estimates were three months. Because three months is suuuuch a long time when you're an Afghan citizen with no means of escape who is staring down the barrel of, at best, a return to the oppressive ways of militant extremists, and, at worst, torture and murder for anyone who doesn't comply with the Taliban's whims.
The US et al occupation of Afghanistan has been appalling from the get-go, but its a brand new crime to leave the country without a leg to stand on knowing full well that within three months at best, the whole country would be under the thumb of rulers who would rape and murder their women, and torture and murder their men.
The governments in question have all been Very Stern And Gruff about telling everyone that they got their people out. My shitbag prime minister today assured the country that the Australians have all been evacuated, and other countries are doing the same.
But guess what!! The fucks i give are not limited to Australians!! I also happen to give a shit to all the Afghan people who have been left to deal with this!! I give a shit about the female journalists who are on the run because the Taliban hate free press almost as much as they hate women, so to be a female journalist is a double-banger of a crime in their eyes, so anyone who's both those things is currently being hunted down!! I also give a shit about the millions of displaced Afghan citizens who've been driven out of their homes!! I also give a shit about the sons who are being murdered in front of their families, and the girls who are being kidnapped and married to Taliban men, and the people who had to do their best to make a living while the foreign armies were there, and who will now pay with their lives for "helping the enemy."
This got longer than I planned. Theres a lot going on; this barely skims the surface.
Tldr: Western military forces have -- after squatting in their country for twenty years -- knowingly abandoned the people of Afghanistan to torture, rape, and murder as the Taliban take over the whole country.
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sunfyress · 3 years
The Federation of Anarchism Era in Iran and Afghanistan is accepting donations to help activists escape Afghanistan. The country is likely to fall to the Taliban within the next few days and they won’t show any mercy to activists fighting for freedom there, so please help out if you can.
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sunfyress · 3 years
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Saving Face (2012), acid attacks on women in Pakistan
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sunfyress · 3 years
Kabul has fallen, Afghanistan is almost completely under Taliban rule now, and President Ashraf Ghani, has fled. I wasn't alive during the Vietnam war, but having seen the images of Saigon at the end of it, it's impossible not to think of them when seeing the footage of Chinooks airlifting US embassy workers to Kabul airport. l cannot tell you how surreal it is to be watching the news from neighboring Pakistan, sitting next to my grandfather who has been alive for every change of government since the Brits left after the war.
History repeats and repeats and repeats, nobody learns a damn thing, and innocent civilians are the ones that suffer.
250 000 Afghans have left their homes. Many more are going to do so. And that's just the ones who flee. Those who don't will live under a conservative rule that is going to commit crimes against humanity on a daily basis, that is going to ruin the lives of generations to come.
The worst part is, I don't know what else there is to be done at this point. I can only pray that my country will accommodate the incoming refugees, though I fear they won't.
All I ask is that international community keep Afghanistan in their thoughts, and that everyone raises their voice against what is happening, both in terms of what the Taliban is doing, and how the actions of foreign powers led us to this point. The US, the UK, Pakistan, are all at fault, and must be held accountable
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sunfyress · 3 years
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Just like I said. Illegal adoption.
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sunfyress · 3 years
Any story which refers to Haiti as an impoverished nation, which is all of them, should also mention that when Haitians won their independence from France, French gunships showed up and demanded they pay something like 22 billion dollars in today's money to compensate France for the stolen land and enslaved people they could no longer exploit
It took Haiti over a hundred years to pay that ransom and it's difficult to explain just how badly that fucked up their entire development, especially since France also demanded a 50% discount on everything they bought from Haiti just to make it harder. Like! No wonder they're impoverished!
Anyway if France would like to assist Haiti in its current difficulties they could always pay back the fucking money they extorted
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sunfyress · 3 years
"kids these days are always on their phones, kids these days never go outside" ok how about kids these days have less freedom of movement & access to public spaces than any previous generation, forcing them indoors, forcing them to rely on electronics, when many would prefer to be outdoors hanging out with friends
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sunfyress · 3 years
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Nas has been spitting nothing but facts this week
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