sunnystarboy · 8 months
Cell: for halloween i'm going to make a ghost
Bad: don't you mean be a ghost?
Cell, polishing his knife: nope
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sunnystarboy · 8 months
just a continuation of this letter:
"dear son, I miss you
things here are getting more and more complicated, your father forever disappeared (I hope he's with you), I still haven't heard from your father Mike, your father Felps... well it's still Felps.
But what distresses me most are the things that happened recently, now you have a new mother, Bagi.
She's cool, I discovered that she's your father Cellbit's sister, but I can't understand their relationship, and why he never said anything about her in prison... Well, he didn't say anything in prison, he did.
But what worries me most is Cell's return, he's back.
Some members of the federation were killed, he went back to using the nickname he called me "sweetie", he started making a twitch with his tongue again, he came back and that terrifies me.
I don't know if he's a threat to you, but I don't trust him, in fact I don't know, before he had nothing to lose, but now he does.
I hope you are well, I don't know how long I can last without freaking out because of your absence, I can't take this anymore.
With all concern, your father Pac"
just a hc about Q!pac writing letters for when richas comes back
"Dear son, the days without you have been horrible.
Your father Mike hasn't come back yet, and I no longer have hope that he'll come back, Fit tells me that I need to have more hope, but what hope? Without you two I am nothing.
Your father Forever has become more and more crazy, he has been saying nonsense things and even said about blowing up the island, now he says everything is perfect, I'm afraid of him now, bad and his father Cellbit tried to talk to him, but nothing works, when I tried he said I needed to talk to cucurucho, your absence is already taking effect.
Your father Felps tries to deal with things with humor, it's his way of dealing with pain, he's the fool and he's trying to pretend that you're going to come back quickly, I'm not sure anymore, but I really wanted to.
Your father Cellbit is trying everything, he even adopted a cat! I don't know where he got this cat from, but i think his name is Zemo, you would love him. I'm still afraid of F!Cell coming back, it seems like at any moment he's going to freak out and kill everyone, but I think Roier gives him a little sanity, he's holding back a little, I don't know how long this will last , but I hope it lasts until your return.
I'm finishing the capybara village, I left space for you! You will love every part, even a little flower for Bobby I put, I hope he likes it too.
Everything without you and your father mike doesn't make much sense, I even tried to spend a little time with Tubbo, Fit and Niki, they are incredible, but it's not you both, I miss you so much my son.
For now I think that's it, I hope that when you come back we can read this so I can tell you every part of this, please son, come back to us.
I love you so much, with love: Your father Pac"
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sunnystarboy · 8 months
just thinking about q!pac's situation and the idea that he already knew about hg!cell earlier than he thought
imagine that he was actually in the hunger games (considering the TW hc in his name is because of a gang) and he saw the cell at some point, and was thinking "what is someone my age doing here?" but he didn't know who he was
in one of the videos the two even joke "we are the best killers here" What if Pac forgot? If after all this something happened and his memories were messed up? He doesn't remember the Hunger Games, he doesn't remember how Cell ate his leg.
Or did he choose not to remember?
And if Mike helped him forget, because he knew that he knew that it would hurt him, that he would dwell on it and think that it was his fault
What if he doesn't have these memories by choice?
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sunnystarboy · 9 months
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you like jazz 🎷🥴
clip here
He’s going to be so embarrassed if he remembers this after his recovery
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sunnystarboy · 10 months
just a hc about Q!pac writing letters for when richas comes back
"Dear son, the days without you have been horrible.
Your father Mike hasn't come back yet, and I no longer have hope that he'll come back, Fit tells me that I need to have more hope, but what hope? Without you two I am nothing.
Your father Forever has become more and more crazy, he has been saying nonsense things and even said about blowing up the island, now he says everything is perfect, I'm afraid of him now, bad and his father Cellbit tried to talk to him, but nothing works, when I tried he said I needed to talk to cucurucho, your absence is already taking effect.
Your father Felps tries to deal with things with humor, it's his way of dealing with pain, he's the fool and he's trying to pretend that you're going to come back quickly, I'm not sure anymore, but I really wanted to.
Your father Cellbit is trying everything, he even adopted a cat! I don't know where he got this cat from, but i think his name is Zemo, you would love him. I'm still afraid of F!Cell coming back, it seems like at any moment he's going to freak out and kill everyone, but I think Roier gives him a little sanity, he's holding back a little, I don't know how long this will last , but I hope it lasts until your return.
I'm finishing the capybara village, I left space for you! You will love every part, even a little flower for Bobby I put, I hope he likes it too.
Everything without you and your father mike doesn't make much sense, I even tried to spend a little time with Tubbo, Fit and Niki, they are incredible, but it's not you both, I miss you so much my son.
For now I think that's it, I hope that when you come back we can read this so I can tell you every part of this, please son, come back to us.
I love you so much, with love: Your father Pac"
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sunnystarboy · 10 months
just one hc after Q!Pac's kidnapping!
Pac was curled up in the Chume Labs green armchair, he was watching the sea, everything seemed so calm, the sound of water hitting the rocks was calming for anyone.
anyone but Q!Pac.
the sound of the sea scared him, made him panic
"hey 'moço" Mike called him touching his shoulder, which made the boy flinch in his chair "sorry, but you're tired, come on let's go to sleep"
Pac didn't answer, he just kept watching the sea, his prosthetic leg was gone when he was kidnapped, he felt impotent.
