sunnyboy03 · 4 months
they should make it easier
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sunnyboy03 · 4 months
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I'm not against this clown coming in my room, personally!
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sunnyboy03 · 4 months
Instead of using AI to replace artists we should use AI to make these guys
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sunnyboy03 · 4 months
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The tiny eclipses are having a birthday party 🎁🎉🎂🎈
Plush eclipse is by @deadbloodzero
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sunnyboy03 · 4 months
Maybe im just gay and aromantic
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sunnyboy03 · 4 months
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The fazbears here is... less of a money-grab during pride. Less pride-themed "discounts" too.
here in fazbear entertainment, we believe in equality, that's why we are not offering any pride month discounts ❤️🏳️‍🌈 you're not escaping this capitalist nightmare just because you're queer
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sunnyboy03 · 4 months
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New friend from the ballpit
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sunnyboy03 · 4 months
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They shmoovin
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sunnyboy03 · 4 months
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sunnyboy03 · 4 months
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see ya later alligator
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sunnyboy03 · 4 months
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sunnyboy03 · 4 months
Moon gets in the driver seat this time.
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sunnyboy03 · 4 months
if a supervillain said "you wont kill me thatd make you just like me" i would simply say "no it wouldnt id be saving millions of people" and the villain would say "but youd be dooming yourself. could you really live knowing youre a killer" and id say "well id certainly have trouble. ill probably be very sad about it. definitely a lot to unpack" and theyd say "so you wont do it" and id say "oh no im still gonna" and theyd say "what" and id say "youre a supervillain responsible for countless deaths and yet here you are desperately trying to bargain for your life. you want to live. which means you can easily live with yourself after being responsible for countless deaths. i, on the other hand, will at the very least have tremendous difficulty with even killing just one person and at worst might just jump out a window right after i do it. the very nature of this whole conversation about whether we are the same has proven to me we are very much not the same and i am certain killing you to save millions is the morally correct decision here" and theyd say "what" and id say "get killed idiot"
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sunnyboy03 · 4 months
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sunnyboy03 · 4 months
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I'm just Fred💔
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sunnyboy03 · 4 months
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sunnyboy03 · 4 months
Body language cues for a few emotions
Smiling genuinely, with crinkles around the eyes.
Open body posture, with relaxed arms and shoulders.
Leaning forward slightly towards the person or object of interest.
Making eye contact with a warm and engaged expression.
Tightened jaw and clenched fists.
Furrowed brows and narrowed eyes.
Standing or sitting with a rigid and tense posture.
Pointing fingers or aggressive gestures.
Raised voice or speaking through gritted teeth.
Downcast eyes and a drooping posture.
Slumped shoulders and shallow breathing.
Avoiding eye contact and withdrawing from social interaction.
Sighing or a subdued tone of voice.
Tearfulness, with watery or red eyes.
Widened eyes with dilated pupils.
Raised eyebrows and a tense facial expression.
Frozen or rigid body posture.
Backing away or seeking physical distance from the perceived threat.
Trembling or shaking, especially in the hands or legs.
Raised eyebrows and widened eyes.
Mouth slightly agape or forming an "O" shape.
Leaning forward or recoiling backward in response to the surprise.
Quick inhalation or gasp of breath.
Rapid blinking or blinking more than usual.
Curling the upper lip or wrinkling the nose.
Narrowing the eyes and raising the upper eyelids.
Turning the head away or physically distancing oneself from the source of disgust.
Covering the mouth or nose with the hand or a tissue.
Expressing verbal disgust through phrases like "ew" or "yuck."
These are just some examples, and individuals may display variations in their body language based on their personality, cultural background, and the specific context of the situation.
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