sunofrainbowdash · 7 years
[~a phone call~]
Look, I know we fought, but I figured after what happened after the fight, it wouldn’t matter.
You think sex fixes things? 
I think if you were planning on still being upset with me, you should’ve controlled yourself, yes.
You didn’t give me much of a chance to say no.
Would you’ve said no?
All of this is so beside the point right now, Suzy.
Sorry. I forgot. You didn’t get to finish yelling at me.
I’m not going to yell at you. I just want to tell you a few things.
I’ve been so confused for weeks. Stupidly confused. Essentially, I was questioning everything about what I had known. Then Mina had you over, and there was nothing confusing about you, and you didn’t try to throw up this pretense, and you made your feelings, whatever they were, clear. It was easy to understand, and it didn’t feel like a giant slap in the face. 
So, I went for it, but, right now, I hate everything I’ve done because of that, because maybe stuff like this isn’t supposed to be easy, and... it feels like I’ve become someone completely different in the middle of all of this, and I don’t like who I am right now. I’m not blaming you for it, but-- even so, how you were intentionally trying to hurt Sophie, I... I’m not gonna put up with that, Suzy? Do you understand? It is my fault, I know it. Because I should have never put up my own pretense of giving you my heart, when it’s really only ever belonged to one person.
I-- shouldn’t have lied to you... either of you. But I’m not gonna keep lying to you anymore. It’s- It’s over, Suzy.
[A huff from the other side of the line.] I was wrong, you know. You don’t like her. You love her.
I-I don’t know. Maybe.
Whatever. I think it’s clear. If it isn’t to you now, I’m sure it will be soon enough. 
-- I’m sorry.
Don’t. Just don’t. 
[She hangs up, and Sun is left with Suzy’s words flying around his brain. He’s there with his head in his hands when his door opens. Not even a knock, yikes.] 
Sun Dae! How could you?!
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Mina? What?
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You and Suzy? Really?! And you’ve lied to me all this time? 
Oh... that.
Yes! ‘Oh that’! Sun what are you thinking?! Do you even know--???
Mina, listen--.
I don’t want your explanation! Do you even know how upset Sophie is? She won’t talk to me! She won’t see me! 
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No- I know... I know, but if you’d just--
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And how did Sophie find this out if you were lying to everyone?
S-Suzy told her.
You just let her do that. You let her say something that you knew would hurt Sophie. What is wrong with you? You supposedly like Sophie, and even with that aside, she has been your friend for years. You put all of that aside for a girl you hardly know? I don’t understand!
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Mina, would you just let me talk for a second please?
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Since you asked nicely.
I know it was wrong, and dumb, and horrible. I get that now. I wasn’t thinking, is probably the right answer. I didn’t mean to hurt Sophie-- I wasn’t even sure it was possible, I just... got a big head, I guess. But Suzy and I are over now. I broke up with her because of what she did to Sophie. 
What Suzy did to Sophie? You should really be more concerned about what you did to her.
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I am, but I can’t take it back now, can I?
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Probably not.
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I really screwed over the one chance I actually had, didn’t I, Mina?
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Oh-Oh, Sun.
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[And now she’s just gonna hug her big bro, because she’s not even SURE OF AN ANSWER.]
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sunofrainbowdash · 7 years
spikedsophie replied to your post: private
y r u like this
*why is suzy like this
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sunofrainbowdash · 7 years
[As soon as Sophie was out the door and Suzy was in, Sun felt himself getting very, vERY angry. For a few seconds, he did nothing but stare at the door. He could feel the gaze of Suzy on him, and he didn’t have to look at her to be able to tell she was angry too. Without looking at her, he decided to speak.]
Suzy. My room. Now.
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[Suzy said nothing in response, but started walking, practically stomping all the way. Sun gave exactly ZERO fucks that she was mad right now, because he doubted it compared to how PISSED he was right now. So, wordlessly, he followed her up the stairs, and once they got behind closed doors, it was time to explode.]
What the hell gives you the right to say that when all I’ve told you all this time was that we were not going to say anything?
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Right, you told me that. And why was it you told me we couldn’t tell anyone? Because your family thinks you should be dating her! I’m some big secret, and all the while, she gets to be around you whenever she wants!
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So, you decide on your own that you should drop a bomb like that?
Why does it have to be a bomb drop, Sun? If she doesn’t like you like you told me she doesn’t, why should it matter to her if you have a girlfriend?!
That’s not the point, Suzy. The point is that I said we weren’t going to tell anyone!
She likes you, and you know it! Or else she wouldn’t have acted that way when she left!
Surprisingly enough, I think she might have a right to react that way when you said what you said so bluntly.
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You still like her, don’t you?
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You’re reading into this way too much.
You defend her so much!
We’ve been friends for years, Suzy. What do you think I’m gonna do?!
I think you should be concerned with your girlfriend, and not the girl who you’ve admitted to liking, supposedly, in the past!
She hasn’t done anything to you!
She likes my boyfriend!
Yeah, and I like her a lot better than I like you right now. Let me tell you.
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So you’re saying you do still like her?
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I’m saying I don’t like the way you’re acting. All of that downstairs was so ridiculously uncalled for. You’re not in a competition, so don’t try to make it one.
Would I lose?
There you freaking go again. Suzy, damn it, just stop. If you don’t stop trying to make it a competition between you and Sophie, yeah, you will lose.
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Then you don’t make it a competition either, Sun!
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Are you kid-- How?! How have I done that?!
You’re dating me, but you like her! That’s not right!
I’m dating you! That’s what should matter!
You didn’t even deny liking her!
Suzy! Just stop! I’ve had it! You’re acting nuts.
Sorry for liking you enough to not want to lose you to someone else!
