Lost Among the Stars
Park Jay x OC  
Word Count: 236
❗This is my first time writing fanfiction like this, the format, the fandom and truth be told, I planned to make it just so I can improve my writing so I dunno how this is gonna go
❗This is entirely a work of fiction, and many situations and depictions may not or do not at all reflect the true nature of the persons portrayed 
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The Prologue
I suppose, at that very moment, I understood what being nervous truly is. I sat in my living room, playing with the ears of the giant plushy in front of me, a whole 4-foot cat plushy, whose ears I bit down on once in a while to ease the nerves. But the suspense-filled background music the program had put on didn’t help at all. I couldn’t even imagine what the contestants were feeling. It was one thing to be on a TV show, another to be on one all while competing for your dreams. Many of them waiting for the opportunity for years, pouring in blood, sweat, and tears. Days and nights riddled with fatigue, some, in fact, a lot of them having to leave home so young to chase said dream, to prove themselves.
I may seem too invested in this, not because I was a trainee myself, but I had witnessed that dream fester inside someone. Someone who I've already thought was unattainable enough when he was right by my side, but I realized when the MC announced his name, the shock registering as he was hugged and patted in congratulations, that he'd aimed for the moon and reached it, now he's after the stars and from there he'd go far, as far as there were stars, and I'd remain on earth, sitting and watching him, wondering why I wasn't special enough to follow.
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