sunshifts · 1 month
Ugh I hate when we start talking about controversial shifting shit on here instead of NOT GIVING A FUCK! I don't care if you fw race chargers or not, or if you are or not, or if you wanna change your age. I honestly dgaf cause at the end of the day you gonna do what your going to do and I'm gonna do what I wanna do. So block and move on people.
Get tf off my feed with this bullshit. This damn bullshitty discussion is pointless and dumb.
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sunshifts · 2 months
even if you get discouraged you’ll still shift
even if you stop believing for a while you’ll still shift
even if don’t trust yourself or the universe you will still shift
no matter the circumstances, no matter the situation, you can always shift and shifting will always be there. there might be times where you doubt yourself and doubt if it’s real but just know that at the end of the day it’s still there and you have the ability to shift. so go live the life you’re meant to live !!
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sunshifts · 4 months
might be unpopular but it gets me rolling my eyes so hard when people pick fight w anti-shifters / anti-shifters pick fights with shifters. neither of you are going to come out of this with a productive conversation. all it’s doing it fueling anti-shifters negative view on people who shift & demotivating people who do shift.
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sunshifts · 4 months
i can't wait to shift and hug him tight.
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sunshifts · 4 months
sometimes i remember all those stories on shifttok about bitches scripting they have no body hair and then waking up in their dr bald
when i tell you i CACKLED at those
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sunshifts · 5 months
shadow work questions for reality shifting.
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⋅˚₊‧ ୨୧ ‧₊˚.
“is your relationship with shifting healthy ? do you allow it to consume you entirely ?”
“do you like daydreaming (about your dr) because it allows you to fulfill something without effort ?”
“do anti shifters trigger you because they feed into your fears ?”
“is your “role” important in your dr because you feel unimportant in this reality ?”
“do you prefer thinking about shifting rather then doing it because it gives you more control ?”
“how is your dr self different from yourself now ? does that say anything about how you see yourself ?”
“is you script so long due to lack of control / wanting control here ?”
“what “mis-information” holds you back ?”
“are you shifting for love because you feel unloveable as you are here ?”
“is your lack of “successful” shifting attempts reflective of the fear of the unknown ?”
“what expectations do you set for your shifting journey ? are they reasonable ?”
“are you putting off milestones / accomplishments off here in favor of shifting ? how will that harm you ?”
“do you daydream about traumatic events in your dr because you don’t have to live with the consequences ?”
“since discovering shifting, had it taken anything away from you in this life ? what had it robbed you of ?”
⋅˚₊‧ ୨୧ ‧₊˚.
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sunshifts · 5 months
Shifting culture is hearing “oh my god I love this character so much I wish they were real!!” and fighting the urge to tell the person about shifting
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sunshifts · 5 months
Shifting culture is telling you’re friends about shifting and saying it’s a joke. Telling Them you aren’t a shifter and you think it’s stupid so you hear their opinion about it first and don’t embarrass and make a fool out of yourself.
Shifting culture is...
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sunshifts · 5 months
started treating any doubts that come into my head the same way i deal with my intrusive thoughts and it's really working because i know my intrusive thoughts aren't actually how i feel or think, so my doubts aren't either
(hoping this one makes sense)
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sunshifts · 5 months
shifting reminders !!
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♡ whatever you believe shifting is — multiverse, consciousness, lucid dreaming, astral projection, etc. — it’s still something.
♡ most mis-information may not be intentional. all it is, is people sharing what helped them (shift) & it didn’t work for everyone & was meant with (mostly) good intentions.
♡ affirmations need to be backed by intention. one will not work without the other.
♡ you can see all the shifting story times , read all the cia documents , write down all the affirmations you want , but that internal sense of knowing shifting is real does not come from an external source. it comes from you.
♡ you have to actually want to shift, to shift. if you sit with where you’re shifting to & think it’s too much / scary it’s okay to take a step back or make adjustments to your script. your brain may be trying to protect you. who knows ?
♡ there are no “rules”. you can do anything, be anyone.
♡ you can be jealous of people shifting before you !! & of people shifting & dating your s/o !! you don’t have to be unbothered or positive all the time. you can totally manifest / shift when upset or anything other then happy 24/7.