Ever consider that the nuts could make you?! Holy craP. I’m done. I’m so done.
No you’re not. You don’t-- no you’re not.
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Try me? If I can’t have your trust, and I don’t have yours, what’s the point???
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Don’t be so stupid.
It’s not stupid. You did something I asked you not to do, and it-- upset an old friend. I have a right to say what I want to say, Suzy! 
Just-- Just shut up, Sun. Just shut up.
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[Sun is surprised, and he’s still mad. He wants to push her away, and yell at her more, and maybe kick her out, but does he? He does not.  There is the teen male side of him that kicks in almost immediately, and it’s pretty much over from that point. No more yelling. No more talking. Not for awhile anyway. Nope.]
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sunofrainbowdash · 7 years
The Metaphorical Death of the Sun
Sophie: [Sophie's been avoiding everything having to do with the Dae's. It was a hard, realizing that she couldn't even go two measley? weeks without seeing one of them. And it was the mother, of all of them. Let's ignore the fact that she'd pretty much cut Mina out of her life, and Sun, forget him as she tried, she still found herself thinking about him. Moreso as she was sitting down in his house chatting up with his mother. It was like old times, as if nothing happened, but this time, sitting at the coffee table she was wishing he'd actually not turn up. There wasn't any hint of hope for a ~surprise sun~ anywhere in her thoughts. It was obviously so opposite, and though she'd already felt a little more happiness in her life with her chat of Miss Rainbow Dash coming to an end, she knew that was about to be over with. So the Mrs? excused herself with a phone call, swearing to come back after-- which is probably what she never did-- and as Sophie was about to pick up her purse and make her way out, well I'm assuming Sun is there to metaphorically slap her in the face. wait i'm lying, there's a suzy for that lol]
Sun: [Sun's been at his internship all day, and he's ready to relax, and have a nice time hanging around his house (Suzy is in fact coming over, but he's, again, gonna find a way to sneak her in, like he probably has been all of this time. Yike.), but AS IT SEEMS, his family does not tell him when they will be having company, and I'm sure there's something about the air that gives it away immediately that Sophie is there. So when he walks into the living room and sees that she actually is there, his shoulders sag over, and he just sighs, thinking of the last conversation they had. He says nothing to her, as he figures, yup, she probably wants that. He's on his couch. There we go.]
Sophie: [She looked away immediately, having to tear her eyes away from the gorgously dressed Sun. And on the inside she wanted, and almost acted on impulse to swing that bag of hers at him. She would have rather GONE BLIND, than to see him so fine and dandy, and dresed almost too much to her appeal. So with a sinking and feirce eyeroll, she gritted her teeth to force back the, well, the betrayal, and the sadness inside of her. And though she knew it wasn't an outright betrayal--something he could not have done purposely, he had to have known what he did to her. He had to have known how insanely he made her feel, and if he didn't well, she would surely tell him.] I just don't understand... [She takes a step towards him.] how you sleep at night. [She scoffs.] How can one person treat someone so... [and she stops there because she's trying to find the word.] Disgustingly. If you didn't want anything to do with me, why would you push me so hard?
Sun: [He definitely had not been expecting her to say anything to him. He honestly thought she'd just pick up her stuff and leave. So when he heard her speak, he might have jumped a little, and he sunk into the couch when it registered that he was being, well, chastised. She confused him /so/ /much/. She'd taken everything back, right? So why was he still being yelled at? He looked away from her, casting his eyes to the floor. Normally he'd be throw the attitude back at her, but he just couldn't right now. So, all while she was speaking, he didn't look at her. Though, when she presented a question to him, which he presumed was not rhetorical, he looked back to her, and sighed. He ignored the statement before the question, because it was ridiculous to say that he'd not wanted anything to do with her.] Pushing you how, Sophie?
Sophie: Do I really have to go over this with you? [She's shaking her head right now, because honesly she's vibrating with a small rage because wTF sUN.] I never wanted any of this. I told you I didn't, and you pushed me. You p l a y e d with my mind, and then finally when I had fully convinced myself that you were right, entirely right for me [EXASPERATED SIGH.] You know I was mean, REALLy mean to you, but you can't even fathom-- you can't even comprehend how you've been treating me. And I thought we were friends. Friends don't do this to each other. So now what, Sun? I have to apologize to Mina and your mom, and explain to them that I can't stand their ~Sun enough to even come over? Is that fair Sun?
Sun: Sophie, that's not even... [He wanted to argue that everything she'd just said wasn't fair for him either; that she gave him no inclination of liking him for any reason other than what he might have on that day, and that her behavior was /confusing/ for him. But she appeared to have it in her head that only he was in the wrong, and it wasn't possible to fight Sophie when her mind was made up.] I don't know what you want me to say to you. I'm sorry, but I don't know what to do, okay? I wasn't /playing/ you. It's- It's complicated.
Sophie: Complicated? No. You don't get me to realize I have feelings for you and shove them down the drain when you want. You don't get to use my own words against me. You weren't just a lapse in judgement, and you fail to see that. But I see everything now, and you can sit there and diminish it all to one "complication", but it doesn't change the fact that I cared. And it wasn't fair to you to turn me away like that, not when you and your family are such a big part of my life. And you don't get to just say "sorry", Sun. Not if you're going to be this much of a jerk. [So huff, and there's a turning away because she's sad again, and let's not say anything more because she's gonna cry like an enormous baby heading towards the door bye sun.]
