sunshiinedd-blog · 7 years
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sunshiinedd-blog · 7 years
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sunshiinedd-blog · 7 years
          “Can you drop one or two?” Lips purse, eyes narrowing just slightly; knowing that she probably won’t want to do that. But it might be necessary. At least until she can get settled into a rhythm again. Clarke had learned her lesson, and had slimmed down so much of her course work that she barely spent any time in actual lessons. “If not — how can I help?”
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Her head turns slightly to catch the words that fall from Clarke’s lips, a frown forming on her own. She could drop a class or two, but she didn’t want to admit defeat. Not after everything that their family had gone through for her to be here. A pleading look crosses the redhead’s face, hands raising. “Do you know anything about organic chemistry?” 
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sunshiinedd-blog · 7 years
@lcvedher  ||  cont.x
A small smile crosses her lips as Clarke’s fingers brush across her face. The soft touch is nice after the day she’s had. “I took on way too many classes.” The exact same problem that she’d had last semester. Apparently she hadn’t learnt anything. “I’m already falling behind.”
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sunshiinedd-blog · 7 years
-rolls around on this blog- is anyone alive?
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sunshiinedd-blog · 8 years
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sunshiinedd-blog · 8 years
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sunshiinedd-blog · 8 years
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☞you said that ten minutes ago.☜ Not that she’s judging - it’s not like she can do art, so the fact that Bay takes a while doesn’t mean anything. It’s better than anything Daphne could produce. Her hand drops back to where it was ---where Bay had placed it, eyebrows raising expectantly. 
                                        @sunshiinedd ♥’d for a starter
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      brown hues swung up to daphne’s green, a slightly annoyed expression crossing over her features. her pencil lowering to rest on her lap because unlike her deaf friends she could not sign while holding something. 
            ☞ quit squirming. i’m almost done. ☜
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sunshiinedd-blog · 8 years
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     ❛ just because i always have a snappy comebacks doesn’t mean i don’t break easily. ❜
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sunshiinedd-blog · 8 years
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i was here, i tried, and now i’m giving up. 
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sunshiinedd-blog · 8 years
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is it bad that I can see Daphne paying this pokemon go game? XD
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sunshiinedd-blog · 8 years
anyone around? 
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sunshiinedd-blog · 8 years
Her hands stop signing as she drops on to her bed, instead coming up in an attempt to fix the messy ponytail that basketball has all but ruined. A shower might be the only solution this time. Though, if Spencer has some of that spray in shampoo, she might be able to get away with it for the rest of the day. “Anything in the science program is great.” A smile matches Spencer’s at the mention of an ASL class. Considering her last roommate barely even made the effort to look at her when she spoke, Daphne is more than a little excited to have a roommate who’s interested in ASL. “And the culinary arts course is great.” 
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     “Nothing yet,” Spencer begins, still signing along as best as she can with just one hand, even as she lifts the course catalog from her nightstand. “I only just got here a bit before you did, so I haven’t had a chance to look through everything. Though I guess some sort of advanced ASL course would be useful here, huh?” A small grin follows; she’s certainly not looking for an answer to that one. “Is there anything else you’d recommend?” Though honestly, as long as the people here are NOTHING like the ones back in Rosewood (and they shouldn’t be, if Daphne is any sort of indicator), Spencer’s pretty sure she’ll be content with any class this place may throw at her.
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sunshiinedd-blog · 8 years
seeing katie at deafnation is giving me nagging daphne muse....
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sunshiinedd-blog · 8 years
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sunshiinedd-blog · 8 years
The smile that can light up any room 😍
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sunshiinedd-blog · 8 years
there’s a casual shrug at the girl’s non-committal reply, not as if daphne had expected her to jump at the offer.  ☞sure☜ finally, she dumps the ball by her bed, opening a draw to pull out some clean clothes. “what classes have you signed up for?” the words are only spoken since her hands are currently preoccupied. 
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      She smiles back, the motion a weaker echo of her new roommate’s BLINDING grin.  Already, she can feel herself warming up to the redhead; she’s bubbly, sure, but not in the overwhelming, airheaded way that rubs Spencer all wrong. If anything, after the last year she’s had… Daphne’s cheerfulness is surprisingly refreshing. “I’ll think about it.”
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