sunlightaehyung · 7 years
I love and hate this video!! 😂😂😂
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sunlightaehyung · 7 years
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Library House by Shinichi Ogawa & Associates
A living and dining room with six-metre high ceilings sits at the centre of this small white house in Japan by architects Shinichi Ogawa & Associates. The house was designed with a square-shaped plan, creating a symmetrical building where all rooms surround the central living space. A wall of bookshelves lines the edge of this room, while a long narrow skylight spreads natural light across the space and glass doors lead out to private courtyards at the north and south ends of the house.
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sunlightaehyung · 7 years
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sunlightaehyung · 7 years
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sunlightaehyung · 7 years
Whenever it’s a birthday or a celebration they never forget about each other. For example, when Jin wasn’t able to attend his graduation ceremony (they knew he was sad) so they celebrated with him
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When one of them stops acting his usual way they know it. 
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They are always silently taking care of one another, be it when they are awake or asleep.
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When one of them cry the others run to hug him and console him. 
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Even if it is just a small task they offer a hand
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Be it singing, dancing or producing, they are always teaching and assisting one another where they lack. 
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When they get each other gifts even if it’s not their birthday
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When they feel the pain of each other with just a glance. There was a time Jin hurt his neck and Jimin saw that he was struggling so Jimin kept cheering him up.
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Even before debuting they stood by one another at hard times
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Even Bang Pd and the staff at BigHit can’t believe how much love they have for one another
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These boys don’t see BTS just as a business but as a family who holds each member dearly. 
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So how much do BTS care for one another? I don’t think even words like “greatly” or “remarkably” can describe it well. But I will let their deeds define it better than any speech.
By @mimibtsghost
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sunlightaehyung · 7 years
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sunlightaehyung · 7 years
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cuddle buddies ♡
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sunlightaehyung · 7 years
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sunlightaehyung · 7 years
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sunlightaehyung · 7 years
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Hwa Yang Yeon Hwa The Notes:  Seokjin 13 June YEAR 22
After returning from that sea, we were all alone. Like it was all set, we didn’t contact each other…
eng translation © ktaebwi
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sunlightaehyung · 7 years
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© VISUAL SHOCK | Editing allowed, must credit and do not crop logo.
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sunlightaehyung · 7 years
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© FLIPPED ON YOU | Do not edit.
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sunlightaehyung · 7 years
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cutie with a flame 🔥
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sunlightaehyung · 7 years
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sunlightaehyung · 7 years
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Jungkook’s playlist, now playing: Lie.mp3
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sunlightaehyung · 7 years
Can you please do BTS as dads?
(this is based on their sun signs)
the fun dad
looks like he hasn’t aged since he was 20
probably the least strict
because sagittariuses value freedom and independence 
they want their children to be their own people
super chill
doesn’t believe in strict punishment
cooks better than their mom
loves adventures
takes his kids camping, to amusement parks, anywhere they want
d a d j o k e s
always bright and sunny and cheers them up his humor
or makes them cringe
“dad im hungry” “hi hungry im dad”
[windshield wiper laugh]
instills strong morals and values in his kids
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the affectionate dad
pisces are very compassionate, patient, and understanding
so he’d be able to handle kids and their moodiness really well
the person they always go to for comfort and advice
loves spending time with his kids
always makes them feel loved and appreciated
encourages their creativity
shares his love of music with them
“kiddos u know back in the day i was kinda a big deal. they called me suga”
“dad we literally live right next door to the bangtan uncles”
makes his kids hold each other’s hands when they start arguing
cries on the first day of kindergarten
the type to take pics and make scrapbooks and record videos to keep memories
and cry proud-father-tears when rewatching them
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the cool dad
another one that’s not strict
encourages his kids to be unique and individual
wants them to have a high self esteem and not follow the crowd
would raise really artsy kids who have a unique fashion sense
lowkey would be fine with them breaking some rules
high fives them when they stand up to mean teachers or bullies
pranks his kids
acts more like their friend 
so so supportive
shows up to every sports game or performance and screams louder than all other parents
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the overprotective dad
his little ones would probably inherit his god of destruction gene
so you’d come home one day and he’s wrapping them in bubble wrap
puts all his energy into raising his kids
lowkey strict
but only because he wants to see them shine 
the house runs so well
they go to bed at exactly the same time every day
sets a curfew
has those “my child is an honor roll student” stickers on his car
brags to other parents about how gifted they are
embarrasses them in public
his kids look up to him a lot
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the hot dad
teachers flirt with him during pta meetings
impresses their classmates by picking them up in his nice car
all his daughter’s friends have a crush on him
his kids will be super popular 
always fair
can defuse fights between them like a pro
creates a calm, peaceful, and beautiful home
his kids are always the best dressed
has a really good relationship with their mom and takes her out on dates every weekend
a good listener
is like their friend and has a really tight bond with them
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the rich dad
his family will live in the nicest biggest house
works hard to make sure they’re financially secure
always away on some business trip
but comes home with so many gifts
puts his kids in the best private school
spoils them
but still keeps them down to earth
his kids have good manners from a young age
teaches them the importance of hard work and discipline
old fashioned
the type to say “i’m your father, listen to me” all the time
loves taking his family on fun extravagant vacations every summer
super proud of every little thing his kids accomplish
keeps pictures of them in his (gucci) wallet
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the organized dad
has his shit together
super reliable and dependable
keeps everything neat and tidy
helps the mom with cooking and chores
color coordinates and name tags all their toys and clothes
makes them cute lunch boxes with supportive messages every day
sings them to sleep
tries to be strict but fails
“son it’s time to study please get off the computer. wait…is that overwatch? ….okay one more round if i can join”
a bit of a worry wart
always thinking about their well being and safety
when they get sick he flips out
“y/n according to webmd they’re dying. i’ve failed as a father. this is it.”
“jungkook pls calm down it’s just a cold”
puts his little ones in sports or dancing and takes them to practice
supports the heck out of them
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sunlightaehyung · 7 years
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a gucci man
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