Sun: [So he feels bad. Really bad, as he should, because he's a lying, triflin' ho. He's frowning a really big frown, and he still isn't sure of what to do, because Sophie showing emotion was still a foreign thing to him, and so he didn't know how to react or what to say to her. All he did know was that he didn't want her feeling whatever way it was she was feeling. (Robot Sophie was easy to deal with. Sophie with feelings? Yikes.) So, when she turns to go to the door, for the first time I'm guessing, ever, he's gonna get up off the couch, and start to follow her out.] Sophie. That's-- I didn't mean it like that. I'm just-- it's--. [He just makes a face, because he's not sure how to finish that sentence. She's taken the ability to speak from him. How lovely.] I will /never/ be able to do that. Ever. Not really. [I think it's clear which part of her rant he's answering, but boy saying that is gonna bite him in the butt in a second.]
Sophie: [Not once did she turn around, okay. Not once, because she was too busy finding her own composure. So she really didn't see that wierd face he made towards her, she couldn't even force herself to turn around a take his words in, and she couldn't make herself spin around to see if they were true or not by the look in his face. Because they probably weren't, that was her opinion. So the muttering shadow behind her fought with his words, and her eyes were on the door in front of her. Before twisting the door knob, however, she had decided that maybe it was time to face that ice cream boy. So she did. There was a tiny spin, face to face, and so yeah, maybe she did believe him, because she felt like she was seeing a completely different part of the guy. Maybe they were capable.] Either way, it's too late isn't it? You've already made it evident that you're not to be trusted. [So with a nervous sadden laughter she shrugged.] There's nothing you can say to make me f e e l any better.
Suzy: [SO, somebody had sent Sun a text in between the time he got up from the couch and now. (HE LEFT HIS PHONE IN THE LIVING ROOM, ROOKIE MISTAKE.) Suzy assumes the twisting of the door knob is Mr. Dae coming to open the door, because Sophie has impeccable timing. So when the doorknob stays stationary, she is confused. She just k n o c k s on the door, like 'hello????', and perhaPS, she calls Sun's name, like 'wyd bf?']
Sophie: [As if to cement her last statement there is a voice heard from outside, and she cuts her eyes at that Sun.] I'm sorry, am I interrupting something? [SO THE DOOR IS OPENED. THANKS PARRIsh, and the ReVEALING OF SUZY IS LIKE THE REVEALING OF THE PHANTOMS BIG UGLY BURNT UP FACE. THANKS PARRISH, Actually it's not even like that, beause Sophie is not surprised. So arms folded across her chest there is an eyeroll and a sARCASTIC ADDRESSING.] Mina's friend, wonderful of you to join us. [though her eyes are occupied on Sun as they are shooting AVADA KEDAVRAS AT HIM.]
Sun: [Sun's eyes go wide. Like, terror spreads across his whole face, for real. When he sees that face of his ~girlfriend~, now looking confused because of the fact that Sophie is standing there with him, he wants to run up to his room and lock the door. But none of that terror could have amounted to the PURE TERROR he felt when his eyes landed back on Sophie, who was looking at him with a face akin to that of this https://encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/image...] S-Suzy. [He gives the most awkward and scared of smiles. And then he mumbles.] You're early.
Suzy: [As I said, Suzy's looking at Sophie with much confusion, because WHY is she here? Why is she standing here ALONE with Sun? And WHY is she speaking to her in such a way. She looks to Sun.] I texted you to tell you I was here. [And then back to Sophie, because reALLY. She's giving the biggest upside down smiley emoji face right now. AND THEN BACK TO SUN AGAIN.] I'm still Mina's friend, am I?
Sophie: [And though the girl looked at her with much confusion, Sophie stood her ground, not even taking a step backwards to let the SUZY IN. And honestly there was a scoff at the idea, having to text someone when you're at the Dae residence, rather than walking right in as Sophie did. So to Suzy: http://33.media.tumblr.com/953dfa1f74743..., just because] She asked a question Sun. Answer it.[There is an eyebrow raise towards him, and more of those evil stares, but imagine a softening because, answer it Sun and don't be wrong.] What else, no, who else could she be?
Sun: [Under the gaze of both of the women in front of him, Sun was starting to sweat. His eyes kept flashing back and forth between both of them rapidly, because, boy he was in DOO-DOO.] She's-- uh... She's-- uh... Suzy? Just Suzy... [He gives Suzy this look like WHY ARE YOU SAYING THESE THINGS. IT'S SUPPOSED TO BE /SECRET/.]
Suzy: [Now this, as you could imagine, has Suzy annoyed, angry and V V UPSET. She gives a look expressing all of these things to Sun in response to what he'd just said. So she huffs, angrILY, ANNOYED at the idiot known as Sun Dae. With no regard for Sun, because there has to be some UNDERLYING REASON as to why he didn't want Sophie to know, she turns back to the other girl.] I. Am. His. Girlfriend. So, maybe, you should let. me. inside. [Said through grit teeth, oh jesus.]
Sophie: [Have to admit that word has got a Sophie real sHOOk THANKS PARRISH. So sure, she WAS looking at Suzy with a wild condescending look before because step off, but now it appeared she was the one to be stEPPINg OFF. So again to Sun trying to hide the hurt in her eyes, but come on, she REALLY LIKES HIM AND SHE CANT DO THAT OMFG.] Is it true? [And turn to Suzy.] Don't speak. [Holding up a hand to that one, like no.] I'd like to hear a confirmation because a second ago there wasn't a complication, right? [A THIS LOOK http://i.imgur.com/dryDpEy.gif ALRIGHT.] I guess I didn't realize it was Mina's friend.
Sun: Suzy! [And he's gonna sound angry, and mean, and v pissed, because how daRE she take that into her own hands, and just decide to tell someone (especially Sophie) that they were together? He looked at Sophie when she spoke again, and seeing the look on her face- one he'd never really seen before- it was like his heart sank just a little bit, because onlY NOW does he see that, yup, he was cruel to her as well. Just in a different way than she had been to him.] Soph... I--... Y-Yeah. Yeah she's-- it's true. Yeah.
