sunnytx92-blog · 8 years
Dancing the day away!
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sunnytx92-blog · 8 years
My health, what a struggle.
Well, I'll be honest I've never been the healthiest person. I have my bad habits. Recently found out that if I didn't start making changes I'd have some serious consequences. In July I went to the doctor. I was told that my weight was at 246, that's only 20 pound lighter than I was in high school. I lost a lot of the weight when I moved and I felt like I was doing good. I was down to 170, I felt great. Until I stopped being as active. I stopped riding my bicycle, I was drinking heavily, had many difficult things happen at once. Had to move back home. I didn't know how to cope. I lost control. Life kept throwing me curve balls. Some new health issues made it difficult to keep the weight off. Well this last July I started really trying to make it work. It may not seem like much but I just stepped off the scale. 233.7, it's not much of a difference but it means the world to me. Small steps, all I can do is keep trying.
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sunnytx92-blog · 8 years
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sunnytx92-blog · 8 years
Feeling a certain way today. Got some news from the doctor I didn’t really like. Nothing I can do about it. #FaithManages
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