♡ your dr self is yourself. when “scripting” you are not creating an oc. you are becoming aware of another version of yourself.
♡ just because they have a lot of followers doesn’t mean they’re all knowing. you know yourself best; what works for you / doesn’t. you don’t have to listen or follow others.
♡ shifting is as hard as you decide it is.
⋅˚₊‧ ୨୧ ‧₊˚.
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sunshifts · 5 months
i was wondering for robotic affirmations, how often should you be affirming?
It's up to the person I've heard quite a few variations
Right when you wake up and before you go to bed (I'm this one)
When doing a task in which your mind would wander
whenever you find yourself thinking about you desire
some people do it at intervals throughout the day (sometimes 30 minutes sometimes 10)
For ten minutes
In the shower
At a set time every day
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sunshifts · 5 months
I absolutely fucking hate how people act like shifting realities/the void state/manifestation are some kind of super power that you can only achieve with hundreds of hours of reprogramming or by doing super confusing methods that most people can’t even comprehend.
All these things I mentioned are simply skills. Do you have to believe you’re good at drawing to practice and become good at it? No. Do you have to believe you’re an amazing gymnast to practice and become one? No.
Manifestation is all about how your assumptions shape your reality, yet you all are out here saying you have to do ‘x, y and z’ to achieve that. But truth is, you don’t have to be in a ‘specific state of fulfilment’ to manifest, not do you have to ignore the 3D, unless that’s what you assume you have to do.
Hell, you could spend all day complaining about not having your desire and still manifest it, as long as you assume you will.
Let’s stop with all those stupid rules when the whole point of manifestation is the complete opposite: There’s no rules, you can do and have anything you want.
(No shade to any creator btw, I love and I’m grateful that we have such an amazing, open community. But I truly believe some people don’t fully understand the concept of manifestation.)
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sunshifts · 5 months
”is it okay to-“ yes. yes. it’s your reality and you can do whatever you want. you can script whatever you want. you can do whatever you want. everyone has the same goal here- to go home. let’s support each other. happy shifting
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sunshifts · 5 months
ever since i’ve joined shifting tumblr.. it makes me realize how stupid shiftok is. istg all of them are like dickriders for experienced shifters, they try to hump their leg when THEY CAN SHIFT BY THEMSELVES…
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sunshifts · 5 months
How THOSE shifttok people feel after saying “shifting is easy!!” then listing their detailed routine, the thousand extreme steps they take throughout the day, their method that has a billion steps, and the amount of water they drank that day
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sunshifts · 5 months
1) When you shift you aren’t ‘going’ anywhere. You’re already in your DR, just need to become aware of it
2) blockages aren’t ‘real’ yes maybe you're having doubts but that doesn't change anything. you can shift just as easily with doubts and ‘blockages’.
3) using subliminals, methods, motivation etc. isn't going to make you shift. only you can make yourself shift.
4) shifting isn't easy. shifting is not as easy as breathing, its as simple as shifting. Stop over complicating it and just believe in yourself.
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sunshifts · 5 months
the BEST & FASTEST way to manifest
yes thats it.
all you need to do is just affirm in the present tense, and PERSIST. no matter what you see, or hear in the 3D, you need to persist. don't stop repeating to yourself that you ALREADY have what you want. there is no magical method. just affirm. what works the best for me is mindless robotic affirming. i don't wine or complain or think about anything else, i just stay completely focused and i keep repeating the same thing over and over again.
i'd get my manifestation in 1-2 days, a week at most. i've never had to wait longer than a week for my manifestations with robotic affirming. there's no need to "feel it real" or do "SATS" or take any action in the 3D. the 3D is a dead mirror. once you react to unfavorable circumstances in the 3D, all you do is reaffirm your old unfavorable beliefs, since your outer world is a reflection of your mind. remember that in order to see change in the 3D, you need to change your thoughts IMMEDIATELY. as soon as something unfavorable pops up, affirm the opposite. affirm every second that you possibly can. affirm whenever you don't need to focus on something and give it your full attention.
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