Suzy: [UNFAZED BY THE BOY GETTING ANGRY WITH HER, TBH.] Right. His /girlfriend/. So, if you could let me in please?
Sophie: [And cut those eyes back to Suzy.] Congratualations. [A this look. http://i.imgur.com/3WJbUV5.gif] You seem perfect for each other, I could go for punching you both in the face right now. [BUT SHE DOESN'T, though there is a WONDERFUL SHOVE, and she makes her exit.]
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sunofrainbowdash · 7 years
You’re not mad, right?
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What? Mad about what?
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... The other day?
Oh, that? No. I’m not. Why do you ask?
You’re just-- acting different, I guess.
Am I?
Yeah, like now. Everything you say is in the form of a question. 
Is it?
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Suzy, come on.
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It’s fine, Sun. Really. Your past history that you didn’t feel the need to tell me about is fine. No big deal. Guys like girls all the time. Nothing new.  It’s alright.
-- Okay, you say that...
Should I have a problem with it? Is there a reason it should make me angry?
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I’m not saying that, you just seem bothered by it.
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Well, I’m fine. [And she turns her body away from him and crosses her arms, very clearly NOT fine.]
Suzy, I-- don’t know what you want me to say here.
I just want some sort of detail, okay?! I’m not asking for the full story of your childhood with her, but I want to know something!
Like what??
How long ago did you like her?
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Oh. Uh...
And maybe be honest with me, if you can.
I mean-- uh, not as long ago as you... might... think.
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What exactly does that mean?
[mumbling af.] A... few-- weeks ago, I guess. [nervous chuckle af.]
A few weeks ago?!
But, I mean-- it was-- it was over before we...
Before we??
Look, if... if I wanted to be with Sophie, I wouldn’t be dating you. Okay?
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So, your feelings are just gone. Like that? 
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I--... Yeah. They are.
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And do you know how she feels?
Who can ever tell, really?
I doubt you have to worry about her wanting me, alright?
... Alright. Fine.
You have to trust me when I say that if I had any chance, or any feelings at all, I would be with her, and not you.
I like you, Suzy.
I like you too.
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Good~. Now let’s stop talking about it.
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sunofrainbowdash · 7 years
[Trifliln’s probably been snuck up to Sun’s room somehow, without anybody seeing her. No, nothing ~scandalous is happening. They’re just talking.]
Sun, I have something to suggest...
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Yeah? What?
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I think... I think we should tell Mina about us.
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Oh... Uh-- yeah, that’s probably not the best idea.
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Why? I don’t like lying to her. She’s so sweet.
I don’t like lying either, but... well, it’s complicated.
Tell me about it?
I just-- don’t think she’d... be... happy with me.
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But she likes me. 
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It wouldn’t be about you, Suzy.
Then why? We wouldn’t have to hide and lie so much.
Just-- other circumstances not having to do with you. That’s all.
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That face isn’t reassuring.
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Look, it’s not you. Honestly. I’ve just had a certain... thing... before that’s gotten me an-- expectation of sorts-- placed on me by my mother and sister, and it’s not about you.
A thing? Like a girl?
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I mean-- not-- it wasn’t like, a thing...
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But it is a girl?
I-- uh-- I guess so? 
That girl from the other day?
I guess...
The family friend?
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I... she-- we’re, uh-- she’s, uh-- I... Yeah, her.
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What thing is there with her?
There-- isn’t?
Why is there an expectation from your family then?
Idunknow. [doihavetosayignorethelollipop]
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You don’t like her, do you?
We’re childhood friends.
That doesn’t exactly answer my question, Sun.
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I-- it’s... at some-- point... before...?
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Why didn’t you tell me about that?
I didn’t think it was important?
Does she like you? Is that why she was so rude to me?
I told you. Sophie’s just like that.
But does she like you?
I-- [no, probably not anymore.] doubt it.
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You doubt it?
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S’what I said.
[There’s a long pause, and Suzy seems really contemplative. She’s got a face of deep thought on. Sun longs to jump out of his own window to get out of the pressing silence. It seems like a decade before his lady is speaking again.]
It’s late. I should probably go home.
Wh-- You don’t have to leave, Suzy.
Yeah, I do. I’ll call you tomorrow, Sun.
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Su-- [He’s reaching for her arm to stop her from walking.] Do you mean that?
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Yeah. I don’t lie. [Sun feels that slap. Yikes.] Bye, Sun.
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sunofrainbowdash · 7 years
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sunofrainbowdash · 7 years
So, I have a question.
Who was the girl here earlier?
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Sophie? Family friend. Why?
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She just left so-- rudely. She referred to me with such... contempt.
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Yeah... she does that.
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I was just wondering why she might have done so.
Rudeness and contempt are kind of her default emotions.
And she’s a family friend?
Your family seems too nice for that.
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She’s been around since she was born. She may as well be family herself.
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Do you like her?
I mean, is she an okay person once you get to know her? If your mother and Mina like her, she must be alright... despite how she comes off.
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Yeah, she’s alright sometimes, I guess.
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She didn’t seem very nice.
She just has little tolerance for things she finds-- trivial. 
Manners must be trivial to her.
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No, she’s-- she’s alright.
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Well, if you say so, it must be true.
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Yeah, exactly.
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Fine then. She’s alright.
Yup. Alright.
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sunofrainbowdash · 7 years
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cr; seulgipooh
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sunofrainbowdash · 7 years
How are you feeling?
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Is there any other way to feel besides good?
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A couple of ways, yeah. But I’m glad you feel that way instead of those ways.
And how do you feel?
Even better than good, I think.
I wish you could stay.