"Let's go Pac" Mike helped him out of the chair, supporting his body next to his "I need to make a new prosthesis for you, yours was out of date"
"actually it's my fault" Pac finally said something, laying his head on his partner's shoulder "I made them malfunction on missions for Etoiles or Fit to hold me"
Mike laughed, it was good to have his friend like that again, it was good to have him back
"then you complain that we call you and Forever piranhas, look at you!" Pac laughed heartily and punched him in the shoulder.
the boys went to Mike's room, talking as they always did, Mike felt that Pac's heart was calm, but at the same time I had an ounce of concern
"I promise things will change" Mike said to Pac, helping him get acquainted in bed, how long had he not felt that comfort? He missed it so much "no one will separate us again"
So pac slept, feeling Mike's heart calm for being there, the boy still heard the screams and the sound of water when he closed his eyes, but when Mike felt that he just hugged him tighter, saying that everything was fine, that nothing would separate them
everything was finally alright, no one would tear them apart again
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sunnystarboy · 10 months
just thinking about how the tazercraft relationship is basically ying and yang, one needs the other to maintain balance
Q!Mike is chaos, he likes to make machines for destruction, he's the type of person who doesn't think twice before doing something
But Q!Pac is the calm, he keeps Q!Mike sane, he thinks and analyzes before doing something.
But when Q!Pac was kidnapped everything changed, things were reversed.
Q! Mike had to stop, analyze, stay calm so as not to run the risk of losing his partner forever, he was afraid.
But Q!Pac? He had freaked out, he knew it was no use anymore, he was freaking out, screaming, crying, without Q!Mike or without Richarlyson it was no use anymore, they had lost.
one needs the other, they will always need each other
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sunnystarboy · 10 months
I'm back and with theory! Hope you like it
I was thinking about the nameless egg (I call it hope) was the q!willbur's first egg?
think with me, q!will took a while to have tallulah, and there was an old egg waiting to be adopted, but since q!Wilbur took a while to arrive and the egg was already weak, they ended up dying of neglect.
So when q!Will arrived, the federation just took another egg, Tallulah.
no one knows how long the egg was there, but thinking that they would have the immunity of a child, then they could have died so easily, and The egg seemed to write poetically, which is somewhat reminiscent of what! Will
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sunnystarboy · 10 months
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tallulah got two dads for the price of one
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sunnystarboy · 11 months
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Collecting them like pokemon cards
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sunnystarboy · 11 months
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à la mode
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sunnystarboy · 11 months
Okay but imagine JV starting to be a semi god (or god I haven't decided yet) of luck after dying in impossible escape, promising that they wouldn't hurt the tazercraft like they hurt him
I like to think about the goddess and the demi-gods in the qsmp
Like, we know about the Kristen being the goddess of death and Barb/Mine being the goddess of creation/creativity, and Sabi and Lore being the semi-gods of love.
But how about Slimecicle's girlfriend being the goddess of mourning/anger? Or Tina (i'm saying this as a platonic way bc she acts like a sister) being like a fairy around foolish? Because foolish is already a demi-god.
But i was thinking about Febatista being the demi-god of gossip, bc he's always in the chat, and some god without face being the god of luck, Tazercraft always step in the lore and come out unharmed.
Idk if makes sense but i like this
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sunnystarboy · 11 months
I like to think about the goddess and the demi-gods in the qsmp
Like, we know about the Kristen being the goddess of death and Barb/Mine being the goddess of creation/creativity, and Sabi and Lore being the semi-gods of love.
But how about Slimecicle's girlfriend being the goddess of mourning/anger? Or Tina (i'm saying this as a platonic way bc she acts like a sister) being like a fairy around foolish? Because foolish is already a demi-god.
But i was thinking about Febatista being the demi-god of gossip, bc he's always in the chat, and some god without face being the god of luck, Tazercraft always step in the lore and come out unharmed.
Idk if makes sense but i like this
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sunnystarboy · 11 months
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PAC + a little Richas !!!
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sunnystarboy · 11 months
everything bad has said about q!bad's origins:
bad: my character...is ancient. but silly, at the same time, mkay? y'know what's funny? hold on, i think i put down--they asked you to put down how old your character is on the form, um, and i think i put born in 9600 BCE. approximately. there's a canonical reason for that. bad: a better way of phrasing it is not that that's when my character first was born, that's when my character first arrived, if that makes sense. bad: relatively, my character is so young. so young and spry! nope, young and spry. it's just, by human age, my character's old. but my character is relatively young. bad: i'll say that my character's arrival corresponds with, like, a major historical event. theoretically.
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sunnystarboy · 11 months
Pomme waking up today: it’s my birthday! :D
Pomme going to sleep today: I killed a man.
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sunnystarboy · 11 months
pacmanduo/pactoiles is so cute like this silly little scientist guy has a crush on the cool brave warrior who he dreams of taking him through a dangerous dungeon as a date. etoiles is married to the grind but still wants to go with him. good for them
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