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My mom wakes up super-early, and if I’m not there when she’s awake, I’ll be interrogated. Plus-- work tomorrow. But I wish I could too.
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One more kiss before you go~?
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I think I can oblige, yeah~.
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Yeah. That’ll do~~. Call me tomorrow???
Wouldn’t miss it.
[Suzy manages to pull him in for one more kiss before he gets out the door, and then he’s finally alone with his thoughts, and without the influence of the siren, he can definitely think a lot more clearly. 
And yes, the physical feeling of it all was more than good, and it was something his teenage-self was definitely thanking him for because, let’s be honest, Suzy was a goddess-- there was an emotional feeling that was off. He didn’t have to think hard to know what it was about. 
Maybe it felt like he was betraying himself a little bit-- betraying his heart even. And maybe, just maybe, it felt like he was betraying someone else too. Not just every dream he’s had for years, but the subject of those dreams all of that time.
But that was so confusing-- and this, everything with Suzy was so simple, and it was easy, and he never had to guess whether or not she really liked him. She treated him like a human being that was on her level, and not like he was some-- lesser peasant, or something similar.
So, even if it felt like some form of betrayal in his heart, he was content to follow his head for now. Because his head was a lot less headache inducing right now, if it made sense to say.
When he got home, he flopped down in his bed, and covered his face with his pillow, and let out a groan of confusion. And just perhaps, his dreams were filled with the face of a pony child~.]
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sunofrainbowdash · 7 years
~~~~ Last Night ~~~~
[It’s now after dinner, and Sun is back in his room. He stayed as silent as he could without looking suspicious to his mother through dinner, and avoided as much eye contact with Suzy as he could so he didn’t look suspicious to Mina. He wasn’t sure how much the latter worked. But, as soon as dinner was over, he bounded up to his room again, (his safe place), and he was alone and thinking too much. Way too much. Scratch that; way too much about girls. Plural.
And guess what? It was only gonna be even harder to silence his mind, because there was a knock on his door. Though he wanted to pretend like he’d fallen asleep so as to not have to interact with any else tonight, he didn’t. He yelled out a ‘come in’, and the person that opened the door was Suzy. Sun raised an eyebrow.]
I wanted to ask you something, so I told Mina I was going to the bathroom.
How’d you know what room was mine?
Your name’s on the door, silly.
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Oh... right...
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What’d you want to ask me?
I was just wondering if maybe you-- wanted to come over for dinner tomorrow night, if you’re not busy, or...
On Valentines’ Day?
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There is irony in the timing of events, yes.
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You little romantic~.
Oh, shut up. It wasn’t intentional.
Yes or no, Sun.
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If you cook as good as you bake, sure.
Then it’s a definitely.
Good. If you give me your number, I can text you my address and a time later. [She steps forward and hands Sun her phone. He types it in and hands it back to her, with no other questions asked, really.] I’ll see you tomorrow then~. [She leans down to kiss his cheek, and she ~sashays~ out of the room, like the triflin’ she is.]
[Sun falls back onto his bed after she exits, and pulls something a little like this.]
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~~~~ The next day (also known as today) ~~~~
[Sun is now leaving his room, all dressed up and pretty to head over to Suzy’s. Before he’s three steps away from his door, Mina’s stopped in front of him, wearing a confused look. She’s actually going to break the silence for the first time in days.]
Do you have plans tonight?
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Uh, yeah. I guess.
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With who? Remy will be with Arabella, and you never hang out with anyone else.
Company dinner.
They want an intern there?
I’m a really good asset.
I was just checking because you were acting really weird around Suzy yesterday. And I asked her about what you two talked about before I came home, and she said you just showed her your drawings. But, it was weird, because your sketchbook was on the table when I came in.
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Well, that’s what we did.
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Okay. I believe you. Have fun at the dinner.
[He is not convinced she believes him.] Thanks.
~~~~ Later that(to)night ~~~~
[The setting has finally moved from the Dae residence, and now we are with Sunzy at her house, and dinner is just now getting completed. I should mention there have been many of those bedazzled smiles across the table, but nope, there’s been no lip contact.]
You weren’t kidding. You are a really good cook.
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My mom thinks culinary skills are important to have.
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Speaking of, should they be home any time soon? I don’t know that I’m ready to meet the parents.
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I don’t think I’m ready for that either~. But don’t worry. They’re on Valentine’s Day trip. They won’t be back until tomorrow evening.
[And that hits him like a ton of bricks as he realizes that ‘oh hELL, he’s alone in her house with her. Should he abort quickly?’] Ah... Cool.
Mhm~. I’ll clear the table now. You just go make yourself comfortable somewhere, I guess.
[She’s up and grabbing plates, and Sun’s up and standing, and no, he hasn’t sat down anywhere, and he hasn’t made himself comfortable, because somewhere in the back of his mind, Clive’s Kill Bill sirens are going off. It’s not long before Suzy’s done, and she’s back in the living room, standing in front of Sun.]
Are you okay? 
I’m fine. [His voice might have cracked a little on the word ‘fine’.]
Am I making you nervous?
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Nervous? Nervous?? No, no, I’m alright. What makes you think I’m nervous? Ahaha.
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The fact that you haven’t sat down helps.
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Oh, well, I’m fine. I just-- I’ve been sitting. Standing is fine right now.
I see. I was worried for a second~.
Worried about what?
That me kissing you yesterday scared you.
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That?? No, that-- that was... good.
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Was it?
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So, you wouldn’t get nervous if I did it again?
[His mind’s telling him yeeeeees, but his body, his BOOOODY IS TELLING HIM NOOOHHOOOO. It appears his body answers for him with a shaking of the head.]
You sure? You look kind of nervous.
-- One way to find out, I guess.
I guess~. [So, trifilin’ is about to find out, because she’s striding right on over to Sun, and in a non-gender conforming role, Sun is the one pressed up against a wall, and Suzy’s finding out right about-- now.]
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[Maybe somewhere, something about this feels not-right to Sun, but he’s switched once he was against that wall, and now, in fact, his mind was telling him no, but his body, his body was telling him yeyYEeyehhehes. So, no, he’s not acting nervous. Not even remotely close to any semblance of nerves, because, just like yesterday, he’s kissing her back with a little bit too much enthusiasm. But then trifilin’ is pulling away.]
Now do you want to get comfortable? [He assumed this was a rhetorical question, as he’s now being dragged towards the couch without having responded to her. She sinks down onto the couch, pulling him on top of her, and trifilin’s back at it again. And so the two are essentially picking up where they’d been interrupted yesterday. Guess what? Sun’s brain box is switched off now. He’s now only thinking about what does feel right. And heck, that’s a lot of things right now. Because all of this is happening.]
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[But, alas? How does this end? Will the two teens take a cold shower?! Will they continue to get hot-n-heavy?! WILL SUZY POP THE CHERRY ON THE TOP OF THE SUNDAE?!?!?!? OR WILL THIS BE A SIMPLE MAKE OUT ON A COUCH?! TUNE IN NEXT POST, FOLKS.]
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sunofrainbowdash · 7 years
[It’s another wonderful day, and really, it is this time. Because, for a change, Sun actually has the day off, and he’s making the most of it by not moving. He’s been on the couch now for five hours, and he’s watched his mother and sister move in and out of the living room, with his mother asking him multiple questions, and his sister (completely out-of-character for her) ignores his presence. Both women, however, are out of the house now, and Sun’s happy to have the quiet.
That is, until there is a knock on the door. He raises an eyebrow, because he’s not expecting anyone, and his mother or sister would not knock on the front door. It definitely wasn’t Remy, as Sun warned him that any calls, texts, or otherwise from him would be completely ignored today, as he planned on being non-existent today. But he figured, maybe it was a package that he should sign for? So, with much reluctance, Sun got up from his nest and headed for the door. When he opened it, there was no mailman, as expected. Instead, it was Suzy, holding a tupper-ware container full of something. The surprise must have been evident on Sun’s face, as Suzy spoke.]
Hi, Sun. I’m just here to see Mina. Don’t mind me.
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O-Oh. She’s-- not here. She went out a couple of hours ago.
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Really?? Oh, gosh, I must have read her text telling me what time she’d be back wrong. Silly me.
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Easy mistake.
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I could always come back later.
Now that would be silly. And unnecessary. Just stay here till she gets back. No big deal.
Oh-- if you insist.
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‘Course. [He steps aside to let the lady in.]
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[The lady steps in, and the two are left there in the entryway for a few moments, just staring. It is Sun who breaks the brief moment of mutual bedazzlement. He notes, again, the tupper-ware in her hands.] Do you want me to take that to the kitchen for you?
Oh, no, thank you. See, Mina’s been trying to teach me how to bake, and I brought this over to have her try them and make sure I did a good job. But, since you’re here, and she’s not, and I’m sure you’ve had a lot of Mina’s things, you’d know whether it tasted right or not.
Yeah, I’d say I’m pretty knowledgeable.
[So, with a smile, Suzy opens the container, pulls out a cookie, and hands it to Sun. He takes a bite once it’s in his grasp, and holy moly, that’s a swell cookie. He’s actually shocked. Again, evident in his look.] These are actually amazing.
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Really?? Wow, thank you!
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You sure you just started learning?
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I’m a fast learner.
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[There’s another, shorter silence full of smiles; this time broken by Suzy.] So-- since it’ll be a bit before Mina gets back, why don’t you make good on that promise to show me your drawings?
-- Oh. Yeah, sure. Just go take a seat in the living room, and I’ll be right down with them.
[With a nod, she turns and makes her way in. And does Sun watch her leave? The answer is a solid ‘probably’. Anyway, in record time, he’s up the stairs and back down again with his sketchbook.]
That was quick~.
I’m a fast walker~. [a shrug. and he takes a seat beside her where she’d made herself comfortable on the couch.]
[Sun rolls his eyes ~playfully~ and hands her the sketchbook, which she takes no time in opening and absorbing the ~art~. Sun, of course, feels no need to look at the drawings, as he’s already spent hours looking at them. Instead, he just keeps his eyes on her face to gauge her reactions. She is silent for a moment, looking through a few pictures before saying anything. But after that, she looks up at him with a smile.]
I was right.
About what?
You are amazing.
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Oh, come on.
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Nuh-uh. No more false modesty now that I’ve seen for myself.
It’s just a few drawings.
A few amazing drawings. No wonder you got that internship.
Flattery will get you everywhere, Suzy.
Really? Well, maybe I should talk about how adorable you are in those sweats, because awwww.
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[At this point in the conversation, Sun had completely forgotten that he was in sweats, and now he’s disconcerted over his lack of proper dress.] Ha, now I know you’re just saying things to be nice.
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I’m telling the truth. Blue suits you.
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Yeah, I’m dressed like a slob that looks good in blue. 
Who would expect you to be dressed to the nines to stay home?
Some people would, I’m sure.
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That’s silly. I love my sweats.
Same, if you could guess it.
Not in a million years~.
Right. So, you’ve looked at my drawings. That means it’s time for you to make good on your promise.
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The dancing? I didn’t exactly come prepared to show you a choreographed dance.
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Pick a song and make something up.
You want me to freestyle.
I believe in you~.
Ohhhh.... Fine. [She gets up from the couch, scrolling through her phone all the while, until she, presumably, reaches a fitting song. She sits the phone on a table near her, getting ready to start. Then she looks back at Sun.] If you laugh, it’ll make me really sad. So don’t do that. 
[Sun just crosses his heart with a raised eyebrow. And then the music starts, and so does Suzy, and she’s in on it. Immediately, and it’s all very k-pop-y, and I could find a gif for that, but no. Imagine a more intense k-pop-y. Not her fc’s band’s song Ice Cream Cake peppy. A bit more like Automatic by her fc’s band. Look up that dance. Sun has that face of bedazzlement again, because it’s hypnotizing, yo. Every move is ridiculously graceful, and Sun is in a trance. The dancing goes on for a solid minute, until she stops in the middle of a move, and bursts into giggles.] Wait, why are you laughing? Why’d you stop? That was really good!
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It’s just too embarrassing!
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Surely you dance in front of other people all the time.
Not just one person! And it’s different with a teacher.
You have no reason to be embarrassed when you’re that good!
I’m still learning.
I was once told that a good artist is always learning.
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Ooh~, deep~.
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It’s good advice!
It is! You just trying to sound like Gandhi is cute. 
You know that Gandhi. Super cute~.
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It’s ~super cute when the Gandhi-esque words are coming out of someone ~super cute’s mouth~. [She takes this golden opportunity to rejoin him on the couch.]
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And ~still learning~ dance moves look ~super good when ~you are the one doing them.
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Now who’s doing the flattering?
I owe you a few. But it is sincere flattery.
Super cute and super sweet. What a dream.
Maybe you’re imagining me~?
I’m not creative enough to come up with you.
You freestyled a dance. I think you’re pretty okay.
I ruined it with giggles a minute in.
And it was adorable.
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You’re adorable~.
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[And then there’s another one of those pauses. The one filled with dazzled, moonstruck gazes, and grins, and Sun almost completely forgets what’s going on, and where he is, and who he is, even. He’s about to say something, but he’s interrupted. By Suzy. But not a speaking Suzy.]
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[As you would guess. Yup. Sun’s completely take aback. Eyes all bugged out, and a statuesque as anything. Because WHAT A SURPRISE. But was it an unwelcome one? Well, as Sun is becoming less of a statue as the milliseconds pass, the answer to that has to be a ‘no’. And then he’s kissing her back, with a bit too much enthusiasm, one might say. This continues ~oh-so-innocently~ for a couple of minutes with Suzy now leaned up against the arm of the couch, until there is the sound of a door closing. The pair pull away and give each other wide-eyed looks before scrambling away to opposite ends of the couch.
A couple of seconds after they’d made themselves ~look natural~, one Mina Dae comes around the corner.]
Suzy? You’re already here?
Yup! Got here early... [an awkward-sounding chuckle.] The, uh, the cookies are on the table.
Oh! ... Alright. [Mina looks confused as ever-- suspicious even. She looks at Sun briefly, who is totally sweating. Then her eyes are back on her friend.] Let’s take these to the kitchen so I can go ahead and start dinner.
Sure! [Suzy gets up to follow Mina.]
Have fun! I’ll be upstairs! [Sun shouts after them. He hears a muffled ‘Yeah, Sun.’ from his sister, but Suzy looks over her shoulder at him.]
See you at dinner, Sun.
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You too~.
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sunofrainbowdash · 7 years
[Only a little while after that rough, and ever-so-slightly harsh farewell, Sun is up in his room, acting (or trying to act) like everything is normal. Because, yeah, thinking about the fact that Sophie finally admitted to wanting him made his heart start beating faster. Then thinking about the fact that he’d rejected the admission made it slow down again. And so it was a cycle ever since he left the living room. He was young, but his heart would eventually go into cardiac arrest if he let it continue. So, he stopped himself from thinking about it at all.
That was, until there was a knock on his door. He sighed.]
Sun? I’d like to speak with you. [The voice of his sister called from the other side of the door, and without waiting for a response or an invitation, she peeked her head inside the door before stepping in completely.]
[He already knew what she wanted before she had even continued.] What is it, Mina?
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Why did Sophie leave so quickly? 
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Not sure. In my experience, she’s pretty good at that.
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But why were you gone when I got to the living room?
Because I left first.
What happened?
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In so many words, she said she has feelings for me.
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But that’s a good thing! Why did you leave? Why did she run off? That doesn’t make any sense!
She said kissing me was a lapse in judgement. She said she fought feelings for me, like she’s that Darcy guy from that book you like, that us together was a notion to be entertained, and she only decided to like me once I got a wardrobe change and an internship. It’s like she’s finding a way to keep insulting me even while saying she has feelings for me.
But she’s liked you a lot longer than that! Feelings are just hard for some people, Sun! What did you say to her?
Nothing important.
It was important enough to make her run out of here looking like a deer in the headlights!
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I told her it was a lapse in judgement, and then I came up here.
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Sun Dae! Are you joking?!
I’m not.
You’ve liked a girl for years, and she finally tells you she feels the same, and you just-- you’re rude to her?! 
She’s been rude to me all this time. You can say she’s liked me for longer than this, but until I have solid proof that she feels something for me, other than attraction~ because of the outfit I’m wearing, I won’t believe it!
You big dummy! You need to apologize!
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No. I don’t. And I won’t.
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I am so disappointed in you right now.
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That’s just something I’ll have to live with for now, I guess.
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And I’m not on your side with this either.
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 [And with that statement, she leaves his room.]
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sunofrainbowdash · 7 years
[It has been another long internship day, and Sun is ready to crawl under his blankets and not come out until tomorrow. So, being the big baby that he is, he is planning on requesting that dinner be sent to his room, rather than coming down at all, because he’d had his fill of social interaction for the day, and he wasn’t sure if he wanted to be bombarded with questions from Mina and his mother. 
So, he called out to Miss Dae, ready to not even get all the way into the house before he bounds up the stairs.]
[And she peeks her head out from the living room.] Yes, child.
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I’m really tired. It’s been a long day. Could you just send dinner up to my room, please?
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What? No, sir. I want to hear about your day. [So, she steps out of the living room fully, crossing her arms all motherly-like.]
Mom, I can tell you about that some other time.
Then I’ll be hearing about another day. Not this one. Plus, we have company, and that would be rude.
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Company? [He does perk up a little bit, just a bit.]
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No, not Sophie. [Sun scoffs because, IT’S NOT ALL ABOUT SOPHIE (eventhoittotallyisbut).] Your sister’s new friend. She’s over for dinner.
Oh, you’ve met her?
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Once, for like, five seconds, but yeah.
So, then it would be even more rude to stay holed up in your room during dinner if you already know her.
-- I guess...
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That’s my boy. [She pokes back into the living room, and Sun follows along, and there is Mina and Suzy. Both their heads pop up when they hear people come in. Mina looks reserved, but smiles anyway. Suzy, however, beams.] Mina, honey, could I get your help in the kitchen for a moment? You know I’m no good at knowing when the chicken is done.
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[Again, Mina looks completely reserved. But she is a good child, and so she nods to her mother and follows her to the kitchen, muttering an ‘I’ll be back’ to her friend and her brother.
And so Sun is standing there, and he thinks about heading to his room until dinner is ready, but he imagines that his mother would have his head for being ‘rude to the guest’. Instead, he takes a seat on the chair (Suzy is on his couch, how dare she.), and he occupies himself with counting the fibers in the carpet, because, oh, boy, he is not sure he should even look at Suzy. No such luck in acting like she isn’t there, though.]
Hi, Sun.
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Hey, Suzy.
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How was your day at the internship?
Mina told me about it.
It was nice... tiring.
So, you draw, right? That’s what the internship is about?
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Yeah, it’s a graphic novel company of sorts.
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I wish I could draw. I’ve tried before, and it just ends up looking like a bunch of jumbled up lines.
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There’s an audience for that.
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Not for what I’ve made before.
Picasso put noses where eyes are supposed to go. I think you’re safe.
Either way, I’m nowhere near good enough to get an internship with people who make graphic novels. You must be pretty amazing.
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I’ve heard I’m pretty good.
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‘Pretty good’ doesn’t get internships.
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Just saying what I’ve been told.
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I bet that’s not what the people at the internship said.
I’m sure you have something you do well~ too.
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Me? I dance, if you count that.
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Of course I count that. Would you say you’re ~pretty good~?
I’ve been told that~.
Then don’t be jealous over the drawing thing. I can only barely dance. Not well enough to be called ~pretty good~, anyway.
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Dancing can be taught easier than drawing, I think.
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What kind of dancing do you do?
Most you could name, I’m sure.
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Mhm. Just don’t ask me to prove it.
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Darn, I was hoping for a private recital.
Not today, sorry~.
That sounds like hope for the future.
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Maybe~~. But only if I get to see your drawings.
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I’m sure I can manage to show-off a little.
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Can’t wait.
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[And then, as if she could sense the looks being had in the living room, Mina finally pops back in the room.]
Dinner is ready!! Let’s not let it get cold!!
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Huh--? [he looks to his sister.] Oh, coming. [and back to triflin’.] I’ll hold you to that.
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Back at ya.
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Sun! Before Mom wonders what’s taking so long!
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sunofrainbowdash · 7 years
warnerbro replied to your post: warnerbro replied to your post: ...
Watching u
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sunofrainbowdash · 7 years
[Coming home from what I suppose would be a day at his internship, suffice it to say, Sun is expecting to hear Sophie’s voice as soon as he gets in the door. So, when he doesn’t he’s a little confused. Because, really, he expected Mina to make sure that she would be here again. It couldn’t be that Sophie was that freaked out about the kiss and everything. Could it? Was he being ~avoided~ now? G e e z.
But, instead of sulking, he just put took his coat off and went in search of his sister, because he wanted to ask her what she and Sophie might have discussed in the kitchen together. And when he walked into the kitchen, of course he found her there, and she was elbow deep in some flour, baking as if she does anything else. Before he can get a word out, she must have heard her brother, and she turned around with a smile.]
You’re-- Oh, Sun. It’s you. You’re home. Hi.
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... Were you expecting someone else?
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Yes, actually. I have company. She’s just having a bathroom break.
Oh, Sophie is here then?
No, it’s not Sophie. Sorry to disappoint.
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Is it Delia then?
No, she’s a new girl at school, and the whole town, even. She just moved here. I took it upon myself to make sure she acclimates!
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You’re such a good samaritan, sis.
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I try! [And then Sun hears footsteps behind him, and then they come to a stop.] Oh! Now you’re back! Suzy, this is my brother Sun.
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[Sun turns around to face the newcomer, and he’s slapped in the face with bedazzlement~.]
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... Hi.
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Your name is Sun Dae? Like, an ice cream?
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-- Oh, yeah... It is.
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That’s really cute.
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It is?! Imean-- [nervous chuckle af] Yeah. I get that a lot.
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[Mina raises an eyebrow and has to be impolite for just this moment and butt in.] Oh, yeah he definitely does. I’ve finished the dough, and it’s ready to chill in the fridge. Are you ready to go shopping now, Suzy?
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W-What? Oh, yeah. I am. Let’s go. [She starts off to grab her things, but not before turning around to Sun once more.] Nice to meet you, Sun.
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Yeah, you too.
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sunofrainbowdash · 7 years
warnerbro replied to your post: when it 4 qam and u hathc idea
can’t yet still developing
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